223 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of multilayer composite structures for application in micro electro mechanical systems

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    Bakarne prevlake dobijene procesima elektrohemijskog taloženja imaju široku primenu u MEMS tehnologijama. Određivanje parametara elektrolize za dobijanje visoko kvalitetnih bakarnih prevlaka bio je glavni cilj ove disertacije. Bakarne prevlake su sintetisane primenom konstantnog galvanostatskog režima i režima pulsirajuće struje na različitim supstratima, i to Si(111), Cu, mesingu i debeloslojnim Ni prevlakama, i okarakterisane su skenirajućim elektronskim i optičkim mikroskopom, mikroskopom na principu atomskih sila, kao i rendgensko-difrakcionom tehnikom. Mehanička svojstva, kao što su tvrdoća, otpornost na puzanje i adhezija sintetisanih Cu prevlaka izučavane su primenom metode po mikro- Vikersu. Apsolutna tvrdoća Cu prevlaka je određena primenom kompozitnih modela tvrdoće, kao što su Šiko-Lezaž, (C−L), Čen-Gao (C−G) i Korsunski (K). U zavisnosti od tvrdoće supstrata, Cu prevlake pripadaju različitim tipovima kompozitnih sistema koje karakterišemo kao „meki film na tvrdom supstratu“ ili „tvrdi film na mekom supstratu“. Primenom C-L modela definisana je vrednost relativne dubine indentacije, koja razdvaja oblast dominantnog uticaja tvrdoće prevlake od oblasti uticaja kompozita (prevlake i supstrata zajedno) na izmerenu tvrdoću, i ta vrednost iznosi 0,14. Mehanizam i svojstva puzanja bakarnih prevlaka pri utiskivanju su izučavana primenom Sardžent-Ešbijevog modela. Adheziona svojstva prevlaka su proučavana primenom adheziono indentacione metode i merenjem kritičnog broja ciklusa na mašini za ciklično savijanje, koja je specijalno konstruisana i izrađena za ove potrebe. Na kraju je razmatrano formiranje višeslojnih parova Cu/Ni pomoću naizmeničnog elektrohemijskog taloženja iz dva elektrolita, pogodnih za primenu kao alternativno prilagodljivog plazmonskog materijala.The copper coatings obtained by the electrodeposition processes are widely used for an application in MEMS technologies. The determinition of an electrolysis parameters to obtain the copper coatings of high quality was the main aim of this dissertation. The copper coatings were produced by constant galvanostatic and pulsating current regimes onto different substrates, such as Si(111), Cu, brass and thick Ni coatings, and characterized by scanning electron, optical and atomic force microscopes and by X-ray diffraction. The mechanical characteristics, such as hardness, creep resistance and adhesion, of produced Cu coatings were examined by application of Vickers indentation test. The absolute hardness of Cu coatings was determined by application of the composite hardnes models, such as the Chicot−Lesage (C−L), Chen−Gao (C−G) and Korsunsky (K). Depending on the hardness of the substrate, the Cu coatings belong to either „soft film on hard substrate“ or „hard film on soft substrate“ composite system. By application of the C−L model it is determined the relative indentation depth (RID) of 0.14 that separates the area of the coating hardness from that with a strong effect of the substrate on the measured composite hardness. Indentation creep characteristics of the Cu coatings were examined by the application of the Sargent-Ashby model, and creep mechanism was determined. The adhesion characteristics of the coatings were studied using the indentation adhesion test method and measuring the critical number of cycles on a cyclic bending machine, which is specially constructed and designed for these purposes. Finally, formation of multilayer pair Cu/Ni by dual bath electrodeposition technique, suitable for application as an alternative tailorable plasmonic material, was also considered

    Synthesis and characterization of multilayer composite structures for application in micro electro mechanical systems

