12 research outputs found

    Kinematic requirement of the horizontal bar dismount double stretched somersault backward with longitudinal axis twists

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    Natjecateljske vježbe u sportskoj gimnastici izvode se na šest sprava. Posljednja sprava prema olimpijskom redoslijedu je preča, koju zbog kompleksnih, virtuoznih te zahtjevnih elemenata koje gimnastičari izvode, prati i epitet kraljevske discipline. Jedna od grupa elemenata na preči su i saskoci, koji imaju znatan utjecaj na konačnu ocjenu te plasman na natjecanju. U ovom radu istraženi su svi saskoci s preče dvostrukih pruženih salta natrag s rotacijama oko uzdužne osi koji se trenutno nalaze u FIG Bodovnom pravilniku. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi kinematičku uvjetovanost izvedbe saskoka s preče dvostrukog pruženog salta natrag s različitim količinama rotacija oko uzdužne osi gimnastičara te razlikuju li se i u kojim varijablama saskoci prema kriteriju broja okreta oko uzdužne osi. Prikupljanje podataka izvršeno je tijekom službenog FIG turnira Svjetskog Challenge kupa u Osijeku 2016. godine. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 12 vrhunskih gimnastičara (18-29 god, 159-183 cm, 55-80 kg), predstavnika nacionalne reprezentacije iz 10 različitih zemalja. Za kinematičku analizu odabrano je 15 različitih izvedbi saskoka s preče podijeljenih u tri grupe po pet saskoka, prema rotacijama oko uzdužne osi (360°, 720°, 1080°). Kinematička 3D analiza izvršena je sustavom APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis Sistem). Na temelju položaja centra težišta tijela u odnosu na pritku određeno je pet pozicija u kojima se obradilo ukupno 128 varijabli programskim paketom SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Rezultati su potvrdili postavljenu istraživačku hipotezu da različite količine rotacija oko uzdužne osi karakterizira specifičan odnos biomehaničkih varijabli i parametara koji definiraju trajektoriju leta te iniciranje i kontrolu rotacija oko poprečne i uzdužne osi. Rezultati potvrđuju i hipotezu da se grupe saskoka klasificirane temeljem broja okreta oko uzdužne osi razlikuju po parametrima unutar pojedinih varijabli. Statistička obrada podataka pokazala je da u određenim pozicijama postoje razlike u parametrima unutar pojedinih varijabli te razlike između grupa saskoka u ukupno 74 varijable. Varijable su razlikovale grupe saskoka s jednim i dva okreta oko uzdužne osi u pet određenih pozicija tijela ukupno 14 puta, s dva i tri okreta 60 puta, a s jednim i tri okreta 84 puta. Rezultati su pokazali da sigurnu i uspješnu izvedbu saskoka s preče dvostrukog pruženog salta natrag s tri okreta oko uzdužne osi uvjetuje značajno povećanje vrijednosti parametara više biomehaničkih varijabli u odnosu na saskoke s jednim ili dva okreta, koji se međusobno i u odnosu na saskoke s tri okreta razlikuju u manje varijabli te u manjem omjeru. Rezultati su ukazali na vrijednosti određenih biomehaničkih parametara prilikom izvedbe velekovrtljaja za saskok dvostruki pruženi salto natrag, koji su preduvjeti za nadogradnju saskoka dodavanjem jednog, dva, a potom i tri okreta oko uzdužne osi. Osim pomoći u trenažnom procesu, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su i na potrebu razmatranja dodjele veće težinske vrijednosti saskoku dvostrukom pruženom saltu natrag s tri okreta oko uzdužne osi u FIG Bodovnom pravilniku.Men`s artistic gymnastics consist of six apparatus. The last apparatus in the Olympic order is a horizontal bar, which due to the complex, virtuos and demanding elements that gymnasts perform has the epitome of royal discipline. Dismounts are a group of elements which gymnasts use to finish their routine and which therefore affect the final score and the competition rank. In this paper, all horizontal bar double salto backward stretched dismounts with rotations along longitudinal axis that are currently in the FIG Code of Points were analysed. The aim of the paper was to determine the kinematic requirement of the horizontal bar dismounts performance double stretched somersault backward with different amount of rotations around longitudinal axis of the gymnast and whether there are and which are the variables that differ dismounts between different turns around the longitudinal axis of the gymnast. Data collection took place during the official 2016 FIG World Challenge Cup tournament in Osijek. A sample was a total of 12 elite gymnasts (18-29 y.o., 159-183 cm, 55-80 kg), representatives of the national team from 10 different countries. For the purpose of kinematic analysis, 15 different dismounts were selected, divided into three groups by five dismounts, according to the rotations around the longitudinal axis (360°, 720°, 1080°). Data processing was performed according to the APAS procedures (Ariel Performance Analysis System). Five positions were defined in which a total of 128 variables were analyzed by the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program package. The results confirmed the established research hypothesis that different amount of rotation around the longitudinal axis are characterized by a specific relationship between biomechanical variables and parameters defining the trajectory of the flight and initiating and controlling the rotation around the transverse and longitudinal axis and the hypothesis that the group of dismounts classified according to the number of turns around the longitudinal axis differ according to the parameters within certain variables. Statistical data processing has shown that in certain positions there are differences in parameters within certain variables and the difference between dismounts group in a total of 74 variables. In five specific positions of the body, variables have differ dismounts with 1 and 2 turns around the longitudinal axis in total of 14 times, with 2 and 3 turns 60 times and with 1 and 3 turns 84 times. The results showed that for performance of double stretched somersault backward dismounts with 3 turns around the longitudinal axis it`s necessary to significantly increase the values of parameters of multiple biomechanical variables that condition a safe and successful execution with respect to dismounts with 1 or 2 turns that interact with each other and with respect to dismounts with 3 turns in a smaller number of variables and in a smaller ratio. The information from this research suggests the need to achieve certain biomechanical parameters while learning the dismount double stretched somersault backward in order to pre-prepare the conditions for a successful upgrading of a double stretched somersault backward dismount by adding 1, 2, and then 3 turns around the longitudinal axis. In addition to help in the training process, the results indicated the need to consider assigning a higher difficulty value to the dismount Fedorchenko in the FIG Code of Points

