172 research outputs found

    Serum Dioxin Concentrations and Quality of Ovarian Function in Women of Seveso

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    BACKGROUND: Although 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has been associated with alterations in ovarian function and hormones in animals, it has not been studied in humans. On 10 July 1976, an explosion exposed residents of Seveso, Italy, to the highest levels of TCDD in a population. Twenty years later, we initiated the Seveso Women’s Health Study to study reproductive health. OBJECTIVE: We related TCDD levels measured in sera collected near the time of explosion and ovarian function (ovarian cysts, ovarian follicles, ovulation rate, serum hormones) at follow-up. METHODS: We included 363 women who were 20–40 years of age and nonusers of oral contraceptives. We examined the relationship of 1976 serum TCDD levels with ultrasound-detected ovarian follicles among 96 women in the menstrual follicular phase and serum hormone levels (estradiol, progesterone) among 129 women in the menstrual luteal phase at follow-up. Ovulation was defined by serum progesterone levels > 3 ng/mL. RESULTS: The median serum TCDD level was 77.3 ppt, lipid-adjusted. Serum TCDD was not associated with number or size of ovarian follicles. Of women in the luteal phase, 87 (67%) ovulated. Serum log(10)TCDD was not associated with odds of ovulation [adjusted odds ratio = 0.99; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.5 to 1.9]. Among those who had ovulated, serum log(10)TCDD was not associated with serum progesterone [adjusted beta (adj-β ) = −0.70; 95% CI, −2.4 to 1.0] or estradiol (adj-β = −1.81; 95% CI, −10.4 to 6.8). CONCLUSIONS: We found no clear evidence that 1976 TCDD exposure was associated with ovarian function 20 years later in women exposed to relatively high levels in Seveso, Italy

    2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin plasma levels in Seveso 20 years after the accident.

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    In 1976, near Seveso, Italy, an industrial accident caused the release of large quantities of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) into the atmosphere, resulting in the highest levels of the toxicant ever recorded in humans. The contaminated area was divided into three zones (A, B, R) corresponding to decreasing TCDD levels in soil, and cohort including all residents was enumerated. The population of the surrounding noncontaminated area (non-ABR) was chosen as referent population. Two decades after the accident. plasma TCDD levels were measured in 62 subjects randomly sampled from the highest exposed zones (A and B) and 59 subjects from non-ABR, frequency matched for age, gender, and cigarette smoking status. Subjects living in the exposed areas have persistently elevated plasma TCDD levels (range = 1.2-89.9 ppt; geometric mean = 53.2 and 11.0 ppt for Zone A and Zone B, respectively). Levels significantly decrease by distance from the accident site (p = 0.0001), down to general population values (4.9 ppt) in non-ABR, thus validating the original zone classification based on environmental measurements. Women have higher TCDD levels than men in the entire study area (p = 0.0003 in Zone B; p = 0.007 in non-ABR). This gender difference persists after adjustment for location within the zone, consumption of meat derived from locally raised animals, age, body mass index, and smoking. There is no evidence for a gender difference in exposure, so variation in metabolism or elimination due to body fat or hormone-related factors may explain this finding. Elevated TCDD levels in women may contribute to adverse reproductive, developmental, and cancer outcomes

    Developmental Dental Aberrations After the Dioxin Accident in Seveso

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    Children’s developing teeth may be sensitive to environmental dioxins, and in animal studies developing teeth are one of the most sensitive targets of toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Twenty-five years after the dioxin accident in Seveso, Italy, 48 subjects from the contaminated areas (zones A and B) and in patches lightly contaminated (zone R) were recruited for the examination of dental and oral aberrations. Subjects were randomly invited from those exposed in their childhood and for whom frozen serum samples were available. The subjects were frequency matched with 65 subjects from the surrounding non-ABR zone for age, sex, and education. Concentrations of TCDD in previously analyzed plasma samples (zone ABR subjects only) ranged from 23 to 26,000 ng/kg in serum lipid. Ninety-three percent (25 of 27) of the subjects who had developmental enamel defects had been < 5 years of age at the time of the accident. The prevalence of defects in this age group was 42% (15 of 36) in zone ABR subjects and 26% (10 of 39) in zone non-ABR subjects, correlating with serum TCDD levels (p = 0.016). Hypodontia was seen in 12.5% (6 of 48) and 4.6% (3 of 65) of the zone ABR and non-ABR subjects, respectively, also correlating with serum TCDD level (p = 0.05). In conclusion, developmental dental aberrations were associated with childhood exposure to TCDD. In contrast, dental caries and periodontal disease, both infectious in nature, and oral pigmentation and salivary flow rate were not related to the exposure. The results support our hypothesis that dioxins can interfere with human organogenesis

    A cohort study of in utero polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposures in relation to secondary sex ratio

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    Abstract: Background: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are ubiquitous industrial chemicals that persist in the environment and in human fatty tissue. PCBs are related to a class of compounds known as dioxins, specifically 2,3,7,8-TCDD (tetrachloro-dibenzodioxin), which has been implicated as a cause of altered sex ratio, especially in relation to paternal exposures. Methods: In the 1960's, serum specimens were collected from pregnant women participating in the Child Health and Development Study in the San Francisco Bay Area. The women were interviewed and their serum samples stored at -20°C. For this study, samples were thawed and a total of eleven PCBs were determined in 399 specimens. Secondary sex ratio, or sex ratio at birth, was evaluated as a function of maternal serum concentrations using log-binomial and logistic regression, controlling for hormonally active medications taken during pregnancy. Results: The relative risk of a male birth decreased by 33% comparing women at the 90th percentile of total PCBs with women at the 10th percentile (RR = 0.67; 95% CI, 0.48–0.94; p = 0.02), or by approximately 7% for each 1 μg/L increase in total PCB concentration. Although some congener-specific associations with sex ratio were only marginally statistically significant, all nine PCB congeners with < 30% of samples below the LOQ showed the same direction of association, an improbable finding under the null hypothesis. Conclusion: Maternal exposure to PCBs may be detrimental to the success of male sperm or to the survival of male embryos. Findings could be due to contaminants, metabolites or PCBs themselves

    Male fetal loss in the U.S. following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

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    Background: The secondary sex ratio (i.e., the odds of a male birth) reportedly declines following natural disasters, pollution events, and economic collapse. It remains unclear whether this decline results from an excess of male fetal loss or reduced male conceptions. The literature also does not converge as to whether the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 induced "communal bereavement", or the widespread feeling of distress among persons who never met those directly involved in the attacks. We test the communal bereavement hypothesis among gravid women by examining whether male fetal deaths rose above expected levels in the US following September 11, 2001. Methods: We apply interrupted time-series methods to all fetal deaths at or greater than the 20(th) week of gestation in the US from 1996 to 2002. Time-series methods control for trends, seasonality, and other forms of autocorrelation that could induce spurious associations. Results: Results support the hypothesis in that the fetal death sex ratio (i.e., the odds of a male fetal death) increased above its expected value in September 2001. Additional analysis of the secondary sex ratio indirectly supports that the terrorist attacks may have threatened the gestation of male more than female fetuses. Conclusions: Societal responses to events such as September 11, 2001 do not appear confined only to persons who have ever met the deceased. The fetal death sex ratio in the US population may serve as a sentinel indicator of the degree to which pregnant women react to population stressors