306 research outputs found

    Development of a Wall Climbing Robot and Ground Penetrating Radar System for NonDestructive Testing of Vertical Safety Critical Concrete Structures

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    This research aims to develop a unique adhesion mechanism for wall climbing robot to automate the technology of non-destructive testing (NDT) of large safety critical reinforced concrete structures such as nuclear power plants, bridge columns, dams etc. This research work investigates the effect of key design parameters involved in optimizing the adhesion force achieved from rare earth neodymium magnets. In order to penetrate a nominal concrete cover to achieve magnetic coupling with buried rebar and generate high enough adhesion force by using minimum number of permanent magnets, criteria such as distance between multiple magnets, thickness of flux concentrator are evaluated by implementing finite element analysis (FEA). The proposed adhesion module consists of three N42 grade neodymium magnets arranged in a unique arrangement on a flux concentrator called yoke. The preliminary FEA results suggest that, using two yoke modules with minimum distance between them generate 82 N higher adhesion force compared to a single module system with higher forceto-weight ratio of 4.36. Presence of multiple rebars in a dense mesh setting can assist the adhesion module to concentrate the magnetic flux along separate rebars. This extended concentration area has led to higher adhesion force of 135.73 N as well as enabling the robot to take turns. Results suggest that, having a 50×50 mm rebar meshing can sustain steep robot rotational movement along it’s centre of gravity where the adhesion force can fall as low as 150 N. A small, mobile prototype robot with on-board force sensor is built that exhibited 3600 of manoeuvrability on a 50×50 mm meshed rebars test rig with maximum adhesion force of 108 N at 35 mm air gap. Both experiment and simulationresults prove that the magnetic adhesion mechanism can generate efficient adhesion force for the climbing robot to operate on vertical reinforced concrete structures. In terms of the NDT sensor, an in-depth analysis of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) is carried out to develop a low cost operational laboratory prototype. A one-dimensional numerical framework based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is developed to model response behaviour of a GPR. The effects of electrical properties such as dielectric constant, conductivity of the media are evaluated. A Gaussian shaped pulse is used as source which propagates through the 1D array grid, and the pulse interactions at different media interfaces are investigated. A real life application of GPR to detect a buried steel bar in 1 m thick concrete block is modelled, and the results present 100% accurate detection of the steel bar along with measured depth of the concrete cover. The developed framework could be implemented to model multi-layer dielectric blocks with detection capability of various buried objects. Experimental models are built by utilizing a proposed antenna miniaturization technique of dipole antenna with additional radiating arms. The resultant reflection coefficient values indicate a reduction of 55% and 44% in length reduction compared to a conventional 100 MHz and 200 MHz dipole antenna respectively. The GPR transmitting pulse generator features an enhanced tuneable feature to make the GPR system more adaptable to various environmental conditions. The prototype pulse generator circuit can produce pulses with variable width from 750 ps to 10 ns. The final assembled robotic GPR system’s performance is validated by its capability of detecting and localizing an aluminium sheet and a rebar of 12 mm diameter buried under a test rig built of wood to mimic the concrete structure environment. The final calculations reveal a depth error of +0.1 m. However, the key focus of this work is to prove the design concept and the error in measurement can be addressed by utilizing narrower bandwidth pulse that the proposed pulse generator is capable of generating. In general, the proposed robotic GPR system developed in this research proves the concept of feasibility of undertaking inspection procedure on large concrete structures in hazardous environments that may not be accessible to human inspector


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    Students show negative behavior in class because they are not involved in the lessons that the teacher presents. This may happen because the material presented is not at the academic level for students. Lack of involvement can occur because students do not actively participate in class activities. teachers and administrators have the opportunity to observe the classroom and the learning strategies used to engage students. After the class visit, teachers and administrators have the opportunity to discuss strategies that score high and the types of activities that increase the level of involvement. Teachers who can experience and observe what high student engagement looks like by participating in the learning practice inventory guide can be the school's best resource in educating other teachers.Siswa menunjukkan perilaku negatif di kelas karena mereka tidak terlibat dalam pelajaran yang disajikan guru. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena materi yang disampaikan tidak berada pada jenjang akademik bagi mahasiswa. Kurangnya keterlibatan dapat terjadi karena siswa tidak secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan kelas. guru dan administrator memiliki kesempatan untuk mengamati ruang kelas dan strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk melibatkan siswa. Setelah kunjungan kelas, guru dan administrator memiliki kesempatan untuk membahas strategi yang mendapat skor tinggi dan jenis kegiatan yang meningkatkan tingkat keterlibatan. Guru yang dapat mengalami dan mengamati seperti apa keterlibatan siswa yang tinggi dengan berpartisipasi dalam panduan inventaris praktik pembelajaran dapat menjadi sumber daya terbaik sekolah dalam mendidik guru lain

