386 research outputs found

    Connecting the Dots: Diagnosed on the Spectrum Later in Life

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    This workshop presents the journey Anthony and Lori took together to get Anthony diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Topics include the sequence of realizations they made along the way and how these realizations pointed to one conclusion: that Anthony was on the spectrum, confirmed by a diagnosis

    Reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation evoked potentials to detect the effects of theta-burst stimulation of the prefrontal cortex

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    Background: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) is a novel method for assessing cortical properties outside the motor region. Theta burst stimulation (TBS), a form of repetitive TMS, can non-invasively modulate cortical excitability and has been increasingly used to treat psychiatric disorders by targetting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs) and local mean field power (LMFP) analyses have been used to evaluate local cortical excitability changes after TBS. However, it remains unclear whether TEPs can detect the neuromodulatory effects of TBS. Objectives: To confirm the reliability of TEP components and LMFP within and between sessions and to measure changes in neural excitability induced by intermittent (iTBS) and continuous TBS (cTBS) applied to the left DLPFC. Methods: Test-retest reliability of TEPs/LMFP and TBS-induced changes in cortical excitability were assessed in twenty-four healthy participants by stimulating the DLPFC in five separate sessions, once with sham and twice with iTBS and cTBS. EEG responses were recorded of 100 single TMS pulses before and after TBS, and the reproducibility measures were quantified with the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). Results: The N100 and P200 components presented substantial reliability within the baseline block (CCCs>0.8) and moderate concordance between sessions (CCCmax> 0.6). Both N40 and P60 TEP amplitudes showed little concordance between sessions. Similar results were achieved using LMFP responses. Changes in TEP amplitudes after iTBS were marginally reliable for N100 (CCCmax = 0.52), P200 (CCCmax = 0.47) and P60 (CCCmax = 0.40), presenting only fair levels of concordance at specific time points. LMFP changes showed poor reproducibility after iTBS and cTBS. Conclusions: The present findings show that only the N100 and P200 components had good concordance between sessions. The reliability of earlier TEP components and LMF responses may have been affected by a sub-optimal removal of TMS-related artefacts. The poor reliability in detecting changes in neural excitability induced by TBS indicates that TEPs/LMFP do not provide a precise estimate of the changes in excitability in the DLPFC or, alternatively, that TBS did not induce consistent changes in neural excitability

    Multiple Approaches for Individualized Fertility Protective Therapy in Cancer Patients

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    In the last decade, fertility preservation has risen as a major field of interest, creating new interactions between oncologists and gynecologists. Various options, such as cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, have been developed and are currently routinely proposed in many centers. However, many of the options remain experimental and should be offered to patients only after adequate counseling. This paper addresses the efficiency and the potential of the different fertility preservation approaches

    Neuromodulatory effects of theta burst stimulation to the prefrontal cortex

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    Theta burst stimulation (TBS) is a new form of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) capable of non-invasively modulating cortical excitability. In recent years TBS has been increasingly used as a neuroscientific investigative tool and therapeutic intervention for psychiatric disorders, in which the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is often the primary target. However, the neuromodulatory effects of TBS on prefrontal regions remain unclear. Here we share EEG and ECG recordings and structural MRI scans, including high-resolution DTI, from twenty-four healthy participants who received intermittent TBS (two sessions), continuous TBS (two sessions), and sham stimulation (one session) applied to the left DLPFC using a single-blinded crossover design. Each session includes eyes-open resting-state EEG and single-pulse TMS-EEG obtained before TBS and 2−, 15−, and 30-minutes post-stimulation. This dataset enables foundational basic science investigations into the neuromodulatory effects of TBS on the DLPFC

