89 research outputs found

    The efficiency of mapping of quantitative trait loci using cofactor analysis in half-sib design

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    This simulation study was designed to study the power and type I error rate in QTL mapping using cofactor analysis in half-sib designs. A number of scenarios were simulated with different power to identify QTL by varying family size, heritability, QTL effect and map density, and three threshold levels for cofactor were considered. Generally cofactor analysis did not increase the power of QTL mapping in a half-sib design, but increased the type I error rate. The exception was with small family size where the number of correctly identified QTL increased by 13% when heritability was high and 21% when heritability was low. However, in the same scenarios the number of false positives increased by 49% and 45% respectively. With a liberal threshold level of 10% for cofactor combined with a low heritability, the number of correctly identified QTL increased by 14% but there was a 41% increase in the number of false positives. Also, the power of QTL mapping did not increase with cofactor analysis in scenarios with unequal QTL effect, sparse marker density and large QTL effect (25% of the genetic variance), but the type I error rate tended to increase. A priori, cofactor analysis was expected to have higher power than individual chromosome analysis especially in experiments with lower power to detect QTL. Our study shows that cofactor analysis increased the number of false positives in all scenarios with low heritability and the increase was up to 50% in low power experiments and with lower thresholds for cofactors

    Comparison of analyses of the QTLMAS XII common dataset. II: genome-wide association and fine mapping

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    As part of the QTLMAS XII workshop, a simulated dataset was distributed and participants were invited to submit analyses of the data based on genome-wide association, fine mapping and genomic selection. We have evaluated the findings from the groups that reported fine mapping and genome-wide association (GWA) efforts to map quantitative trait loci (QTL). Generally the power to detect QTL was high and the Type 1 error was low. Estimates of QTL locations were generally very accurate. Some methods were much better than others at estimating QTL effects, and with some the accuracy depended on simulated effect size or minor allele frequency. There were also indications of bias in the effect estimates. No epistasis was simulated, but the two studies that included searches for epistasis reported several interacting loci, indicating a problem with controlling the Type I error rate in these analyses. Although this study is based on a single dataset, it indicates that there is a need to improve fine mapping and GWA methods with respect to estimation of genetic effects, appropriate choice of significance thresholds and analysis of epistasis

    Improving genomic predictions by correction of genotypes from genotyping by sequencing in livestock populations

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    Abstract Background Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) is a robust method to genotype markers. Many factors can influence the genotyping quality. One is that heterozygous genotypes could be wrongly genotyped as homozygotes, dependent on the genotyping depths. In this study, a method correcting this type of genotyping error was demonstrated. The efficiency of this correction method and its effect on genomic prediction were assessed using simulated data of livestock populations. Results Chip array (Chip) and four depths of GBS data was simulated. After quality control (call rate ≥ 0.8 and MAF ≥ 0.01), the remaining number of Chip and GBS SNPs were both approximately 7,000, averaged over 10 replicates. GBS genotypes were corrected with the proposed method. The reliability of genomic prediction was calculated using GBS, corrected GBS (GBSc), true genotypes for the GBS loci (GBSr) and Chip data. The results showed that GBSc had higher rates of correct genotype calls and higher correlations with true genotypes than GBS. For genomic prediction, using Chip data resulted in the highest reliability. As the depth increased to 10, the prediction reliabilities using GBS and GBSc data approached those using true GBS data. The reliabilities of genomic prediction using GBSc data were 0.604, 0.672, 0.684 and 0.704 after genomic correction, with the improved values of 0.013, 0.009, 0.006 and 0.001 at depth = 2, 4, 5 and 10, respectively. Conclusions The current study showed that a correction method for GBS data increased the genotype accuracies and, consequently, improved genomic predictions. These results suggest that a correction of GBS genotype is necessary, especially for the GBS data with low depths

    The first draft reference genome of the American mink ( Neovison vison )

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    Abstract The American mink (Neovison vison) is a semiaquatic species of mustelid native to North America. It’s an important animal for the fur industry. Many efforts have been made to locate genes influencing fur quality and color, but this search has been impeded by the lack of a reference genome. Here we present the first draft genome of mink. In our study, two mink individuals were sequenced by Illumina sequencing with 797 Gb sequence generated. Assembly yielded 7,175 scaffolds with an N50 of 6.3 Mb and length of 2.4 Gb including gaps. Repeat sequences constitute around 31% of the genome, which is lower than for dog and cat genomes. The alignments of mink, ferret and dog genomes help to illustrate the chromosomes rearrangement. Gene annotation identified 21,053 protein-coding sequences present in mink genome. The reference genome’s structure is consistent with the microsatellite-based genetic map. Mapping of well-studied genes known to be involved in coat quality and coat color, and previously located fur quality QTL provide new knowledge about putative candidate genes for fur traits. The draft genome shows great potential to facilitate genomic research towards improved breeding for high fur quality animals and strengthen our understanding on evolution of Carnivora

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Pengembangan Karir, Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan (Diklat) Terhadap Knerja Pegawai Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan

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    . The success of the organization in achieving its goals supported by factors internaland external to the organization, where the internal side of the organization should be get firstattention to achieve maximum performance. This study aims to determine the effect ofcompetency, career development and training on employee performance of the DirectorateGeneral of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance. The method used is descriptive quantitative.The data used are primary data collected by questionnaire and also secondary data. Thepopulation in this study were all employees as many as 387 people. The samples are taken byrandom sampling technique, using the Slovin‟s formula to take 80 people for samples. Thevariables in this study consisted of independent variables that are competency, careerdevelopment and training, while the dependent variable is the performance of employees. Thevariable measured with Likert Scale and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression byusing t test and F test.Results of this study concluded that: 1) in partially competency hadpositive and significant impact on employee performance; 2) in partially career developmentprovide uneffect on employee performance; 3) in partially training had positive andsignificant impact on employee performance; and 4) in simultaneously competency, careerdevelopment and training have positive and significant impact on employee performance.Competency is the most influence variable on employee performance

    Local Genealogies in a Linear Mixed Model for Genome-Wide Association Mapping in Complex Pedigreed Populations

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    INTRODUCTION: The state-of-the-art for dealing with multiple levels of relationship among the samples in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is unified mixed model analysis (MMA). This approach is very flexible, can be applied to both family-based and population-based samples, and can be extended to incorporate other effects in a straightforward and rigorous fashion. Here, we present a complementary approach, called 'GENMIX (genealogy based mixed model)' which combines advantages from two powerful GWAS methods: genealogy-based haplotype grouping and MMA. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We validated GENMIX using genotyping data of Danish Jersey cattle and simulated phenotype and compared to the MMA. We simulated scenarios for three levels of heritability (0.21, 0.34, and 0.64), seven levels of MAF (0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.35, and 0.45) and five levels of QTL effect (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0 in phenotypic standard deviation unit). Each of these 105 possible combinations (3 h(2) x 7 MAF x 5 effects) of scenarios was replicated 25 times. RESULTS: GENMIX provides a better ranking of markers close to the causative locus' location. GENMIX outperformed MMA when the QTL effect was small and the MAF at the QTL was low. In scenarios where MAF was high or the QTL affecting the trait had a large effect both GENMIX and MMA performed similarly. CONCLUSION: In discovery studies, where high-ranking markers are identified and later examined in validation studies, we therefore expect GENMIX to enrich candidates brought to follow-up studies with true positives over false positives more than the MMA would