426 research outputs found

    Patient-controlled intravenous morphine analgesia combined with transcranial direct current stimulation for post-thoracotomy pain: A cost-effectiveness study and a feasibility for its future implementation

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    This prospective randomized study aims to evaluate the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of combining transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) with patient controlled intravenous morphine analgesia (PCA-IV) as part of multimodal analgesia after thoracotomy. Patients assigned to the active treatment group (a-tDCS

    Quality of Honey Bee Bread Collected in Spring

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    Pollen is the only source of protein that honey bees collect from nature. It is very important for the development of brood, and consequently, for the development of the colony. Honey bee bread is the pollen which the bees collect from flowers and store in honeycomb cells. Honey bee bread has a modified structure due to the fermentation process under the influence of enzymes it passes through. For this study, ten honey bee colonies were selected. Honey bee bread was sampled from the combs. The quality of pollen and honey bee bread was determined by the chemical composition, using standard methods used in food analysis. Total nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl method. Micro- and macroelements were determined by spectrophotometric method. The pollen collected from two sites had rich protein content (29.93 % and 27.63 % on average)

    Specifics of granite-based stone micro-cutting mechanism

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    В даній роботі показані результати дослідження, що були проведені на Машинобудівному факультеті в м. Белграді в області мікрорізання крихких матеріалів. Проаналізована взаємодія між алмазним зерном і мармуром та гранітом, що обробляються. Експериментально установлена зміна нормальної складової сили різання у функції швидкості різання і глибини проникнення при мікрорізанні на двох видах мармуру та граніту з родовищ в Республіці Сербії. На основі залишків на граніті і тріщин, що виникли, установлена критична глибина проникнення зерна, при якій виникає крихке руйнування. Наведені дослідження мають допомогти оптимізації процесу шліфування і полірування, які є домінуючими технологіями завершальної обробки граніту.The paper shows the results of investigations performed in the brittle materials micro-cutting at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade University. The interactions between a single diamond grain and the machined marble and granite are analyzed. The change in the normal cutting force as a function of cutting speed and grain penetration depth was experimentally established in micro-cutting of two types of stone, marble and granite, originating from Serbia. Based on the grain traces on granite and the generated cracks, the critical grain penetration depth for the formation of brittle fracturing was established. The investigations mentioned should assist in the optimization of the grinding and polishing processes as technologies dominant in the granite finishing.В данной работе показаны результаты исследования, проводящиеся на Машиностроительном факультете в г. Белграде в области микрорезания хрупких материалов. Здесь проанализировано взаимодействие между алмазным зерном и обрабатывающимся мрамором и гранитом. Экспериментально установлено изменение нормальной составляющей силы резания в функции скорости резания и глубины проникновения при микрорезании на двух видах мрамора и гранита из местонахождений в Республике Сербии. На основании следов на граните и возникших трещин установлена критическая глубина проникновения зерна, при которой возникает хрупкое разрушение. Указанные исследования должны помогать оптимизации процесса шлифования и полировки, являющихся доминирующими технологиями окончательной обработки гранита

    The change of phytochemical profile in beet juice and the influence of different storage conditions during one year

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    Many scientific researches proved the antioxidative impact of beet and its products. The use of vegetable juices is getting more popular in human diet. The way of storage plays an important role in preservation, long life and minimal variability of phytonutrients. The storage of products, usually in inappropriate conditions, leads to additional loss of phytonutrients, which have already been decreased by processing. In this research, we studied the impact of three ways of storage of pasteurised beet juice during one year, on content of some nutrients (total sugars, vitamin C, phenols and total antioxidative capacity). Pasteurised juice was stored in three ways: in light, at room temperature, in dark, at room temperature and in dark, at temperature of 4 °C. The change of content and differences have been followed during one month and confirmed with ANOVA and Tukey's test. The lowest changes of total sugars have been recorded in storage in dark at 4 °C, while in storage in light, the sugar content increased. The losses of vitamin C during one year of storage had linear trend of decrease. Antioxidative capacity of beet juice depends on concentration of phenol compounds and loss of these parameters was similar during period of one year. The best way of storage was dark place at low temperature

    Probing the structure and dynamics of molecular clusters using rotational wavepackets

