378 research outputs found

    Mosses of Gunung Serapi, Sarawak, Borneo

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    Collections of mosses have been made from the 911 metre high Gunung (Mount) Serapi in Sarawak. A total of 77 species in 37 genera within 17 families were discovered and are enumerated below. Five species are reported for the first time for Borneo: Aerobryidium aureonitens (Hook. ex Schwägr.)Broth., Distichophyllum schmidtii Broth., Mitthyridium fasciculatum subsp obtusifolium (Lindb.) M.Menzel, Papillidiopsis complanata (Dixon) W.R.Buck & B.C.Tan and Trichosteleum stigmosum Mitt. Seventeen species are new records for Sarawak. One family, Bartramiaceae, and 3 genera, Aerobryidium, Leucoloma, Philonotis, are new to Sarawak. The largest family is Calymperaceae, with 6 genera and 21 species, followed by Sematophyllaceae, with 10 genera and 19 species

    The Malaysian Fishing Gears and Methods

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    There are more than 40 types of fishing gears operated in Malaysia. These gears are classified locally into 11 gear groups based on their principles of operation. These gears have never been fully documented. This investigation attempts to document all the commercially important fishing gears in the country, the technical specifications, methods of operation, identify spacial differences in gears, operation and review the share/lay system operated in the industry

    Unmasking the Wolf in Sheepas Clothing: Towards a Critique of the Conflicting Historiographies in Somalia

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    This article offers critical examination and explanation of the claim of clan cleansing in Somalia as was featured forcefully in the book by Lidwien Kapteijns on the 1991 Somali clan convulsions Upon the publication of the book conflicting narratives of the Somali conflicts were delegated from oral discourse to academic venture as the debate over who lost what why and where in 1991 and over who won what why and where has become both a politicised project and an academic phenomenon By re-evaluating the whole picture the article casts a new light on Kapteijns s book 2013 and demonstrates how inaccurate simplistic statements were used as a documentation of the clanised conflicts in 1991 Somalia Blaming specific clans and communities of complicity for clan cleansing when there is no reliable document and real proof is tantamount to igniting a new round of warfare Drawing on long experience of living and working in Mogadishu the city this author was born and bred as well as the site of the conflict itself and also using interviews conducted with players and bystanders of Somali politics across clan lines the article argues that Kapteijns has produced the most mythicohistorical work in Somali Studies In addition to identifying the invalidity of partisan and partial points the article finds how Kapteijns lobbies for certain clans at the expense of others Thus the critique goes beyond the cleansing exploring wider issues of war and conflict in Somali

    Unmasking the Wolf in Sheepas Clothing: Towards a Critique of the Conflicting Historiographies in Somalia

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    This article offers critical examination and explanation of the claim of clan cleansing in Somalia as was featured forcefully in the book by Lidwien Kapteijns on the 1991 Somali clan convulsions Upon the publication of the book conflicting narratives of the Somali conflicts were delegated from oral discourse to academic venture as the debate over who lost what why and where in 1991 and over who won what why and where has become both a politicised project and an academic phenomenon By re-evaluating the whole picture the article casts a new light on Kapteijns s book 2013 and demonstrates how inaccurate simplistic statements were used as a documentation of the clanised conflicts in 1991 Somalia Blaming specific clans and communities of complicity for clan cleansing when there is no reliable document and real proof is tantamount to igniting a new round of warfare Drawing on long experience of living and working in Mogadishu the city this author was born and bred as well as the site of the conflict itself and also using interviews conducted with players and bystanders of Somali politics across clan lines the article argues that Kapteijns has produced the most mythicohistorical work in Somali Studies In addition to identifying the invalidity of partisan and partial points the article finds how Kapteijns lobbies for certain clans at the expense of others Thus the critique goes beyond the cleansing exploring wider issues of war and conflict in Somali

    \u27Sisters; was this what we struggled for?\u27: The Gendered Rivalry in Power and Politics

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    This article explores the role of Somali women in the twentieth-century history of modern Somalia. This includes exploring the role of women in the decolonisation and post-colonial movements and gender changes during the military dictatorship. The article examines women’s social movements that made some significant changes in Somalia over the past seventy years, even though these have not paved the way for fruitful results. In demonstrating that the current attempts to position themselves in political circles by Somali women has its roots during the decolonisation and post-colonial successive Somali governments, the article argues that women failed to benefit from their feminist agenda as the notion of governmentality changed on the way–from democratisation to the dictatorial military regime

    Penerimaan Guru Terhadap Penilaian Prestasi Sistem Saraan Baru

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    Lately, there are so many critics and complaints about the implementation of Performance Appraisal in the public service since it was launched on 1 January 1993. So far, there are not many researcher which can proven this matter. Therefore, in this research, the researcher intent to see the level of acceptance among teacher toward the report of Performance Appraisal. Research Objectives: Firstly, to see the difference in gender, teaching experience and teacher service scheme with the usage and the implications of Performance Appraisal report. Secondly, to see the relationship between the officer that conduct the evaluator attitude, the evaluator skill and evaluation technique with the usage and implication from the Performance Appraisal report. Research Method : 303 sets of questionnaires have been distributed to teachers using the systematic random sampling. The number of questionnaires returned and usable was 271 (return rate bf 89.44%). Gender factor, teaching experience, service scheme, evaluator attitude, evaluator skill and evaluation technique are considered as independent variables. The usage and implications of the Performance Appraisal report are considered as dependent variable. Data are tested using percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Moment Correlation to see the differences and relationship of selected variables in this research. Research Findings: There are no difference in teachers acceptance towards the usage and implication from Performance Appraisal Report in gender, teaching experience and teacher service scheme. Significance negative correlation are found in evaluator attitude and evaluator skill with the usage and implication of Performance Appraisal Report. Significance positive correlation are found between evaluation techniques with the usage and implication of Performance Appraisal Report