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    Bakarne prevlake dobijene procesima elektrohemijskog taloženja imaju široku primenu u MEMS tehnologijama. Određivanje parametara elektrolize za dobijanje visoko kvalitetnih bakarnih prevlaka bio je glavni cilj ove disertacije.Bakarne prevlake su sintetisane primenom konstantnog galvanostatskog režima i režima pulsirajuće struje na različitim supstratima, i to Si(111), Cu, mesingu i debeloslojnim Ni prevlakama, i okarakterisane su skenirajućim elektronskim i optičkim mikroskopom, mikroskopom na principu atomskih sila, kao i rendgensko-difrakcionom tehnikom. Mehanička svojstva, kao što su tvrdoća, otpornost na puzanje i adhezija sintetisanih Cu prevlaka izučavane su primenom metode po mikro- Vikersu. Apsolutna tvrdoća Cu prevlaka je određena primenom kompozitnih modela tvrdoće, kao što su Šiko-Lezaž, (C−L), Čen-Gao (C−G) i Korsunski (K). U zavisnosti od tvrdoće supstrata, Cu prevlake pripadaju različitim tipovima kompozitnih sistema koje karakterišemo kao „meki film na tvrdom supstratu“ ili „tvrdi film na mekom supstratu“. Primenom C-L modela definisana je vrednost relativne dubine indentacije, koja razdvaja oblast dominantnog uticaja tvrdoće prevlake od oblasti uticaja kompozita (prevlake i supstrata zajedno) na izmerenu tvrdoću, i ta vrednost iznosi 0,14. Mehanizam i svojstva puzanja bakarnih prevlaka pri utiskivanju su izučavana primenom Sardžent-Ešbijevog modela. Adheziona svojstva prevlaka su proučavana primenom adheziono indentacione metode i merenjem kritičnog broja ciklusa na mašini za ciklično savijanje, koja je specijalno konstruisana i izrađena za ove potrebe.Na kraju je razmatrano formiranje višeslojnih parova Cu/Ni pomoću naizmeničnog elektrohemijskog taloženja iz dva elektrolita, pogodnih za primenu kao alternativno prilagodljivog plazmonskog materijala.The copper coatings obtained by the electrodeposition processes are widely used for an application in MEMS technologies. The determinition of an electrolysis parameters to obtain the copper coatings of high quality was the main aim of this dissertation.The copper coatings were produced by constant galvanostatic and pulsating current regimes onto different substrates, such as Si(111), Cu, brass and thick Ni coatings, and characterized by scanning electron, optical and atomic force microscopes and by X-ray diffraction. The mechanical characteristics, such as hardness, creep resistance and adhesion, of produced Cu coatings were examined by application of Vickers indentation test. The absolute hardness of Cu coatings was determined by application of the composite hardnes models, such as the Chicot−Lesage (C−L), Chen−Gao (C−G) and Korsunsky (K). Depending on the hardness of the substrate, the Cu coatings belong to either „soft film on hard substrate“ or „hard film on soft substrate“ composite system. By application of the C−L model it is determined the relative indentation depth (RID) of 0.14 that separates the area of the coating hardness from that with a strong effect of the substrate on the measured composite hardness. Indentation creep characteristics of the Cu coatings were examined by the application of the Sargent-Ashby model, and creep mechanism was determined. The adhesion characteristics of the coatings were studied using the indentation adhesion test method and measuring the critical number of cycles on a cyclic bending machine, which is specially constructed and designed for these purposes.Finally, formation of multilayer pair Cu/Ni by dual bath electrodeposition technique, suitable for application as an alternative tailorable plasmonic material, was also considered