    Kinematic requirement of the horizontal bar dismount double stretched somersault backward with longitudinal axis twists

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    Natjecateljske vježbe u sportskoj gimnastici izvode se na šest sprava. Posljednja sprava prema olimpijskom redoslijedu je preča, koju zbog kompleksnih, virtuoznih te zahtjevnih elemenata koje gimnastičari izvode, prati i epitet kraljevske discipline. Jedna od grupa elemenata na preči su i saskoci, koji imaju znatan utjecaj na konačnu ocjenu te plasman na natjecanju. U ovom radu istraženi su svi saskoci s preče dvostrukih pruženih salta natrag s rotacijama oko uzdužne osi koji se trenutno nalaze u FIG Bodovnom pravilniku. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi kinematičku uvjetovanost izvedbe saskoka s preče dvostrukog pruženog salta natrag s različitim količinama rotacija oko uzdužne osi gimnastičara te razlikuju li se i u kojim varijablama saskoci prema kriteriju broja okreta oko uzdužne osi. Prikupljanje podataka izvršeno je tijekom službenog FIG turnira Svjetskog Challenge kupa u Osijeku 2016. godine. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 12 vrhunskih gimnastičara (18-29 god, 159-183 cm, 55-80 kg), predstavnika nacionalne reprezentacije iz 10 različitih zemalja. Za kinematičku analizu odabrano je 15 različitih izvedbi saskoka s preče podijeljenih u tri grupe po pet saskoka, prema rotacijama oko uzdužne osi (360°, 720°, 1080°). Kinematička 3D analiza izvršena je sustavom APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis Sistem). Na temelju položaja centra težišta tijela u odnosu na pritku određeno je pet pozicija u kojima se obradilo ukupno 128 varijabli programskim paketom SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Rezultati su potvrdili postavljenu istraživačku hipotezu da različite količine rotacija oko uzdužne osi karakterizira specifičan odnos biomehaničkih varijabli i parametara koji definiraju trajektoriju leta te iniciranje i kontrolu rotacija oko poprečne i uzdužne osi. Rezultati potvrđuju i hipotezu da se grupe saskoka klasificirane temeljem broja okreta oko uzdužne osi razlikuju po parametrima unutar pojedinih varijabli. Statistička obrada podataka pokazala je da u određenim pozicijama postoje razlike u parametrima unutar pojedinih varijabli te razlike između grupa saskoka u ukupno 74 varijable. Varijable su razlikovale grupe saskoka s jednim i dva okreta oko uzdužne osi u pet određenih pozicija tijela ukupno 14 puta, s dva i tri okreta 60 puta, a s jednim i tri okreta 84 puta. Rezultati su pokazali da sigurnu i uspješnu izvedbu saskoka s preče dvostrukog pruženog salta natrag s tri okreta oko uzdužne osi uvjetuje značajno povećanje vrijednosti parametara više biomehaničkih varijabli u odnosu na saskoke s jednim ili dva okreta, koji se međusobno i u odnosu na saskoke s tri okreta razlikuju u manje varijabli te u manjem omjeru. Rezultati su ukazali na vrijednosti određenih biomehaničkih parametara prilikom izvedbe velekovrtljaja za saskok dvostruki pruženi salto natrag, koji su preduvjeti za nadogradnju saskoka dodavanjem jednog, dva, a potom i tri okreta oko uzdužne osi. Osim pomoći u trenažnom procesu, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su i na potrebu razmatranja dodjele veće težinske vrijednosti saskoku dvostrukom pruženom saltu natrag s tri okreta oko uzdužne osi u FIG Bodovnom pravilniku.Men`s artistic gymnastics consist of six apparatus. The last apparatus in the Olympic order is a horizontal bar, which due to the complex, virtuos and demanding elements that gymnasts perform has the epitome of royal discipline. Dismounts are a group of elements which gymnasts use to finish their routine and which therefore affect the final score and the competition rank. In this paper, all horizontal bar double salto backward stretched dismounts with rotations along longitudinal axis that are currently in the FIG Code of Points were analysed. The aim of the paper was to determine the kinematic requirement of the horizontal bar dismounts performance double stretched somersault backward with different amount of rotations around longitudinal axis of the gymnast and whether there are and which are the variables that differ dismounts between different turns around the longitudinal axis of the gymnast. Data collection took place during the official 2016 FIG World Challenge Cup tournament in Osijek. A sample was a total of 12 elite gymnasts (18-29 y.o., 159-183 cm, 55-80 kg), representatives of the national team from 10 different countries. For the purpose of kinematic analysis, 15 different dismounts were selected, divided into three groups by five dismounts, according to the rotations around the longitudinal axis (360°, 720°, 1080°). Data processing was performed according to the APAS procedures (Ariel Performance Analysis System). Five positions were defined in which a total of 128 variables were analyzed by the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program package. The results confirmed the established research hypothesis that different amount of rotation around the longitudinal axis are characterized by a specific relationship between biomechanical variables and parameters defining the trajectory of the flight and initiating and controlling the rotation around the transverse and longitudinal axis and the hypothesis that the group of dismounts classified according to the number of turns around the longitudinal axis differ according to the parameters within certain variables. Statistical data processing has shown that in certain positions there are differences in parameters within certain variables and the difference between dismounts group in a total of 74 variables. In five specific positions of the body, variables have differ dismounts with 1 and 2 turns around the longitudinal axis in total of 14 times, with 2 and 3 turns 60 times and with 1 and 3 turns 84 times. The results showed that for performance of double stretched somersault backward dismounts with 3 turns around the longitudinal axis it`s necessary to significantly increase the values of parameters of multiple biomechanical variables that condition a safe and successful execution with respect to dismounts with 1 or 2 turns that interact with each other and with respect to dismounts with 3 turns in a smaller number of variables and in a smaller ratio. The information from this research suggests the need to achieve certain biomechanical parameters while learning the dismount double stretched somersault backward in order to pre-prepare the conditions for a successful upgrading of a double stretched somersault backward dismount by adding 1, 2, and then 3 turns around the longitudinal axis. In addition to help in the training process, the results indicated the need to consider assigning a higher difficulty value to the dismount Fedorchenko in the FIG Code of Points

    Kinematic requirement of the horizontal bar dismount double stretched somersault backward with longitudinal axis twists

