17 research outputs found

    Hybrid nature of extremism: Cohesive characteristics of ethno-nationalism and religious extremism as generators of Balkan insecurity

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    It will be no mistake to say that the region of the Balkans is the site with 'good soil' for conflicts. A significant number of scholars, who have analyzed the nature of conflicts in the Balkans, recognized the 1990s wars as religious conflicts. Others point out that the nature of these conflicts is based on ethnic and ethno-nationalist reasons. Taking into account the complex character of the 'Balkans powder keg', it could be said that both views are correct. But then again, each of these conflicts had (and has) certain differences that support the thesis by which this particularly sensitive issue must by analyzed with exclusive respect for the role of religion. Namely, the role of religion is prominent and significant in almost all Balkan conflicts inspired by ethno-nationalist ideas and passions. In this regard, the main objective of this paper is to emphasize the so called 'hybrid' character of the Balkans antagonisms and conflicts, which have extremist-religious and ethno-nationalist components at the same time

    Eksploatacioni pokazatelji TMA za dopunsku obradu zemljiŔta u viŔegodiŔnjim zasadima

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    Fruit production under arid conditions without irrigation implies the need to employ soil cultivation in the entire orchard with the aim of regulating the water-air regime of the soil, contributing to a favorable soil structure, breaking down the soil crust and successful weeds destruction. Contemporary fruit cultivation practices are compulsory in order to achieve high yields and profitability. Additional soil tillage in orchards has a major impact on the growth and development of plants, yield and fruit quality. Optimal parameters need to be determined when employing mechanization equipment in orchard cultivation in order to make the right choice. The objective of the study was to determine energetic and exploitation parameters of different tractor/machinery tools used in additional soil cultivation. Based on the analysis of the data obtained showing both advantages and disadvantages of some soil cultivation types, it was possible the choose the optimal tool for additional soil tillage. Field trials were carried out in apple (cv. Jonagold, Idared and Melrose) orchards using the two-row Pilar cultural practice at a planting distance 3.80-1.25 x 140-1.80 m. The following tools for additional soil cultivation were used: pseudo plow PP-220, plate cultivator VVT - 223, cultivator IMT-642 and vineyard plow VP-189. The following exploitation indices were monitored: traction force, labor speed, fuel consumption and traction resistance. Based on the results obtained the smallest fuel consumption was registered using pseudo plow (3.78 l/ha) whereby cultivation depth, speed and output registered were 6.31 cm, 7.29 km/ha and 9.07 ha/day respectively.Proizvodnja voća u aridnim uslovima bez navodnjavanja zahteva obradu zemljiÅ”ta na čitavoj povrÅ”ini u cilju regulisanja vodno-vazduÅ”nih osobina zemljiÅ”ta, stvaranja pogodne strukture, razbijanja pokorice i uniÅ”tavanja korovske vegetacije. Primena takve tehnologije gajenja voća je neophodna za ostvarenje visokih prinosa i ekonomične proizvodnje. Zbog toga dopunska obrada zemljiÅ”ta u viÅ”egodiÅ”njim zasadima ima značajan uticaj na rast i razviće biljaka, prinos i kvalitet plodova. Pravilan izbor i koriŔćenje sredstava mehanizacije ima presudan uticaj na intenzivnost voćarske proizvodnje. Napredak u tehnologiji gajenja voća podrazumeva koriŔćenje najsavremenijih tehničkih sredstava za obavljanje agrotehničkih mera. Za pravilan izbor pojedinih sredstava mehanizacije značajno je utvrditi optimalne parametre njihove primene u obradi zemljiÅ”ta. Utvrđivanje energetskih i eksploatacionih parametara rada različitih traktorsko-maÅ”inskih agregata pri dopunskoj obradi predstavlja predmet ovog istraživanja. Analiza dobijenih podataka, koji ukazuju na prednosti i nedostatke pojedinih načina obrade omogućuje izbor optimalnog agregata za dopunsku obradu u zasadima. Rezultati ispitivanja sredstava mahanizacije u dopunskoj obradi međuredne povrÅ”ine, pokazuju da je najmanja potroÅ”nja goriva ostvarena kod čizel pluga (3,78 l/ha). Njegovim koriŔćenjem postignuta je dubina rada 6,31 cm, brzina 7,29 km/h i ostvaren učinak od 9,07 ha/dan

