474 research outputs found

    Glycyl-L-proline hemihydrate at 298 K

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    Phénoménologie et dialectique du travail

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    Ludwig Landgrebe interprète les réductions phénoménolo- gique et eidétique de Husserl comme théorie de la corporéité, du travail et de la société, pour situer le sujet actif dans le monde naturel et historico-culturel. Cette théorie repose toujours sur un individualisme aprioriste. Une ontologie sociale, inspirée surtout des derniers ouvrages de Lukacs, cherche le principe de synthèse des dimensions concrètes et structurelles de l'expérience dans la logique dialectique du processus de travail lui-même, plutôt que dans la corporéité, et reformule ainsi le problème de la constitution transcendantale.Ludwig Landgrebe interprets Husserl's phenomenological and eidetic reductions as a theory of corporeality, labour and society in order to situate the active subject in the natural and historico- cultural world. He remains committed, however, to an a priori individualism. A social ontology inspired by Lukacs's final writings seeks to synthesize the concrete and structural dimensions of experience not in corporeality as such, but in the dialectical logic of the labour process itself, thus giving a new formulation to the problem of transcendental constitution

    Effect of high-pressure on amino acids

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    Post-Kantian Perfectionism and Hegelian Left

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    The political ethics of the Hegelian School is characterized by post-Kantian perfectionism, an approach which differs from earlier perfectionist theories because it takes as its object the promotion of freedom and the conditions of its exercise. Ideas of spontaneous or self-initiated activity displace older views of happiness or thriving (eudaimonia), based on fixed conceptionsof human nature. The new theories are also attentive to conflicting interests in emergent modern civil society, and the need to transform its institutions and practices. Two of the variants within this approach in the 1840's are distinguished, those of Bauer and Marx, and their respective metaethical and normative commitments are examined.La ética política de la Escuela hegeliana se caracteriza por el perfeccionismo post-kantiano, un enfoque que difiere de las teorías perfeccionistas precedentes en que tiene por objeto la promoción de la libertad y las condiciones de su ejercicio. Las ideas de actividad espontánea o iniciada por sí misma desplazan los puntos de vista antiguos de la felicidad o la prosperidad (eudaimonia), basados en concepciones fijas de la naturaleza humana. Las nuevas teorías están también pendientes de los intereses conflictivos en la sociedad civil moderna emergente y de la necesidad de transformar sus prácticas e instituciones. Dentro de este enfoque se distinguen dos variantes en la década de 1840, las de Bauer y Marx, de las cuales aquí se examinan sus respectivos compromisos normativos y metaéticos

    Outcomes of Open Adoption from Care

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    This Open Access book presents unique evidence from the first comprehensive study of the outcomes of open adoption from care in Australia. It contributes to the international debate concerning the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face post adoption contact with birth families. The chapters assess whether adoption provides a better chance of permanence and more positive outcomes than long-term foster care for abused and neglected children in care who cannot safely return to their birth families. They also explore whether open adoption can avoid some of the detrimental consequences of past policies in which adoption was shrouded in secrecy and children frequently grew up with a conflicted sense of identity. The book will appeal to policy makers, practitioners and students of social policy, social work, the law, psychology and psychiatry. It should also be of interest to adult adoptees and adoptive parents, whose experiences it reflects
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