398 research outputs found

    Bioequivalence Study of Two Long-Acting Formulations of Oxytetracycline Following Intramuscular Administration in Bovines

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two commercial long-acting formulations based on oxytetracycline (OTC) hydrochloride between the reference formulation (Terramycin LA, Pfizer) and a test formulation (Cyamicin LA, Fort Dodge Saude Animal). Both formulations were administered in a single intramuscular route at a dose of 20 mg OTC/kg of body weight in clinically healthy bovines. The study was carried out according to a one-period parallel design. Plasma samples were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The limit of quantitation was 0.050 μg/mL with an accuracy of 101.67% with a coefficient of variation of 13.15%. Analysis of variance and 90% confidence interval tests were used to compare the bioavailability parameters (maximum plasma concentration, Cmax, and the area under the concentration-versus-time curve extrapolated to infinity, AUC0–∞) of both products. In the case of the time to maximum concentration (Tmax), non-parametric tests based on Wilcoxon’s signed rank test were preferred. The comparison of the mean AUC0–∞ values did not reveal any significant differences (311.40 ± 93.05 μg h/mL and 287.71 ± 45.31 μg h/mL, respectively). The results were similar for the Tmax (3.58 ± 0.90 h versus 3.42 ± 0.51 h). However, when comparing the mean Cmax some significant differences were found (8.73 ± 3.66 μg/mL and 10.43 ± 3.84 μg/mL, respectively). The 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of AUC0–∞ and Tmax values for the reference and test product are within the interval 80–125%, but the 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of Cmax falls outside the proposed interval. It was concluded that Cmax of test product are not within the 20% of those of the reference, thus suggesting that test OTC is not bioequivalent to the reference formulation.FarmaciaMedicin

    Mapeo, identificación y estudios de expresión del gen responsable de la sordera DFNA44

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Bioquímica. Fecha de lectura: 27 de Junio de 2006

    Cuerpo de Gestión de la Administración de la Seguridad Social

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    This case analyses and develops the legal basis of the supposed practical of the third exercise in the call corresponding to 2018 –Resolution of 15 April 2019 (BOE of 26 April)–, for access to the Social Security Management (free shift), which took place on 5 September 2020 at the Social Security Training Centre in Madrid.El presente caso analiza y desarrolla la fundamentación jurídica del supuesto práctico materia del tercer ejercicio en la convocatoria correspondiente al año 2018 –Resolución de 15 de abril de 2019 (BOE de 26 de abril)–, para el acceso al Cuerpo de Gestión de la Administración de la Seguridad Social (turno libre), que tuvo lugar el 5 de septiembre de 2020 en el Centro de Formación de la Seguridad Social en Madrid

    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en farmacia clínica, atención farmacéutica y farmacia asistencial: ¿consiguen los alumnos integrar los contenidos y las competencias?

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524El Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) consiste en la elaboración, presentación y defensa de un proyecto o estudio que suponga la integración de la formación recibida por el estudiante a lo largo de la titulación. En el Grado en Farmacia, se puede optar por su realización en uno de los 27 ámbitos docentes que han sido establecidos, entre los que se encuentra el de Farmacia Clínica, Atención Farmacéutica y Farmacia Asistencial (FC, AF y FA). En esta comunicación se pretende realizar un análisis sobre los TFG realizados en este ámbito, para establecer diferentes aspectos sobre el objetivo final de integrar los contenidos formativos recibidos y las competencias adquiridas por el estudiante. Se analiza, entre otros aspectos, el lugar donde se ha desarrollado el trabajo, de que tipo ha sido y el nivel alcanzado..

    Nuevo máster oficial en medicamentos, salud y sistema sanitario

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Introducción Diferentes institucionales universitarias internacionales han abogado por avanzar en la armonización de programas formativos interprofesionales y de investigación que faciliten vínculos entre la formación y la práctica profesional. El objetivo es la difusión del nuevo Máster oficial “Medicamentos, Salud y Sistema Sanitario” dentro del sistema universitario de Cataluña, que surge como consecuencia de la demanda de nuestra sociedad y entorno laboral...

