18,215 research outputs found

    Decays of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi^\prime into vector and pseudoscalar meson and the pseudoscalar glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing

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    We introduce a parametrization scheme for J/ψ(ψ)VPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to VP where the effects of SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking and doubly OZI-rule violation (DOZI) can be parametrized by certain parameters with explicit physical interpretations. This scheme can be used to clarify the glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing within the pseudoscalar mesons. We also include the contributions from the electromagnetic (EM) decays of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi^\prime via J/ψ(ψ)γVPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to \gamma^*\to VP. Via study of the isospin violated channels, such as J/ψ(ψ)ρηJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to \rho\eta, ρη\rho\eta^\prime, ωπ0\omega\pi^0 and ϕπ0\phi\pi^0, reasonable constraints on the EM decay contributions are obtained. With the up-to-date experimental data for J/ψ(ψ)VPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to VP, J/ψ(ψ)γPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to \gamma P and PγγP\to \gamma\gamma, etc, we arrive at a consistent description of the mentioned processes with a minimal set of parameters. As a consequence, we find that there exists an overall suppression of the ψ3g\psi^\prime\to 3g form factors, which sheds some light on the long-standing "ρπ\rho\pi puzzle". By determining the glueball components inside the pseudoscalar η\eta and η\eta^\prime in three different glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing schemes, we deduce that the lowest pseudoscalar glueball, if exists, has rather small qqˉq\bar{q} component, and it makes the η(1405)\eta(1405) a preferable candidate for 0+0^{-+} glueball.Comment: Revised version to appear on J. Phys. G; An error in the code was corrected. There's slight change to the numerical results, while the conclusion is intac

    Lagrangian bias in the local bias model

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    It is often assumed that the halo-patch fluctuation field can be written as a Taylor series in the initial Lagrangian dark matter density fluctuation field. We show that if this Lagrangian bias is local, and the initial conditions are Gaussian, then the two-point cross-correlation between halos and mass should be linearly proportional to the mass-mass auto-correlation function. This statement is exact and valid on all scales; there are no higher order contributions, e.g., from terms proportional to products or convolutions of two-point functions, which one might have thought would appear upon truncating the Taylor series of the halo bias function. In addition, the auto-correlation function of locally biased tracers can be written as a Taylor series in the auto-correlation function of the mass; there are no terms involving, e.g., derivatives or convolutions. Moreover, although the leading order coefficient, the linear bias factor of the auto-correlation function is just the square of that for the cross-correlation, it is the same as that obtained from expanding the mean number of halos as a function of the local density only in the large-scale limit. In principle, these relations allow simple tests of whether or not halo bias is indeed local in Lagrangian space. We discuss why things are more complicated in practice. We also discuss our results in light of recent work on the renormalizability of halo bias, demonstrating that it is better to renormalize than not. We use the Lognormal model to illustrate many of our findings.Comment: 14 pages, published on JCA

    New Angle on the Strong CP and Chiral Symmetry Problems from a Rotating Mass Matrix

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    It is shown that when the mass matrix changes in orientation (rotates) in generation space for changing energy scale, then the masses of the lower generations are not given just by its eigenvalues. In particular, these masses need not be zero even when the eigenvalues are zero. In that case, the strong CP problem can be avoided by removing the unwanted θ\theta term by a chiral transformation in no contradiction with the nonvanishing quark masses experimentally observed. Similarly, a rotating mass matrix may shed new light on the problem of chiral symmetry breaking. That the fermion mass matrix may so rotate with scale has been suggested before as a possible explanation for up-down fermion mixing and fermion mass hierarchy, giving results in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 14 page

    The Far-Infrared Background Correlation with CMB Lensing

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    The intervening large--scale structure distorts cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies via gravitational lensing. The same large--scale structure, traced by dusty star--forming galaxies, also induces anisotropies in the far--infrared background (FIRB). We investigate the resulting inter--dependence of the FIRB and CMB with a halo model for the FIRB. In particular, we calculate the cross--correlation between the lensing potential and the FIRB. The lensing potential can be quadratically estimated from CMB temperature and/or polarization maps. We show that the cross--correlation can be measured with high signal--to--noise with data from the Planck Surveyor. We discuss how such a measurement can be used to understand the nature of FIRB sources and their relation to the distribution of dark matter.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Nonlinear Gravitational Clustering: dreams of a paradigm

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    We discuss the late time evolution of the gravitational clustering in an expanding universe, based on the nonlinear scaling relations (NSR) which connect the nonlinear and linear two point correlation functions. The existence of critical indices for the NSR suggests that the evolution may proceed towards a universal profile which does not change its shape at late times. We begin by clarifying the relation between the density profiles of the individual halo and the slope of the correlation function and discuss the conditions under which the slopes of the correlation function at the extreme nonlinear end can be independent of the initial power spectrum. If the evolution should lead to a profile which preserves the shape at late times, then the correlation function should grow as a2a^2 [in a Ω=1\Omega=1 universe] een at nonlinear scales. We prove that such exact solutions do not exist; however, ther e exists a class of solutions (``psuedo-linear profiles'', PLP's for short) which evolve as a2a^2 to a good approximation. It turns out that the PLP's are the correlation functions which arise if the individual halos are assumed to be isothermal spheres. They are also configurations of mass in which the nonlinear effects of gravitational clustering is a minimum and hence can act as building blocks of the nonlinear universe. We discuss the implicatios of this result.Comment: 32 Pages, Submitted to Ap

