32 research outputs found

    A gender and poverty approach in practice

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    This paper is an output of a three-year ongoing process of mainstreaming a gender and poverty (GAP) approach in the programme of Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH). The paper is aimed at sharing lessons learned and the challenges ahead. Since 1999 the UK government (DFID) has funded the development of a GAP Approach in NEWAH

    Kaji ulang satu dekade pengarusutamaan gender bidang pendidikan di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini melihat lebih jauh dimensi kunci yang ada dalam proses belajar dan mengajar termasuk kurikulum, buku teks, bahan ajar, lingkungan sekitar, pengembangan kapasitas guru, dan pencapaian hasil oleh murid. Salah satu berita menggembirakan yang didapat dari Penelitian ini adalah telah banyaknya praktik-praktik yang baik dan inovatif. Misalnya, inisiatif untuk menghilangkan stereotip gender dan bias dalam bahan ajar dan lingkungan sekolah, integrasi kesadaran gender dalam pelatihan kepala sekolah dan guru, dan sensitifitas gender untuk seluruh komunitas sekolah. Penelitian juga menyertakan beberapa contoh praktik yang baik serta inovasi yang menjanjikan. Namun demikian, masih ada kesempatankesempatan di lapangan yang belum dikembangkan secara maksimal karena praktik yang baik ini terjadi hanya di daerah tertentu saja dan dilakukan dalam skala kecil, biasanya melalui kegiatan uji coba dengan kesempatan replikasi yang terbatas. Tantangan utama yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana mengevaluasi dan mendiseminasi praktik-praktik yang baik yang telah ada selama ini. Selain itu, Pemerintah Indonesia perlu melakukan prioritas dalam penggunaan sumber daya dan pendanaan untuk mereplikasi inisiatif yang berpotensi memiliki dampak yang baik. Untuk bisa melakukan hal itu, kita harus melihat kembali visi awal dalam kesetaraan gender dalam pendidikan dan kapasitas kita dalam memimpin dan mengelola hal tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa walaupun telah ada dukungan di tingkat pusat, saat ini masih belum ada arahan dan strategi yang jelas untuk pengarusutamaan gender dalam sektor pendidikan. Selain itu, kita juga dihadapkan pada kapasitas teknis yang terbatas. Kita tidak dapat berasumsi bahwa kesadaraan gender dan upaya peningkatan kapasitas yang telah dilakukan selama lima hingga sepuluh tahun lalu sudah cukup. Jika kita ingin melangkah ke depan dan mencapai kesetaraan gender, kita harus memperbaharui upaya-upaya dalam pengarusutamaan kesadaran gender dalam kebijakan pendidikan kunci dan lembaga perencanaan. Dan kita juga perlu terus menjaga momentum dalam upaya pembaharuan keterampilan dan pengetahuan kita kepada kaum mud

    Kaji ulang satu dekade pengarusutamaan gender bidang pendidikan di Indonesia: ringkasan eksekutif

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    Penelitian ini melihat lebih jauh dimensi kunci yang ada dalam proses belajar dan mengajar termasuk kurikulum, buku teks, bahan ajar, lingkungan sekitar, pengembangan kapasitas guru, dan pencapaian hasil oleh murid. Salah satu berita menggembirakan yang didapat dari Penelitian ini adalah telah banyaknya praktik-praktik yang baik dan inovatif. Misalnya, inisiatif untuk menghilangkan stereotip gender dan bias dalam bahan ajar dan lingkungan sekolah, integrasi kesadaran gender dalam pelatihan kepala sekolah dan guru, dan sensitifitas gender untuk seluruh komunitas sekolah. Penelitian juga menyertakan beberapa contoh praktik yang baik serta inovasi yang menjanjikan. Namun demikian, masih ada kesempatankesempatan di lapangan yang belum dikembangkan secara maksimal karena praktik yang baik ini terjadi hanya di daerah tertentu saja dan dilakukan dalam skala kecil, biasanya melalui kegiatan uji coba dengan kesempatan replikasi yang terbatas

    Linking demand, gender and poverty for sustainability

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    NEWAH began a gender mainstreaming process in January 1999 in its organisation and programme. At the programme level this involved establishing a Gender and Poverty (GAP) Unit comprising 6 operational teams of both technical and social staff, which successfully piloted a GAP approach in 5 communities in 5 regions of Nepal (three gravity flow and two groundwater projects). Some initial results of the GAP pilot projects suggest that actions taken to target women and poorest community members have been effective in leading to greater inclusion of often excluded groups in making decisions throughout the service planning and implementation process of projects. Also that giving voice and choice to more community people – the poor, better off, women and men, boys and girls – and letting them influence (or control) the process of the service establishment is empowering them to potentially manage and sustain their services more effectively

