1,576 research outputs found

    Hoe houden we onze bijen in de lucht?

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    Met de lente keert ook het vredig zoemen terug van talloze bijen die van bloem tot bloem vliegend hun kostje verzamelen. Vooral hommels en honingbijen laten zich horen. Dat geluid lijkt vanzelfsprekend, maar dat is het niet. Afgelopen jaren lieten grootschalige onderzoeken zien dat het aantal bijensoorten is afgenomen. De bestuiving van bepaalde plantensoorten komt in gevaar als het tij niet wordt gekeerd. Begin 2017 riep de landelijke overheid daarom betrokken organisaties op om gezamenlijk mee te denken over reddingsplannen. Dat mondde uit in de Nationale Bijenstrategie, tevens een verzamelnaam voor tientallen initiatieven

    Walk This Way: Moving neurons communicate with surrounding cells

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    The planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway is a cell-contact mediated mechanism for transmitting polarity information between neighboring cells. PCP "core components" (Vangl, Fz, Pk, Dsh, and Celsr) are essential for a number of cell migratory events including the posterior migration of facial branchiomotor neurons (FBMNs) in the plane of the hindbrain neuroepithelium in zebrafish and mice. While the mechanism by which PCP signaling polarizes static epithelial cells is well understood, how PCP signaling controls highly dynamic processes like neuronal migration remains an important outstanding question given that PCP components have been implicated in a range of directed cell movements, particularly during vertebrate development. Here, by systematically disrupting PCP signaling in a rhombomere-restricted manner we show that PCP signaling is required both within FBMNs and the hindbrain rhombomere 4 environment at the time when they initiate their migration. Correspondingly, we demonstrate planar polarized localization of PCP core components Vangl2 and Fzd3a in the hindbrain neuroepithelium, and transient localization of Vangl2 at the tips of retracting FBMN filopodia. Using high-resolution timelapse imaging of FBMNs in genetic chimeras we uncover opposing cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous functions for Fzd3a and Vangl2 in regulating FBMN protrusive activity. Within FBMNs, Fzd3a is required to stabilize filopodia while Vangl2 has an antagonistic, destabilizing role. However, in the migratory environment Fzd3a acts to destabilize FBMN filopodia while Vangl2 has a stabilizing role. Together, our findings suggest a model in which PCP signaling between the planar polarized neuroepithelial environment and FBMNs directs migration by the selective stabilization of FBMN filopodia

    Anthelmintic tolerance in free-living and facultative parasitic isolates of Halicephalobus (Panagrolaimidae)

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    Studies on anthelmintic resistance in equine parasites do not include facultative parasites. Halicephalobus gingivalis is a free-living bacteriovorous nematode and a known facultative parasite of horses with a strong indication of some form of tolerance to common anthelmintic drugs. This research presents the results of an in vitro study on the anthelmintic tolerance of several isolates of Halicephalobus to thiabendazole and ivermectin using an adaptation of the Micro-Agar Larval Development Test hereby focusing on egg hatching and larval development. Panagrellus redivivus and Panagrolaimus superbus were included as a positive control. The results generally show that the anthelmintic tolerance of Halicephalobus to both thiabendazole and ivermectin was considerably higher than that of the closely related Panagrolaimidae and, comparing to other studies, than that of obligatory equine parasites. Our results further reveal a remarkable trend of increasing tolerance from fully free-living isolates towards horse-associated isolates. In vitro anthelmintic testing with free-living and facultative parasitic nematodes offers the advantage of observing drug effect on the complete lifecycle as opposed to obligatory parasites which can only be followed until the third larval stage. We therefore propose Halicephalobus gingivalis as an experimental tool to deepen our understanding of the biology of anthelmintic tolerance

    Application of the penalty coupling method for the analysis of blood vessels

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    Due to the significant health and economic impact of blood vessel diseases on modern society, its analysis is becoming of increasing importance for the medical sciences. The complexity of the vascular system, its dynamics and material characteristics all make it an ideal candidate for analysis through fluid structure interaction (FSI) simulations. FSI is a relatively new approach in numerical analysis and enables the multi-physical analysis of problems, yielding a higher accuracy of results than could be possible when using a single physics code to analyse the same category of problems. This paper introduces the concepts behind the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation using the penalty coupling method. It moves on to present a validation case and compares it to available simulation results from the literature using a different FSI method. Results were found to correspond well to the comparison case as well as basic theory

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii exert synergistic antipathogenic activity in vitro against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