    Fertility Preservation in Female Cancer Patients

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    With improved survival rates among cancer patients, fertility preservation is now being recognized as an issue of great importance. There are currently several methods of fertility preservation available in female cancer patients and the options and techniques via assisted reproduction and cryopreservation are increasing, but some are still experimental and continues to be evaluated. The established means of preserving fertility include embryo cryopreservation, gonadal shielding during radiation therapy, ovarian transposition, conservative gynecologic surgery such as radical trachelectomy, donor embryos/oocytes, gestational surrogacy, and adoption. The experimental methods include oocyte cryopreservation, ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation, in vitro maturation, and ovarian suppression. With advances in methods for the preservation of fertility, providing information about risk of infertility and possible options of fertility preservation to all young patients with cancer, and discussing future fertility with them should be also considered as one of the important parts of consultation at the time of cancer diagnosis

    Review of Systemic Antibiotic Treatments in Children with Rhinosinusitis

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    Antibiotic treatment in paediatric rhinosinusitis is still a matter of debate, as the current guidelines have been drafted mainly based on clinical studies published before 2013. Recent modifications in the epidemiological basis of the disease might mean that current treatments are not completely adequate considering the evolving microbiological profile of the disease. The present paper reviews the role of systemic antibiotics in children with acute (ARS), chronic (CRS), recurrent (RARS), and complicated acute (CoARS) rhinosinusitis. A total of 14 studies (including 3 prospective non-randomised studies, 8 retrospective studies, and 3 prospective randomised studies) of the 115 initially identified papers were included in this review, corresponding to 13,425 patients. Five papers dealt with ARS, four papers with RARS or CRS, and five papers with CoARS; the remaining papers included patients with either ARS or CRS. Data about the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment in children with ARC, CRS, and CoARS is scarce, as only three randomised controlled trials have been published in the last decade, with contrasting results. There is an urgent need for dedicated controlled trials not only to test the actual clinical benefits deriving from the routine use of systemic antibiotics in different categories of patients but also to compare the effectiveness of various therapeutic protocols in terms of the type of antibacterial molecules and the duration of treatment

    Sotagliflozin, the first dual SGLT inhibitor. Current outlook and perspectives

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    Sotagliflozin is a dual sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 and 1 (SGLT2/1) inhibitor for the treatment of both type 1 (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Sotagliflozin inhibits renal sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (determining significant excretion of glucose in the urine, in the same way as other, already available SGLT-2 selective inhibitors) and intestinal SGLT-1, delaying glucose absorption and therefore reducing post prandial glucose. Well-designed clinical trials, have shown that sotagliflozin (as monotherapy or add-on therapy to other anti-hyperglycemic agents) improves glycated hemoglobin in adults with T2D, with beneficial effects on bodyweight and blood pressure. Similar results have been obtained in adults with T1D treated with either continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or multiple daily insulin injections, even after insulin optimization. A still ongoing phase 3 study is currently evaluating the effect of sotagliflozin on cardiovascular outcomes (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03315143). In this review we illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of dual SGLT 2/1 inhibition, in order to better characterize and investigate its mechanisms of action and potentialities

    Incidence and characteristics of adverse events in paediatric inpatient care: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Adverse events (AEs) cause suffering for hospitalised children, a fragile patient group where the delivery of adequate timely care is of great importance. Objective: To report the incidence and characteristics of AEs, in paediatric inpatient care, as detected with the Global Trigger Tool (GTT), the Trigger Tool (TT) or the Harvard Medical Practice Study (HMPS) method. Method: MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched from inception to June 2021, without language restrictions. Studies using manual record review were included if paediatric data were reported separately. We excluded studies reporting: AEs for a specific disease/diagnosis/treatment/procedure, or deceased patients; study protocols with no AE outcomes; conference abstracts, editorials and systematic reviews; clinical incident reports as the primary data source; and studies focusing on specific AEs only. Methodological risk of bias was assessed using a tool based on the Quality Assessment Tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2. Primary outcome was the percentage of admissions with ≥1 AEs. All statistical analyses were stratified by record review methodology (GTT/TT or HMPS) and by type of population. Meta-analyses, applying random-effects models, were carried out. The variability of the pooled estimates was characterised by 95% prediction intervals (PIs). Results: We included 32 studies from 44 publications, conducted in 15 countries totalling 33 873 paediatric admissions. The total number of AEs identified was 8577. The most common types of AEs were nosocomial infections (range, 6.8%-59.6%) for the general care population and pulmonary-related (10.5%-36.7%) for intensive care. The reported incidence rates were highly heterogeneous. The PIs for the primary outcome were 3.8%-53.8% and 6.9%-91.6% for GTT/TT studies (general and intensive care population). The equivalent PI was 0.3%-33.7% for HMPS studies (general care). The PIs for preventable AEs were 7.4%-96.2% and 4.5%-98.9% for GTT/TT studies (general and intensive care population) and 10.4%-91.8% for HMPS studies (general care). The quality assessment indicated several methodological concerns regarding the included studies. Conclusion: The reported incidence of AEs is highly variable in paediatric inpatient care research, and it is not possible to estimate a reliable single rate. Poor reporting standards and methodological differences hinder the comparison of study results

