672 research outputs found

    The prediction of wake wash in the towing tank

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    The wash or ship-generated waves from high speed craft has become a common subject in research and development of marine transportation. Since some time now the wake wash of high speed craft has become a problem in particular on inland or confined waterways. This wake wash has an impact on safety and environment such as bank/shoreline erosion, risk to people on shore and small boats in harbors and changes in the local ecology. This paper describes the results of model test of a high speed patrol, together with theoretical prediction of wake wash

    On the metrizability of spaces with a sharp base

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    A base B\mathcal{B} for a space XX is said to be sharp if, whenever xXx\in X and (Bn)nω(B_n)_{n\in\omega} is a sequence of pairwise distinct elements of B\mathcal{B} each containing xx, the collection {jnBj:nω}\{\bigcap_{j\le n}B_j:n\in\omega\} is a local base at xx. We answer questions raised by Alleche et al. and Arhangel'ski\u{\i} et al. by showing that a pseudocompact Tychonoff space with a sharp base need not be metrizable and that the product of a space with a sharp base and [0,1][0,1] need not have a sharp base. We prove various metrization theorems and provide a characterization along the lines of Ponomarev's for point countable bases.Comment: 10 pages. Reprinted from Topology and its Applications, in press, Chris Good, Robin W. Knight and Abdul M. Mohamad, On the metrizability of spaces with a sharp bas

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Aerated Drillingpadasumurdindra Lapanganpanas Bumi Bpa-08pt.pertamina Upstream Technologycenter

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    Pada pemboran sumur panas bumi,tujuan utama yang paling penting adalah mencapai zonareservoir dengan aman, cepat dan ekonomis. Pemakaian dari lumpur pemboran yang dimodifikasidengan metode Aerated Drilling akan sangat membantu dalam suatu operasi pemboran karenaAerated Drilling dapat membantu untuk mencegah masalah–masalah yang akan terjadi padaproses pemboran berlangsung yaitu seperti, pipa terjepit, hilang sirkulasi, dan kerusakan formasi.Pemakaian Aerated Drilling pada sumur DINDRA dilakukan pada trayek17 ½” dan trayek12¼”karena pada kedua trayek tersebut terjadi partialloss circulation dan total loss circulation

    Iman-restoration therapy (IRTI) : a new counseling approach and its usefulness in developing personal growth of Malay adolescents

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    Over the years, it has become a trend that those in mental health professions, especially counselors and psychologists are less religious, even atheistic due to their secular belief system. This is coupled with their diminutive efforts to link spirituality and science in most of their research works and intellectual frameworks in relation to counseling and treating psychological illnesses. However, it has been found in recent past that three quarters of counselors, even with secular and Christian belief system, reported using spirituality as an intervention tool in their research. This significant finding reflects the growing realization on the significance of religion and spirituality as an effective psychotherapeutic intervention. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine ÔmÉn Restoration Therapy, a new psychotherapeutic approach which is based on the study of the Qur‟an, Sunnah and the works of early Muslim scholars, as a new counseling approach in developing personal growth of Malay adolescent clients. Through a single case study design, data was collected from interview and counseling sessions from an undergraduate student at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). With the emergence of seven themes, results revealed that maintaining ones faith in Allah SWT can bring about a positive functioning in one‟s cognitive, emotive, behavior and motivational components and attain spiritual intuition that fosters religious faith and meaningful living. Implications and suggestions for further studies are duly illustrated

    Metrization of Weakly Developable Spaces

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    In this note, we present metrization of weak developability

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Tabm Berbasis Penelitian untuk Mahasiswa S1 Jurusan Biologi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

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    Analysis and Techniques of Molecular Biology (TABM) Subject need of competence for using a set of tools and materials in molecular biology laboratory. Department of Biology, State University of Gorontalo is planned to apply TABM courses for undegraduate students but no available a complete molecular biology laboratory. The development of research-based of TABM textbook is one solution to the student attends TABM lectures. The development of a research-based of TABM textbook was based on Borg and Gall development model. The product is validated by instructional media expert, subject matter expert and lecturer. The readability test conducted to ten students. Results of validation by media experts, subject matter experts and lecturers practitioners respectively are 93%, 92% and 89.2% with a valid category. While the test results readability of students is 87% with valid category.Perkuliahan Teknik Analisis Biologi Molekuler (TABM) sarat dengan penggunaan set alat dan bahan laboratorium Biologi molekuler yang lengkap. Jurusan Biologi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo diketahui akan menerapkan matakuliah TABM untuk mahasiswa S1 namun belum memiliki set laboratorium Biologi molekuler yang lengkap. Pengembangan buku ajar TABM berbasis penelitian merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan TABM. Pengembangan buku ajar TABM berbasis penelitian menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Buku ajar yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh ahli media pembelajaran, ahli materi dan dosen praktisi. Buku ajar di uji keterbacaan oleh 10 mahasiswa. Hasil validasi ahli media pembelajaran, ahli materi dan dosen praktisi secara berurutan adalah 93%, 92% dan 89,2% dengan kategori valid. Sedangkan hasil uji keterbacaan mahasiswa adalah 87% dengan kategori valid

    Image enhancement for red blood cell segmentation

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    A number of issues in blood cell image features such as illuminations, weak edge boundaries and color similarities especially between white blood cell (WBC) cytoplasm and red blood cell (RBC) which affect the accuracy of the segmentation of red blood cell image. This research aims to overcome the issue by applying image enhancement technique. Average filter, image contrast and median filter being proposed in this research. Each of the techniques help to eliminate fairly spread noises, display clear images and diminish single pixel noises. As the result, the quality image is increased and ready for the segmentation process