    Do lie scales measure faking or substantive dimensions of personality

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    Skale laganja još uvek imaju široku upotrebu u psihologiji bez obzira na brojne empirijske dokaze koji ukazuju na neefikasnost pomenutih skala u poboljšanju validnosti samoprocena. S tim u vezi cilj ovog rada je bio da utvrdi da li skale laganja mere laganje ili supstantivne dimenzije ličnosti. U radu su prikazane tri studije urađene na tri različita uzorka ispitanika. Prva studija je ispitivala da li postoji slaganje između samoprocena na skali laganja i procena grupe vršnjaka koja je ocenila ispitanika na istoj skali. U drugoj, longitudinalnoj studiji koja je trajala 7 godina, različite mere ličnosti i ponašanja, kao i skala laganja administrirane su više puta, a prikupljene su procene od grupe vršnjaka na merama ličnosti. U trećoj studiji primenjena je eksperimentalna indukcija lažiranja pod instrukcijom „prikaži se boljim“, kao i procene grupe vršnjaka na skali procene nemorala relevantnog za školski kontekst. Rezultati su pokazali da je skor skale laganja značajno povezan sa skorom procena grupe vršnjaka na istoj skali laganja, interklasni koeficijenti korelacije su pokazali visoku test-retest stabilnost u vremenu. Skale laganja su povezane i sa merama ranih dečjih interesovanja koja su prikupljena čak sedam godina pre poslednjeg zadavanja skale laganja. U studiji eksperimentalno indukovanog lažiranja skale laganja nisu pokazale efikasnost u detekciji lažiranja. U svim studijama korelacije između samoprocena i procena grupe vršnjaka su veće ukoliko se samoprocene ne koriguju za vrednost skala laganja, što znači da skale laganja sadrže supstantivnu informaciju o ispitaniku. Generalni zaključak naših studija je u suprotnosti sa tretiranjem skala laganja kao mera strategije u odgovaranju. Naši rezultati ukazuju da su predmet merenja skala laganja stvarne individualne razlike u ličnosti koje su najviše povezane sa visokom saradljivošću, a delom i sa visokom savesnošću i niskom sklonosti ka amoralnosti.Lie scales are still widely used in psychology despite the amount of empirical evidence indicating their inefficiency in strengthening the validity of self-reporting. Therein, the aim of this dissertation has been to determine as to whether lie scales measure a respondent’s dishonesty or their own substantive personality dimensions. This work presents three studies conducted on three independent samples. The first study examines whether a consensus exists in self-reporting on lie scales as well as peer reports for the same lie scale. The second is a longitudinal study which was carried out over a period of seven years during which different measures of personality and behaviour, as well as lie scales, were administered repeatedly, from which peer reports on personality measures were obtained. The third study applied experimental induced faking under the instruction “to fake good” as well as peer reports on scales assessing immorality within a high school academic context. The results have indicated that the self-report score obtained on the lie scale significantly correlates with those on the peer report for the same scale; the intraclass coefficient correlations indicate a high-test - retest reliability over time. The lie scales have been found to be related to factors of early child interest, which were obtained even seven years prior to the final administration of the scale itself. In the study of experimentally induced faking, the lie scales were found not to demonstrate their efficacy in detecting faking. All studies conducted consistently found that the correlations obtained between self-reports and peer reports are, in most cases, higher when the lie scales had not been partialized out from the self- reports, thereby indicating that lie scales contain substantive information about the respondent. The general conclusion of the dissertation comes in opposition to using lie scales as a measure of strategy in answering. The results point to the content of lie scales for true individual differences in personality which are most strongly related to high agreeableness, but relating to high conscientiousness and low tendency to amorality