    Selectivity Studies On Malaysian Trawls

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    A covered cod-end experiment was conducted employing 70 hauls of fish and shrimp trawls in the South China Sea and the Malacca Straits to determine the selectivity pattern of Malaysian trawls . This study was conducted in order to alleviate the intensive fishing effort on the fishery stocks especially towards the juveniles of commercially important species . A mathematical model was developed to predict the selection curve based on the standard length and maximum body depth of fish and shrimp species retained by the net .collection in a selectivity experiment is now simplified to obtaining the two parameters from fish or shrimp sampled from any catch . Results of the study revealed that the 25 mm cod-end fish trawl retained 98 . 2 percent as compared to the 51 mm cod-end which retained 56 . 1 percent of the catch . With the shrimp trawl , the 25 mm cod-end retained 9 2 . 6 percent while the 38 mm cod-end retained 5 1 . 35 percent of the catch

    Suggested formats for collecting agricultural economic data on smallholders agricultural and recommendation for establishing and agricultural economic branch in The Department of Agriculture of Malaysia

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    Malaysia covers an area of about 130,000 square miles occupying two distinct regions: (1) the Malay Peninsula, and (2) the northwestern coastal area of the Borneo Island. The two regions are separated by about 400 miles of the South China sea. Malaysia lies close to the equator between latitudes 1 and 7 degrees north, and longitudes 100 and 119 degrees east (Figure 1). The average rainfall is between 120-160 inches, and average temperatures vary from 70 to 90 degrees fahrenheit. Relative humidity is generally high. The Malay Peninsula consists essentially of an east and west coastal plain between which the central mountain ranges run roughly north to south. The Borneo Territories consist in general of an alluvial and often swampy coastal plain, more hilly country further inland, and mountain ranges in the interior. The greater part of Malaysia is still covered by dense tropical rainforest, the proportion of forest land being higher in the Borneo Region than in the Malay Peninsula which is more developed. The coastal plains have been cleared, but development is more advanced on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula than elsewhere. The major towns and cities are found in the Malay Peninsula where large areas of land are given to raining, rubber plantings, oil palm, pineapple, and rice cultivation. The population of Malaysia is about 8.3 million according to the census and population estimates of 1961. About 7.2 million people are in Malaya, 0.78 million in Sarawak, and 0.47 million in Sabah. In Malaya, the Malays form about 50 percent of the population, the Chinese 37 per cent, the Indians and Pakistanis 11 percent and people of other origins make up the rest. The Chinese are concentrated mostly in the West Coast States, and particularly in the towns and industrial areas. The Malays are predominantly located in the East Coast States and in rural and agricultural areas. The Indians are either town dwellers or workers in rubber estates

    Entrepreneurial development in Malaysia with specific reference to training and development initiatives

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    The thesis aims at studying the Entrepreneurial Development initiatives in Malaysia with specific reference to training and development initiatives. The concept of entrepreneurial development itself suffers from a lack of consensus as to whether entrepreneurs can be developed or not. Gibb's model maintains that the development of entrepreneurs can be influenced. This is supported by empirical evidences from investigations in both developed and undeveloped countries. The Malaysian entrepreneurial development initiatives are targeted at the indigenous people known as the Bumiputera who do not form the business community of the country. The research issue is whether the emergence of Bumiputera entrepreneurs can be explained by the government initiatives that have tried to overcome (or compensate for) the disadvantages of their background and culture. In implementing the entrepreneurial development policy the Malaysian government creates a range of assistance. One of the most important instruments which the Malaysian government has used is entrepreneurial training aimed at overcoming the technical and management handicaps of the indigenous people who tend not to be exposed to the business/private sector. To analyse the role of entrepreneurial training and other development initiatives primary data have been collected from 202 respondents, out of which 200 were used in the final analysis. The results of the study show that the background and culture of the Bumiputera are important elements in understanding Bumiputera entrepreneurs. The general environment is not found as being important but the specific environment created by the various initiatives is found to be significant. It was found that the entrepreneurs themselves considered the initiatives as inadequate but nevertheless were benefitting from them. It was also found that there were no significant differences between the retailers and the manufacturers and the entrepreneurs in the developed and less developed areas of the country

    Modelling of Polymer Melt During Injection Moulding: Influence of Injection Pressure

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    A polymer, polyethylene (PE) is going through injection moulding process with different sets of injection pressure. the samples produced by this experimental work shows different results of flash, warpage and shrinkage visually. another part of the project is the application of computer software. The actual dimensions of the dog-bone shaped sample is modelled by using SolidWorks and it is then simulated by using SimpoeWorks