    Eksploatacioni parametri vučenog kombajna za berbu grožđa Volentieri VG 2000/2TA

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    Harvesting represents one of the most challenging problems in managing vineyards. 'Quality picking' is considered when it is done in the period when the grapes are suitable for its purposes, especially related with the soluble solid content, and the appropriate sugar/acids relation. Hand picking costs represent around 45% of total labor per hectare, which is equivalent of 30-50 working days for one laborer. Study of the mechanical picking of grapevine cultivars intended for winemaking by applying dragged combine 'Volentieri' ensemble with tractor 'New Holland Tn 95 F' are shown in this paper. Experiment was done in the Ćemovsko Field's production vineyards, with cultivars Vranac and Župljanka. Grapevine planting was done on the planting distance 2.6 x 0.7 m and 2.6 x 1 m, respectively. Row length was 168 m, with training system modified horizontal bilateral cordon with green strip width in grape area 50-60 cm. Aggregate's working results of the investigation are showing that average running speed was 4.8 km/h, and output 0.62 ha/h, i.e. 4.98 ha/day in cultivar Vranac. In cultivar Župljanka following values were achieved: running speed was 4.1 km/h, output 0.53 ha/h i.e. 4.24 ha/day. Turning time in headlands of examined harvester was 30 - 32 s. It was necessary to reduce green leaves just before harvesting, especially in the zone bunches, in order to decrease slowdowns and losses. Dragged combines, except in larger plantations, have commercial adequacy both in smaller households.Jedan od najsloženijih problema u obavljanju radnih operacija u vinogradarstvu predstavlja proces berbe grožđa. Kvalitetna berba se smatra ona koja se obavi u periodu kada sastav grožđa odgovara njegovoj nameni, Å”to se pre svega odnosi na suvu materiju i odgovarajući odnos Å”ećera i kiselina. TroÅ”kovi ručne berbe grožđa čine oko 45% od ukupnog utroÅ”ka ljudskog rada po hektaru Å”to odgovara 30-50 radnih dana jednog radnika. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mehanizovane berbe vinskih sorti grožđa, primjenom vučenog kombajna 'Volentieri' u agregatu s traktorom 'New Holland Tn 95 F'. Ispitivanja su obavljena na proizvodnim povrÅ”inama Ćemovskog polja, sorte Vranac i Župljanka. Sadnja loze je obavljena na međurednom i rednom rastojanju 2,6 x 0,7 m i 2,6 x 1 m. Dužina redova je iznosila 168 m a zastupljen uzgojni sistem je modifikovana horizontalna dvokraka kordunica sa Å”irinom zelenog pojasa u zoni grožđa 50-60 cm. Rezultati ispitivanja agregata u radu pokazuju da je ostvarena prosječna radna brzina od 4,8 km/h, a učinak 0,62 ha/h tj. 4,98 ha/dan - sorta Vranac. Kod sorte Župljanka ostvarene su vrednosti: brzina rada 4,1 km/h, učinak 0,53 ha/h tj. 4,24 ha/dan. Pri radu kombajna javljaju se gubici od 36 kg/ha kod sorte Vranac, a 70 kg/ha kod sorte Župljanka. Vreme okretanja na uvratinama ispitivanog kombajna je iznosilo 30 -32 s. Neposredno pred berbu neophodno je zelenom rezidbom smanjiti lisnu masu posebno u zoni grožđa kako bi se smanjili zastoji u berbi i gubici. Vučeni kombajni, osim u većim plantažnim zasadima imaju ekonomsku opravdanost i na manjim posjedima

    The Village and Cultural Policy (Theoretic Approaches and Models)