    Incidence and characteristics of adverse events in paediatric inpatient care: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND Adverse events (AEs) cause suffering for hospitalised children, a fragile patient group where the delivery of adequate timely care is of great importance. OBJECTIVE To report the incidence and characteristics of AEs, in paediatric inpatient care, as detected with the Global Trigger Tool (GTT), the Trigger Tool (TT) or the Harvard Medical Practice Study (HMPS) method. METHOD MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched from inception to June 2021, without language restrictions. Studies using manual record review were included if paediatric data were reported separately. We excluded studies reporting: AEs for a specific disease/diagnosis/treatment/procedure, or deceased patients; study protocols with no AE outcomes; conference abstracts, editorials and systematic reviews; clinical incident reports as the primary data source; and studies focusing on specific AEs only. Methodological risk of bias was assessed using a tool based on the Quality Assessment Tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2. Primary outcome was the percentage of admissions with ≥1 AEs. All statistical analyses were stratified by record review methodology (GTT/TT or HMPS) and by type of population. Meta-analyses, applying random-effects models, were carried out. The variability of the pooled estimates was characterised by 95% prediction intervals (PIs). RESULTS We included 32 studies from 44 publications, conducted in 15 countries totalling 33 873 paediatric admissions. The total number of AEs identified was 8577. The most common types of AEs were nosocomial infections (range, 6.8%-59.6%) for the general care population and pulmonary-related (10.5%-36.7%) for intensive care. The reported incidence rates were highly heterogeneous. The PIs for the primary outcome were 3.8%-53.8% and 6.9%-91.6% for GTT/TT studies (general and intensive care population). The equivalent PI was 0.3%-33.7% for HMPS studies (general care). The PIs for preventable AEs were 7.4%-96.2% and 4.5%-98.9% for GTT/TT studies (general and intensive care population) and 10.4%-91.8% for HMPS studies (general care). The quality assessment indicated several methodological concerns regarding the included studies. CONCLUSION The reported incidence of AEs is highly variable in paediatric inpatient care research, and it is not possible to estimate a reliable single rate. Poor reporting standards and methodological differences hinder the comparison of study results

    Identification and Molecular Characterization of a Novel Large-Scale Variant (Exons 4_18 Loss) in the LDLR Gene as a Cause of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in an Italian Family

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    Abstract: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is nowadays commonly used for clinical purposes, and represents an efficient approach for the molecular diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Although the dominant form of the disease is mostly due to the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) small-scale pathogenic variants, the copy number variations (CNVs) represent the underlying molecular defects in approximately 10% of FH cases. Here, we reported a novel large deletion in the LDLR gene involving exons 4–18, identified by the bioinformatic analysis of NGS data in an Italian family. A long PCR strategy was employed for the breakpoint region analysis where an insertion of six nucleotides (TTCACT) was found. Two Alu sequences, identified within intron 3 and exon 18, could underlie the identified rearrangement by a nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) mechanism. NGS proved to be an effective tool suitable for the identification of CNVs, together with small-scale alterations in the FH-related genes. For this purpose, the use and implementation of this cost-effective, efficient molecular approach meets the clinical need for personalized diagnosis in FH cases