183 research outputs found

    Current loop 0(4) - 20 mA Analyzer

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou proudové smyčky. Jsou zde popsány její základní části a možnosti použití. Pro vyvíjený analyzátor je proveden rozbor hlavních funkcí. Důraz je kladen na režim zdroje a měření. Tyto funkce jsou klíčové pro testování a simulaci proudové smyčky. Dále je popsána sériová komunikační sběrnice SPI, která je využita pro přístup k displeji analyzátoru. K vyhodnocování spolehlivosti obvodů je vybrána a popsána metoda FMEA. V praktické části je popsán vývoj analyzátoru a popis jeho jednotlivých bloků. V poslední části je provedena aplikace metody FMEA na vybrané poruchové stavy.The subject of master´s thesis the problematics of current loop. Within the thesis, the basic components of current loop and the possibilities of its usage are described. There has also been an analysis made of the crucial functions of analyzer which is currently being in the process of development. A focus is put on mode of source and measure. The related functions are crucial in terms of testing and simulation of current loop. Furthermore, the SPI is described and it is used to establish access to the analyzer’s display. The usage of FMEA method has been chosen for the purpose of circuit’s reliability assessment. Practical part describes development of the analyzer and its parts. FMEA method application for selected fault states is presented in final part.

    Design of frame for the acceleration test stand

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh rámové konstrukce zkušebního stanoviště. To bude určeno k testování bezpečnostních komponent automobilů akceleračním způsobem. Práce obsahuje návrh rámu, který odpovídá funkčním požadavkům na uložení jednotlivých částí, a způsob jeho upevnění k podlaze. Navržená konstrukce poté byla podrobena pevnostní analýze a dle jejích výsledků vyztužena a upravena.This diploma thesis is focused on design of frame for a testing stand. The stand is intended for automotive safety components testing in acceleration mode. The thesis contains design of the frame, which corresponds with functional requirements on parts positioning, and includes form of fixing the frame to the ground. Designed frame has been analyzed, optimized and reinforced according to the results

    Security aspects of software development in the Microsoft Azure cloud

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    Tato práce představí aspekty vývoje v cloudu, které jsou zajímavé z hlediska bezpečnosti. Konkrétně budou ukázány na platformě Microsoft Azure. Některé služby provozované na Azure budou představeny se zaměřením na jejich bezpečnostní možnosti. Mimo jiné to budou způsoby dlouhodobého ukládání dat a autentizační služba Azure Active Directory. V druhé polovině bude představeno několik problémů, které se mohou vyskytnout během vývoje cloudových služeb. Mezi ně budou patřit zejména operace se soukromými daty a ochrana přístupových bodů k internetu. Tyto problémy budou podrobně prozkoumány a poté budou poskytnuta řešení nezávislá na platformě i taková, která využívají některých dalších služeb provozovaných Microsoftem na Azure.This work reviews security-related aspects of cloud development. The Microsoft Azure platform will be used for demonstration of these aspects. To that end, some services from Azure were investigated for the security measures they provide. This includes storage and identity services provided by Microsoft, as well as their respective security features. In the second half, several problematic areas of cloud development will be introduced. Those will be mainly handling confidential data and application secrets, and properly securing Internet-facing endpoints in the cloud. They will be examined closely and the thesis will provide platform-agnostic solutions as well as solutions utilizing some services provided by Azure

    HMI for beverage filling machines

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    Bakalářská práce má za úkol vytvořit aplikaci pro ovládání a vizualizaci nápojové linky. Jsou zde uvedeny výhody, které přináší automatizace výroby. Je zde popis celosvětově využívaných vizualizačních programů InTouch, WinCC, Reliance 4 a Control Web. Pro úplnost jsou zde popsány vizualizační panely Siemens. K jednotlivým strojům linky byly vytvořeny nové objekty typu Faceplate v prostředí WinCC flexible 2008 Standard. Faceplaty jsou použity ve vizualizaci linky pro 19“ dotykový panel. Simulace linky je vytvořena v programu STEP 7. Data jsou z linky sbírána pomocí .csv souborů. Ty jsou dále pro snazší vyhodnocení upraveny pomocí VBA makra.The aim of my work is to create an application for control and visualization of beverage line. This work describes the advantages that automation brings into production. There is a description for worldwide used visualization programs InTouch, WinCC, Reliance 4 and Control Web. For completeness there are described Siemens visualization panels. New faceplate type objects were created in the program environment of WinCC flexible 2008 Standard for the individual machines of the line. Faceplates are used in visualization for 19" touch panel. Simulations is created in STEP 7 program. Data are collected in the .csv files. After that they are modified through the VBA macro.

