285 research outputs found

    Plasma homocysteine and the severity of heart failure in patients with previous myocardial infarction

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    Background: Homocysteine is considered to be a risk factor, or an indicator of risk, for the development of cardiovascular disease. Little data is available on its significance in patients with previous myocardial infarction. The aim of our study was to assess the plasma level of homocysteine and its relationship with the severity of heart failure in patients with chronic myocardial infarction. Methods: We studied 144 patients with previous myocardial infarction. Patients were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of heart failure, as certified by clinical evidence of heart failure and by echocardiographic criteria for left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Results: Of the patients with prior myocardial infarction (144; 63.6 ± 9.6 years) included in the study, 65 had heart failure. The mean level of homocysteine was significantly higher in the heart failure group (18.9 mmol/L) than in the non-heart failure group (14.1 mmol/L; p ≤ 0.001). Our study demonstrated that there is a statistically significant correlation between homocysteine plasma levels and the severity of heart failure in patients with prior myocardial infarction. Homocysteine levels have proved to become higher with NYHA class progression. A significant cross-sectional correlation has been assessed between homocysteine and tissue Doppler echocardiography parameters. Conclusions: Increased plasma homocysteine levels independently correlate with the severity of heart failure in patients with chronic myocardial infarction. We suggest that homocysteine can be used in clinical practice as a valuable heart failure risk marker in patients with chronic myocardial infarction. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 1: 55-62

    Histological changes in the vulva and vagina from ovariectomised rats undergoing oestrogen treatment

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the histological changes occurring in the vagina and vulva in ovariectomised female rats, as well as the response to the administration of injectable oestrogens. Material and methods: We used 30 female Wistar white rats, distributed as follows: group 1 — the control group, group 2 — the operated but untreated rats, and groups 3, 4 and 5 — operated rats, to which oestrogenic treatment was administered (Estradiol, Estradurin, Sintofolin) at a dosage of 0.2 mg/rat/day. After 14 days of treatment, all animals were sacrificed and vaginal and vulvar biopsies were taken from all groups. Results: In group 2, we encountered structural changes of the vaginal mucosa, with severe atrophy and alterations in the thickness of the vagina and vulva. In groups 3, 4 and 5 we found marked hyperplasia of the vaginal and vulvar epithelium, eosinophilic and mast cell infiltration in the chorion. Conclusions: Our study proves that the histopathological changes during anoestrus after administration of oestrogens are cell hyperplasia, thickening of the superficial mucosal layer, eosinophilic and mast cells infiltrations, and chorionic congestion. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Estradiol therapy induces the most evident histological changes when compared to synthetic oestrogens such as Estradurin or Sintofolin.

    Effects of processing on polyphenolic and volatile composition and fruit quality of clery strawberries

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    Strawberries belonging to cultivar Clery (Fragaria x ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston)), cultivated in central Italy were subjected to a multi‐methodological experimental study. Fresh and defrosted strawberries were exposed to different processing methods, such as homogenization, thermal and microwave treatments. The homogenate samples were submitted to CIEL*a*b* color analysis and Head‐Space GC/MS analysis to determine the impact of these procedures on phytochemical composition. Furthermore, the corresponding strawberry hydroalcoholic extracts were further analyzed by HPLC‐DAD for secondary metabolites quantification and by means of spectrophotometric in vitro assays to evaluate their total phenolic and total flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity. These chemical investigations confirmed the richness in bioactive metabolites supporting the extraordinary healthy potential of this fruit as a food ingredient, as well as functional food, highlighting the strong influence of the processing steps which could negatively impact on the polyphenol composition. Despite a more brilliant red color and aroma preservation, nonpasteurized samples were characterized by a lower content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity with respect to pasteurized samples, as also suggested by the PCA analysis of the collected data

    Classic vs laparoscopic approach in colorectal cancer. Experience of a tertiary center, Surgery No 3 Clinic, Cluj-Napoca

