195 research outputs found

    カイガイ タンキ ケンシュウ ワ ゲンゴ ガクシュウ ホウリャク ニ ドノヨウナ エイキョウ オ オヨボスカ : ヤマガタ ダイガク ニオケル イブンカカン コミュニケーション ジッシュウ ノ ジレイ

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    本研究の目的は、短期語学研修が学習者の言語学習方略をどのように変化させるのかを明らかにすることである。日本国内の多くの大学が短期海外研修を実施しているが、これらの研修が言語学習者にどのような影響を与えているのかに関する研究はそれほど多くはない。本研究では、山形大学人文学部において開講された異文化間コミュニケーション実習に参加した学習者が、オーストラリアのケアンズで2 週間過ごす前と後で、どのように言語学習方略を変化させたのかを調査した。結果として、参加した学習者は、研修前よりも後の方がより多くの言語学習方略を使用していることが分かった。具体的には、記憶・認知・情意・社会の4つの言語学習方略が研修前より、研修後により多く使われた。研修前後で変化の見られなかった補償とメタ認知の2つの学習方略に関しては、研修前から多く用いられていることも分かった。これらの結果から、2 週間という短い期間の海外研修であっても、日本人英語学習者による言語学習方略の使用を推進することが分かった


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    本稿では,2018年度よりクォーター制が導入されたことによる広島大学教養教育英語科目への影響を報告する。まず,従来のセミスター制からクォーター制への移行により開講形態が3種類となったため,それぞれの開講形態について詳述する。その上で,2018年度前期に英語科目担当者から得たアンケートに基づき,クォーター制の良い点,悪い点,後期に向けての改善アイディア,その他の意見をまとめて報告する。アンケートから得られた意見は,開講形態と密接にかかわりがある。180分を週に1回開講する場合には,より濃い内容を一度のクラスで扱えることがクォーター制の良い点として挙げられる一方で,受講生の集中力が持続しにくいことなどが悪い点として挙げられている。また,90分を週2回で開講する場合には,授業間隔が短いので,授業内容を忘れる前に,次の授業を行えることが良い点であるが,8週と言う短い期間では受講生とのラポール形成がしにくいという点が悪い点として挙げられている。最も重要な点は,全体傾向として,セミスター制と比較して,クォーター制では,学習する量が減り,複数の教員が40~50%の低下と考えていることが分かった。この新しいシステムにおいては,導入がされたばかりで,教員が試行錯誤をしていることも明らかになった。これらの点を踏まえて,異なるクォーター制の導入やクラスサイズの縮小などを議論する。This article reports the impact on English education of adopting a quarter system at Hiroshima University. First, the changes between the semester and quarter systems on course patterns are described in detail. Second, the English instructors’ responses from the survey on the quarter system gathered in the spring semester are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of the quarter system as well as ideas for improving the class for the fall semester are reported. The survey showed that the responses are closely related with the course patterns the instructors had. With one 180-minute class a week, the advantage was that they could teach more intensively and use a richer text in a class; however, the disadvantage was that the students could not concentrate for 180 minutes. As for the 90-minute class twice a week pattern, the advantage was that the next class came before the students had forgotten the content of the class; on the other hand, the disadvantage was that eight weeks was not long enough to build rapport with the students. Importantly, multiple instructors, regardless of the course patterns, said that the total amount of the students’ learning was less in the quarter system than in the semester system. Some said that it was 40-50% less. It is also essential to point out that most instructors were struggling with adapting to this new system. Based on these results, ways of adopting different patterns of the quarter system as well as reducing class size are discussed

    Utilizing an Online English Learning Course in English Speaking Class

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    This paper reports a classroom practice in which an online English learning course, the ALC NetAcademy NEXT intermediate course, was used for blended learning with regular English speaking classes. Students were required to study one unit from listening, speaking, and grammar sub-courses before coming to the class. In the class, the students’ learning was checked using a variety of activities, including quizzes. For grammar, a grammar quiz was administered. For listening, students took a dictation with blanks to fill in. For speaking, an instructor individually checked students’ pronunciation of English sentences by using the “Grugru method.” This blended learning lasted for 15 weeks. The speaking classes and online English learning course were evaluated by students’ responses to a questionnaire and an online learning log. The results showed that the students considered the combined speaking classes and online learning course to be a useful and effective way of improving their English skills. The learning log indicated that the listening sub-course was the one most accessed and learned by the students. The students accessed every unit of the grammar sub-course, but the time they spent on it gradually decreased towards the end of the semester. The speaking sub-course was not accessed or learned by the students as much as expected. The final section of the paper discusses some issues impeding students’ online learning and suggests some improvements for future practice


