144 research outputs found

    One-Shot Learning using Mixture of Variational Autoencoders: a Generalization Learning approach

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    Deep learning, even if it is very successful nowadays, traditionally needs very large amounts of labeled data to perform excellent on the classification task. In an attempt to solve this problem, the one-shot learning paradigm, which makes use of just one labeled sample per class and prior knowledge, becomes increasingly important. In this paper, we propose a new one-shot learning method, dubbed MoVAE (Mixture of Variational AutoEncoders), to perform classification. Complementary to prior studies, MoVAE represents a shift of paradigm in comparison with the usual one-shot learning methods, as it does not use any prior knowledge. Instead, it starts from zero knowledge and one labeled sample per class. Afterward, by using unlabeled data and the generalization learning concept (in a way, more as humans do), it is capable to gradually improve by itself its performance. Even more, if there are no unlabeled data available MoVAE can still perform well in one-shot learning classification. We demonstrate empirically the efficiency of our proposed approach on three datasets, i.e. the handwritten digits (MNIST), fashion products (Fashion-MNIST), and handwritten characters (Omniglot), showing that MoVAE outperforms state-of-the-art one-shot learning algorithms

    Energy Disaggregation for Real-Time Building Flexibility Detection

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    Energy is a limited resource which has to be managed wisely, taking into account both supply-demand matching and capacity constraints in the distribution grid. One aspect of the smart energy management at the building level is given by the problem of real-time detection of flexible demand available. In this paper we propose the use of energy disaggregation techniques to perform this task. Firstly, we investigate the use of existing classification methods to perform energy disaggregation. A comparison is performed between four classifiers, namely Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine and AdaBoost. Secondly, we propose the use of Restricted Boltzmann Machine to automatically perform feature extraction. The extracted features are then used as inputs to the four classifiers and consequently shown to improve their accuracy. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated on a real database consisting of detailed appliance-level measurements with high temporal resolution, which has been used for energy disaggregation in previous studies, namely the REDD. The results show robustness and good generalization capabilities to newly presented buildings with at least 96% accuracy.Comment: To appear in IEEE PES General Meeting, 2016, Boston, US

    Impact of COVID-19 infection in the patient with diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphoma with large B cell

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Limfom non Hodgkin difuz cu celula mare B (DLBCL) este una din cele mai frecvente forme caracterizat prin agresivitate și evoluție rapida. Pacienții hematologici sunt vulnerabili pentru COVID-19 în aspect de susceptibilitate și risc de formă gravă cu ajustarea ulterioară a tratamentului specific. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea cazului clinic - pacienta cu DLBCL care a suportat de 2 ori COVID-19, cu impact negativ asupra tratamentului planificat și evoluției procesului oncologic. Material și metode. Datele anamnestice, clinice și paraclinice (tomografia computerizată (CT) pulmonară și abdominală, ultrasonografia abdomenului, renală) au fost prelevate din fișa medicală. Diagnosticul stabilit histologic și imuno-histochimic conform clasificării Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății din 2017. Indexul de prognostic internațional (IPI) a fost utilizat pentru aprecierea grupului de risc. Rezultate. Femeie de 57 ani internată în starea extrem de gravă din contul procesului avansat cu diagnostic de DLBCL stadiul IVB, grup de risc ridicat. S-au administrat cure de polichimioterapie (PCHT) cu Rituximab, Ciclofosfamid, Doxorubicin, Vincristin, Etoposid pe fon de corticoterapie, cu absența proliferării la CT de re-stadializare. Pacienta suporta COVID-19 în forma ușoară, revine la control peste 2 luni cu avansarea procesului specific, afectarea țesuturilor moi ale cotului, buzei. Efectuate 5 cure de PCHT, radioterapie, cu stabilizarea procesului. Pacienta suporta repetat COVID-19, revine la tratament peste o lună cu avansare rapida a DLBCL, proces rezistent la tratament chimioterapic. Concluzii. Tratamentul pacientului hematologic în era COVID-19 reprezintă o adevărată încercare. Suportarea infecției COVID-19, inclusiv și în forme ușoare, a indus creșterea intervalului între cure de tratament specific, cu impact negativ asupra eficacității tratamentului specific, mai ales în cazul formelor agresive.Background. Diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (DLBCL) is one of the most common forms characterized by aggressiveness and rapid evolution. Hematologic patients are vulnerable to COVID-19 in terms of susceptibility and risk of severe form with subsequent adjustment of specific treatment. Objective of the study. Presentation of the clinical case - the patient with DLBCL who endured 2 times COVID-19, with a negative impact on the planned treatment and the evolution of the oncological process. Material and methods. Anamnestic, clinical and paraclinical data (pulmonary and abdominal computed tomography (CT), abdominal ultrasonography, renal) were taken from the medical record. The diagnosis established histologically and immunohistochemically according to the World Health Organization classification of 2017. The International Prognostic Index (IPI) was used to assess the risk group. Results. A 57-year-old woman hospitalized with a diagnosis of DLBCL stage IVB, high risk group. Polychemotherapy courses (PCHT) were administered with Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine, Etoposide on the background of corticotherapy, with the absence of proliferation on CT scan. The patient suffers from mild form of COVID-19, returns to control in 2 months with the advancement of the specific process, affecting the soft tissues of the elbow, lip. Performed 5 PCHT courses, radiotherapy, with stabilization of the process. The patient repeatedly suffers from COVID-19, returns to treatment over a month with rapid progression of DLBCL, a process resistant to chemotherapy treatment. Conclusion. Sustaining the COVID-19 infection, including in mild forms, induced an increase in the interval between specific treatment courses, with a negative impact on the effectiveness of the specific treatment, especially in the case of aggressive forms

