9 research outputs found

    Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex

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    The major mechanism for generating diversity of neuronal connections beyond their genetic determination is the activity-dependent stabilization and selective elimination of the initially overproduced synapses [Changeux JP, Danchin A (1976) Nature 264:705-712]. The largest number of supranumerary synapses has been recorded in the cerebral cortex of human and nonhuman primates. It is generally accepted that synaptic pruning in the cerebral cortex, including prefrontal areas, occurs at puberty and is completed during early adolescence [Huttenlocher PR, et al. (1979) Brain Res 163:195-205]. In the present study we analyzed synaptic spine density on the dendrites of layer IIIC cortico-cortical and layer V cortico-subcortical projecting pyramidal neurons in a large sample of human prefrontal cortices in subjects ranging in age from newborn to 91 y. We confirm that dendritic spine density in childhood exceeds adult values by two- to threefold and begins to decrease during puberty. However, we also obtained evidence that overproduction and developmental remodeling, including substantial elimination of synaptic spines, continues beyond adolescence and throughout the third decade of life before stabilizing at the adult level. Such an extraordinarily long phase of developmental reorganization of cortical neuronal circuitry has implications for understanding the effect of environmental impact on the development of human cognitive and emotional capacities as well as the late onset of human-specific neuropsychiatric disorders

    The protracted maturation of associative layer IIIC pyramidal neurons in the human prefrontal cortex during childhood: a major role in cognitive development and selective alteration in autism

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    The human specific cognitive shift starts around the age of 2 years with the onset of self-awareness, and continues with extraordinary increase in cognitive capacities during early childhood. Diffuse changes in functional connectivity in children aged 2-6 years indicate an increase in the capacity of cortical network. Interestingly, structural network complexity does not increase during this time and, thus, it is likely to be induced by selective maturation of a specific neuronal subclass. Here, we provide an overview of a subclass of cortico-cortical neurons, the associative layer IIIC pyramids of the human prefrontal cortex. Their local axonal collaterals are in control of the prefrontal cortico-cortical output, while their long projections modulate inter-areal processing. In this way, layer IIIC pyramids are the major integrative element of cortical processing, and changes in their connectivity patterns will affect global cortical functioning. Layer IIIC neurons have a unique pattern of dendritic maturation. In contrast to other classes of principal neurons, they undergo an additional phase of extensive dendritic growth during early childhood, and show characteristic molecular changes. Taken together, circuits associated with layer IIIC neurons have the most protracted period of developmental plasticity. This unique feature is advanced but also provides a window of opportunity for pathological events to disrupt normal formation of cognitive circuits involving layer IIIC neurons. In this manuscript, we discuss how disrupted dendritic and axonal maturation of layer IIIC neurons may lead into global cortical disconnectivity, affecting development of complex communication and social abilities. We also propose a model that developmentally dictated incorporation of layer IIIC neurons into maturing cortico-cortical circuits between 2 to 6 years will reveal a previous (perinatal) lesion affecting other classes of principal neurons. This "disclosure" of pre-existing functionally silent lesions of other neuronal classes induced by development of layer IIIC associative neurons, or their direct alteration, could be found in different forms of autism spectrum disorders. Understanding the gene-environment interaction in shaping cognitive microcircuitries may be fundamental for developing rehabilitation and prevention strategies in autism spectrum and other cognitive disorders

    Effect of environmental enrichment on morphology of deep layer III and layer V pyramidal cells of occipital cortex in oldest-old rat – a quantitative Golgi Cox study [Utjecaj stimulativne okoline na morfologiju piramidnih neurona dubokih slojeva III i V okcipitalnog korteksa vrlo starih štakora: kvantitativna Golgi Cox studija]

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    Dendrites and dendritic spine density regress extensively during aging in rats housed under standard conditions (SC), which can be ameliorated by housing in the enriched environment (EE). This event is particularly pronounced on neurons where high rates of plasticity are conceivable, such as on projection neurons of archicortical regions of dentate gyrus1. However, effects of EE on neocortical projection neurons are still poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated the effect of EE housing on a deep layer III (L3) and layer V pyramidal cell (L5) morphology in the associative occipital neocortex of male Sprague-Dawley rats at 24 months of age. Rats were randomly distributed in two groups and reared under either SC (n=5) or EE conditions (n=6) for 26 days. In depth quantitative analysis of dendritic tree morphology and spine density on occipital projection neurons, from Golgi-Cox stained sections, showed similar trend in both EE occipital layers L3 and L5. Significant increase was found in total number of dendritic segments (L3 – 37.5 %, L5 – 33 %) and in dendritic diameter of intermediate segments (for more than 20 %), while increase in total spine number was around the level of significance (p>0.55; L3 – 30 %, L5 – 64 %). These findings suggest an outgrowth of new dendritic segments. When compared to archicortical region of dentate gyrus, effects of aging in the associative occipital cortex were less pronounced. Taken together, these findings suggest that structures being more affected by the aging process are more susceptible to the environmental enrichment in old age