    Zobrazení genderu v Zeměploše Terryho Pratchetta

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    This work concerns itself with the Discworld series of the British fantasy author Terry Pratchett, and with how sex and gender are depicted in it. It mainly looks at the books Feet of Clay (1996), The Fifth Elephant (1999), Monstrous Regiment (2003), and Raising Steam (2013), which deal with these topics the most openly. It attempts to reveal whether the series presents more the view that sex and gender are tightly intertwined, or even that gender does not exist at all, so-called gender critical view, or whether gender and sex are more or less independent of each other and the characters in the series may present a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth. At the same time the work examines whether the depictions of gender evolve as the series go on or not.Tato práce se zabývá sérií Zeměplocha britského fantasy autora Terryho Pratchetta a tím, jak je v ní zobrazováno téma pohlaví (sex) a rodu (gender). Zabývá se nejvíce knihami Nohy z jílu (1996), Pátý elefant (1999), Podivný regiment (2003) a Pod parou (2013), které se těmto tématům věnují nejotevřeněji. Snaží se odhalit, zda série vykazuje známky spíše pohledu, že pohlaví a rod jsou spolu velmi úzce spjaté, případně dokonce že rod jako takový neexistuje, tzv. genderově kritický pohled, nebo zda je rod na pohlaví více méně nezávislý a postavy v této sérii mají možnost vykazovat jiný rod, než jaký jim byl přiřknut při narození. Zároveň práce zkoumá, jestli se zobrazení rodu během série vyvíjí, nebo ne.Katedra anglického jazyka a literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Contract of employment and formation of employment

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    Rigorózní práce zasazuje pracovní smlouvu do kontextu jejího působení a současného právního rámce a potvrzuje, že institut pracovní smlouvy definovaný zákoníkem práce není pouhým odrazem národního, českého práva, ale je odrazem vlivu mezinárodních závazků a práva Evropské unie. Práce prokazuje, že pracovní smlouva je neopominutelnou podmínkou pro založení pracovního poměru. Posuzuje smluvní volnost v pracovněprávních vztazích vedoucí k uzavření pracovní smlouvy a v popsaných principech právního jednání a předsmluvní odpovědnosti se zaobírá mantinely pro autonomii vůle obou stran. Zdůrazňuje význam informovanosti subjektů pracovněprávních vztahů a reflektuje odlišnosti v pracovněprávních vztazích u agenturního zaměstnávání. Práce obsahuje i návrhy de lege ferenda s odůvodněním jejich překladu a zhodnocením jejich následného přínosu v případě jejich budoucí kodifikace.ObhájenoThe dissertation puts the institute of the employment contract into the context of the effects it produces and into the current legal system, and confirms that, rather than being a mere reflec-tion of national, Czech law, the employment contract as defined in the Labour Code also re-flects the influence of international obligations and European Union law. The paper demon-strates that the existence of an employment contract is a necessary precondition for establish-ing an employment relationship. It assesses the concept of freedom of contract in employment relationships leading to the conclusion of an employment contract, and by analysing the de-scribed principles applicable to juridical actions and pre-contractual liability, it analyses the limits of party autonomy. It emphasises the importance of the ability of subjects of employ-ment relationships to make informed decisions and considers the differences that exist for agency employment relationships. The paper also presents de-lege-ferenda proposals along with justification for translating them, and describes what desirable consequences they will have if adopted into law in the future