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    Clinica Chirurgie 3, Cluj-Napoca, RomĂąnia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Cancerul colorectal este unul dintre cele mai frecvente cancere și cu tendință Ăźn creștere la nivel global. Majoritatea studiilor recente au demonstrat non inferioritatea și chiar o ușoară superioritate Ăźn abordul laparoscopic prin prisma rezultatelor obținute și a supraviețuirii la distanță. Material și metode: Au fost selectate retrospectiv 2186 de cazuri din baza de date completată prospectiv a Clinicii Chirurgie 3 pentru perioada ian 2013-dec 2018 (6 ani). Din acestea s-au exclus 76 cazuri laparoscopie/laparotomie exploratorie, 154 cazuri colostomii, 51 derivații interne; Ăźn final au fost analizate 1905 cazuri de cancer colorectal. Rezultate: Din 1905 cazuri s-au efectuat rezecții laparoscopice la un număr de 310 (16.27%) și clasice la un număr de 1595 cazuri (83.73%). Au fost analizați Ăźntre cele două loturi următorii parametri: pregătire preoperatorie, durata operației, pierderi sangvine, complicații postoperatorii (fistulă, abces, hemoragie, ocluzie, complicații generale), supurații de plagă, zile spitalizare, necesar antibiotic, mobilizare postoperatorie, mortalitate. Concuzii: Abordul laparoscopic prezintă avantaje privind recuperarea postoperatorie, pierderi sangvine, zile spitalizare, necesar antialgice/antibiotic, lipsa supurațiilor de plagă. Dezavantajele sunt curba de Ăźnvățare, aparatura specifică și dificultatea păstrării principiilor oncologice.Introduction: Colorectal cancer remains one of the most frequently diagnosed malignant pathologies with a continuously increasing rate worldwide. Most of the recent studies have shown the non-inferiority and slight superiority in the laparoscopic approach through obtained results. Material and methods: 2186 cases were selected retrospectively from a prospectively completed database of the Surgical no 3 Clinic in Cluj-Napoca over the course of 6 years (ian 2013 – dec 2018). Out of these cases, 76 cases were excluded for exploratory laparoscopy/laparotomy, 154 which underwent only colostomy, and 51 which underwent internal derivation. At the end of the study, 1905 cases were eligible. Results: Out of 1905 cases, 310 underwent a laparoscopic approach (16.27%) and 1595 cases underwent a classic approach (83.73%). Between the two approaches, a series of parameters were analyzed: preoperative care, duration of the surgery, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative complications (fistula, abscess, hemorrhage, occlusion, general complications), antibiotic necessity, postoperative mobilization, mortality, prevalence of surgical site infection. Conclusions: The laparoscopic approach proves many advantages regarding postoperative care, blood loss, hospitalization care, necessity of antibiotics and painkillers, and surgical site infection, cosmetic advantages. Disadvantages are the learning curve, specific instruments requirements, difficulty of maintaining the oncology principles

    Women and Illegal Activities: Gender Differences and Women's Willingness to Comply Over Time

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    In recent years the topics of illegal activities such as corruption or tax evasion have attracted a great deal of attention. However, there is still a lack of substantial empirical evidence about the determinants of compliance. The aim of this paper is to investigate empirically whether women are more willing to be compliant than men and whether we observe (among women and in general) differences in attitudes among similar age groups in different time periods (cohort effect) or changing attitudes of the same cohorts over time (age effect) using data from eight Western European countries from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey that span the period from 1981 to 1999. The results reveal higher willingness to comply among women and an age rather than a cohort effect. Working Paper 06-5

    Assessment of digital maturity: the role of resources and capabilities in digital transformation in B2B firms

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    Digital transformation is a major organisational challenge for manufacturing firms due to the extremely low success rate of such transformations to date. Capability Maturity theory suggests that firms need to develop digital transformation capability incrementally by focusing on a ‘vital few’ improvement priorities for advancing progress. The practitioner literature lacks empirical studies that validate extant capability maturity models (CMM) for digital transformation despite their importance. Moreover, there is a lack of assessment methods, and those that exist do not specify improvement points explicitly, nor prioritise them. Our research aims to address this gap through a systematic, quantitative analysis of digital capability by understanding the deployment of IT-enabled resources. Based on a sample of 302 manufacturing firms, results indicate that the digital transformation stages are punctuated by various resource-capability combinations. Results highlight that strategy- and organisation-related IT-enabled resources are the key drivers of digital transformation. We also observe that as a firm’s digital capability grows at each maturity stage, successively greater IT-enabled resources are required to support this in a stepwise function. To succeed, firms should be incentivised and supported to think beyond technology and develop five specific digital capabilities simultaneously. We also indicate the limitations that underlie our empirical work

    Taming the pandemic? The importance of homemade plant-based foods and beverages as community responses to COVID-19

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    Household responses to COVID-19 in different corners of the world represent the primary health care that communities have relied on for preventing and mitigating symptoms. During a very complex and confusing time, in which public health services in multiple countries have been completely overwhelmed, and in some cases even collapsed, these first-line household responses have been quintessential for building physical, mental, and social resilience, and for improving individual and community health. This editorial discusses the outcomes of a rapid-response preliminary survey during the first phase of the pandemic among social and community contacts in five metropolises heavily affected by the COVID-19 health crisis (Wuhan, Milan, Madrid, New York, and Rio de Janeiro), and in twelve rural areas or countries initially less affected by the pandemic (Appalachia, Jamaica, Bolivia, Romania, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Georgia, Turkey, Pakistan, Cambodia, and South Africa). We summarized our perspectives as 17 case studies, observing that people have relied primarily on teas and spices (“food-medicines”) and that there exist clear international plant favorites, popularized by various new media. Urban diasporas and rural households seem to have repurposed homemade plant-based remedies that they use in normal times for treating the flu and other respiratory symptoms or that they simply consider healthy foods. The most remarkable shift in many areas has been the increased consumption of ginger and garlic, followed by onion, turmeric, and lemon. Our preliminary inventory of food medicines serves as a baseline for future systematic ethnobotanical studies and aims to inspire in-depth research on how use patterns of plant-based foods and beverages, both “traditional” and “new”, are changing during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Our reflections in this editorial call attention to the importance of ethnobiology, ethnomedicine, and ethnogastronomy research into domestic health care strategies for improving community health