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    Natjecateljske vježbe u sportskoj gimnastici izvode se na šest sprava. Posljednja sprava prema olimpijskom redoslijedu je preča, koju zbog kompleksnih, virtuoznih te zahtjevnih elemenata koje gimnastičari izvode, prati i epitet kraljevske discipline. Jedna od grupa elemenata na preči su i saskoci, koji imaju znatan utjecaj na konačnu ocjenu te plasman na natjecanju. U ovom radu istraženi su svi saskoci s preče dvostrukih pruženih salta natrag s rotacijama oko uzdužne osi koji se trenutno nalaze u FIG Bodovnom pravilniku. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi kinematičku uvjetovanost izvedbe saskoka s preče dvostrukog pruženog salta natrag s različitim količinama rotacija oko uzdužne osi gimnastičara te razlikuju li se i u kojim varijablama saskoci prema kriteriju broja okreta oko uzdužne osi. Prikupljanje podataka izvršeno je tijekom službenog FIG turnira Svjetskog Challenge kupa u Osijeku 2016. godine. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 12 vrhunskih gimnastičara (18-29 god, 159-183 cm, 55-80 kg), predstavnika nacionalne reprezentacije iz 10 različitih zemalja. Za kinematičku analizu odabrano je 15 različitih izvedbi saskoka s preče podijeljenih u tri grupe po pet saskoka, prema rotacijama oko uzdužne osi (360°, 720°, 1080°). Kinematička 3D analiza izvršena je sustavom APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis Sistem). Na temelju položaja centra težišta tijela u odnosu na pritku određeno je pet pozicija u kojima se obradilo ukupno 128 varijabli programskim paketom SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Rezultati su potvrdili postavljenu istraživačku hipotezu da različite količine rotacija oko uzdužne osi karakterizira specifičan odnos biomehaničkih varijabli i parametara koji definiraju trajektoriju leta te iniciranje i kontrolu rotacija oko poprečne i uzdužne osi. Rezultati potvrđuju i hipotezu da se grupe saskoka klasificirane temeljem broja okreta oko uzdužne osi razlikuju po parametrima unutar pojedinih varijabli. Statistička obrada podataka pokazala je da u određenim pozicijama postoje razlike u parametrima unutar pojedinih varijabli te razlike između grupa saskoka u ukupno 74 varijable. Varijable su razlikovale grupe saskoka s jednim i dva okreta oko uzdužne osi u pet određenih pozicija tijela ukupno 14 puta, s dva i tri okreta 60 puta, a s jednim i tri okreta 84 puta. Rezultati su pokazali da sigurnu i uspješnu izvedbu saskoka s preče dvostrukog pruženog salta natrag s tri okreta oko uzdužne osi uvjetuje značajno povećanje vrijednosti parametara više biomehaničkih varijabli u odnosu na saskoke s jednim ili dva okreta, koji se međusobno i u odnosu na saskoke s tri okreta razlikuju u manje varijabli te u manjem omjeru. Rezultati su ukazali na vrijednosti određenih biomehaničkih parametara prilikom izvedbe velekovrtljaja za saskok dvostruki pruženi salto natrag, koji su preduvjeti za nadogradnju saskoka dodavanjem jednog, dva, a potom i tri okreta oko uzdužne osi. Osim pomoći u trenažnom procesu, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su i na potrebu razmatranja dodjele veće težinske vrijednosti saskoku dvostrukom pruženom saltu natrag s tri okreta oko uzdužne osi u FIG Bodovnom pravilniku.Men`s artistic gymnastics consist of six apparatus. The last apparatus in the Olympic order is a horizontal bar, which due to the complex, virtuos and demanding elements that gymnasts perform has the epitome of royal discipline. Dismounts are a group of elements which gymnasts use to finish their routine and which therefore affect the final score and the competition rank. In this paper, all horizontal bar double salto backward stretched dismounts with rotations along longitudinal axis that are currently in the FIG Code of Points were analysed. The aim of the paper was to determine the kinematic requirement of the horizontal bar dismounts performance double stretched somersault backward with different amount of rotations around longitudinal axis of the gymnast and whether there are and which are the variables that differ dismounts between different turns around the longitudinal axis of the gymnast. Data collection took place during the official 2016 FIG World Challenge Cup tournament in Osijek. A sample was a total of 12 elite gymnasts (18-29 y.o., 159-183 cm, 55-80 kg), representatives of the national team from 10 different countries. For the purpose of kinematic analysis, 15 different dismounts were selected, divided into three groups by five dismounts, according to the rotations around the longitudinal axis (360°, 720°, 1080°). Data processing was performed according to the APAS procedures (Ariel Performance Analysis System). Five positions were defined in which a total of 128 variables were analyzed by the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program package. The results confirmed the established research hypothesis that different amount of rotation around the longitudinal axis are characterized by a specific relationship between biomechanical variables and parameters defining the trajectory of the flight and initiating and controlling the rotation around the transverse and longitudinal axis and the hypothesis that the group of dismounts classified according to the number of turns around the longitudinal axis differ according to the parameters within certain variables. Statistical data processing has shown that in certain positions there are differences in parameters within certain variables and the difference between dismounts group in a total of 74 variables. In five specific positions of the body, variables have differ dismounts with 1 and 2 turns around the longitudinal axis in total of 14 times, with 2 and 3 turns 60 times and with 1 and 3 turns 84 times. The results showed that for performance of double stretched somersault backward dismounts with 3 turns around the longitudinal axis it`s necessary to significantly increase the values of parameters of multiple biomechanical variables that condition a safe and successful execution with respect to dismounts with 1 or 2 turns that interact with each other and with respect to dismounts with 3 turns in a smaller number of variables and in a smaller ratio. The information from this research suggests the need to achieve certain biomechanical parameters while learning the dismount double stretched somersault backward in order to pre-prepare the conditions for a successful upgrading of a double stretched somersault backward dismount by adding 1, 2, and then 3 turns around the longitudinal axis. In addition to help in the training process, the results indicated the need to consider assigning a higher difficulty value to the dismount Fedorchenko in the FIG Code of Points