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    Ovaj rad teorijski razmatra modele kulturne politike prema selu. Podeljen je na dva dela. Prvi je deo posvećen prikazivanju i kritičkom razmatranju najznačajnijih teorijskih pristupa selu i seljaÅ”tvu, a polazi od stava da je i odabrani model kulturne politike uvek posredno ili neposredno izveden iz nekoga teorijskog stanoviÅ”ta, pored toga Å”to mora uvažavati konkretne druÅ”tveno-istorijske i kulturne prilike. Drugi, veći, deo rada teorijsko-kritički razmatra postojeće i moguće obrasce kulturne politike prema selu. Najpre definiÅ”e kulturnu politiku kao plansko i organizovano delovanje Å”ire druÅ”tvene zajednice usmereno na (1) zaÅ”titu stvorenih kulturnih dobara ,(2) podsticanje i potporu kulturnog stvaralaÅ”tva i (3) razvijanje kulturnog života užih i Å”irih druÅ”tvenih skupina. Potom eksplicira glavna načela kulturne politike: (1) načelo kontinuiteta, (2) samodeterminacije i (3) selektivnosti. Polazeći od teze da je kultura elemenat druÅ”tvene strukture, ona se ne određuje kao nekakva "nadgradnja" nego kao unutarnje (značenjska) komponenta druÅ”tvenog totaliteta ā€” kao individualno-subjektivni sadržaj svakoga druÅ”tvenog delovanja (akcije) i svih objektiviziranih kolektivnih druÅ”tvenih tvorevina (grupa, ustanova i organizacija) ali i kao prihvaćeni obrazac verovanja, miÅ”ljenja, osećanja, ponaÅ”anja i delovanja svakog pojedinca u druÅ”tvu. Shodno tome, kulturna politika nije samo usmeravanje kulture nego je, pre svega, usmeravanje ljudi kao svesnih aktera koji imaju svoje osobene potrebe i interese, odabrane vrednosti i prihvaćene norme. Seoska kultura definiÅ”e se kao istorijski formirana celina druÅ”tvenih znanja (umeća), vrednosti i normi kojima se objaÅ”njavaju, osmiÅ”ljavaju, usmeravaju i uređuju ā€” prema postojećim ili potencijalnim potrebama i interesima ljudi ā€” tipična druÅ”tvena delovanja i odnosi u selu. seljački radovi, odnosi u seoskoj porodici i lokalnoj zajednici te drugi međuindividualni i među grupni odnosi u selu. PoÅ”to je definisan pojam seoska kultura i razgraničen od drugih srodnih pojmova, pristupa se kritičkom preispitivanju postojećih i mogućih modela kulturne politike prema selu: (1) tradicionalističko-elitističkog, (2) prosvetiteljsko-aktivističkog, (3) komercijalno-potroÅ”ačkog i (4) autonomno-humanističkog, među kojima se ovaj poslednji određuje kao kritičko stanoviÅ”te a ne kao izgrađen model.The article studies models of cultural policy on the village. It is divided into two parts. The first presents and critically discusses the most important theoretic approaches to the village and the peasantry, starting from the understanding that any selected model of cultural policy always directly or indirectly stems from some theoretic attitude, in spite of the fact that it has to consider existing sociohistoric and cultural circumstances as well. The second, longer, part of the article discusses theoretically and critically the existing and possible types of cultural policy on the village. It first defines cultural policy as the planned and organized activities of the broader society aimed at (1) protecting the already existing cultural heritage, (2) inciting and stimulating cultural creativity and (3) developing the cultural life of smaller and larger social groups. After that it explains the main principles of cultural policy: (1) the principle of continuity, (2) of self-determination and (3) selectivity. Culture is considered to be an element of the social structure and not a kind of "superstructure", so it is defined as an inner (meaningful) component of society as a whole. It is the individual-subjective tenor of every social activity (action) and all objectivized collective social products (groups, institutions and organizations), but it is also the accepted pattern of believing, thinking, feeling, behaviour and activity of every individual member of society. Therefore, cultural policy does not mean only to direct culture, but primarily to direct people as conscious doers, who have their own personal needs and interests, selected values and accepted norms. Rural culture is defined as a historically formed unity of social knowledge (skills), values and norms which describe, give a meaning to, direct and regulate ā€” according to existing or to potential human needs and interests-typical social activities and relations in the village: farming, relations in the peasant family and the local rural community and other individual and group relations in the village. After defining the concept of rural culture and differentiating it from other kindered concepts, we begin a critical study of existing and possible models of cultural policy on the village: (1) traditional-elitiste, (2) enlightened-activist, (3) commercialconsumer and (4) autonomous-humanistic, the last of which is determined as a critical attitude and not as a developed model