    Modeling the motion and mass quantity of fruit by rotating sizing machines

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    U ovom radu teoretski je analizirano kretanje i protok osam vrsta voća duž rotacionog kalibratora. Polazi se od diferencijalne jednačine kretanja voća na rotirajućem disku kalibratora. Razvijen je opšti model koji može biti primenjen za određivanje protoka za sve tipove rotacionih kalibratora. Analiza protoka obuhvatila je masu i protok kalibriranog voća. Uvedeni su novi iskustveni koeficijenti: koeficijent procentualnog iskorišćenja obima diska, koeficijent punjenja i koeficijent raspodele plodova. Posebno je istražen uticaj relativne brzine voća na kapacitet kalibratora. Za usvojene vrednosti navedenih koeficijenata ke = 0.7, kf = 1, kd = 0.5 dobijeni su rezultati koji se približno poklapaju sa do sada poznatim protocima voća na kalibratorima. Ustanovljeno je da protoci veoma variraju u zavisnosti od dijametra i mase voća. Količinski protok varira od 8949 plod/h za jabuku do 40157 plod/h za duboko zamrznutu malinu. Maseni protok varira od 229,1 kg/h za višnju do 2054,7 kg/h za jabuku.This paper analyzes theoretically the motion and mass quantity of eight fruit types, roundish in shape, along rotating sizing machines. Mathematical model of the motion of fruit on the rotating disc is solved in spherical coordinate system which is tied to the disc. The exact solution is simplified introducing assumptions that are do not significantly affect the accuracy of the solution. Starting from differential equation of fruit motion on a rotating disk of the sizing machine, all forces acting on fruit were determined as well as velocities and time necessary for fruit to reach the disk rim if found in some upper position on the cone. Mass quantity analysis comprised sized fruit mass and weight capacity. New empirical coefficients were introduced: extent ratio, feed ratio and distribution ratio. The results obtained for the adopted values ke = 0.7, kf = 1, kd = 0.5 coincide approximately with those reported to date for fruit mass quantity rate on sizing machines. It was found that mass quantity rates vary considerably, depending on fruit diameter and mass. Fruit numbers mass quantity ranges from 8949 crops/h for apple to 40,157 crops/h for deep frozen raspberry. Mass quantity varies from 229.1 kg/h for cherry to 2054.7 kg/h for apple

    Modeling the motion and mass quantity of fruit by rotating sizing machines

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    U ovom radu teoretski je analizirano kretanje i protok osam vrsta voća duž rotacionog kalibratora. Polazi se od diferencijalne jednačine kretanja voća na rotirajućem disku kalibratora. Razvijen je opšti model koji može biti primenjen za određivanje protoka za sve tipove rotacionih kalibratora. Analiza protoka obuhvatila je masu i protok kalibriranog voća. Uvedeni su novi iskustveni koeficijenti: koeficijent procentualnog iskorišćenja obima diska, koeficijent punjenja i koeficijent raspodele plodova. Posebno je istražen uticaj relativne brzine voća na kapacitet kalibratora. Za usvojene vrednosti navedenih koeficijenata ke = 0.7, kf = 1, kd = 0.5 dobijeni su rezultati koji se približno poklapaju sa do sada poznatim protocima voća na kalibratorima. Ustanovljeno je da protoci veoma variraju u zavisnosti od dijametra i mase voća. Količinski protok varira od 8949 plod/h za jabuku do 40157 plod/h za duboko zamrznutu malinu. Maseni protok varira od 229,1 kg/h za višnju do 2054,7 kg/h za jabuku.This paper analyzes theoretically the motion and mass quantity of eight fruit types, roundish in shape, along rotating sizing machines. Mathematical model of the motion of fruit on the rotating disc is solved in spherical coordinate system which is tied to the disc. The exact solution is simplified introducing assumptions that are do not significantly affect the accuracy of the solution. Starting from differential equation of fruit motion on a rotating disk of the sizing machine, all forces acting on fruit were determined as well as velocities and time necessary for fruit to reach the disk rim if found in some upper position on the cone. Mass quantity analysis comprised sized fruit mass and weight capacity. New empirical coefficients were introduced: extent ratio, feed ratio and distribution ratio. The results obtained for the adopted values ke = 0.7, kf = 1, kd = 0.5 coincide approximately with those reported to date for fruit mass quantity rate on sizing machines. It was found that mass quantity rates vary considerably, depending on fruit diameter and mass. Fruit numbers mass quantity ranges from 8949 crops/h for apple to 40,157 crops/h for deep frozen raspberry. Mass quantity varies from 229.1 kg/h for cherry to 2054.7 kg/h for apple

    Hazardous elements speciation in sandy, alkaline coal mine overburden by using different sequential extraction procedures