    Professional burnout and physical activity among teachers at jarun kindergarten

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    Današnja istraživanja koja se bave stresom odgojitelja na radnom mjestu su rjeđa u odnosu na istraživanja koja uključuju stres učitelja i nastavnika. Odgojitelji u dječjem vrtiću su u stalnom kontaktu s djecom i rade iznimno odgovoran posao. Stoga je ovo istraživanje opravdano u cilju utvrđivanja intenziteta izgaranja i razine tjelesne aktivnosti te prevencije pojava negativnih reakcija. Cilj rada je tvrditi razinu tjelesne aktivnosti, intenzitet izgaranja na poslu, ukupnu razinu stresa na poslu te razinu zadovoljstva životom odgojiteljica zaposlenih u Dječjem vrtiću Jarun te ispitati povezanost navedenih varijabli. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 80 odgojiteljica predškolske djece u dobi od 23 do 61 godine. Uzorak je obuhvatio 95 % odgojiteljica zaposlenih u Dječjem vrtiću Jarun, drugom po veličini vrtiću u Gradu Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno putem pet upitnika s ukupno 76 pitanja: Sociodemografski upitnik, Upitnik intenziteta sagorijevanja na poslu, Skala procjene stresnosti posla odgojitelja, Međunarodni upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti i Skala procjene zadovoljstva životom. Statistička obrada prikazana je putem osnovnih deskriptivnih pokazatelja (uključujući Kolmogorov-Smirnovljev test normaliteta distribucije i Box and Whisker dijagram) te distribucije uzorka po referentnim intervalima pojedinih mjernih instrumenata. Povezanost između glavnih varijabli testirana je serijom linearnih bivarijatnih regresijskih analiza. Istraživanje je pokazalo da odgojiteljice zaposlene u Dječjem vrtiću Jarun imaju visoku razinu tjelesne aktivnosti, svoj posao ukupno doživljavaju umjereno stresnim, imaju mali intenzitet izgaranja na poslu te su u prosjeku malo zadovoljne životom. Odgojiteljice s ukupno višom razinom stresa na poslu imaju viši intenzitet izgaranja na poslu te su nezadovoljnije životom. Rezultati daju smjernice za preventivne mjere u redukciji profesionalnog stresa i edukaciju odgojiteljica usmjerenu na poticanje i održavanje njihove tjelesne aktivnosti na razini koja im pozitivno utječe na zdravlje.Current research dealing with the stress of kindergarten teachers in the workplace is less common than research that focuses on the stress of school teachers and professors. Kindergarten teachers are in constant contact with children and execute work of high responsibility, so this research is justified in attempting to determine the intensity of burnout and the level of physical activity, as well as to prevent any negative events. The study helped to determine the level of physical activity, the intensity of burnout at work, the total level of stress at work, and the level of life satisfaction of the teachers employed at Jarun Kindergarten. We also examined the correlation among the above variables. The sample consisted of 80 female kindergarten teachers, aged 23-61, i.e. 95% of all teachers employed at Jarun Kindergarten, the second largest kindergarten in the city of Zagreb. The survey was conducted using five questionnaires with a total of 76 questions: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Burnout Intensity at Work Questionnaire, Educator Job Stress Assessment Scale, International Physical Activity Questionnaire and Satisfaction with Life Scale. Statistical processing is presented through basic descriptive indicators (including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distribution Normality Test and Box and Whisker Diagram) and through the distribution of the sample by reference intervals of individual measuring instruments. The correlation between the main variables was tested using a series of linear bivariate regression analyses. The results show that the teachers employed at Jarun Kindergarten have a high level of physical activity, generally find their work moderately stressful, claim a low intensity of burnout at work, and are on average somewhat satisfied with life. Those with a higher total level of stress at work experience a higher intensity of burnout at work and are more dissatisfied with life. The results provide guidance for preventive measures in reducing occupational stress and educating teachers how to build up their physical activity and maintain it at a level that will have a positive effect on their health

    Tjelesna aktivnost i kvaliteta seksualne funkcije – pregled istraživačkih studija u razdoblju od 1998. do 2016. godine