    Algoritmo de comunidades para informe de sostenibilidad

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    En los últimos años ha tomado gran importancia dentro del ámbito de la empresa el respeto al medio ambiente. Éstas han ido esforzándose cada vez más en adaptarse a los criterios de sostenibilidad recomendados por organizaciones externas. En 1995 nació GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) para la elaboración de estos exámenes de sostenibilidad a aquellas compañías que quisieran dar a conocer su desempeño económico, ambiental y social. Se ha requerido la evaluación de los datos publicados por esta organización para cerca de 6000 empresas durante 15 años mediante diversos algoritmos de análisis y reconocimiento de patrones para la creación de un informe de sostenibilidad ambiental. Esta memoria recoge como se ha desarrollado una aplicación para solicitado anteriormente. La aplicación creará un grafo de empresas y conexiones entre ellas para después analizarlo y estudiar la capacidad de predecir que decisiones tomaron las empresas teniendo en cuenta las políticas realizadas en años anteriores. Una vez desarrollada se procederá a interpretar los datos obtenidos y a compararlos dependiendo de los diferentes parámetros que se hayan tenido en cuenta a la hora de formar el grafo. También se proporcionará una representación gráfica del grafo obtenido y de las comunidades detectadas dentro de él mediante la herramienta de visualización de grafos Gephi.In the last years, respecting the environment has gained a great importance inside company scope. Companies have increased their efforts in order to be complaint with the sustainability criteria recommended by external organizations. In 1995 the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) was founded. Its mission consisted in elaborating these sustainability exams for those companies that wanted to make public their economic, environmental and social performance. It has been required to evaluate the data published by this organization concerning near six thousand companies and during a period of fifteen years. After processing this data with different analysis and pattern identification algorithms, an environmental sustainability report has been created. This thesis contains the development of an application in charge of processing all the data. The application will create a graph containing the companies and the relationships among them. Afterwards, this graph will be analyzed with the aim of forecasting future decisions made by companies taking into account the policies they followed the previous years. Once the application has been developed, the resultant information will be studied and the data will be compared depending on the different parameters included in the graph. Furthermore, a graphical representation of the graph will be displayed. It will contain the neighborhoods detected inside it by the graph visualization tool Gephi

    Turn back crime: medicamentos ilegales y papel del farmacéutico comunitario

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir y analizar la situación en España de los productos de venta ilícita, tanto medicamentos como complementos alimenticios, poniendo en conocimiento las principales acciones realizadas en los últimos meses y su contextualización a nivel mundial. Asimismo, servir de alerta sobre la magnitud del problema y la importancia del papel del farmacéutico comunitario.Se realizó una búsqueda de información tanto a nivel nacional como internacional y se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las Notas Informativas de la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) (medicamentos ilegales, uso humano, 2015).Los productos de venta ilícita representan un problema grave para la salud pública que no ha parado de aumentar. En España, en 2015 se publicaron 20 notas donde se prohibió y retiró un total de 35 productos. Dichos productos estaban comercializados como complemento alimenticio y presentaban un principio activo en cantidad suficiente para conferirle legalmente la condición de medicamento. El 86% se dirigía a la disfunción eréctil.Para minimizar este problema, es imprescindible la colaboración internacional, siendo la última y más importante operación PANGEA VIII, en junio del 2015, implicando a 115 países. En enero del 2016 entró en vigor la Convención Medicrime, tratado internacional sobre la falsificación de productos médicos y delitos similares. Por otro lado, también es necesario concienciar a la ciudadanía y dotarla de mecanismos para identificar el riesgo potencial. Los productos adquiridos fuera de los canales legales de distribución no aseguran el cumplimiento de las normas de correcta fabricación, distribución, ni posterior conservación y carecen de la información adecuada

    Readability analysis of the package leaflets for biological medicines available on the Internet between 2007 and 2013: an analitycal longitudinal study

