3,249 research outputs found

    Dynamical mechanism of atrial fibrillation: a topological approach

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    While spiral wave breakup has been implicated in the emergence of atrial fibrillation, its role in maintaining this complex type of cardiac arrhythmia is less clear. We used the Karma model of cardiac excitation to investigate the dynamical mechanisms that sustain atrial fibrillation once it has been established. The results of our numerical study show that spatiotemporally chaotic dynamics in this regime can be described as a dynamical equilibrium between topologically distinct types of transitions that increase or decrease the number of wavelets, in general agreement with the multiple wavelets hypothesis. Surprisingly, we found that the process of continuous excitation waves breaking up into discontinuous pieces plays no role whatsoever in maintaining spatiotemporal complexity. Instead this complexity is maintained as a dynamical balance between wave coalescence -- a unique, previously unidentified, topological process that increases the number of wavelets -- and wave collapse -- a different topological process that decreases their number.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    A New Class of Majoron-Emitting Double-Beta Decays

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    Motivated by the excess events that have recently been found near the endpoints of the double beta decay spectra of several elements, we re-examine models in which double beta decay can proceed through the neutrinoless emission of massless Nambu-Goldstone bosons (majorons). Noting that models proposed to date for this process must fine-tune either a scalar mass or a VEV to be less than 10 keV, we introduce a new kind of majoron which avoids this difficulty by carrying lepton number L=2L=-2. We analyze in detail the requirements that models of both the conventional and our new type must satisfy if they are to account for the observed excess events. We find: (1) the electron sum-energy spectrum can be used to distinguish the two classes of models from one another; (2) the decay rate for the new models depends on different nuclear matrix elements than for ordinary majorons; and (3) all models require a (pseudo) Dirac neutrino, having a mass of a several hundred MeV, which mixes with νe\nu_e.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures (included), [figure captions are now included

    Influential factors of aligning Spotify squads in mission-critical and offshore projects – a longitudinal embedded case study

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    Changing the development process of an organization is one of the toughest and riskiest decisions. This is particularly true if the known experiences and practices of the new considered ways of working are relative and subject to contextual assumptions. Spotify engineering culture is deemed as a new agile software development method which increasingly attracts large-scale organizations. The method relies on several small cross-functional self-organized teams (i.e., squads). The squad autonomy is a key driver in Spotify method, where a squad decides what to do and how to do it. To enable effective squad autonomy, each squad shall be aligned with a mission, strategy, short-term goals and other squads. Since a little known about Spotify method, there is a need to answer the question of: How can organizations work out and maintain the alignment to enable loosely coupled and tightly aligned squads? In this paper, we identify factors to support the alignment that is actually performed in practice but have never been discussed before in terms of Spotify method. We also present Spotify Tailoring by highlighting the modified and newly introduced processes to the method. Our work is based on a longitudinal embedded case study which was conducted in a real-world large-scale offshore software intensive organization that maintains mission-critical systems. According to the confidentiality agreement by the organization in question, we are not allowed to reveal a detailed description of the features of the explored project

    The impact of inclusiveness on resilience in Temporary Multidisciplinary Organizations (TMO)

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    One of the enablers of organizational resilience is inclusiveness. Inclusiveness is the process of valuing, respecting and supporting members of an entity. Resilience in permanent organizations can be defined as the capability to respond to and prepare for disruption and thus, promote business continuity. On the other hand, resilience in Temporary Multidisciplinary Organizations (TMO) can be defined as the capability to respond to, prepare for and reduce the impact of disruptions caused by the drifting environment and complexity. A construction project can be viewed as a TMO. The time-limit and contract-focus of TMO challenges inclusiveness and hence makes its impact on resilience in TMO, unclear. Given the dynamic nature of TMOs (highly susceptible to disruptions), there is the need to identify the impact of inclusiveness, thus, the aim of this research. Using a case study approach (two case studies) and critical incident technique, it was identified that the TMO in which inclusiveness was actively promoted responded better to disruptions. This was enabled by project managers, directors and the project execution plan. The identified impact of inclusiveness in managing disruptions were; time and cost savings, innovation and quality enhancement. These findings contribute to debates on disruption management in TMOs (projects)