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    本研究では,日本人英語学習者の持つ二項表現の生産的知識を調査することで,(1) どの二項表現について生産的知識を持っているのか,(2) 二項表現がわからない場合に,どのような方略で二項表現を生み出すのか,という二点を明らかにした。103名の中級レベルの日本人英語学習者を対象に,44の二項表現の最初の1語を与え,and の次に来る語を答えさせる課題を与えた結果,75%以上の正答率を得た二項表現が19あり,日本人英語学習者でも特定の二項表現については生産的知識を持っていることが分かった。また,誤答を分析した結果,意味を中心とした方略を用いている事が多く,二項表現として期待される意味関係が分かっていない場合や,意味関係が正しくても,期待される語を答えられない場合があることが分かった。これらの結果を踏まえ,英語学習者により多くのインプットを与えることで,二項表現に触れる機会を増やすとともに,“Me first” principle (Cooper & Ross, 1975) を明示的に教えることで,馴染みのない二項表現に対するより効果的な方略を育てることが提案された。The purpose of this research is to reveal (1) which English binomials Japanese learners of English have productive knowledge of and (2) what strategies they use to produce English binomials when they do not know the binomials. One hundred and three Japanese learners of English with intermediate proficiency level completed an online survey of 44 binomials. The participants were given the first word of a binomial and asked to type a word following “and”. The target word was provided by more than 75% of participants for 19 of the 44 binomials, meaning that learners have productive knowledge for certain binomials. An analysis of errors suggested that the participants relied heavily on semantic relationships between items in binomials. However, the use of a semantic strategy for producing the second words often leads to non-binomial expressions. From these results we suggest that giving more input to learners, as well as teaching the “Me first” principle (Cooper & Ross, 1975) explicitly would help the learners to develop more accurate and effective strategies for uncertain or unfamiliar binomials

    Verifying the Effects of Vocabulary Learning in Unsynchronized Online Classes

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    All classes at Hiroshima University were conducted online from the first semester of the 2020 academic year in order to prevent the spread of a new type of corona infection. Even though a team of English teachers provided the same quality and quantity of English classes for students through unsynchronized (on-demand) online classes, it is necessary to verify their effects. Unlike in-person classes, students may not be as motivated to learn English in unsynchronized online classes, as they require individual and autonomous learning. This study compared the results of vocabulary tests of the 2020 Spring semester with those of 2018 and 2019. The vocabulary tests were administered at the beginning and end of each semester, every year, which enabled us to investigate the improvement of vocabulary knowledge during a semester. The results showed that students performed better this year, suggesting that the unsynchronized online classes this year were more effective than in-person classes over the last two years, as far as vocabulary knowledge is concerned. The final section discusses some factors related to the effects of unsynchronized online classes this year, and suggests areas for future research

    How Personal Digital Devices Are Used for Learning English at Hiroshima University

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    The prevalence of personal digital devices, such as personal computers, smartphones, and tablets, has enabled students and teachers to utilize a tremendous amount of online learning materials and resources available anytime and anywhere. In English education at the tertiary level, active exploitations of these digital devices outside of the classroom would be highly beneficial in providing learners with more opportunities to improve their English proficiency. Hiroshima University has been implementing an English education project in which in-class activities are combined with a variety of WBT (Web-Based Training) materials to be learned outside of school. It has also been developing and delivering its original English podcasts for self-learning on a weekly basis. In 2015, the university launched a BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) policy, which is expected to promote learning by using these lightweight devices. In this paper, we report on a questionnaire regarding the penetration rates of digital devices and the popularity of English self-learning using personal mobile devices. The survey was conducted on 1,000 first-year students at Hiroshima University. The number of valid responses was 767. It was found that there are high penetration rates of laptop computers (99.5%) and smartphones (94.3%), while only 22% of the respondents are using their personal digital devices for English learning, and 3.5% of them are actually listening to Hiroshima University’s podcasts. With better publicity, the number of podcast listeners can be expected to increase in the near future because of the students’ high demands for online listening materials to learn daily English conversation.本研究はJSPS科研費 基盤研究(B)16H03450による研究成果の一部である。本研究の成果は,広島大学外国語教育研究センター「新カリキュラムにともなう学生の英語力向上ワーキンググループ」(榎田一路,上西幸治,鬼田崇作,草薙邦広,阪上辰也,田北冬子,達川奎三,森田光宏,山本五郎,吉川りさ)の活動の一端によるものである