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    Background: The package leaflet included in the packaging of all medicinal products plays an important role in the transmission of medicine-related information to patients. Therefore, in 2009, the European Commission published readability guidelines to try to ensure that the information contained in the package leaflet is understood by patients. Objective: The main objective of this study was to calculate and compare the readability levels and length (number of words) of the package leaflets for biological medicines in 2007, 2010, and 2013. Methods: Thesampleofthisstudyincluded36biologicalmedicinepackageleafletsthatweredownloadedfromtheEuropean Medicines Agency website in three different years: 2007, 2010, and 2013. The readability of the selected package leaflets was obtained using the following readability formulas: SMOG grade, Flesch-Kincaid grade level, and Szigriszt's perspicuity index. The length (number of words) of the package leaflets was also measured. Afterwards, the relationship between these quantitative variables (three readability indexes and length) and categorical (or qualitative) variables were analyzed. The categorical variables were the year when the package leaflet was downloaded, the package leaflet section, type of medicine, year of authorization of biological medicine, and marketing authorization holder. Results: The readability values of all the package leaflets exceeded the sixth-grade reading level, which is the recommended value for health-related written materials. No statistically significant differences were found between the three years of study in the readability indexes, although differences were observed in the case of the length (P=.002), which increased over the study period. When the relationship between readability indexes and length and the other variables was analyzed, statistically significant differences were found between package leaflet sections (P<.001) and between the groups of medicine only with regard to the length over the three studied years (P=.002 in 2007, P=.007 in 2010, P=.009 in 2013). Linear correlation was observed between the readability indexes (SMOG grade and Flesch-Kincaid grade level: r2=.92; SMOG grade and Szigriszt's perspicuity index: r2=.81; Flesch-Kincaid grade level and Szigriszt's perspicuity index: r2=.95), but not between the readability indexes and the length (length and SMOG grade: r2=.05; length and Flesch-Kincaid grade level: r2=.03; length and Szigriszt's perspicuity index: r2=.02). Conclusions: There was no improvement in the readability of the package leaflets studied between 2007 and 2013 despite the European Commission's 2009 guideline on the readability of package leaflets. The results obtained from the different readability formulas coincided from a qualitative point of view. Efforts to improve the readability of package leaflets for biological medicines are required to promote the understandability and accessibility of this online health information by patients and thereby contribute to the appropriate use of medicines and medicine safety

    Radiofàrmacs: leucòcits marcats amb radionúclids

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    L'estratègia de l'exploració consisteix a aprofitar la localització dels leucòcits en el lloc on hi ha el procés inflamatori o infecciós. Amb aquesta característica fisiopatològica, els leucòcits del pacient queden marcats amb un radionúclid emissor de radiació gamma i s'introdueixen de nou al pacient amb la finalitat que s'acumulin al lloc patològic i detectar-los des de l'exterior

    Impact of the new handling recommendations for hazardous drugs in a hospital pharmacy service

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    Objective: To describe the actions taken by the Pharmacy Unit in a tertiary hospital in order to adapt to the recommendations established by NIOSH 2014 for handling Hazardous Drugs. Method: A retrospective observational study. A list was prepared including all hazardous drugs according to NIOSH 2014 that were available at the hospital as marketed or foreign drugs, or used in clinical trials, and there was a review of the processes of acquisition, repackaging, preparation, circuits, organizational, dispensing and identification. Results: After the analysis, a report including all needs was prepared and sent to the Hospital Management. Any relevant information about the handling and administration of hazardous drugs was included in the prescription computer program. There were changes in the acquisition process of two drugs, in order to avoid splitting and multi-dose formulations. An alternative or improvement was found for 35 253 of the 75 779 units of hazardous drugs repackaged in one year. The Pharmacy Unit took over the preparation of four non-sterile medications, as well as the preparation of all sterile parenteral medications included in Lists 1 and 2 that were not previously prepared there, as well as one from List 3. Information was also included about the preparation processes of Magistral Formulations that involved hazardous drugs from Lists 2 or 3