    Gravity and Large-Scale Non-local Bias

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    The relationship between galaxy and matter overdensities, bias, is most often assumed to be local. This is however unstable under time evolution, we provide proofs under several sets of assumptions. In the simplest model galaxies are created locally and linearly biased at a single time, and subsequently move with the matter (no velocity bias) conserving their comoving number density (no merging). We show that, after this formation time, the bias becomes unavoidably non-local and non-linear at large scales. We identify the non-local gravitationally induced fields in which the galaxy overdensity can be expanded, showing that they can be constructed out of the invariants of the deformation tensor (Galileons). In addition, we show that this result persists if we include an arbitrary evolution of the comoving number density of tracers. We then include velocity bias, and show that new contributions appear, a dipole field being the signature at second order. We test these predictions by studying the dependence of halo overdensities in cells of fixed matter density: measurements in simulations show that departures from the mean bias relation are strongly correlated with the non-local gravitationally induced fields identified by our formalism. The effects on non-local bias seen in the simulations are most important for the most biased halos, as expected from our predictions. The non-locality seen in the simulations is not fully captured by assuming local bias in Lagrangian space. Accounting for these effects when modeling galaxy bias is essential for correctly describing the dependence on triangle shape of the galaxy bispectrum, and hence constraining cosmological parameters and primordial non-Gaussianity. We show that using our formalism we remove an important systematic in the determination of bias parameters from the galaxy bispectrum, particularly for luminous galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. v2: improved appendix

    Stochastic Biasing and Weakly Non-linear Evolution of Power Spectrum

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    Distribution of galaxies may be a biased tracer of the dark matter distribution and the relation between the galaxies and the total mass may be stochastic, non-linear and time-dependent. Since many observations of galaxy clustering will be done at high redshift, the time evolution of non-linear stochastic biasing would play a crucial role for the data analysis of the future sky surveys. In this paper, we develop the weakly non-linear analysis and attempt to clarify the non-linear feature of the stochastic biasing. We compute the one-loop correction of the power spectrum for the total mass, the galaxies and their cross correlation. Assuming the local functional form for the initial galaxy distribution, we investigate the time evolution of the biasing parameter and the correlation coefficient. On large scales, we first find that the time evolution of the biasing parameter could deviate from the linear prediction in presence of the initial skewness. However, the deviation can be reduced when the initial stochasticity exists. Next, we focus on the quasi-linear scales, where the non-linear growth of the total mass becomes important. It is recognized that the scale-dependence of the biasing dynamically appears and the initial stochasticity could affect the time evolution of the scale-dependence. The result is compared with the recent N-body simulation that the scale-dependence of the halo biasing can appear on relatively large scales and the biasing parameter takes the lower value on smaller scales. Qualitatively, our weakly non-linear results can explain this trend if the halo-mass biasing relation has the large scatter at high redshift.Comment: 29pages, 7 postscript figures, submitted to Ap

    MCG+00-32-16: An Irregular Galaxy Close to the Lowest Redshift Absorber on the 3C 273 Line of Sight

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    MCG+00-32-16 is the galaxy closest in position-velocity space to the lowest redshift Lyα\alpha absorber along the line-of-sight to the quasar 3C 273. Its projected separation is 204 (d/19 Mpc) kpc, where d is the distance from the Milky Way to the galaxy, and the redshift difference is only 94 km/s; HI 1225+01 is slightly closer in projected separation to the absorber, but has a greater redshift difference. We present HI synthesis array mapping and CCD photometry in B and R for MCG+00-32-16. The HI disk is rotating in such a way that the side of the galaxy closer to the sight-line to the quasar has the larger velocity difference from the absorber. The absorber may be a ``failed dwarf'' member of a poor galaxy group of which MCG+00-32-16 and HI 1225+01 are the only members to have formed stars.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) -VII. Clustering Segregation with Ultraviolet and Optical Luminosities of Lyman-Break Galaxies at z~3

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    We investigate clustering properties of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z~3 based on deep multi-waveband imaging data from optical to near-infrared wavelengths in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field. The LBGs are selected by U-V and V-z' colors in one contiguous area of 561 arcmin^2 down to z'=25.5. We study the dependence of the clustering strength on rest-frame UV and optical magnitudes, which can be indicators of star formation rate and stellar mass, respectively. The correlation length is found to be a strong function of both UV and optical magnitudes with brighter galaxies being more clustered than faint ones in both cases. Furthermore, the correlation length is dependent on a combination of UV and optical magnitudes in the sense that galaxies bright in optical magnitude have large correlation lengths irrespective of UV magnitude, while galaxies faint in optical magnitude have correlation lengths decreasing with decreasing UV brightness. These results suggest that galaxies with large stellar masses always belong to massive halos in which they can have various star formation rates, while galaxies with small stellar masses reside in less massive halos only if they have low star formation rates. There appears to be an upper limit to the stellar mass and the star formation rate which is determined by the mass of hosting dark halos.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap