75 research outputs found

    Organelle DNA degradation contributes to the efficient use of phosphate in seed plants

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    Mitochondria and chloroplasts (plastids) both harbour extranuclear DNA that originates from the ancestral endosymbiotic bacteria. These organelle DNAs (orgDNAs) encode limited genetic information but are highly abundant, with multiple copies in vegetative tissues, such as mature leaves. Abundant orgDNA constitutes a substantial pool of organic phosphate along with RNA in chloroplasts, which could potentially contribute to phosphate recycling when it is degraded and relocated. However, whether orgDNA is degraded nucleolytically in leaves remains unclear. In this study, we revealed the prevailing mechanism in which organelle exonuclease DPD1 degrades abundant orgDNA during leaf senescence. The DPD1 degradation system is conserved in seed plants and, more remarkably, we found that it was correlated with the efficient use of phosphate when plants were exposed to nutrient-deficient conditions. The loss of DPD1 compromised both the relocation of phosphorus to upper tissues and the response to phosphate starvation, resulting in reduced plant fitness. Our findings highlighted that DNA is also an internal phosphate-rich reservoir retained in organelles since their endosymbiotic origin

    Functional Sperm of the Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) Were Produced in the Small-Bodied Surrogate, Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus).

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    Production of xenogeneic gametes from large-bodied, commercially important marine species in closely related smaller surrogates with short generation times may enable rapid domestication of the targeted species. In this study we aimed to produce gametes of Japanese yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) using jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) as a surrogate with a smaller body size and shorter maturation period. Donor spermatogonia were collected from the testes of yellowtail males and transferred into the peritoneal cavity of 10- and 12-day-old jack mackerel larvae. Twenty days later, 59.5% of the recipients survived of which 88.2% had donor-derived germ cells in their gonads. One year later, genomic DNA templates were prepared from the semen of 96 male recipients and subjected to PCR analyses using primers specific for the yellowtail vasa sequence, resulting in the detection of positive signals in semen from two recipients. The milt collected from the recipients was used for fertilization with yellowtail eggs. Of eight hatchlings obtained from the crosses, two were confirmed to be derived from donor yellowtail by DNA markers, although the others were gynogenetic diploids. These findings indicate that it is possible to produce donor-derived sperm in xenogeneic recipients with smaller body size and shorter generation time by transplanting spermatogonia. Thus, the xenogeneic transplantation of spermatogonia might be a potential tool to produce gametes of large-bodied, commercially important fish although the efficiency of the method requires further improvement. This is the first report demonstrating that donor-derived sperm could be produced in xenogeneic recipient via spermatogonial transplantation in carangid fishes

    High-Resolution Submillimeter and Near-Infrared Studies of the Transition Disk around Sz 91

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    To reveal the structures of a transition disk around a young stellar object in Lupus, Sz 91, we have performed aperture synthesis 345 GHz continuum and CO(3--2) observations with the Submillimeter Array (\sim1\arcsec--3\arcsec resolution), and high-resolution imaging of polarized intensity at the KsK_s-band by using the HiCIAO instrument on the Subaru Telescope (0\farcs25 resolution). Our observations successfully resolved the inner and outer radii of the dust disk to be 65 AU and 170 AU, respectively, which indicates that Sz 91 is a transition disk source with one of the largest known inner holes. The model fitting analysis of the spectral energy distribution reveals an H2_2 mass of 2.4×1032.4\times10^{-3} M_\sun in the cold (T<T<30 K) outer part at 65<r<17065<r<170 AU by assuming a canonical gas-to-dust mass ratio of 100, although a small amount (>3×109>3\times10^{-9} M_\sun) of hot (TT\sim180 K) dust possibly remains inside the inner hole of the disk. The structure of the hot component could be interpreted as either an unresolved self-luminous companion body (not directly detected in our observations) or a narrow ring inside the inner hole. Significant CO(3--2) emission with a velocity gradient along the major axis of the dust disk is concentrated on the Sz 91 position, suggesting a rotating gas disk with a radius of 420 AU. The Sz 91 disk is possibly a rare disk in an evolutionary stage immediately after the formation of protoplanets because of the large inner hole and the lower disk mass than other transition disks studied thus far

    The Plant Organelles Database 2 (PODB2): An Updated Resource Containing Movie Data of Plant Organelle Dynamics

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    The Plant Organelles Database (PODB) was launched in 2006 and provides imaging data of plant organelles, protocols for plant organelle research and external links to relevant websites. To provide comprehensive information on plant organelle dynamics and accommodate movie files that contain time-lapse images and 3D structure rotations, PODB was updated to the next version, PODB2 (http://podb.nibb.ac.jp/Organellome). PODB2 contains movie data submitted directly by plant researchers and can be freely downloaded. Through this organelle movie database, users can examine the dynamics of organelles of interest, including their movement, division, subcellular positioning and behavior, in response to external stimuli. In addition, the user interface for access and submission has been enhanced. PODB2 contains all of the information included in PODB, and the volume of data and protocols deposited in the PODB2 continues to grow steadily. Moreover, a new website, Plant Organelles World (http://podb.nibb.ac.jp/Organellome/PODBworld/en/index.html), which is based on PODB2, was recently launched as an educational tool to engage members of the non-scientific community such as students and school teachers. Plant Organelles World is written in layman's terms, and technical terms were avoided where possible. We would appreciate contributions of data from all plant researchers to enhance the usefulness of PODB2 and Plant Organelles World