89 research outputs found

    Intellectual in Socialist Art: Branko Ružić’s Monument to Moša Pijade in Belgrade

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    U tekstu se analizira spomenik revolucionaru Moši Pijadi u kontekstu uloge umjetnosti u kulturi sjećanja socijalističke Jugoslavije. U simboličnim i reprezentacijskim osnovama spomenika našao se mit o idealtipskom intelektualcu – aktivistu, utjelovljen modernističkim spomeničkim rješenjem u kojem se prepoznaje vizualni obrazac preuzet iz stare kršćanske ikonografije. Spomenik je shvaćen kao pokazatelj složenih strategija prilagođavanja partijske simboličke politike novonastalim okolnostima liberalizacije društvenog i kulturnog života.The paper analyses the monument to the revolutionary Moša Pijade in the context of the role of art in the culture of remembrance of socijalist Yugoslavia. The symbolic and representational basis of the monument is centred on the myth of the ideal-type figure of intellectual-activist, embodied in a modernist monument which encompasses a visual pattern appropriated from Christian iconography. The monument is perceived as indicator of complex strategies of adapting the symbolic politics of the Communist Party to the new circumstances of liberalization of social and cultural life

    Archdiocese of Bar in the state of Bodin's successors

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    Rad se bavi položajem Barske (arhi)episkopije u prvoj polovini i sredinom XII veka za vladavine naslednika kralja Bodina. Budući da je sačuvan zanemarljivo mali broj izvora koji na direktan način govore o crkvenim prilikama u Duklji, problematika je nužno postavljena u daleko šire okvire. Stoga se pristupilo analizi političkih prilika i crkvenih odnosa na području od Dubrovnika do Zadra. U obzir su uzeti svi relevantni činioci: Apostolska stolica, Ugarska, Venecija, Vizantija, Dubrovnik, Split i Zadar. Političke okolnosti i dinamika međusobnih odnosa navedenih subjekata nisu išli naruku barskoj crkvi u njenim nastojanjima da se izbori za kanonsko priznanje arhiepiskopskog statusa. Tokom perioda koji je trajao oko sedam decenija, barski prelati, lišeni podrške vladara koji su se često smenjivali i stradali u međusobicama, bili su okrenuti prilikama u vlastitoj crkvi, posebno u samom Baru.Right after the death of King Bodin (1099 or 1101) two opposing forces started a conflict in Duklja. Bodin's widow, Queen Jaquinta, wanted to ensure the throne for her sons, while the descendants of Prince Branislav, son of Bodin's paternal uncle Radoslav, also believed to have a claim on the throne. These conflicts continued over several decades, during which period different kings took turn on the throne. The land was left in chaos. In mid-12th century, Duklja fell under the supreme rule of Byzantium, and its rulers were no longer kings but bore the title of princes (Knez). In such circumstances, the Bar Archdiocese could not rely on the secular government to support them in their struggle to gain the canonical approval for the metropolitan status of their diocese. On the other hand, in the 12th century, popes were faced with the resistance of German kings and emperors and other secular rulers and noblemen, who often selected antipopes as a proven method of pressure on the Holy Apostle See. German cardinals and bishops often supported these antipopes who were not the only papal opponents among the church ranks. The papal authority was also threatened by communal movements in the northern Italy, which were much inspired by the ideas of heretic teachings about evangelical poverty and equality among men. Chronic dissatisfaction and finally open rebellion of the Roman crowds created a lot of trouble. This was intensified by epidemics of contagious diseases and famine that periodically afflicted Rome. In spite of such great temptations, popes firmly insisted on the systematization of the canonical rights in order to strengthen auctoritas apostolica and tried to impose themselves as the supreme factor in solving not only church issues but also secular issues and problems. It was clear to the Bar prelates that they could not request from the Holy Apostle See the acknowledgement of their archdiocese invoking the privileges by Antipope Clement III Wibert from 1089, as the only grounds for such entitlement. They could only patiently wait for the arrival of better times. The Dubrovnik clerics took advantage a favourable moment to act. The old ambitions of the Dubrovnik church were fulfilled in the 1160s and 1170s, at the time of archbishop Tribun and with support of the enthusiastic Pope Alexander III. Thus, bishops from the Duklja became suffragans of the Dubrovnik archbishops. Any resistance to this solution imposed a risk of excommunication, interdiction or deposition