    Adult Upper Cortical Layer Specific Transcription Factor CUX2 Is Expressed in Transient Subplate and Marginal Zone Neurons of the Developing Human Brain

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    Cut-Like Homeobox 2 (Cux2) is a transcription factor involved in dendrite and spine development, and synapse formation of projection neurons placed in mouse upper neocortical layers. Therefore, Cux2 is often used as an upper layer marker in the mouse brain. However, expression of its orthologue CUX2 remains unexplored in the human fetal neocortex. Here, we show that CUX2 protein is expressed in transient compartments of developing neocortical anlage during the main fetal phases of neocortical laminar development in human brain. During the early fetal phase when neurons of the upper cortical layers are still radially migrating to reach their final place in the cortical anlage, CUX2 was expressed in the marginal zone (MZ), deep cortical plate, and pre-subplate. During midgestation, CUX2 was still expressed in the migrating upper cortical neurons as well as in the subplate (SP) and MZ neurons. At the term age, CUX2 was expressed in the gyral white matter along with its expected expression in the upper layer neurons. In sum, CUX2 was expressed in migratory neurons of prospective superficial layers and in the diverse subpopulation of transient postmigratory SP and MZ neurons. Therefore, our findings indicate that CUX2 is a novel marker of distinct transient, but critical histogenetic events during corticogenesis. Given the Cux2 functions reported in animal models, our data further suggest that the expression of CUX2 in postmigratory SP and MZ neurons is associated with their unique dendritic and synaptogenesis characteristics

    Species-Dependent Posttranscriptional Regulation of NOS1 by FMRP in the Developing Cerebral Cortex

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    SummaryFragile X syndrome (FXS), the leading monogenic cause of intellectual disability and autism, results from loss of function of the RNA-binding protein FMRP. Here, we show that FMRP regulates translation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase 1 (NOS1) in the developing human neocortex. Whereas NOS1 mRNA is widely expressed, NOS1 protein is transiently coexpressed with FMRP during early synaptogenesis in layer- and region-specific pyramidal neurons. These include midfetal layer 5 subcortically projecting neurons arranged into alternating columns in the prospective Broca's area and orofacial motor cortex. Human NOS1 translation is activated by FMRP via interactions with coding region binding motifs absent from mouse Nos1 mRNA, which is expressed in mouse pyramidal neurons, but not efficiently translated. Correspondingly, neocortical NOS1 protein levels are severely reduced in developing human FXS cases, but not FMRP-deficient mice. Thus, alterations in FMRP posttranscriptional regulation of NOS1 in developing neocortical circuits may contribute to cognitive dysfunction in FXS

    The neural EGF family member CALEB/NGC mediates dendritic tree and spine complexity

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    The development of dendritic arborizations and spines is essential for neuronal information processing, and abnormal dendritic structures and/or alterations in spine morphology are consistent features of neurons in patients with mental retardation. We identify the neural EGF family member CALEB/NGC as a critical mediator of dendritic tree complexity and spine formation. Overexpression of CALEB/NGC enhances dendritic branching and increases the complexity of dendritic spines and filopodia. Genetic and functional inactivation of CALEB/NGC impairs dendritic arborization and spine formation. Genetic manipulations of individual neurons in an otherwise unaffected microenvironment in the intact mouse cortex by in utero electroporation confirm these results. The EGF-like domain of CALEB/NGC drives both dendritic branching and spine morphogenesis. The phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway and protein kinase C (PKC) are important for CALEB/NGC-induced stimulation of dendritic branching. In contrast, CALEB/NGC-induced spine morphogenesis is independent of PI3K but depends on PKC. Thus, our findings reveal a novel switch of specificity in signaling leading to neuronal process differentiation in consecutive developmental events