4 research outputs found

    Methods for measuring transmission parameters of data networks

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    Úkolem bakalářské práce bylo prostudování a popsání známých metod pro testování kvality přenosových parametrů datových sítí. Vycházel jsem ze standardů RFC, které jsou základními doporučeními v internetových sítích. Na základě prostudování RFC 2544 jsem otestoval webové aplikace pro měření parametrů datových sítí a také jsem otestoval softwarové utility pro operační systém Linux. Na základě získaných poznatků z testování jsem navrhl webovou aplikaci, která umožňuje měřit základní parametry v datových sítích (přenosový tok k účastníkovi od serveru, přenosový tok od účastníka k serveru, zpoždění a stabilitu). Aplikace je vytvořena pomocí serverového jazyka PHP spolu s databází MySQL a klientského jazyka JavaScript. Aplikace byla testována také na „chytrých telefonech“ a tabletech. Umožňuje zobrazení provedených měření, prezentaci výsledků do grafu.Study and benchmarking methodology description of methods for measuring transmission parameters of data networks were the objectives of bachelor’s thesis. My sources were the RFC standards. Those are the basic recommendations of internet networks. I tested web applications for measuring transmission parameters. The test was based on the study of RFC 2544 and also I tested utility for the Linux operating system. I designed a web application for measuring basic parameters of data networks. Basic parameters are transmission stream from the server to the user, the transmission stream from the user to the server, delay and stability. Design of the application was based on experiences from testing web applications and utility. The application is using PHP server’s language along with MySQL database and JavaScript client’s language. The application also works on smart phones and tablets. The measured data should be presented by graphs.

    Manufacturing technology of composite materials-principles of modification of polymer composite materials technology based on polytetrafluoroethylene

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    The results of the investigations into the technological formation of new wear-resistant polymer composites based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filled with disperse synthetic and natural compounds are presented. The efficiency of using PTFE composites reinforced with carbon fibers depends on many factors, which influence the significant improvement of physicomechanical characteristics. The results of this research allow stating that interfacial and surface phenomena of the polymer-solid interface and composition play a decisive role in PTFE composites properties. Fillers hinder the relative movement of the PTFE molecules past one another and, in this way, reduce creep or deformation of the parts, reducing the wear rate of parts used in dynamic applications as well as the coefficient of thermal expansion. The necessary structural parameters of such polymer composites are provided by regimes of process equipment.Web of Science104art. no. 37

    Web application for getting location of IP nodes

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    Thesis deal with geolocation in internet network. There are described possibilities of geolocation and thesis is mainly focused on passive geolocation methods. Under passive geolocation belongs location databases which there are described as in theoretical way as used in practical part of thesis. In practical part there is created complex system for geolocation in internet environment which used paid and free geolocation databases. Another used database is WHOIS. Data from paid databases is processed and accuracy of databases is evaluated