401 research outputs found

    Variations on Memetic Algorithms for Graph Coloring Problems

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    11 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, 2 algorithmsInternational audienceGraph vertex coloring with a given number of colors is a well-known and much-studied NP-complete problem.The most effective methods to solve this problem are proved to be hybrid algorithms such as memetic algorithms or quantum annealing. Those hybrid algorithms use a powerful local search inside a population-based algorithm.This paper presents a new memetic algorithm based on one of the most effective algorithms: the Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm HEA from Galinier and Hao (1999).The proposed algorithm, denoted HEAD - for HEA in Duet - works with a population of only two individuals.Moreover, a new way of managing diversity is brought by HEAD.These two main differences greatly improve the results, both in terms of solution quality and computational time.HEAD has produced several good results for the popular DIMACS benchmark graphs, such as 222-colorings for , 81-colorings for and even 47-colorings for and 82-colorings for

    Dynamic Purpose Decomposition of Mobility Flows Based on Geographical Data

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    Spatial and temporal decomposition of aggregated mobility flows is nowadays a commonly addressed issue, but a trip-purpose decomposition of mobility flows is a more challenging topic, which requires more sensitive analysis such as heterogeneous data fusion. In this paper, we study the relation between land use and mobility purposes. We propose a model that dynamically decomposes mobility flows into six mobility purposes. To this end, we use a national transportation database that surveyed more than 35,000 individuals and a national ground description database that identifies six distinct ground types. Based on these two types of data, we dynamically solve several overdetermined systems of linear equations from a training set and we infer the travel purposes. Our experimental results demonstrate that our model effectively predicts the purposes of mobility from the land use. Furthermore, our model shows great results compared with a reference supervised learning decomposition

    Lower Bound for (Sum) Coloring Problem

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    The Minimum Sum Coloring Problem is a variant of the Graph Vertex Coloring Problem, for which each color has a weight. This paper presents a new way to find a lower bound of this problem, based on a relaxation into an integer partition problem with additional constraints. We improve the lower bound for 18 graphs of standard benchmark DIMACS, and prove the optimal value for 4 graphs by reaching their known upper bound

    Unidirectional spin wave emission by travelling pair of magnetic field profiles

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    We demonstrate that the spin wave Cherenkov effect can be used to design the unidirectional spin wave emitter with tunable frequency and switchable direction of emission. In our numerical studies, we propose to use a pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field which generate the spin waves, for sufficiently large velocity of their motion. In the considered system, the spin waves of shorter (longer) wavelengths are induced at the front (back) of the moving profiles and interfere constructively or destructively, depending on the velocity of the profiles. Moreover, we showed that the spin waves can be confined between the pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field. This work opens the perspectives for the experimental studies in hybrid magnonic-superconducting systems where the magnetic vortices in a superconductor can be used as moving sources of the magnetic field driving the spin waves in the ferromagnetic subsystem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exploration of magnon-magnon coupling in an antidot lattice: The role of non-uniform magnetization texture

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    We numerically study the spin wave dynamics in an antidot lattice based on a Co/Pd multilayer structure with reduced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at the edges of the antidots. This structure forms a magnonic crystal with a periodic antidot pattern and a periodic magnetization configuration consisting of out-of-plane magnetized bulk and in-plane magnetized rims. Our results show the different behavior of spin waves in the bulk and in the rims under varying out-of-plane external magnetic field strength, revealing complex spin-wave spectra and hybridizations between the modes of these two subsystems. A particularly strong magnon-magnon coupling, due to exchange interactions, is found between the fundamental bulk spin-wave mode and the second-order radial rim modes. However, the dynamical coupling between the spin-wave modes at low frequencies, involving the first-order radial rim modes, is masked by the changes in the static magnetization at the bulk-rim interface with magnetic field changes. The study expands the horizons of magnonic-crystal research by combining periodic structural patterning and non-collinear magnetization texture to achieve strong magnon-magnon coupling, highlighting the significant role of exchange interactions in the coupling.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures + 6 pages, 10 figure