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    Cilj ovoga preglednog rada bio je istražiti učinke tjelesne aktivnosti u poboljšanju i očuvanju seksualne funkcije u zdravih te smanjenju simptoma u osoba s već dijagnosticiranim jednim ili više poremećaja seksualne funkcije. Pregledni rad uključio je 50 znanstvenih djela objavljenih na engleskom jeziku u periodu od 1998. do 2016. godine. Rezultati upućuju da umjerena i intenzivna tjelesna aktivnost mogu značajno poboljšati seksualnu funkciju. Aerobna i ukupna tjelesna aktivnost značajno poboljšavaju erektilnu funkciju u muškaraca sa ili bez utvrđenih poremećaja seksualne funkcije. Tjelesna aktivnost poboljšava seksualnu funkciju u zdravih žena uključujući seksualno uzbuđenje, lubrikaciju, sposobnost postizanja orgazma i smanjenje dispareunije. Rezultati sugeriraju učinkovitost treninga mišića zdjelična dna u poboljšanju seksualne funkcije u muškaraca s erektilnom disfunkcijom te u poboljšanju seksualne funkcije u žena s utvrđenim jednim ili više poremećaja seksualne funkcije iz skupine pobuđenosti, orgazma, lubrikacije i dispareunije. Redovita tjelesna aktivnost indirektno poboljšava seksualnu funkciju i mehanizmima prevencije kardiovaskularnih i metaboličkih bolesti koje spadaju u važne čimbenike uzroka poremećaja seksualne funkcije

    Differences in Height and Weight in Young Female Gymnasts

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    Following the changes in basic anthropological characteristics of the young gymnast can help coaches to recognize how the process of training influence the growth and development of gymnasts. This also can be useful in the specialization of specific apparatus. The aim of this investigation was to find the differences in weight and height between young female gymnasts. The sample consisted of 26 female gymnasts: 10 years old who are competing at different levels – compulsory (16) and free (10) programs. Compulsory program training was three times per week, each lasting two hours. Training in the free program lasted two and a half-hour five times per week. K-S test was used for testing the normality of distribution. Differences between height and weight are calculated by ANOVA at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05. Results show that there is a statistically significant difference in height and weight between categories. Girls from the compulsory program are taller and heavier than girls in free program. The free program is the hardest program and physically more demanding for execution than a compulsory program. It seems that the bigger volume of training influences height and weight. Keywords: artistic gymnastics, anthropological characteristics, childre

    Analiza financijskih izvještaja neprofitnih organizacija na primjeru hrvatskog gimnastičkog saveza

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    Pojam neprofitnih organizacija određen je različitim propisima i zakonima poput Zakona o udrugama (NN, br. 74/14), Zakona o sportu (NN, br. 71/06) i Zakona o financijskom poslovanju i računovodstvu neprofitnih organizacija (NN, br. 121/14). Financijska analiza neprofitne organizacije predstavlja proučavanje novčanih podataka i informacija u financijskim izvještajima potrebnih za upravljanje poslovanjem. Nacionalni sportski savezi vrsta su neprofitnih organizacija. Na primjeru nacionalnog gimnastičkog sportskog saveza provedena je financijska analiza kroz korištenje financijskih pokazatelja utvrđenih na temelju financijskih izvještaja Hrvatskog gimnastičkog saveza posljednjih pet godina (2010., 2011., 2012., 2013. i 2014. god.