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    This paper deals with the problem of hazardous elements (HE) speciation in sandy, alkaline coal mine overburden destined for restoration. Two sequential extraction procedures [five stages Tesier's (T) and seven stages Zeien and Brummner's method (ZB)] were employed that focused on potentially bioavailable HE fractions previously found in plants growing during this soil restoration process. The results showed that the selection of the extraction procedure in HE speciation is essential, due to the different potential threats of HE fractions obtained for plants. The biggest residual fraction obtained by both extractions suggest geogenic origin of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr and Pb. Tesier's extraction procedure works reasonably well for low concentration of water soluble and exchangeable HEs, whilst giving higher values for their organically bound forms. Zeien and Brummner's method, however, was found to be more appropriate for evaluation of the mobility of HE as Mn and Fe oxide fractions. The principal component analysis test estimated three main groups where the relationship between soil properties (pH, clay and silt), total content of element and available fractions (Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb-T and Ni-ZB) was defined as a PC 1 group. Other PC 2 and PC 3 from the PCA analysis include C-org and CEC, and available Cu-T and Cr, Pb-ZB, respectively. The PC 3 factor linked fine sand and available Zn-ZB. Pearson's correlation coefficients showed a high correlation between available HE and high pH(KCl) obtained by T-extraction, and Ni by Zn-extraction. Also, clay, silt and fine sand were highly correlated with the Ni-ZB available forms

    Impact of triticale mass yield on harvest speed

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    U ovom radu analizirana je uticaj prinosa tritikala na brzinu kretanja kombajna tokom žetve. Sistem za merenje lokacijski specifičnog prinosa postavljen je na kombajn širine zahvata 6 metara. Nakon žetve prinos je podeljen u tri grupe, kao mali, srednji i velik prinos, i potom pomoću Kruskal-Volisovog H testa analizirana je brzina za svaku grupu prinosa duž parcele. Ustanovljeno je da se na analiziranoj parceli brzine razlikuju i na osnovu srednjih vrednosti rangova grupa zaključeno je da brzina opada sa smanjenjem prinosa, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među grupama pomoću Man-Vitnijevog U testa. Brzine kretanja kombajna tokom žetve tritikala na analiziranoj parceli razlikuju se statistički značajno pri poređenju sve tri grupe, i to sa malim i srednjim uticajem prema Koenovom kriterijumu. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 35043.This paper analyzes the effect of triticale yield on the speed of the combine during harvest. Monitoring system for the site-specific yield is mounted to harvester with 6 meters wide header. After harvest, the yield is divided into three groups, as well as small, medium and large yield, and then using the Kruskal-Wallis H test analyzed the rate of speed for each group along the plot. It was found for analyzed field that the speeds different and based on the average value ranges group concluded that the speed decreases with increasing yield, and access the subsequent analysis of the differences between the groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The speed of the combine during harvest triticale in the analyzed plot differ significantly when comparing the three groups, and small and medium impact to Cohen's criteria based on effect size

    Impact of triticale mass yield on harvest speed

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    U ovom radu analizirana je uticaj prinosa tritikala na brzinu kretanja kombajna tokom žetve. Sistem za merenje lokacijski specifičnog prinosa postavljen je na kombajn širine zahvata 6 metara. Nakon žetve prinos je podeljen u tri grupe, kao mali, srednji i velik prinos, i potom pomoću Kruskal-Volisovog H testa analizirana je brzina za svaku grupu prinosa duž parcele. Ustanovljeno je da se na analiziranoj parceli brzine razlikuju i na osnovu srednjih vrednosti rangova grupa zaključeno je da brzina opada sa smanjenjem prinosa, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među grupama pomoću Man-Vitnijevog U testa. Brzine kretanja kombajna tokom žetve tritikala na analiziranoj parceli razlikuju se statistički značajno pri poređenju sve tri grupe, i to sa malim i srednjim uticajem prema Koenovom kriterijumu. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 35043.This paper analyzes the effect of triticale yield on the speed of the combine during harvest. Monitoring system for the site-specific yield is mounted to harvester with 6 meters wide header. After harvest, the yield is divided into three groups, as well as small, medium and large yield, and then using the Kruskal-Wallis H test analyzed the rate of speed for each group along the plot. It was found for analyzed field that the speeds different and based on the average value ranges group concluded that the speed decreases with increasing yield, and access the subsequent analysis of the differences between the groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The speed of the combine during harvest triticale in the analyzed plot differ significantly when comparing the three groups, and small and medium impact to Cohen's criteria based on effect size

