51 research outputs found

    Kloning Dan Ekspresi Gen Lactonase Dari Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pa01, Sebagai Kandidat Inhibitor Autoinducer Quorum Sensing

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    Lactonase is an enzyme produced by several bacteria species which targeted and activated acylated homoserine lactones (AHL). AHL-Lactonase will hydrolyze the homoserine Lactone ring from AHL signal which effected to bacterial communicatlon and density increasing can not be happened, otherwise the bacterial virulence can be protected. In order to serve the demand of Lactonase, Cloning of Lactonase encoding gene from P. aeruginosa PA01 was done and transformed to E. coli M15 [pREP4]. The exact Lactonase gene cloning was proved using restriction enzyme test of Sal/ and Pstl. Conclusions of this research are :1) The long strand of the DNA of AHL-Lactonase encoding gene from P. aeruginosa PA01 was 783 bp, it is a ha/S gene, 2). The exact cloning of Lactonase gene in plasmid construction with Lactonase encoding gene in E. coli M15[pREP4] host cell was prove through Sal/ and Pstl restriction enzyme test, 3) Recombinant Lactonase protein was a putative Lactonase. It has a molecule protein mass of 30 kDa measured through SDS-PAGE and Western blot, 5) Activity test of recombinant Lactonase protein using N-hexanoyi-L- homoserine lactone (3 oxo-C6- HSL) substrate produced a product, while the exact compound was not known yet. While suggestions for this research are : 1. Need to do another Lactonase research which come from local bacteria species, 2. Need to make activity test for recombinant Lactonase protein as well to another suitable AHL-Lactonase substrates. 3 Need to do a direct activity test for this recombinant Lactonase protein to pathogenic bacteria in aquaculture


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    The vital capacity value of the lungs is very influential with the health of the human lungs because with the results the value of the vital capacity of the human lung can be diagnosed as normal or abnormal of the lungs. This study aims to make a means of detecting respiration gas flow rates in humans using an arduino uno-based YF-S201 flow sensor. From the results of data analysis of respiratory gas flow in adult male breathing with ages (20 years - 30 years), (30 years - 35 years), (35 years - 45 years) and (45 years - 50 years) as many as 15 users. there is an error of 3.86%, the value is generated from comparing the output of the equipment made by researchers with other tools of the brand Spirolab with as many as 15 users of different height and age. From 15 different users there are 2 users with abnormal lung conditions and 13 other users with normal lung conditions. The result of this error occurred because of the 15 users who were less relaxed when exhaling and breathing

    Growth and Body Composition of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus homarus) Reared with Short-Term Fasting

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    Slow growth rate tends to be a challenge in the cultivation of spiny lobster (P. homarus) because it impact on long rearing periods and high operational costs, especially for feeds. Short-term starvation or fasting has known to allow the minimum feed usage without inhibiting biota growth, also improves digestive function, reduces the amount of water-soluble nutrient metabolites, and reduces operational costs. Spiny lobster (P. homarus) measuring 50.0 ± 10.0 g was reared for 6 weeks in floating net cages. Lobsters were fasted at intervals of 1 fasting day/1 day of feeding, 1 fasting day/2 days of feeding, and fed daily. Survival, growth, and feed efficiency of spiny lobster (P. homarus) were analyzed. Higher growth rate and energy retention were found in spiny lobster (P. homarus) reared with short-term fasting system.  Lower FCR also found in the same rearing system. Spiny lobster (P. homarus) body content indicate its ability to store nutrient in mucle and hepatopancreas in order to adapt to starved condition. Short-term fasting can improve growth and feed efficiency in spiny lobster (P. homarus) cultivatio

    Activity of Compounds on Seaweed Eucheuma cottonii Extract as Antioxidant Candidate to Prevent Effects of Free Radical in Water Pollution

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    Water pollution can make many problems such as, the incidence of disease and poisoning. Pollution in water can produce free radicals and it is can trigger of disease for aquatic organisms. There is some efforts that can be done to provide this problem, such as chemical compound that can reduce the reaction of free radicals. Antioxidants are one of the chemical compounds that can reduce the activity of free radicals. Eucheuma cottonii is the one of a seaweed that has many in antioxidant compounds, such as phenol compounds, but it is also rich in iodine fiber and other important minerals. The method used in this research is descriptive explorative and experimental method. This research was conducted with several stages of seaweed extraction. Identification of Eucheuma cottonii extract is using FTIR test. The last stage is an antioxidant activity test that includes DPPH test (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilhidrazil) and Inhibition Concentration 50 (IC 50). The results obtained in this study were based on FTIR test of antioxidant compound in Eucheuma cottonii seaweed extract. The one of compounds that have antioxidant activity include galaktosa-4-sulfat. Based on the results of antioxidant activity test using DPPH obtained that seaweed extract Eucheuma cottonii active as an antioxidant to ward off free radicals in the waters. The concentration of Eucheuma cottonii seaweed extract for preventive 50% concentration of DPPH is 39,926 ppm