    Spezifische Züge der demographischen Entwicklung der Slowakei

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    The transformation processes within society which have been going on in Slovakia since 1989, are not only mirrored in the political sector and in all spheres of economic activity, rather they are also mirrored in the behaviour of the population and in their preferences of cultures and values. The demographic behaviour of the population in particular reacts very sensitively to the social transformation. When considering the population of Slovakia as a whole, natural movement plays an important role with regard to the dynamics. The development of natality and mortality, and in particular their proportionate relationship determine the growth or reduction of the population. The second component of the population movement -migration- does not have any great importance with regard to the growth and development of the population. In the assessment of the long-term development of the population of Slovakia, the tendencies towards stabilising development with the type of single reproduction proved to be dominant. This is given evidence by the long-term drop in the natality and mortality rate, and at the same time the reduction in natural growth of the population. The increase of average age in the population is a side-effect of this. The long-term tendencies of population development in Slovakia, which lead to a stabilised population and single reproduction, represent the natural components of social development. In certain analogies, this can be encountered in all European populations, and it can be presumed that similar development tendencies will take place in less developed states. The differences are expressed in the temporal asynchrony and are, of course, the result of different rates in the entire socio-economic development. In the evaluation of the population development in Slovakia during the last 6 years, the most general manifestation is the "acceleration" of the tendencies of long-term development. This applies above all for the drop in natality and the natural population growth, and therefore for the change in the age structure of the population. On the other hand, the drop in miscarriage rates, the increased age of maximum fertility and the marrying age can be regarded as positive trends. The acceleration of these development tendencies in the last six years is most noteworthy. The average annual drop in natality in the years 1950-1960 was, for example 0,11‰, whereas it achieved in the years 1990-1996 a value of up to 0,62%. The drop in values of net reproduction rate is also alarming. Since 1990, when it was at a level of 0.933, it sank in the year 1996 to 0.700. The drop in natural growth from 4,8% to 1,7% is also unusually intensive. The explanation of these negative development tendencies is quite complicated. The changes in the political and economic system in Slovakia took place in three stages. The first stage, in the years 1990-1993, had a destructive character - especially in the economic sphere. This was followed by a brief period of stabilisation - 1994-1996 - and since 1996, many economic sectors have revealed compensation and dev elopment tendencies. These stages of economic development are linked to several changes in the development of the population processes: The complicated economic situation effects a displacement of marriage, postponement of parenthood as well as a reduction in the number of children which are born. The lack of accommodation for young families is a very negative factor. The destruction phase of population development generally comes to an end when growth t endencies start to be revealed. It can also be presumed for the population of Slovakia that the negative development tendencies which were observed will not be a permanent manifestation. We can expect a positive influence of social measures which promote childbirth and, with time, also the compensation and development trends within the economy. It is very probable that the birth rate, the growth rate of the population and the reproduction rate will rise, without however exceeding the level from the year 1990

    Die Industrie im wirtschaftlichen Transformationsprozeß der Slowakei

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    Present knowledge with regards to the course of the economic and, in particular, the industrial transformation in Slovakia confirm the exceptional complexity of the entire process of reorganisation and adaptation. Contrary to the first prognoses of development, this process has been extended timewise and its intensity has increased in many ways. The destructive phase of the transformation process was particularly marked by two factors. Firstly, the radical economic reform in Czechoslovakia between the years 1990 and 1992 - characterised by an extreme drop in production. Secondly, accompanied by a less severe drop in production, by the division of Czechoslovakia in two independent states in 1993, which obviously lengthened the destructive phase in Slovakia. Due to Slovakia's strong economic bonds to the former COMECON States (COMECON = Council of Mutual Economic Aid), the consequences of the disintegration of this economic combine were particularly grave for the Slovakian industry. The performance reduction of the national economy (a drop of 34% of the gross domestic product between 1990 and 1993) was accompanied by a strong increase in unemployment (1994: 15%). The latest results in the industrial sector are proof of the start of the stabilising phase of the transformation process. In Slovakian industry, which, with a 50% share, is the largest single contributor to the gross domestic product, extremely extensive changes have occurred in the branch and property structures. The number of employees has been reduced to a fifth of its previous level. With regards to the results of the privatisation, in the second half of 1993, the proportion of private business already amounted to 76,5%, constituting a production share of 60%. A dramatic conversion took place in the armaments industry. Its production volume sank by 90%. With regards to society, it is expected that, in the year 1995, an end of the destructive phase of the process of transformation will come about in all sectors. Some sectors may even already experience compensating elements of development. The industry will also be one of these sectors, marking a slight growth in production

    Study of use of former branches of the river Elbe and the links with the local flow in the village Hrobice

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení současného stavu hydrologické soustavy v oblasti katastrálního území obce Hrobice a na návrh protipovodňového opatření. V první části práce je zdokumentován současný stav a jeho zhodnocení včetně zahrnutí zkušeností obce. V následující části je navrženo několik variant opatření a její součástí je návrh rekreačního plavebního průplavu. Součástí práce je zpracování bilance transportu splavenin v toku Labe a vliv transportu splavenin na okolí toku.The bachelor thesis is focused on assessing the current state of the hydrological system in the cadastral area Hrobice and on a draft proposal of flood protection measures. In the first part of the thesis, there is documented the current situation and its appreciation icluding experiences of inhabitants. In the following part, there are designed several potential drafts. The component of the second part is a draft of the canal for a recreational boating. The bachelor thesis also includes the elaboration of the sediment transport balance in Elbe and the impact of the sediment transport on surroundings nearby.