    Development and Utilization of the Hirodai Standard 6000 Vocabulary List (HiroTan)

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    In this paper, the development of an original EFL vocabulary list for the undergraduate students at Hiroshima University is reported on, along with the way the list has been utilized in the EFL curriculum there. The Hirodai Standard 6000 Vocabulary List (HiroTan), first developed by the Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education (FLaRE) in 2010, has been used in the new online-based compulsory EFL courses, targeting approximately 1,000 first-year students at the university each year. A total of 6,000 English words that are used in daily, business, and academic contexts were selected, and then divided into two levels: 4,000 for the Standard level and 2,000 for the Advanced level. The list was compiled based on several existing vocabulary lists, such as the Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000), the JACET 8000 Word List (Aizawa et al., 2005), and two TOEIC®-related word lists (Mizumoto, 2004; Enokida et al, 2008). All the English instructors at FLaRE worked together to write a sample sentence and its Japanese translation for each of the 6,000 entry words. An original WBT (web-based training) system was used to provide learning materials for the online courses, and the list was also made available in printed form. In the online courses, students are required to learn 3,000 words in the list per semester (15 weeks) and 6,000 per year using the WBT system. Part of the course content is linked to other compulsory, classroom-based EFL courses, so that students can be assisted to consolidate their vocabulary knowledge on a face-to-face basis. Our future plans include: 1) the replacement of the old, Adobe Flash-based WBT system with the new, HTML5-based one, and 2) a major update of the list to include a range of new important words that appear in the latest vocabulary lists, such as the New General Service List and the New Academic Word List (Browne et al., 2013)

    Three-dimensional fluorescence imaging using the transport of intensity equation

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    We propose a nonscanning three-dimensional (3-D) fluorescence imaging technique using the transport of intensity equation (TIE) and free-space Fresnel propagation. In this imaging technique, a phase distribution corresponding to defocused fluorescence images with a point-light-source-like shape is retrieved by a TIE-based phase retrieval algorithm. From the obtained phase distribution, and its corresponding amplitude distribution, of the defocused fluorescence image, various images at different distances can be reconstructed at the desired plane after Fresnel propagation of the complex wave function. Through the proposed imaging approach, the 3-D fluorescence imaging can be performed in multiple planes. The fluorescence intensity images are captured with the help of an electrically tunable lens; hence, the imaging technique is free from motion artifacts. We present experimental results corresponding to microbeads and a biological sample to demonstrate the proposed 3-D fluorescence imaging technique

    Implementation and Revision of the Hirodai Standard 6000 Vocabulary List (HiroTan)

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    At Hiroshima University, online EFL courses dedicated to vocabulary building have been implemented since 2011, targeting approximately 1,000 undergraduate students each year. As reported in Enokida et al. (2018), an original vocabulary list was developed for these courses, consisting of 6,000 essential English words in daily, business, and academic contexts. A Web-Based Training system was also developed to facilitate online vocabulary learning and to manage learner data. The courses have been successfully implemented since the system’s launch in 2011. This paper reports on a recent update on the vocabulary list that reflects the latest tendency of the students’ English skills at the university over the past nine years. First, each of the 6,000 words on the list was carefully checked, so relatively unimportant words could be excluded from the list. Then, a total of 1,070 new essential words that are not included in the list were collected from five existing vocabulary lists: The New General Service List and the New Academic Word List (Browne et al., 2013a, 2013b), the TOEIC Service List and the Business Service List (Browne et al., 2016a, 2016b), and TOEIC® L & R Official Vocabulary Book (The Institute for International Business Communication, 2019). These words were rated by a team of five experienced FLaRE instructors on a 5-point scale according to the TOEIC® levels. As a result, 264 new words were selected to be included in the updated version of the list. The latest version of the list will be open to the public in the near future