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    Sportska gimnastika je iznimno zahtjevan sport, te se na treninzima i natjecanjima od sportaša zahtijeva izuzetno visoka razina tehničke i fizičke pripreme. Meðutim, kao i u mnogim drugim sportovima, za postizanje vrhunskih rezultata jedan od odlučujućih faktora su tjelesna visina i tjelesna težina sportaša, dok je za planiranje sportske forme takoðer bitna i spoznaja o dobi gimnastièara u kojoj se mogu očekivati najbolji rezultati. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u visini, težini i dobi vrhunskih gimnastičara u ovisnosti od konačnog plasmana koji su postigli na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2007. godine, te utvrditi da li je došlo do promjena u visini, težini i dobi vrhunskih gimnastičara na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2011. godine, tj. nakon jednog olimpijskog ciklusa. U istraživanje su uključeni gimnastičari koji su ostvarili plasman meðu 70 najboljih (30 na preskoku) na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2007. i 2011. godine. To su bila jedina kvalifikacijska natjecanja za Olimpijske igre 2008. i 2012. godine. Ukupno je analizirano 900 plasmana gimnastièčara. Uzorak varijabli činile su tjelesna visina, tjelesna težina, dob i plasman na oba natjecanja u višeboju i svakoj od šest sprava pojedinačno. Za izračunavanje razlika izmeðu visine, težine i dobi vrhunskih gimnastičara, s obzirom na njihov rang ostvaren u svakoj pojedinoj gimnastičkoj disciplini, korištena je ANOVA, a za izračunavanje razlika izmeðu pojedinih gimnastièkih disciplina korišten je T-test za nezavisne uzorke. Deskriptivni pokazatelji dobivenih rezultata ukazuju da su u odnosu na preču i ruče, na karikama i preskoku bolje plasirani niži i lakši gimnastičari. Najbolji gimnastièčari na karikama ujedno su i najstariji, dok su u višeboju najbolji gimnastičari najmlaði. Utvrðene su i statistički značajne razlike unutar disciplina izmeðu pojedinih grupa gimnastičara, kao i izmeðu pojedinih disciplina. Usporedbom aritmetičkih sredina izmeðu prvih 70 gimnastièara (30 na preskoku) koji su nastupili i ostvarili konačan plasman na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2007. i 2011. godine može se zaključiti da u niti jednoj disciplini ne postoje statistički značajne razlike visini, težini i dobi gimnastičara.Artistic gymnastics is a highly demanding sport that requires a high level of gymnast\u27s physical efficiency. However, as in other sports, one of the limiting factors in achieving the top-level results is also the athlete\u27s body height and body weight, while for planning sport form very important information is the age in which it can be expected the athlete\u27s best results. The first aim of this research was to determine the differences in height, weight and age of the top-level male gymnasts in relation to their classification at the World Championships in year 2007. The second aim was to determine whether there has been a change in height, weight and age of the elite gymnasts at the World Championships in year 2011, after one Olympic period. The sample for this research consist of the best 70 (30 on the vault) male gymnasts who classified in World Championships 2007 and World Championships 2011. These were the only qualifying events for the Olympic Games in year 2008 and 2012. The study included the total of 900 rankings. Variables included in this analysis were body height, body weight, age and rank in both competitions in all around and each of the six artistic gymnastics apparatus individually. In order to calculate the differences between the height, weight and age models for each discipline ANOVA was used, and to calculate the differences between the individual gymnastics disciplines T-test for independent sample was used. In rings and vault the best positioned are those gymnasts whose height and weight is less than the best gymnasts on parallel bars and horizontal bar. In rings the best positioned gymnasts are also the oldest, while the best positioned gymnasts in all around are the youngest. The results of ANOVA showed statistically significant differences between the groups of gymnasts in one discipline, as well as between two different disciplines. Comparing the arithmetic mean between the first seventy (thirty on vault) gymnasts in each gymnastics discipline on the World Championships 2007th and World Championships 2011th year it can be concluded that there are no statistically significant difference between gymnasts in height, weight and age in any discipline

    7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Fundamental and applied kinesiology - steps forward : proceedings