    Hologenome theory supported by cooccurrence networks of species-specific bacterial communities in siphonous algae (Caulerpa)

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    The siphonous algae of the Caulerpa genus harbor internal microbial communities hypothesized to play important roles in development, defense and metabolic activities of the host. Here, we characterize the endophytic bacterial community of four Caulerpa taxa in the Mediterranean Sea, through 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Results reveal a striking alpha diversity of the bacterial communities, similar to levels found in sponges and coral holobionts. These comprise (1) a very small core community shared across all hosts ( 70%) species-specific fraction of the community, forming very specific clusters revealed by modularity in networks of cooccurrence, even in areas where distinct Caulerpa taxa occurred in sympatry. Indirect inferences based on sequence homology suggest that these communities may play an important role in the metabolism of their host, in particular on their ability to grow on anoxic sediment. These findings support the hologenome theory and the need for a holistic framework in ecological and evolutionary studies of these holobionts that frequently become invasive.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); FEDER; project IBISA [PTDC / MAR / 64749 / 2006]; PhD fellowship from FCT [SFRH/BD/30043/2006]; FSEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spin Dynamics in Patterned Magnetic Multilayers with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

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    The magnetization dynamics in nanostructures has been extensively studied in the last decades, and nanomagnetism has evolved significantly over that time, discovering new effects, developing numerous applications, and identifying promising new directions. This includes magnonics, an emerging research field oriented on the study of spin-wave dynamics and their applications. In this context, thin ferromagnetic films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) offer interesting opportunities to study spin waves, in particular, due to out-of-plane magnetization in remanence or at relatively weak external magnetic fields. This is the only magnetization configuration offering isotropic in-plane spin-wave propagation within the sample plane, the forward volume magnetostatic spin-wave geometry. The isotropic dispersion relation is highly important in designing signal-processing devices, offering superior prospects for direct replicating various concepts from photonics into magnonics. Analogous to photonic or phononic crystals, which are the building blocks of optoelectronics and phononics, magnonic crystals are considered as key components in magnonics applications. Arrays of nanodots and structured ferromagnetic thin films with a periodic array of holes, popularly known as antidot lattices based on PMA multilayers have been recently studied. Novel magnonic properties related to propagating spin-wave modes, exploitation of the band gaps, and confined modes, were demonstrated. Also, the existence of nontrivial magnonic band topologies has been shown. Moreover, the combination of PMA and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction leads to the formation of chiral magnetization states, including N\'eel domain walls, skyrmions, and skyrmionium states

    Colibacillosis, a current disease in poultry production

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    Avian colibacillosis is a frequent disease leading to numerous antibiotic treatments with the risk of emerging resistances. Although limited, the zoonotic risk is described and we confirm the increase in avian colibacillosis cases in farms located in western France in 2009. It is important to differentiate commensal from pathogenic strains of E. coli and to understand their epidemiology. The various strains have been characterised accurately using molecular biology tools, such as Virulence Factors Amplification by Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) and Pulse Field Electrophoresis ; the results lead to hypotheses regarding the transmission of E. coli. If the hypothesis of vertical transmission were to be confirmed, effective prevention methods, such as vaccination, would have to be considered.Les colibacilloses aviaires sont une pathologie fréquente conduisant à de nombreux traitements antibiotiques avec les risques d’émergence de résistance. Bien que limité, le risque zoonosique est décrit et nous confirmons l’augmentation de la prévalence de la colibacillose aviaire dans les élevages de l’Ouest, en 2009. Il est important de différencier les souches de colibacilles commensales des souches pathologiques et de comprendre leur épidémiologie. Les outils de la biologie moléculaire tels que l’amplification des facteurs de virulence par la réaction en chaîne par polymérase (PCR) et l’électrophorèse en champ pulsé, nous ont permis de caractériser précisément les souches ; les résultats amènent des hypothèses sur les modalités de la transmission des colibacilles. Si celle de la transmission verticale se confirmait, il faudrait envisager des méthodes de prévention efficaces, notamment par la vaccination
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