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    This research aims to find out the analysis of operational cost planning to increase profits. This research was conducted at PT. Pratama Citra Bersinar. The variable used is the planning of operational costs and profits. The results of this study that have been carried out find that PT. Pratama Citra Bersinar must analyze the operational costs incurred so that there is no difference and in carrying out budget planning and realization as well as possible in accordance with policies and regulations and PT. Pratama Citra Bersinar in setting operational costs see estimates from the directors for direct and indirect expenses, this affects income earnings because the costs incurred exceed the policies set

    Histopathological in Gills, Hepatopancreas and Gut of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Infected White Feces Disease (WFD)

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    White Feces Disease which is the presence of white feces floating on the surface of the water. Physical disruption of White Feces Disease attacked by exocytes becoming soft. the cause of white defect disease (WFD) is a decrease in environmental quality such as salinity, DO and ammonia. white feces disease is associated with gregarine protozoa in the Apicomplexa phylum. Gregarine parasitic infection from the type of nematopsis that was interacted with Vibrio and Vibrio type bacteria found in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) which was attacked by white impurities was V. harveyi. This study aims to analyze the presence of gregarine protozoa in the gills, intestines and hepatopancreas of white shrimp infected with White Feces Disease. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Histopathological results showed that there were protozoa (Gregarine) in the intestine, hepatopancreas and gills of white shrimp infected with WFS in 3 different locations and found Aggregated Transformed Microvilli (ATM) that resembled gregarine

    Aplikasi Teknologi Underwater Lobster Apartment Untuk Pembesaran Lobster Pasir (P. homarus) pada Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan (POKDAKAN) Pesona Bahari, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur

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    Kelanjutan Doktor Mengabdi 2021 di POKDAKAN Pesona Bahari, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dilakukan desain wadah budidaya dengan pemberian sekat antar individu lobster yang dibudidayakan dengan Underwater Lobster Appartment. Teknologi terbaru pada budidaya pembesaran lobster. Lobster yang didapatkan dibesarkan dengan padat tebar 1 ekor lobster per blok apartemen. Satu blok apartemen memiliki dimensi (PxLxT: 30cm x 15cm x 15cm). Pembesaran dilaksanakan dalam kurun waktu 30 hari dengan pakan kerang hijau secara rutin oleh anggota POKDAKAN Pesona Bahari. Kontroling, pengawasan serta pendataan dilaksanakan secara bersama – sama dengan tim DM Universitas Brawijaya dan mahasiswa yang terlibat. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan system underwater lobster apartemen pada budidaya lobster ukuran sangat berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan mencapai 100%. Kualitas air dengan system underwater lobster apartemen tetap terjaga dan tidak melebihi nilai kelayakan kualitas air  budidaya

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Ditinjau Dari Sosial Ekonomi Pembudidaya Di Desa Laju, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Rumput laut merupakan komoditas penting perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomi cukup tinggi dan manfaatnya yang sangat besar bagi kehidupan manusia, selain sebagai bahan makanan, juga merupakan bahan baku dalam industri pembuatan obat-obatan dan kosmetik sehingga kebutuhan pemanfaatan rumput laut semakin meningkat baik untuk konsumsi dalam negeri maupun untuk permintaan ekspor. Budidaya rumput laut di Kecamatan Langgudu terutama di Desa Laju adalah penghasil rumput laut terbesar dibandingkan dengan Desa-desa lain. Pada tahun 2016 Desa Laju memiliki luas wilayah 48,45 km2, jumlah penduduk 3.696 jiwa dan 936 kepala keluarga dengan rata-rata anggota rumah tangga 4 orang (Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bima). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan usaha budidaya rumput laut E. cottoni di Desa Laju, Kecamatan Langgudu, Kabupaten Bima, NTB. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dilakukan dengan cara melalui survey, observasi, uji laboratorium. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuisioner terstruktur dan pengamatan tentang usaha budidaya rumput laut, lingkungan dan masyarakat pembudidaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan analisis SWOT. Analisis SWOT dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran permasalahan yang terjadi, sehingga dapat dicapai strategi yang tepat dalam pengembangan usaha yang berpengaruh terhadap sosial ekonomi pembudidaya. Analisis keuntungan pada tahun pertama setiap pembudidaya rata-rata memproduksi 6000 kg rumput laut kering setiap tahun dengan harga jual Rp 96.000.000, setelah dikurangi biaya infestasi, biaya produksi dan bunga bank Rp 87.033.600 sehingga memperoleh keuntungan bersih Rp 8.966.400 per tahun atau Rp 747.200 per bulan untuk tahun pertama. Berdasarkan R/C Ratio > 1 = 1,10 (usaha menguntungkan). Pada tahun kedua dan seterusnya memperoleh keuntungan bersih Rp 30.724.800 per tahun atau Rp 2.560.400 per bulan. R/C Ratio > 1 = 1,47 (usaha menguntungkan). Hasil akhir penelitian ini menemukan 12 strategi meliputi: Pemanfaatan lahan yang efisien dan efektif, pengadaan bibit unggul, mengadakan pola kerjasama kemitraan pasar, penyuluh proaktif memfasilitasi/ pendampingan terhadap pembudidaya seperti pembuatan jadwal kegiatan budidaya rumput laut, pembudidaya melalui koperasi dan pabrik memproduksi aneka olahan rumput laut dan mengadakan promosi produk, selalu memfasilitasi perubahan harga ekspor, mengadakan kerjasama dengan pemilik modal seperti bank, investor, eksportir, pabrik terutama koperasi, pemerintah memfasilitasi sarana pendukung, penyusunan peraturan desa, pembuatan rencana detail tata ruang kawasan dan penerbitan izin usaha, pemerintah menetapkan harga produk, antisipasi dengan menyiapkan fasilitas kesehatan seperti kotak P3K atau BPJS, membangun tempat kerja, tempat ibadah, dan tempat istirahat berdekatan dengan lokasi budidaya rumput laut e. cottoni di Desa Laju