    Application of blockchain technology in accounting information systems

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    Blockchain tehnologija najnoviji je oblik tehnologije sa značajnim imperativom na sigurnost. Iako je nastala još 2008. godine, tek je u posljednjih nekoliko godina došlo do zapaženog interesa od strane brojnih poduzeća i organizacija. Zbog specifičnosti svojih karakteristika, blockchain tehnologija pruža brojne mogućnosti. Najviše istraživanja primjene blockchain tehnologije usmjereno je u pravcu financija i računovodstva. Razlog tome je što se upravo u tom području generiraju brojne izrazito osjetljive informacije koje su često na meti krivotvorenja i krađa. Računovodstvo, kao generator velike količine ključnih informacija za brojne interesno – utjecajne skupine, zahtjeva korištenje pouzdane tehnologije, metoda i tehnika za obradu i pohranu predmetnih informacija. Stoga, blockchain pronalazi razne mogućnosti primjene u kontekstu računovodstva.Blockchain technology is the newest form of technology with important imperative on safeness. Although it was created in 2008, in last few years it became an object of significant interest of many companies and organizations. Due to the specificity of its features, blockchain technology provides numerous opportunities. Most of research about application of blockchain technology is focused on finance and accounting. The reason is that it is precisely in this area that many high sensitive information are generated that are often targeted by forgery and theft. Accounting, as the generator of large amount of key information for stakeholders, requires the use of reliable technology, methods and techniques for processing and storage of the generated information. Therefore, blockchain finds various applications in the context of accounting

    The cult of Saint Archangel Michael among Benedictans in the area of Bar mitropoly and Kotor episcopacy: Social and cultural conditions ( 9th - 13th century)

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    Sredinom 9. veka benediktinski monaški red beležio je uspon u južnoj Italiji. Počev od kraja 8. stoleća Montekasino je bio nosilac kulturnog preporoda, mreža opatija uveliko se proširila na području Beneventa, Apulije, Kampanije, Kalabrije i drugih oblasti, dok su pripadnici ovog reda u evropskim okvirima važili za glasovite misionare, koji su dali veliki doprinos hristijanizaciji mnogih germanskih i slovenskih naroda. Međutim, benediktinci u južnoj Italiji su već neko vreme bili izloženi napadima Saracena i drugih razbojnika koji su ugrožavali i pljačkali njihove manastire, što je kulminiralo osvajanjem Montekasina 883. godine. Zbog učvršćivanja vizantijske vlasti prilike na istočnoj jadranskoj obali delovale su daleko stabilnije i pogodnije za život monaških zajednica. Pored toga, u zaleđu vizantijskih gradova živelo je slovensko stanovništvo koje je već više od dva veka postepeno prodiralo u priobalne zone, polako izgrađujući svoj odnos sa Romanima, žiteljima urbanih sredina. Sloveni su još uvek u velikom broju bili poklonici stare religije ili tek delimično hristijanizovani. Osim što su uživali ugled uspešnih misionara, benediktinci su svoje manastire podizali u seoskoj sredini nadomak glavnih saobraćajnica i gradskih centara, dok se njihov način života uklapao u mentalitet i navike agrarnog društva. Hristijanizovanje slovenskog življa omogućavalo je širenje kulturnih modela iz gradova centara vizantijske uprave, što je prejudiciralo jačanje ideoloških pozicija i učvršćivanje njihove faktičke vlasti. Na drugoj strani, Apostolska stolica je na ovakve poduhvate gledala blagonaklono budući da su benediktinci gotovo neosetno doprinosili snaženju pozicija rimske crkve u Dalmaciji. Benediktinci su ozbiljno pristupali misionarskim poduhvatima, o čemu svedoči i vešt izbor svetačkih kultova, pre svega titulara velikih opatija.In the middle of the 9th century, the Benedictan order was on the rise in South Italy. Since the end of the 8th century, Montecasino has been the champion of cultural revival, and a network of abbeys has been established across the regions of Benevento, Puglia, Campania, Calabria and other regions. Members of this order, within European borders, were reputed missionairies who contributed greatly to the christianisation of many Germanic and Slavic peoples. However, the Benedictans from South Italy had suffered attacks by the Saracenes and other invadors who raided and plundered their monasteries, which culminated with their conquer of Montecasino in 883AD. Because of the strengthening of the Byzantine rule, the conditions on the east Adriatic coast seemed far more suitable and stable for life of monastery communities. Also, Slavic population settled back to Byzantine cities, and slowly, they moved towards the coastline zones, building good relations with the urban Roman population. The Slavs had still worshiped old gods or were only partly christianized. In addition to being respected as successful missionaries, the Benedicants raised their monasteries in rural communities close to main roads and city centers, while their way of life fitted in the mentality and habits of an aggrarian society. Christianisation of the Slavic population enabled spreading of cultural models from the city centres under the Byzantine rule, which lead to strenghtening of ideological positions and fortification of their factual rule. On the other side, the Holy See looked benevolently on these efforts, since the Benedictans almost unnoticably contributed to strenghtening of the Roman Church positions in Dalmatia. The Benedictans took their missonary endevours seriously, as we can see from a very smart selection of the cults of saints - primarily patrons of big abbeys

