1,215 research outputs found

    Denmark:: Social Studies in Denmark - A country report

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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to give a survey of the status of Social Studies in the Danish educational system. To deepen the survey the article also will contain some reflections of the contents and didactics of the subject. Design and approach: The analysis of the contents and didactics will focus on the description of the curriculum and the examination system. The approach will primarily consist of reflections on basis of text analysis of curriculum, examples of oral and written exam and basic concepts of citizenship. Findings: The main finding in the study is that it is important to understand the teaching in Social Studies both with regards to contents and didactics as an important part of developing the sense of citizenship. Research limitations: The main focus will be on written material and the official curriculum. It would be of great value to do more qualitative research among students and teachers about the practice of teaching in relation to the official objectives of the subject

    Statistical mechanics of warm and cold unfolding in proteins

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    We present a statistical mechanics treatment of the stability of globular proteins which takes explicitly into account the coupling between the protein and water degrees of freedom. This allows us to describe both the cold and the warm unfolding, thus qualitatively reproducing the known thermodynamics of proteins.Comment: 5 pages, REVTex, 4 Postscript figure

    Diagnosis of airspeed measurement faults for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Airspeed sensor faults are common causes for incidents with unmanned aerial vehicles with pitot tube clogging or icing being the most common causes. Timely diagnosis of such faults or other artifacts in signals from airspeed sensing systems could potentially prevent crashes. This paper employs parameter adaptive estimators to provide analytical redundancies and a dedicated diagnosis scheme is designed. Robustness is investigated on sets of flight data to estimate distributions of test statistics. The result is robust diagnosis with adequate balance between false alarm rate and fault detectability

    Control Surface Fault Diagnosis with Specified Detection Probability - Real Event Experiences

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    Diagnosis of actuator faults is crucial for aircraft since loss of actuation can have catastrophic consequences. For autonomous aircraft the steps necessary to achieve fault tolerance is limited when only basic and non-redundant sensor and actuators suites are present. Through diagnosis that exploits analytical redundancies it is, nevertheless, possible to cheaply enhance the level of safety. This paper presents a method for diagnosing control surface faults by using basic sensors and hardware available on an autonomous aircraft. The capability of fault diagnosis is demonstrated obtaining desired levels of false alarms and detection probabilities. Self-tuning residual generators are employed for diagnosis and are combined with statistical change detection to form a setup for robust fault diagnosis. On-line estimation of test statistics is used to obtain a detection threshold and a desired false alarm probability. A data based method is used to determine the validity of the methods proposed. Verification is achieved using real data and shows that the presented diagnosis method is efficient and could have avoided incidents where faults led to loss of aircraft.(c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    Industrial clusters, firm location and productivity – Some empirical evidence for Danish firms

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    According to the economic literature, industrial clusters are groups of firms on the same location composing a production system with spillovers that can be vertical and/or horizontal. This paper focuses on horizontal clusters by exploring the spatial distribution of industrial clusters in Denmark. The key issue in the theoretical part of the paper is whether firms located in industrial clusters are more productive than their counterparts located separately outside industrial agglomerations. Firms located in clusters are potentially more productive than other firms because of the agglomeration advantages of e.g. networks, knowledge spillovers, human capital mobility etc. In the empirical part of the paper, industrial clusters are identified using municipalities as the spatial dimension. In the first part of the analysis, clusters are identified at the NACE-2 digit industrial level. Next, using firm-level data for the 1990s the relative ‘cluster-firm’ productivity is estimated. The study finds evidence of a significantly higher productivity in clusters. However, the magnitude of the cluster advantages varies a lot across industries and is highest in textile.Industrial clusters; productivity

    A Model for the Thermodynamics of Globular Proteins

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    Comments: 6 pages RevTeX, 6 Postscript figures. We review a statistical mechanics treatment of the stability of globular proteins based on a simple model Hamiltonian taking into account protein self interactions and protein-water interactions. The model contains both hot and cold folding transitions. In addition it predicts a critical point at a given temperature and chemical potential of the surrounding water. The universality class of this critical point is new

    Relation between Proper Management, Feedback Frequency and Employee Age

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    Research suggests that effective feedback intervention must be frequent (Kuvaas, Buch, & Dysvik, 2016; Lam, DeRue, Karam, & Hollenbeck, 2011; Salmoni, Schmidt, & Walter, 1984). In the present study, the dependency of psychologically perceived proper management is analysed with respect to satisfaction of feedback frequency and different age groups of employees in a Central and Eastern European (CEE) country. The empirical study is based on survey data from 1,405 employees in a large Lithuanian manufacturing entity. Results shows that perceived proper management is highly related to employee satisfaction and feedback intervention frequency, but a clear relation to the employee age is not foun
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