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    Study aims to analyze the genotoxic potential of glyphosate-based herbicide on common carp (Cyprinus carpio  L) using Micronucleus and hematological assay. The concentration of Glyphosate-based herbicide in this study was 0 ppm, 1.35 ppm, 1.8 ppm, 2.4 ppm, 3.2 ppm, 4.2 ppm, 6.5 ppm, and 8.7 ppm. Administration of herbicide base on modification of published methods with 96 hours of exposure. This research result has shown that the average number of micronuclei was increased simultaneously with increasing the concentration of herbicide exposure. There are also other types of cell nucleus abnormalities, namely: blebbed, lobed, notched, and binuclear. In the treatment of 0 ppm of herbicide shown blebbed nuclei are 8 ‰, lobed nuclei are 6.6 ‰, notched nuclei are 10 ‰, binuclei is 4 ‰. From the research results, it can be concluded that the LC50-96 hours exposure of the herbicide isopropylamine glyphosate in carp (Cyprinus carpio  L.) was obtained at a concentration of 8.57 ppm. Based on the evaluation on hematology, it was found that there was a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, hematocrit, and hemoglobin of fish blood, whereas the number of leukocytes, micronuclei, and other abnormal micronuclei showed an increase along with the increase in the dose of exposure to the herbicide isopropylamine glyphosate, which indicates a genotoxic effect


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak serum kuda bunting setelah separasi dengan sephadex G-25 pada media pematangan terhadap pembuahan in vitro dan untuk mengetahui urutan hasil separasi serum kuda bunting yang dapat memberikan pengaruh yang paling baik terhadap pembuahan in vitro. Serum kuda bunting didapatkan dengan mengambil darah kuda bunting pada umur kebuntingan 3,5 bulan melalui vena jugularis. Serum kuda bunting diseparasi dengan sephadex G-25. Setiap fraksi hasil separasi ditampung dalam tabung kaca dengan volume 20 tetes. Tabung yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tabung ke-3 sampai tabung ke-ll. Setiap tabung hasil separasi diekstraksi menggunakan metanol dan dilakukan blowing up. Oosit didapatkan dengan melakukan aspirasi ovarium sapi yang dipotong di Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Pegirian Surabaya. Sebagai perlakuan oosit dimatangkan dalam media pematangan TCM-199 + Ekstrak serum hasil separasi ke-3, 4, 5 (Pl), TCM-199 + Ekstrak serum hasil separasi ke-6, 7, 8 (P2), TCM-199 + Ekstrak serum hasil separasi ke-9, 10, 11 (P3), TCM-199 + Ekstrak serum yang tidak diseparasi (whole serum) (p4) dan TCM-199 saja sebagai kontrol (PO). Setelah inkubasi selama 24 jam oosit matang siap dibuahi. Pengamatan hasil pembuahan dilakukan 48 jam setelah pembuahan. Parameter yang diamati adalah persentase jumlah embrio hasil pembuahan. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Variansi (ANA VA), sedangkan rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata persentase jumlah embrio hasil pembuahan in vitro setelah penambahan ekstrak serum kuda bunting setelah separasi dengan sephadex G-25. Persentase jumlah embrio terbaik secara statistik didapatkan dari perlakuan 1 (pI) dan perlakuan 4 (p4). Secara nominal pcrlakuan I (p 1) meningkatkan rata-rata persentase jumlah embrio hasil pembuahan in vitro paling tinggi
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