    Fruit flow calculation on the rotating sizing machines

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    This paper analyzes theoretically the motion and flow of eight fruit types, along rotating sizing machines. It starts from differential equation of fruit motion on a rotating disk of the sizing machine. A universal method that can generally be applied to determine the flow of all types of rotary sizing machine is developed. Flow analysis comprised sized fruit mass and flow. New empirical coefficients were introduced: extent ratio, feed ratio and distribution ratio. In particular, the influence of the relative speed of fruit on the capacity of sizing machines is researched. The results obtained for the adopted values extend, feed and distribution ratio k(e) = 0,7; k(f) = 1; k(d) = 0,5 coincide approximately with those reported to date for fruit flow rate on sizing machines. It was found that flow rates vary considerably, depending on fruit diameter and mass. Fruit numbers flow ranges from 8949 crops/h for apple to 40.157 crops/h for deep frozen raspberry. Mass flow varies from 229,1 kg/h for cherry to 2054,7 kg/h for apple

    Analiza tvrdoće i morfologije elektrolitički dobijenih bakarnih prevlaka

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    The influence of various electrolysis parameters, such as selected operating current regime, the cathode material type, composition and mixing conditions of the electrolyte and electrodeposition time, on the structural-morphological characteristics of the copper coatings has been investigated. Morphology and structure of the coatings were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Characterization of mechanical performance, such as microhardness of the coating, was done using the Vickers microindentation test. The absolute hardness of Cu coatings was determined by application of the composite hardnes models, named the Chicot−Lesage (C−L). Based on this model, it is determined the critical relative indentation depth (RID)c of 0.14, independent of all examined parameters of the electrodeposition. Depending on the electrolyte type, two different Cu coatings were obtained: fine-grained microcrystalline coatings with a strong (220) preferred orientation from the basic sulfate electrolyte and smooth mirror bright nanocrystalline coatings with a strong (200) preferred orientation from the electrolyte with added leveling/brightening additives. The „softening effect“ of mirror bright coatings obtained in the presence of a combination of additives is explained by the grain boundary phenomenon. Two different substrates: monocrystalline silicon Si(111) and polycrystalline brass alloy, were selected for comparative analysis of composite hardness.Istražen je uticaj različitih parametara elektrolize, kao što je izbor radnog režima struje, katodnog materijala, sastav i uslovi mešanja elektrolita i vreme taloženja, na strukturno-morfološke karakteristike bakarnih prevlaka. Analizirana je morfologija i struktura prevlaka pomoću skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM) i mikroskopa na principu atomskih sila (AFM). Karakterizacija mehaničkih performansi, kao što je mikrotvrdoća prevlaka, urađena je korišćenjem mikro utiskivača po Vikersovom testu. Apsolutna tvrdoća bakarnih prevlaka je određena primenom modela kompozitne tvrdoće, pod nazivom Šiko−Lezaž (Š−L). Na osnovu ovog modela određena je kritična relativna dubina utiskivanja (RDU) od 0,14 koja je bila nezavisna od svih ispitivanih parametara elektrohemijskog taloženja. U zavisnosti od tipa elektrolita, dobijene su dve različite prevlake bakra: sitnozrna mikrokristalna prevlaka bakra iz osnovnog sulfatnog elektrolita sa izraženom (220) preferencijalnom orijentacijom i glatka ogledalasto sjajna nanokristalna prevlaka bakra sa izraženom (200) preferencijalnom orijentacijom iz elektrolita sa dodatkom aditiva za poravnanje/sjaj. „Efekat omekšavanja” ogledalasto sjajnih prevlaka dobijenih u prisustvu kombinacije aditiva je objašnjen preko fenomena uticaja granice zrna. Za uporednu analizu tvrdoće kompozita odabrana su dva različita supstrata: monokristalni silicijum Si(111) i polikristalna legura mesinga