    Srebrica Knežević: Academic and pedagogical framework in ethnology and Anthropology

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    U radu će se razmatrati život i delo Srebrice Knežević (1930-2012), sa ciljem predstavljanja njene karijere, dostignuća i tematskih oblasti kojima je doprinela. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena važnosti njene uloge u pionirskim istraživanjima narodne medicine, ishrane i etnologije sveta, kao i shvatanja značaja interdisciplinarosti u domaćoj nauci. Takođe, rad će prikazati Srebricu Knežević kao istraživača vernog terenu, te ukazati na kompromise koje je morala da pravi zbog čestih putovanja i istraživanja. Naposletku, o Srebrici Knežević govoriću kao o predavaču i profesorki koja je svoje impresije prilagođavala potrebama predavanja i studentima tokom četiri decenije rada na Odeljenju za etnologiju i antropologiju, Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Svojom predavačkim darom i inovacijama koje je unela u nastavu ostala je zapamćena kao maštovita, energična i posvećena profesorka, koja je na predavanjima oživljavala daleke teme i terene. Život i delo Srebrice Knežević predstavljeni su i analizirani na osnovu literature i razgovora sa saradnicima, studentima, prijateljima i porodicom.This paper reviews the life and work of Srebrica Knežević (1930-2012) in order to present her career, achievements and fields of study that she contributed to. Special attention will be paid to the importance of her role in pioneer research of folk medicine, nutrition and world ethnology, as well as comprehension of the significance of interdisciplinary approach in Serbian ethnology. Also, this paper will depict Srebrica Knežević as a researcher loyal to her ethnographic field, therefore indicating the compromises she had to make for her very frequent trips and researches. Finally, I will speak of Srebrica Knežević as a lecturer and a professor who adjusted her impressions for the classroom setting and her students, during four decades of work at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. As a gifted lecturer who implemented innovations in the classroom, she is remembered as a creative, passionate and dedicated professor, who brought distant topics and ethnographic fields to life. The life and work of Srebrica Knežević are presented and analyzed based on the relevant literature and conversations with her colleagues, students, friends and family

    Application of blockchain technology in accounting information systems

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    Blockchain tehnologija najnoviji je oblik tehnologije sa značajnim imperativom na sigurnost. Iako je nastala još 2008. godine, tek je u posljednjih nekoliko godina došlo do zapaženog interesa od strane brojnih poduzeća i organizacija. Zbog specifičnosti svojih karakteristika, blockchain tehnologija pruža brojne mogućnosti. Najviše istraživanja primjene blockchain tehnologije usmjereno je u pravcu financija i računovodstva. Razlog tome je što se upravo u tom području generiraju brojne izrazito osjetljive informacije koje su često na meti krivotvorenja i krađa. Računovodstvo, kao generator velike količine ključnih informacija za brojne interesno – utjecajne skupine, zahtjeva korištenje pouzdane tehnologije, metoda i tehnika za obradu i pohranu predmetnih informacija. Stoga, blockchain pronalazi razne mogućnosti primjene u kontekstu računovodstva.Blockchain technology is the newest form of technology with important imperative on safeness. Although it was created in 2008, in last few years it became an object of significant interest of many companies and organizations. Due to the specificity of its features, blockchain technology provides numerous opportunities. Most of research about application of blockchain technology is focused on finance and accounting. The reason is that it is precisely in this area that many high sensitive information are generated that are often targeted by forgery and theft. Accounting, as the generator of large amount of key information for stakeholders, requires the use of reliable technology, methods and techniques for processing and storage of the generated information. Therefore, blockchain finds various applications in the context of accounting