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    The chemical and physical properties of molecular clusters can heavily depend on their size, which makes them very attractive for the design of new materials with tailored properties. Deriving the structure and dynamics of clusters is therefore of major interest in science. Weakly bound clusters can be studied using conventional spectroscopic techniques, but the number of lines observed is often too small for a comprehensive structural analysis. Impulsive alignment generates rotational wavepackets, which provides simultaneous information on structure and dynamics, as has been demonstrated successfully for isolated molecules. Here, we apply this technique for the firsttime to clusters comprising of a molecule and a single helium atom. By forcing the population of high rotational levels in intense laser fields we demonstrate the generation of rich rotational line spectra for this system, establishing the highly delocalised structure and the coherence of rotational wavepacket propagation. Our findings enable studies of clusters of different sizes and complexity as well as incipient superfluidity effects using wavepacket methods.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Have a Good Trip! Expanding our Concepts of the Quality of Everyday Travelling with Flow Theory

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    The dominant tradition in transport planning and policy practice considers travel as a derived activity and travel time as an economic disutility. A growing body of literature is challenging this perspective, demonstrating that being ‘on the move’ is a rich experience interlaced with profound shared and individual meanings that can have positive implications on quality of life, well-being and personal development. Yet, mobility in general, and commuting in particular, is often reported as one of the least pleasant daily experiences and as a source of massive environmental impacts. This exploratory article hypothesizes that flow theory, based on Csikszentmihalyi´s seminal work on optimal states of consciousness, has the potential to offer important insights that can contribute to research and policy action on achieving both sustainable and satisfying forms of daily mobility. The article draws on an online exploratory questionnaire in order to reflect on flow theory in relation to the capacity of different mobility modes to either facilitate or constrain the occurrence and duration of optimal states of consciousness. Preliminary conclusions provide a basis for outlining a set of future research directions aimed at better understanding mobility experiences and their relationships with flow theory

    The subchronic effects of 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine on oxidative stress in rat brain

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the subchronic effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on several oxidative stress markers: index of lipid peroxidation (ILP), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, superoxide radical (O2.-) levels, and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in the frontal cortex, striatum and hippocampus of the rat. The study included 64 male Wistar rats (200-250 g). The animals were treated per os with of 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) every day for 15 days. The subchronic administration of MDMA resulted in an increase in ILP, SOD and O2.-, and a decrease in GSH, from which we conclude that oxidative stress was induced in rat brain

    Duvan chvarci : product characterization and comparison between traditional and industrial production

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyThis research aimed to investigate and compare traditional products called “duvan chvarci” produced using pork meat and fat, originated from local households and industries. Physical and chemical analysis demonstrated differences among the examined products, mostly in total chloride content and TBARS values. Samples collected at local households showed finer color (higher lightness and yellowness) and sensory properties (rated as “extremely acceptable”), while industrial products were rated between “very acceptable” and “extremely acceptable“. Microbiological analysis exhibited that enterobacteria, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and fungi were absent from all meat products. Dominant microbiota was identified as Lactobacillus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. All tested isolates showed γ-haemolysis on blood agar plates. Tested Staphylococcus spp. were sensitive to novobiocin while Lactobacillus isolates demonstrated sensitivity to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamycin, and streptomycin. None of the tested isolates showed full resistance to antibiotics. Overall, results indicated that duvan chvarci is a microbiologically safe product and provided the initial evidence regarding the physical, chemical, technological, and sensory properties of this widely consumed product in the Balkans.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alchemilla Vulgaris L. kao potencijalni izvor prirodnih antioksidanata

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    The aim of this study was to examine the total phenolic and flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Alchemilla vulgaris aerial parts, as a potential source of natural antioxidants. The obtained results showed that extract has high total phenolic content (590,22 mg GAE/g), wheras flavonoid content was lower (12,58 mg RU/g). Antioxidant activity was determined in vitro by DPPH· and ABTS+· reagents. The IC50 values of DPPH (5,40 μg/ml) and ABTS+· scavenging capacities (60,10 μg/ml) of methanol extract showed that tested extract has extremely strong antioxidant activity.Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti, kao i količine ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida u metanolnom ekstraktu biljke A. vulgaris L., kao potencijalnog izvora prirodnih antioksidanata. Ispitivani ekstrakt poseduje visok sadržaj ukupnih fenola (590,22 mg GA/g), dok je koncentracija flavonoida znatno manja (12,58 mg RU/g). Antioksidativna aktivnost je ispitivana in vitro DPPH i ABTS+· metodom, a IC50 vrednosti ukazuju da ispitivani ekstrakt pokazuje izuzetno visok stepen antioksidativne aktivnosti u poređenju sa referentnim fenolnim jedinjenjima, što ukazuje na mogućnost primene ekstrakta A. vulgaris u prehrambenoj industriji