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    It is our pleasure to greet you on behalf of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. Quite a number of significant anniversaries in this year are related to sport, physical education and kinesiology in Croatia. The most important anniversary is the 55th birthday of the College of Physical Culture/Faculty of Physical Culture/Faculty of Kinesiology establishment in 1959. However, the tradition of physical education teachers’ education in Croatia is much longer than that. Namely, in 1874, the Croatian Falcon (Hrvatski sokol) was founded and in 1894, first course for gymnastic teachers was organised as the first higher education course in the field of kinesiology in Croatia. Along with these important anniversaries, this year we are marking the 17th birthday of our Conference on kinesiology, dear Reader, and you are one of the most important reasons why is this so. From the first Conference in Dubrovnik in 1997 up nowadays, many changes in our science have occurred as well as in the practice of physical exercise and sports along with innumerable changes in political and social dimensions of modern life. However, we are deeply convinced that one thing has remained unchanged; that is the passion for investigation and knowledge acquisition, the need for new discoveries and love for kinesiology as the main field of our research. Also, we are assured that our ideas about the conference as a meeting point of distinguished scientists, leading researchers in different fields of our science and young investigators have become reality. We expect discussions and exchange of ideas that should result, as they have before, in new research ideas, insights, and research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which would be further advances in kinesiology and in cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The Conference will work under the motto “Fundamental and applied kinesiology - steps forward” in usual plenary and parallel sessions addressing ten comprehensive kinesiological topics: adaptation of human organism to disuse and ageing; adapted physical activity and kinesitherapy; biology and medicine of sport and exercise; biomechanics and motor control; physical education; kinesiological (sports) recreation; kinesiology of top-level sport; management of sport; kinesiology and social sciences (sociology, psychology, history, philosophy) and kinesiology in physical conditioning. Certain areas will be addressed at the Conference for the first time, like adaptation of human organism to disuse and ageing. All the papers that have got positive reviews, performed by at least two respectable referees, are published in these proceedings. The best papers, so recognized by the peer reviewers, will be published in the journal Kinesiology supplement. Two significant satellite symposiums are going to be held during this year Conference under the titles: University Sport and Health Kinesiology. Both symposia are aiming at provoking experts from these areas to find solutions and answers to recent problems in these specific fields From the very beginning, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has been giving its high patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of different areas in science. We are proud to have partners and cooperating institutions like Beijing Sports University (China), Faculty of Sport Studies Masaryk University, Brno (the Czech Republic), Science and Research Centre, University of Primorska (Slovenia) and Lithuanian Sports University. Also, our conference is supported by a number of important organisations in the field of kinesiology such as: the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP), International Federation of Physical Education (FIEP), and International Network of Sport and Health Sciences (INSHS). This year the assembly of kinesiologists from 32 countries will discuss diverse aspects of a variety of kinesiological issues presented in 220 papers and abstracts written by 514 authors. The Proceedings and Abstract Book is a reminder of the research findings accomplished in the field of kinesiology, or sport sciences, or kinetics, or kinanthropology throughout the past three years. The presented papers are a basis and a probable starting point for future findings and inferences since they cover a wide range of anthropological (understood in the widest sense), methodological and didactic investigations in the areas of physical education, competitive sport, kinesiological recreation, and kinesitherapy. We wish to express exceptional gratitude to all the authors of papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organising and Programme Committee, Section Editors and technical support staff for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in quality of the 7th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Looking forward to meeting you again at the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2017. Organising Committe