    Benedictines in the Byzantine Kotor

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    U radu se govori o okolnostima koje su uslovile dolazak benediktinaca na područje Bokokotorskog zaliva. U periodu od 9. do druge polovine 11. veka beleži se znatno prisustvo ovog reda u Tivatskom zalivu, gde je, pored manastira sv. Mihaila na Prevlaci, osnovano još nekoliko manjih monaških nastambi. Takođe, govori se i o dva manastira na teritoriji pod vizantijskom vlašću, od kojih se jedan nalazio na prilazima Kotoru, a drugi u samom gradu. Benediktinci su, svakako, igrali važnu ulogu u procesima hristijanizacije slovenskog stanovništva, dajući izvesnog doprinosa razvoju dokumentarne pismenosti, književnom i umetničkom stvaralštvu i prosvetnoj delatnosti u Kotoru, jednom od važnih centara teme Dalmacije, kao i u graničnom pojasu pod vlašću travunijskih i dukljanskih knezova.Starting from the 830s the Benedictines in the south of Italy were exposed to the Saracen and other outlaw attacks leaving their monasteries endangered and looted. The troubles culminated by the conquest of Montecassino in 883. Due to the strengthening of the Byzantine authorities, the circumstances in the eastern Adriatic coast seemed by far more stable and suitable for the life of the monastic communities. Besides, some Slavic population lived in the hinterland of the Byzantine towns and they were slowly penetrating to the coastal areas for more than two centuries. Those people were gradually building up their relation with the Romans from the urban areas. The Slavs were still the worshippers of the old religion or only partly Christianized. The conversion of the Balkan Slavs was one of the primary aims of the Byzantine politics. In that aspect the Benedictines posed an excellent choice when it came to the Slavic neighbours of the Byzantine towns on the Adriatic coast. Those were the monks who set up their monasteries in the rural areas close to the main traffic and town centres whose way of living fitted in the mentality and the habits of the agrarian society and they enjoyed the reputation of being successful missionaries. The Christianization of the Slavic people enabled the spread of the cultural models from the Byzantine authority centres, which invoked the strengthening of the ideological positions and firming the factual power. On the other hand, the popes had to view these feats benevolently since the Benedictines almost immaculately contributed to the strengthening of the Roman Church positions in Dalmatia. Therefore, it is no wonder that in the areas southwards from Dubrovnik the Benedictine presence was recorded first in the vicinity of the Byzantine Kotor and in the town itself as well as in the nearby Budva. The existence of the strong Byzantine authority centre supported the missionary activities and establishing the Benedictine order in the borderline districts of Duklja and Travunija, surely under the rule of the Serbian princes. In the early second half of the 11th century the Benedictines left the Tivat bay, where St Michael's Abbey on Prevlaka was the pillar of their gathering. Sava Nemanjić rebuilt this monastery in 1220 and it became the seat of the Zeta bishop. Metochia sancti Michaelis included the other Benedictine settlements apart from St Peter's in Bijela of which we do not know when it was turned into a Catholic parish. The monasteries of St Peter and St Michael in Kotor gradually turned into the parish churches. It is conspicuous that the Benedictines abandoned their settlements for no visible reason nor the pressure coming from the outside, so that those were mainly some interior motives difficult to be observed clearly. Thus, the only remaining abbey in the area of the Kotor bishopric was St George's Abbey in front of Perast

    Il vescovo di Cattaro Marin contareno e la despotovina Serba

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    Age-Appropriate: “Extended Youth” Well-Spent