    Social institutions and cultural identity

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    This paper consists of two parts. In the first one, the author points out the importance of institutional framework for creation and preservation of cultural identity as one of the most important constitutional elements of a modern national identity. In the second part of the paper, the author deals with the challenges the cultural institutions of the national importance in Serbia face today - with a special reference to the role of the church school and university and the problems in its adaptation to the new circumstances

    Controversies regarding decentralism, regionalism, and local governance in Serbia

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    The article is composed from three parts. In the first part, I emphasize the importance of theoretical and sociological discussion for the design of the model of social system reforms and stress the problems that occur in Serbia with regard to this. In the second part, I discuss public controversies regarding decentralism, regionalism, and local governance in Serbia. I advocate for regionalism that is closer to local then to para-state governance and argue for the advantages of alternative model of 'functional autonomy of different tempo', that could harmonize inherited historical geopolitical, economic, and cultural differences and reconcile current political antagonisms in Serbia. In the third part I give a proposition that envisages central (Republic) administration and local (municipal and city) self-governance as main levels of territorial organization of governance (with original authorities), while federal and regional levels would be complementary with it, not parallel. In that sense, I propose 15 autonomous regions for Serbia, with possibility of making 4 to 6 larger regions out of them, at different pace

    Data from: How the online social networks are used: dialogs-based structure of MySpace

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    Quantitative study of collective dynamics in online social networks is a new challenge based on the abundance of empirical data. Conclusions, however, may depend on factors such as user's psychology profiles and their reasons to use the online contacts. In this study, we have compiled and analysed two datasets from MySpace. The data contain networked dialogues occurring within a specified time depth, high temporal resolution and texts of messages, in which the emotion valence is assessed by using the SentiStrength classifier. Performing a comprehensive analysis, we obtain three groups of results: dynamic topology of the dialogues-based networks have a characteristic structure with Zipf's distribution of communities, low link reciprocity and disassortative correlations. Overlaps supporting ā€˜weak-tiesā€™ hypothesis are found to follow the laws recently conjectured for online games. Long-range temporal correlations and persistent fluctuations occur in the time series of messages carrying positive (negative) emotion; patterns of user communications have dominant positive emotion (attractiveness) and strong impact of circadian cycles and interactivity times longer than 1 day. Taken together, these results give a new insight into the functioning of online social networks and unveil the importance of the amount of information and emotion that is communicated along the social links. All data used in this study are fully anonymized


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    Harvesting is one of the most complex operations in viticulture. High-quality harvest is one that is carried out during the technological maturity of grapes and that suits its purpose. The costs of hand picking of grapes represent a significant part of production costs, so the mechanized harvest of wine grape cultivars is more frequently done. The results of mechanized harvest of cultivars 'Vranac' and 'Zupljanka' are presented in this paper, in conditions of production area of Cemovsko polje locality (Montenegro). The influence of different training systems and vine row structures (the distance between pillars, vines and supporters) on losses made by vine harvesters has been observed. In mechanized harvest, the surface effect was 0.62 ha.h(-1) and losses were 360.03 kg.ha(-1) for cultivar 'Vranac', with biological yield of 10724 kg.ha(-1). While harvesting vine cultivar 'Zupljanka', the surface effect was 0.53 ha.h(-1) and losses were 696.50 kg.ha(-1), with biological yield of 9660 kg.ha(-1)

    The Influence of Training System and Vine Row Structure on Losses during Mechanized Harvest

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    Harvesting is one of the most complex operations in viticulture. High-quality harvest is one that is carried out during the technological maturity of grapes and that suits its purpose. The costs of hand picking of grapes represent a significant part of production costs, so the mechanized harvest of wine grape cultivars is more frequently done. The results of mechanized harvest of cultivars 'Vranac' and 'Zupljanka' are presented in this paper, in conditions of production area of Cemovsko polje locality (Montenegro). The influence of different training systems and vine row structures (the distance between pillars, vines and supporters) on losses made by vine harvesters has been observed. In mechanized harvest, the surface effect was 0.62 ha.h(-1) and losses were 360.03 kg.ha(-1) for cultivar 'Vranac', with biological yield of 10724 kg.ha(-1). While harvesting vine cultivar 'Zupljanka', the surface effect was 0.53 ha.h(-1) and losses were 696.50 kg.ha(-1), with biological yield of 9660 kg.ha(-1)