    Elevated arousal at time of decision-making is not the arbiter of risk avoidance in chickens

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    The somatic marker hypothesis proposes that humans recall previously experienced physiological responses to aid decision-making under uncertainty. However, little is known about the mechanisms used by non-human animals to integrate risk perception with predicted gains and losses. We monitored the behaviour and physiology of chickens when the choice between a high-gain (large food quantity), high-risk (1 in 4 probability of receiving an air-puff) option (HGRAP) or a low-gain (small food quantity), no-risk (of an air-puff) (LGNAP) option. We assessed when arousal increased by considering different stages of the decision-making process (baseline, viewing, anticipation, reward periods) and investigated whether autonomic responses influenced choice outcome both immediately and in the subsequent trial. Chickens were faster to choose and their heart-rate significantly increased between the viewing and anticipation (post-decision, pre-outcome) periods when selecting the HGRAP option. This suggests that they responded physiologically to the impending risk. Additionally, arousal was greater following a HGRAP choice that resulted in an air-puff, but this did not deter chickens from subsequently choosing HGRAP. In contrast to human studies, we did not find evidence that somatic markers were activated during the viewing period, suggesting that arousal is not a good measure of avoidance in non-human animals

    Large-Scale Agile Transformation: A Case Study of Transforming Business, Development and Operations

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    Today, product development organizations are adopting agile methods in units outside the software development unit, such as in sales, market, legal, operations working with the customer. This broader adoption of agile methods has been labeled large-scale agile transformation and is considered a particular type of organizational change, originating in the software development units. So far, there is little research-based advice on conducting such transformations. Aiming to contribute towards providing relevant research advice on large-scale agile transformation, we apply a research-based framework for evaluating organizational agility on a product development program in a maritime service provider organization. We found that doing a large-scale agile transformation involves many significant challenges, such as having a shared understanding of the problem, getting access to users, and getting commitment to change that needs to be done. In order to overcome such challenges, we discuss the need for a holistic and integrated approach to agile transformation involving all the units linked to software development.publishedVersio

    Time course of rapid bone loss and cortical porosity formation observed by longitudinal μCT in a rat model of CKD

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    Background Rodent studies of bone in chronic kidney disease have primarily relied on end-point examinations of bone microarchitecture. This study used longitudinal in vivo microcomputed tomography (in vivo μCT) to characterize the onset and progression of bone loss, specifically cortical porosity, in the Cy/+ rat of model of CKD. Methods Male CKD rats and normal littermates were studied. In vivo μCT scans of the right distal tibia repeated at 25, 30, and 35 weeks were analyzed for longitudinal changes in cortical and trabecular bone morphometry. In vitro μCT scans of the tibia and femur identified spatial patterns of bone loss across distal, midshaft and proximal sites. Results CKD animals had reduced BV/TV and cortical BV at all time points but developed cortical porosity and thinning between 30 and 35 weeks. Cortical pore formation was localized near the endosteal surface. The severity of bone loss was variable across bone sites, but the distal tibia was representative of both cortical and trabecular changes. Conclusions The distal tibia was found to be a sensitive suitable site for longitudinal imaging of both cortical and trabecular bone changes in the CKD rat. CKD trabecular bone loss progressed through ~30 weeks followed by a sudden acceleration in cortical bone catabolism. These changes varied in timing and severity across individuals, and cortical bone loss and porosity progressed rapidly once initiated. The inclusion of longitudinal μCT in future studies will be important for both reducing the number of required animals and to track individual responses to treatment

    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay within QRPA with Proton-Neutron Pairing

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    We have investigated the role of proton-neutron pairing in the context of the Quasiparticle Random Phase approximation formalism. This way the neutrinoless double beta decay matrix elements of the experimentally interesting A= 48, 76, 82, 96, 100, 116, 128, 130 and 136 systems have been calculated. We have found that the inclusion of proton-neutron pairing influences the neutrinoless double beta decay rates significantly, in all cases allowing for larger values of the expectation value of light neutrino masses. Using the best presently available experimental limits on the half life-time of neutrinoless double beta decay we have extracted the limits on lepton number violating parameters.Comment: 16 RevTex page