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    U svom izlaganju predstaviću fenomen „produžene mladosti“ kroz prizmu antropologije vremena, fokusirajući se prevashodno na analizu kulturnih predstava o mladosti i zrelosti, fazama i prekretnicama. Fenomenu koji podrazumeva „produženu“ tranziciju u odraslost, finansijsku, stambenu i drugu zavisnost mladih ljudi, pristupiću vodeći se pretpostavkom da je fenomen „produžene mladosti“, osim ekonomskom i političkom situacijom, uslovljen i „kulturnom logikom“ proučavanog sociokulturnog konteksta. U svom izlaganju predstaviću rezultate kvalitativnog istraživanja koje sam sprovela tokom 2019. i 2020. godine među mladim ljudima iz Beograda i njihovim roditeljima. Svi ispitanici su tokom istraživanja živeli sa svojim roditeljima, odnosno sa svojom decom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju kako učesnici u istraživanju sagledavaju svoje pozicije i „produženu mladost“ u Srbiji. U prvom delu izlaganja razmotriću kulturne predstave o mladosti i odraslosti imajući u vidu način na koji ispitanici segmentiraju iskustvo odrastanja: 1) kroz državni školsko-vaspitni sistem; 2) kroz doživljaj sebe i sopstvenog ponašanja koje se menja i „sazreva“; 3) kroz velike lične i porodične prekretnice izazvane događajima; 4) kroz šira društvena zbivanja. Često koristeći dve ili tri navedene odrednice kako bi se orijentisali u opisivanju iskustva odrastanja, ispitanici ističu šta je to „normalno“ ponašanje za određenu fazu. Saživot u roditeljskom domu, izdržavanje mladih od strane roditelja, kao i njihovo minimalno uključivanje kada je u pitanju održavanje domaćinstva, većina ispitanika smatra „normalnim“ ili „uobičajenim“ za mlade u Srbiji. Život sa roditeljima za učesnike istraživanja često predstavlja način da se novac i vreme koji bi se odvajali za održavanje nezavisnog domaćinstva utroše na „proživljavanje“ mladosti: putovanja, edukacije, izlaske, negu, kupovinu roba i usluga koje ispitanici smatraju luksuznim u domaćem kontekstu. Shodno rečenom, analiziraću narativ o „proživljenoj“ i „pametno iskorišćenoj“ mladosti, te preispitati „produžavanje“ mladosti kao strategiju. Nadovezujući se na prethodno, drugi deo izlaganja posvetiću analizi kulturnih predstava o „drugom“, oslanjajući se na narative u kojima ispitanici svoju mladost ili mladost svoje dece predstavljaju uporedno. Sistematizujući „druge“ uz pomoć analognog principa, kroz vrednovanje i upoređivanje, doživljavanje kao bližih ili daljih od sebe (Nedeljković, 2007), ispitanici kao „spoljašnje druge“ vide mlade sa Zapada. Sa druge strane, postoje i „unutrašnji drugi“ čija se mladost u Srbiji razlikuje u pogledu stepena autonomije. Prema mišljenju ispitanika, samostalniju mladost žive pojedinci koji su „morali da se snađu“ – uglavnom prilikom selidbe zbog studija ili posla. U nastojanju da održe narativni kontinuitet društvenog vremena, a govoreći o mladosti, odrastanju i roditeljstvu „tamo“ i „ovde“, „nekad“ i „sad“, ispitanici neretko porede svoja iskustva sa idejom o tome „kako bi bilo“, da su okolnosti bile drugačije.This conference paper will present the phenomenon of “extended youth” through the prism of anthropology of time, mainly by identifying cultural representations of youth and maturity, life phases, and milestones. This phenomenon implies “prolonged” transition to adulthood, with financial, residential, and other dependence of young people. I will approach it through the hypothesis that the “extended youth”, in addition to the economic and political situation, is determined by the “cultural logic” of a particular sociocultural context. In this paper, I will present the results of qualitative research conducted in Belgrade in 2019 and 2020 among young adults and their parents. I aim to interpret cultural representations related to the understanding of youth and adulthood, while focusing on what is considered to be “normal” and “well-spent” youth in Serbia. Moreover, I will analyze perspectives on “the other” youth, both globally and locally

    Anthropology of Space in the Context of “Extended Youth” Phenomenon Research

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    U ovom radu se, iz antropološke perspektive, preispituje uticaj kulturnih predstava na fenomen „produžene mladosti“, pri čemu se posebno analiziraju kulturne predstave o prostoru. Ukazujući na narative o gradu, kraju i sobama mladih ljudi koji žive sa roditeljima, rad se fokusira na značenja koja ispitanici pridaju prostorima i životnim aranžmanima u kojima se sami nalaze. Takođe, rad ukazuje na životne aranžmane „drugih“ i percipirane alternative. Cilj rada je da prikaže kako se ispitanici odnose prema urbanoj topografiji, pre svega prema prostorima koje smatraju „svojima“ u smislu prebivališta, te kako predstave o prostorima utiču na fenomen „produžene mladosti“. Preispitujući narative o izborima mladih ljudi iz Beograda, rad ukazuje na kulturne predstave koje modeluju njihova razmišljanja o osamostaljenju i selidbi iz porodičnog doma. U radu su korišćeni rezultati terenskog istraživanja sprovedenog u Beogradu od avgusta 2019. do novembra 2020. godine među mladima i njihovim roditeljima