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Dengan Pendekatan Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar IPA Pada Siswa Kelas XII Smk

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    This research aims to improve motivation and student learning outcomes in applying of the inquiry approach through Think Pair Share (TPS) learning model. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consist of three meetings. The subject were student of class XII of SMK NU Tenggarang Bondowoso academic year 2016/2017. The research data obtained through observation and tests. The results showed an increase in student motivation in every aspect with details on aspects of attention by 73.16% in the first cycle to 92.53% in the second cycle, the relevance aspect of 79.20% in the first cycle to 95.07% in the second cycle, the aspect of confidence of 73.70% in the first cycle became 89.40% in the second cycle, and on aspects of satisfaction of 72.69% in the first cycle to 91.43% in the second cycle. Completeness of classical study showed increase of 72 % in the first cycle, and 92 % in the second cycle. Similarly affective learning results obtained during the learning process also increased the percentage is 64 % in the first cycle and 84 % in the second cycle. And learning process also showed increase of 92,22% in the first cycle, and 95,66% in the second cycle. Thus these results indicate that the inquiry approach through TPS learning model can improve motivation and student learning outcomes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) dengan pendekatan inkuiri. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII SMK NU Tenggarang Bondowoso tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan motivasi siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 69,69% dengan rincian pada aspek attention sebesar 73,16% pada siklus I menjadi 92,53% pada siklus II, pada aspek relevance sebesar 79,20% pada siklus I menjadi 95,07% pada siklus II, pada aspek confidence sebesar 73,70% pada siklus I menjadi 89,40% pada siklus II, dan pada aspek satisfaction sebesar 72,69% pada siklus I menjadi 91,43% pada siklus II. Begitupula hasil belajar afektif yang diperoleh selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung juga mengalami peningkatan persentase yaitu 76,22% pada siklus I dan 83,67% pada siklus II. Untuk keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran juga menunjukkan peningkatan dari 92,22% pada siklus 1 dan 95,66% pada siklus II. Dengan demikian, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif TPS dengan pendekatan inkuiri dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa

    UPC barcode apps for drug registered verification

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    In pharmacology, drug is used to prevent and cure diseases and to improve the physical or mental well-being. All medicinal products must be registered with Drug Control Authority (DCA) of Malaysia before being marketed. However, there are still numerous unregistered products being sold in night markets and grocery stalls that contained unknown materials that could harm our bodies. As nowadays most people own smartphones, thus it will be great if the smartphone is being utilized to become a mobile apps that can prevent consumers from buying unregistered products. This study described the process of creating a barcode reader application for drug registered verification. The application is created using Android Studio software, Java programming language and source code from GitHub, which is then synchronized with the database of some medicinal products. The barcode scanner is then tested to read the UPC barcode on the products and the result of registration confirmation will be shown on the screen of the smartphone. Thus, it will aware the user from buying the unregistered products

    Cinnamtannin B1: a small compound having antidiabetes properties

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that results from defects in insulin secretion and insulin receptor kinase. Investigation of novel small active molecule that can potentiate insulin action or having a similar action as insulin is important in the treatment of diabetes. World ethnobotanical information on medicinal plants reports almost 800 plants used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. However, only a small number of them have been studied thoroughly. Recent study conducted on Cinnamomum reported that it has a great activity in activating insulin receptor kinase and inhibiting insulin receptor phosphatase leading to increased insulin sensitivity and function as a mimetic for insulin. Our study was designed to investigate insulin-mimetic activity of cinnamtannin B1 isolated from Cinnamomum zeylanicum on adipocyte cells. The insulin-mimetic activity of cinnamtannin B1 was evaluated by monitoring preadipocytes differentiation, glucose uptake and phosphorylation of insulin receptor -subunit in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. To determine whether cinnamtannin B1 able to promote differentiation of preadipocytes, we cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes in the presence of cinnamtannin B1, or combination of cinnamtannin B1 and insulin, and then cell proliferation was measured at several points during the course of growth. Investigation of role of cinnamtannin B1 on tyrosine posphorylation of insulin receptor of 3T3-L1 cells was done by immunoprecipitation of cells lysate with anti-insulin receptor -subunit antibody and the immunocomplex samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, and immunoblotted with monoclonal anti- phosphotyrosine antibody. Evaluation of glucose uptake by adipocyte cells after treatment with cinnamtannin B1 was carried out by analyzing of radioactive glucose uptake with liquid scintillation counter. Based on these experiments, it was found that, a mixture cinnamtannin B1 with differentiation cocktail was able to induce differentiation of preadipocytes cells. Cinnamtannin B1 was found to active to stimulate phosphorylation of insulin receptor -subunit by positively exhibited phosphorylation at 170-kDa. The mixture of cinnamtannin B1 was also able to stimulate glucose uptake from a basal value. The results demonstrated that activity of cinnamtannin B1 on adipocyte cells was found to mimicking insulin action. It acted directly on insulin receptor -subunit by activation of PI3-kinase that stimulates glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) translocation. Stimulation of GLUT4 translocation therefore stimulates glucose uptake lead to glucose disposal process in adipocytes. Based on the work that has been carried out, it was suggested that cinnamtannin B1 could be one of the potential lead drug compound in the treatment of type 2 diabetes