    Manajemen Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pendidikanpada MTs Muhammadiyah 3 Al-Furqan Banjarmasin

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    The existence of schools as formal educational institutions which has its own management becomes increasingly necessary. Therefore the collaboration between community and institution has to be developed sinergically, considering the interests and the same ideals to save and enlighten the future of generation of the nation. The forms of community participation in education at MTs Muhammadiyah 3 Al Furqon Banjarmasin quite diverse, i.e.: 1) participation as madrasah committee board, 2) participation in various madrasah activities, and 3) community participation in keeping madrasah security. Strategy and approach which have been performed in order to foster and develop the community participation in education at MTs Muhammadiyah 3 Al Furqon Banjarmasin include three points: 1) Identification of problems; 2) treatment and approach; 3) development.Key words: Management, participation and communitySekolah sebagai lembaga pendidikan formal yang mempunyai manajemen tersendiri dalam pengelolaan pendidikan, keberadaannya menjadi semakin dibutuhkan. Karenanya kolaborasi antara masyarakat dengan lembaga harus dikembangkan secara sinergis, mengingat adanya kepentingan dan cita-cita yang sama yakni menyelamatkan dan mencerahkan masa depan generasi bangsa. Bentuk partisipasi masyarakat dalam pendidikan pada MTs Muhammadiyah 3 Al Furqon Banjarmasin cukup beragam, yakni 1) partisipasi sebagai pengurus komite madrasah, 2) partisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan-kegiatan di madrasah, dan 3) partisipasi masyarakat dalam menjaga keamanan madrasah. Strategi dan pendekatan yang telah dilakukan dalam rangka membina dan menumbuhkembangkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pendidikan pada MTs Muhammadiyah 3 Al Furqon Banjarmasin meliputi tiga hal yakni: 1) Identifikasi Masalah; 2) Perlakuan dan Pendekatan; dan 3) Pembinaan.Kata kunci: Manajemen, Partisipasi dan Masyaraka


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    Pembangunan generasi pembelajaran yang berkarakter, berakhlak mulia, cerdas, kreatif, inovatif, produktif, mandiri, bertanggung jawab, santun dan rendah hati membutuhkan suatu program pembelajaran yang komprehensif, integral dan berkelanjutan. Pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di PAUD Alam “Sayang Ibu” Banjarmasin yaitu dengan cara  mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai pembentuk karakter yang menjadi prioritas kedalam metode pembelajaran, antara lain metode bermain, bercerita, karya wisata dan bercakap-cakap. Mengem-bangkan kreatifitas anak dengan cara kemandirian dan mengembangkan berbagai potensi anak sejak dini sebagai persiapan untuk hidup, menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkunganya dan menjadikan karakter yang baik melalui sentra,  antara lain sentra bahan alam, sentra bermain peran, sentra balok dan sentra persiapan. Selain melalui kegiatan terprogram, nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter di Paud Alam “Sayang Ibu” Banjarmasin juga dilakukan melalui kegiatan pembiasaan. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Karakter, Anak Usia Din

    Development of a Wall Climbing Robotic Ground Penetrating Radar System for Inspection of Vertical Concrete Structures

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    This paper describes the design process of a 200 MHz Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and a battery powered concrete vertical concrete surface climbing mobile robot. The key design feature is a miniaturized 200 MHz dipole antenna using additional radiating arms and procedure records a reduction of 40% in length compared to a conventional antenna. The antenna set is mounted in front of the robot using a servo mechanism for folding and unfolding purposes. The robot’s adhesion mechanism to climb the reinforced concrete wall is based on neodymium permanent magnets arranged in a unique combination to concentrate and maximize the magnetic flux to provide sufficient adhesion force for GPR installation. The experiments demonstrated the robot’s capability of climbing reinforced concrete wall carrying the attached prototype GPR system and perform floor-to-wall transition and vice versa. The developed GPR’s performance is validated by its capability of detecting and localizing an aluminium sheet and a reinforcement bar (rebar) of 12 mm diameter buried under a test rig built of wood to mimic the concrete structure environment. The present robotic GPR system proves the concept of feasibility of undertaking inspection procedure on large concrete structures in hazardous environments that may not be accessible to human inspectors