    Big IoT data mining for real-time energy disaggregation in buildings (extended abstract)

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    In the smart grid context, the identification and prediction of building energy flexibility is a challenging open question. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach to address this problem. It combines sparse smart meters with deep learning methods, e.g. Factored Four-Way Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines (FFW-CRBMs), to accurately predict and identify the energy flexibility of buildings unequipped with smart meters, starting from their aggregated energy values. The proposed approach was validated on a real database, namely the Reference Energy Disaggregation Dataset

    Propuesta para poner en valor y dinamizar turísticamente El Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas

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    [ES] La realización del presente Trabajo Final de Grado se debe al interés de poner en valor uno de los recursos histórico-artísticos más representativos del Barroco en Valencia, un palacio que a su vez destaca por su decoración en estilo Rococó. Con este trabajo se pretende analizar, estudiar y proponer unas líneas estratégicas que dinamicen turísticamente el palacio mediante el diseño de acciones encaminadas al reconocimiento del recurso como una singularidad en la ciudad y que sea una visita turística cultural para los viajeros y turistas que van a Valencia. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se analizarán las características de cada uno de los espacios del palacio y se transmitirá la información recabada de forma clara y detallada mediante diferentes estrategias de comunicación y puesta en valor del monumento nacional. Puesto que se trata de un recurso cultural poco visitado pese a su gran singularidad, con esta puesta en valor dinamizadora se quiere contribuir a destacar la importancia de este monumento y al desarrollo del turismo cultural en la Comunidad Valenciana, ya que el Palacio está ubicado en el centro de la ciudad de Valencia, situado sobre la antigua casa de los Rabassa de Perellós, titular del marquesado de Dos Aguas desde el año 1740, lugar donde se halla instalado hoy en día el Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias “González Martí”.[EN] The realization of this Final Degree Project is due to the interest of valuing one of the most repreentative historical and artistic resources of the Baroque in Valencia, a palace that in turn stands out for its Rococo style decoration. The aim of this work is to analyze, study and propose some strategic linies that dynamize tha palace for tourism through the designo f actions aimed at the recognition of the resource as a singularity in the city and to make it a cultural tourist visit for travelers and tourists who come to Valencia. To carry out this Project, the characteristics of each of the spaces of the palace will be analyzed and the information gathered will be transmitted in a clear and detailed way through different strategies of communication and enhancement of the national monument. Since it is a cultural resource that is little visited despite its great uniqueness, the aim of this dynamic enhancement is to contribute to highlighting the importance of this monument and to the development of cultural tourism in the Valencian Community, since the Palace is located in the center of the city of Valencia, on the former home of the Rabassa de Perellós family, owner of the Marquisate of Dos Aguas since 1740, where the “González Martí” National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts is located today.[CA] La realització del present Treball Final de Grau es deu a l’ínterés de reivindicar un dels recursos històric artístics més representatius del Barroc a València, un palau que al seu torn destaca per la seua decoració en estil Rococó. Amb aquest treball es pretén analizar, estudiar i proposar unes línies estratègiques que dinamitzen turísticament el palau mitjançant el disseny d’accions encaminades al reconeixement del recurs com una singularitat a la ciutat i que siga una visita turística cultural per als viatgers i turistes que van a València. Per a dur a terme aquest projecte s’analitzaran les característiques de cadascun dels espais del palau i es transmetrà la informació recaptada de manera clara i detallada mitjançant diferents estratègies de comunicación i afavoriment del monument nacional. Com que es tracta d’un recurs cultural poc visitat malgrat la seua gran singularitat, amb aquesta valoració dinimitzadora es vol contribuir a destacar la importància d’aquest monument i al desenvolupament del turisme cultural en la Comunitat Valenciana, ja que el palau está ubicat en el centre de la ciutat de València, situat sobre l’antiga casa dels Rabassa de Perellós, titular del marquesat de Dosaigües des de l’any 1740, lloc on es troba instal·lat hui dia el Museu Nacional de Ceràmica i Arts Sumptuàries “González Martí”.Mocanu, EF. (2021). Propuesta para poner en valor y dinamizar turísticamente El Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/171794TFG

    Medium voltage DC power systems on ships: An offline parameter estimation for tuning the controllers' linearizing function

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    Future shipboard power systems using Medium Voltage Direct (MVDC) technology will be based on a widespread use of power converters for interfacing generating systems and loads with the main DC bus. Such a heavy exploitation makes the voltage control challenging in the presence of tightly controlled converters. By modeling the latter as constant power loads (CPLs), one possibility to ensure the bus voltage stability is offered by the linearizing via state feedback technique, whose aim is to regulate the generating DC-DC power converters to compensate for the destabilizing effect of the CPLs. Although this method has been shown to be effective when system parameters are perfectly known, only a partial linearization can be ensured in case of parameter mismatch, thus, jeopardizing the system stability. In order to improve the linearization, therefore, guaranteeing the voltage stability, an estimation method is proposed in this paper. To this aim, offline tests are performed to provide the input data for the estimation of model parameters. Such estimated values are subsequently used for correctly tuning the linearizing function of the DC-DC converters. Simulation results for bus voltage transients show that in this way converters become sources of stabilizing power