    ShortCuts: Listening to Footnotes

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    In creating a podcast-as-audio-edition for Ep.6 Mavis Gallant reads “Grippes and Poche” at SFU– with a follow-up Ep. 9 Mavis Gallant, Part 2: The ‘Paratexts’ of “Grippes and Poche” at SFU – producers Kate Moffatt, Kandice Sharren, and Michelle Levy grapple with Gallant’s asides, which they describe as an audio equivalent of the footnote. In this ShortCuts blog post, they have selected an audio clip from Gallant’s reading where she spontaneously provides contextual information during her reading, followed by their reflections upon how the experience of a ‘footnote’ can differ in print and audio formats

    LIMPRINT in Australia

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    Background and study objective: Australia was one of nine participating countries in the epidemiology Phase II LIMPRINT project to determine the number of people with chronic oedema in local health services. Methods and results: Data collection occurred through questionnaire-based interviews and clinical assessment with provided LIMPRINT tools. Four different types of services across three states in Australia participated. A total of 222 adults participated with an age range from 22 to 102 years, and 60% were female. Site 1 included three residential care facilities (54% of participants had swelling), site 2 was community delivered aged care services (24% of participants had swelling), site 3 was a hospital setting (facility-based prevalence study) (28% of participants had swelling) and site 4 was a wound treatment centre (specific patient population) (100% of participants had swelling). Of those with chronic oedema or secondary lymphoedema 93% were not related to cancer, the lower limbs were affected in 51% of cases and 18% of participants with swelling reported one or more episodes of cellulitis in the previous year. Wounds were identified in 47% (n=105) of all participants with more than half of those with wounds coming from the dedicated wound clinic. Leg/foot ulcer was the most common type of wound (65% n=68). Conclusion: Distances between services, lack of specialised services and various state funding models contribute to inequities in CO treatment. Understanding the high number of non-cancer related chronic oedema presentations will assist health services to provide timely, effective care and improve referral pathways

    Estimation of the prevalence of lymphoedema/chronic oedema in acute hospital in-patients

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    Background: To estimate the prevalence of lymphoedema/chronic oedema and wounds in acute hospital in-patients in 5 different countries. Method: A point-prevalence study was carried out during working day periods in six general hospitals in four countries (Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Australia) and one hospital oncology in-patient unit in one other country (Ireland). The study used validated clinical tools for the assessment and collection of data. Data were collected by expert clinicians through interviews and physical examination of the patients present in the wards. Results: A total of 1905 patients could be included and investigated among the 3041 total bed occupancy in the seven hospitals. Lymphoedema/chronic oedema was present in 723 of them (38%). Main risk factors associated with chronic oedema were age, morbid obesity and heart failure as well as chair bound immobility and neurological deficiency. History of cellulitis was frequent in patients with chronic oedema and wounds (24.8%), chronic oedema alone (14.1%) as compared to the 1.5% prevalence in patients without chronic oedema. Conclusion: Lymphoedema/chronic oedema is very frequent in patients hospitalized in hospital acute wards. It is strongly associated with obesity, venous insufficiency and heart failure. Our results strongly suggest a hidden health care burden and cost linked to chronic oedema independently of chronic wounds

    Challenges in Inclusiveness for People with Disabilities within STEM Learning and Working Environments

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    This report is a reflection on the necessity for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the field of STEM and the different methods and processes that need to be revised or implemented to achieve this goal. It will delve into further detail about the challenges facing PWDs in STEM through interview anecdotes and survey results. Each solution offered will be accompanied by thorough research and support. Policymakers, teachers and students may use these recommendations to break down barriers to STEM careers and build a more inclusive future

    Allelic polymorphism in the T cell receptor and its impact on immune responses

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    In comparison to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) polymorphism, the impact of allelic sequence variation within T cell receptor (TCR) loci is much less understood. Particular TCR loci have been associated with autoimmunity, but the molecular basis for this phenomenon is undefined. We examined the T cell response to an HLA-B*3501-restricted epitope (HPVGEADYFEY) from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is frequently dominated by a TRBV9*01 public TCR (TK3). However, the common allelic variant TRBV9*02, which differs by a single amino acid near the CDR2β loop (Gln55→His55), was never used in this response. The structure of the TK3 TCR, its allelic variant, and a nonnaturally occurring mutant (Gln55→Ala55) in complex with HLA-B*3501 revealed that the Gln55→His55 polymorphism affected the charge complementarity at the TCR-peptide-MHC interface, resulting in reduced functional recognition of the cognate and naturally occurring variants of this EBV peptide. Thus, polymorphism in the TCR loci may contribute toward variability in immune responses and the outcome of infection