    7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Fundamental and applied kinesiology - steps forward : proceedings

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    It is our pleasure to greet you on behalf of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. Quite a number of significant anniversaries in this year are related to sport, physical education and kinesiology in Croatia. The most important anniversary is the 55th birthday of the College of Physical Culture/Faculty of Physical Culture/Faculty of Kinesiology establishment in 1959. However, the tradition of physical education teachers’ education in Croatia is much longer than that. Namely, in 1874, the Croatian Falcon (Hrvatski sokol) was founded and in 1894, first course for gymnastic teachers was organised as the first higher education course in the field of kinesiology in Croatia. Along with these important anniversaries, this year we are marking the 17th birthday of our Conference on kinesiology, dear Reader, and you are one of the most important reasons why is this so. From the first Conference in Dubrovnik in 1997 up nowadays, many changes in our science have occurred as well as in the practice of physical exercise and sports along with innumerable changes in political and social dimensions of modern life. However, we are deeply convinced that one thing has remained unchanged; that is the passion for investigation and knowledge acquisition, the need for new discoveries and love for kinesiology as the main field of our research. Also, we are assured that our ideas about the conference as a meeting point of distinguished scientists, leading researchers in different fields of our science and young investigators have become reality. We expect discussions and exchange of ideas that should result, as they have before, in new research ideas, insights, and research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which would be further advances in kinesiology and in cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The Conference will work under the motto “Fundamental and applied kinesiology - steps forward” in usual plenary and parallel sessions addressing ten comprehensive kinesiological topics: adaptation of human organism to disuse and ageing; adapted physical activity and kinesitherapy; biology and medicine of sport and exercise; biomechanics and motor control; physical education; kinesiological (sports) recreation; kinesiology of top-level sport; management of sport; kinesiology and social sciences (sociology, psychology, history, philosophy) and kinesiology in physical conditioning. Certain areas will be addressed at the Conference for the first time, like adaptation of human organism to disuse and ageing. All the papers that have got positive reviews, performed by at least two respectable referees, are published in these proceedings. The best papers, so recognized by the peer reviewers, will be published in the journal Kinesiology supplement. Two significant satellite symposiums are going to be held during this year Conference under the titles: University Sport and Health Kinesiology. Both symposia are aiming at provoking experts from these areas to find solutions and answers to recent problems in these specific fields From the very beginning, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has been giving its high patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of different areas in science. We are proud to have partners and cooperating institutions like Beijing Sports University (China), Faculty of Sport Studies Masaryk University, Brno (the Czech Republic), Science and Research Centre, University of Primorska (Slovenia) and Lithuanian Sports University. Also, our conference is supported by a number of important organisations in the field of kinesiology such as: the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP), International Federation of Physical Education (FIEP), and International Network of Sport and Health Sciences (INSHS). This year the assembly of kinesiologists from 32 countries will discuss diverse aspects of a variety of kinesiological issues presented in 220 papers and abstracts written by 514 authors. The Proceedings and Abstract Book is a reminder of the research findings accomplished in the field of kinesiology, or sport sciences, or kinetics, or kinanthropology throughout the past three years. The presented papers are a basis and a probable starting point for future findings and inferences since they cover a wide range of anthropological (understood in the widest sense), methodological and didactic investigations in the areas of physical education, competitive sport, kinesiological recreation, and kinesitherapy. We wish to express exceptional gratitude to all the authors of papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organising and Programme Committee, Section Editors and technical support staff for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in quality of the 7th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Looking forward to meeting you again at the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2017. Organising Committe