    Development of a novel crawler based robot for mooring chain climbing

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    Mooring systems experience high tidal waves, storms and harsh environmental conditions. Therefore, ensuring the integrity of mooring chain is important. The aim of the work reported in this paper is to develop a robotic system that performs in-service non-destructive testing of mooring chains. The inspection system is an autonomous device that operates in air as well as underwater. The permanent magnet adhesion crawler robot developed can climb mooring chains at a speed of 42cm/minute with a pay load of 50N. FEA study of the magnetic adhesion module, structural analysis, prototyping and testing of the robot is presented in this paper

    Pemahaman Pernikahan Dini & Pelecehan Seksual Pelajar di SMP 34 Satu Atap Desa Pembakulan

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    Pernikahan dini dan kekerasan seksual menjadi isu penting yang ada di Desa Pembakulan Kecamatan Batang Alai Timur, Kalimantan Selatan. Terlebih putus sekolah karena menikah adalah hal yang dianggap biasa, maka pernikahan di luar catatan negara menjadi alternatif bagi masyarakat desa Pembakulan untuk melanggengkan pernikahan dini. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, kehadiran para mahasiswa dalam program Kuliah Kerja Nyata UIN Antasari Banjarmasin diharapkan dapat menanggulangi permasalahan ini. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode studi lapangan. Data yang didapatkan sesuai dengan realita dan keadaan yang ada di lokasi penelitian. Pada pengumpulan data digunakan metode PAR (participatory action research), yaitu dengan ikutnya berperan serta para peneliti dalam subjek penelitian. Pendekatan yang diambil adalah pendekatan sosiologi dengan cara mengamati langsung pembenahan etika pelajar di SMP 43 Satu Atap. Pemahaman pernikahan dini dan pelecehan seksual terhadap para pelajar diawali dengan pelaksanaan Sosialisasi tentang pernikahan dini dan pelecehan seksual yang dilaksanakan di Kantor Desa Pembakulan pada hari Selasa 1 November 2022 yang dibawakan langsung oleh Pegawai KB Batang Alai Selatan. Pada kegiatan tersebut yang menjadi partisipant utamanya adalah para pelajar SMP 34 Satu Atap dan tidak ketinggalan para guru, aparat desa yang berhadir. Dari usaha yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti, didapati bahwa terjadi beberapa perubahan seperti: meningkatnya pengetahuan pernikahan dini dan pelecehan seksual oleh pelajar SMP 34 Satu Atap, para pelajar juga lebih waspada terhadap bahaya pernikahan dini dan pelecehan seksual

    Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam\ud Dengan Memberdayakan Kelompok Kerja Guru\ud Se Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selatan

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    color photographVery good condition with sides curling and reverse side dirty.Aerial photograph of campus looking southeast, with Northwest Arm in the distance. Note the little wee houses (long gone) on Inglis Street alongside a tree-shaded Burke Building, just visible along bottom of photo. These houses would have been demolished to make way for the new Canadian Martyrs Church.Written in ink on reverse: '4x6' and '(Back Page)'. Written in pencil on reverse: 'Back' and '2' encircled. Stamped in black on reverse: 'Saint Mary's Information Services'. Came in an envelope marked 'Construction on Campus'. From Art Gallery

    Unintended Consequences in Implementing Public Sector Accounting Reforms in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Egypt, Nepal and Sri Lanka

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    Drawing on diffusion theory, this study investigates the implementation of public sector accounting reforms in three emerging economies - Egypt, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Data for the paper are derived through document analysis and semi structured interviews with public administrators, government accountants and members of professional accountancy bodies. The paper brings out the factors, including the bundling process, pro-innovation biases, informal and interpersonal networks, a boundary spanning process, organisational communication, power disparity, and dominance, all of which have either individually or collectively stifled the diffusion trajectory of public sector accounting reforms in Egypt, Nepal and Sri Lanka at the implementation phase. As a result, public sector accounting reforms have resulted in resistance, internal conflicts and unintended consequences, including the fabrication of results, in all three countries without any evidence of yielding better results for public sector governance and accountability
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