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    Short-term colonic in vitro batch incubations were performed to elucidate the possible synergistic effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (CNCM-I-4798) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (CNCM-1-1079) (associated in Smebiocta/Smectaflora Protect (R)) on the colonic microbial fermentation process, as well as their antipathogenic activity against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (LMG2092) (ETEC). These incubations adequately simulate the native microbiota and environmental conditions of the proximal colon of both adult and toddler donors, including the colonic mucosal layer. Results indicated that both strains were capable of growing together without showing antagonistic effects. Co-cultivation of both strains resulted in increased butyrate (stimulated by L. rhamnosus GG), propionate (stimulated by S. boulardii), and ethanol (produced by S. boulardii) production compared to the control incubations, revealing the additive effect of both strains. After inoculation of ETEC under simulated dysbiotic conditions, a 40 and 46% reduction in the concentration of ETEC was observed upon addition of both strains during the experiments with the adult and toddler donor, respectively. Furthermore, ETEC toxin levels decreased upon S. boulardii inoculation, probably due to proteolytic activity of this strain, with a synergistic effect being observed upon co-cultivation of L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii resulting in a reduction of 57 and 46% for the adult and toddler donor, respectively. Altogether, the results suggest that both probiotics together may help microbiota functionality, in both adults and toddlers and under healthy or impaired conditions, which could be of great interest when the colonic microbiota is dysbiotic and therefore sensitive to pathogenic invasion such as during antibiotic treatment

    Classical symmetric functions in superspace

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    We present the basic elements of a generalization of symmetric function theory involving functions of commuting and anticommuting (Grassmannian) variables. These new functions, called symmetric functions in superspace, are invariant under the diagonal action of the symmetric group on the sets of commuting and anticommuting variables. In this work, we present the superspace extension of the classical bases, namely, the monomial symmetric functions, the elementary symmetric functions, the completely symmetric functions, and the power sums. Various basic results, such as the generating functions for the multiplicative bases, Cauchy formulas, involution operations as well as the combinatorial scalar product are also generalized.Comment: 21 pages, this supersedes the first part of math.CO/041230

    High resolution crystal structures of the <i>Cerebratulus lacteus</i> mini-Hb in the unligated and carbomonoxy states

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    The nerve tissue mini-hemoglobin from Cerebratulus lacteus (CerHb) displays an essential globin fold hosting a protein matrix tunnel held to allow traffic of small ligands to and from the heme. CerHb heme pocket hosts the distal TyrB10/GlnE7 pair, normally linked to low rates of O2 dissociation and ultra-high O2 affinity. However, CerHb affinity for O2 is similar to that of mammalian myoglobins, due to a dynamic equilibrium between high and low affinity states driven by the ability of ThrE11 to orient the TyrB10 OH group relative to the heme ligand. We present here the high resolution crystal structures of CerHb in the unligated and carbomonoxy states. Although CO binds to the heme with an orientation different from the O2 ligand, the overall binding schemes for CO and O2 are essentially the same, both ligands being stabilized through a network of hydrogen bonds based on TyrB10, GlnE7, and ThrE11. No dramatic protein structural changes are needed to support binding of the ligands, which can freely reach the heme distal site through the apolar tunnel. A lack of main conformational changes between the heme-unligated and -ligated states grants stability to the folded mini-Hb and is a prerequisite for fast ligand diffusion to/from the heme

    Yeast-Derived Formulations Are Differentially Fermented by the Canine and Feline Microbiome As Assessed in a Novel in Vitro Colonic Fermentation Model

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    The current study evaluated the effect of five yeast-derived formulations (T1-T5) on microbial metabolism and composition of the canine and feline gut microbiota using a novel in vitro colonic incubation approach. This novel in vitro model allowed for growth of the entire spectrum of dog- and cat-derived bacteria from the inoculum, thus offering an excellent platform to evaluate effects of nutritional interventions on the gut microbiota. Further, yeast-derived ingredients differentially increased production of acetate, propionate, butyrate, ammonium, and branched short-chain fatty acids, with T5 and T1 consistently stimulating propionate and butyrate, respectively. 16S-targeted Illumina sequencing coupled with flow cytometry provided unprecedented high-resolution quantitative insights in canine and feline microbiota modulation by yeast-derived ingredients, revealing that effects on propionate production were related to Prevotellaceae, Tannerellaceae, Bacteroidaceae, and Veillonellaceae members, while effects on butyrate production were related to Erysipelotrichaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Fusobacteriaceae. Overall, these findings strengthen the health-promoting potential of yeast-derived ingredients
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