22 research outputs found

    Power source drivers and performance outcomes of functional and dysfunctional conflict in exporter–importer relationships

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    Although conflict is natural in buyer–seller relations, the issue has largely been studied in domestic market settings despite increasing globalization and the surge of cross-border inter-firm relationships. This research focuses on two different types of conflict, functional and dysfunctional, and examines how these are linked to coercive and non-coercive power bases and performance outcomes in exporter–importer relationships. Using survey data from 105 pairs of exporters and their foreign distributors, we find that only in the exporter group the use of coercive power by the foreign distributor lowers functional conflict. However, the use of coercive power by the overseas partner increases dysfunctional conflict and the use of non-coercive power reduces such conflict across both exporters and importers, although in the importer group this link is not significant. The results also suggest that functional conflict enhances performance only among importers. The use of problem solving conflict resolution boosts functional conflict's impact on performance among exporters, but adversely affects the performance effect of such conflict in the importer group. Nonetheless, problem solving resolution negatively affects the impact of dysfunctional conflict on performance in both the exporter and importer groups. Moreover, we find that power distance boosts the impact of dysfunctional conflict on performance in the relationship across the groups of exporters and importers. Implications of the findings for international marketing theory and practice are discussed, and limitations of the study considered along with future research directions

    Inter-organisational relationships for social impact: A systematic literature review

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    The social impact of inter-organisational relationships is a growing area of business research. This study is the first to aggregate the current body of scholarly literature on how different inter-organisational relationships are utilised to create social impact. Using systematic literature procedures, 55 relevant studies published in leading scholarly journals were identified and analysed. The findings indicate that inter-organisational relationships for social impact is an emerging and multidisciplinary field. Eight categories of social impact were identified through thematic analysis, three at the macro level (economic development, social development and political and legal development), two at the mezzo level (community development and social development of supply chain stakeholders) and three at the micro level (creation of vulnerabilities, labour practices and entrepreneurship development). Based on our findings, we provide a synthesis of the relevant body of literature and identify potential areas for future research

    Sedimentary record of 2010 and 2011 Warta River seasonal floods in the region of Poznań, Poland

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    The Warta River near Poznań (West Poland) represents a meandering lowland river modified by hydro-engineering projects. Recently, two large floods occurred during the summer of 2010 and the winter of 2011. Rapid response surveys were conducted to document erosion and sedimentary records of the floods (spatial extent, grain size, composition, grain microtextures). Follow-up studies, which were conducted during the two years after the floods, assessed postdepositional changes in the flood deposits. A thick sand layer formed that ranged from an average of 10–15 cm (summer) to 30–35 cm (winter), building natural levees, side bars and crevasse splays. The sand layers consisted of fine- and medium-grained sands that were well-sorted, fine skewed and sourced from the river channel. The longer but smaller winter flood produced thicker and coarser deposits at different sites compared with the summer flood. An organic-rich mud layer and algal mats, which were short-existing, were also detected on the floodplain. The study proved that the flood record on engineered rivers may be only in the sand bodies near the river channel and their preservation is mainly controlled by their thickness. A single site may not record all floods, as particular events tend to leave deposits in various places

    Imaging modalities in infective endocarditis – state of the art for 2016

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) is a life-threatening condition whose diagnosis often remains a major challenge in everyday clinical practice. Accurate and fast diagnosis of IE improves the patient’s prognosis. Over the past decades there have been significant changes in the aetiology, demographic characteristics of patients as well as in the clinical presentation. IE diagnosis requires evaluation of the clinical presentation, microbiological tests and cardiac imaging. Modified Duke University criteria enable the diagnosis of most IE cases but frequently they are insufficient, particularly in difficult-todiagnose patients. The 2015 European Society of Cardiology guidelines on IE have defined when new imaging modalities should be used to aid in the diagnosis of IE. The aim of this paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages of current imaging modalities in the diagnosis of IE.Infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia (IZW) jest zagrażającym życiu schorzeniem, którego rozpoznanie w codziennej praktyce klinicznej często pozostaje dużym wyzwaniem. Od szybkiego postawienia właściwego rozpoznania zależy rokowanie chorego. W ciągu ostatnich dekad doszło do istotnych zmian w zakresie etiologii, charakterystyki demograficznej pacjentów oraz w obrazie klinicznym IZW. Rozpoznanie IZW wymaga połączenia danych z obrazu klinicznego, badań mikrobiologicznych oraz wyników badań obrazowych. Stosowane do tej pory zmodyfikowane kryteria diagnostyczne z Uniwersytetu Duke pozwalają na postawienie rozpoznania w większości przypadków, jednak coraz częściej okazują się one niewystarczające. Opublikowana w 2015 roku przez Europejskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne aktualizacja wytycznych dotyczących postępowania w IZW pozycjonuje rolę nowych technik obrazowych, których użycie w wątpliwych diagnostycznie przypadkach pozwala na ostateczne postawienie rozpoznania u większości chorych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest omówienie roli i znaczenia poszczególnych metod diagnostyki obrazowej w diagnostyce IZW z uwzględnieniem ich możliwości oraz ograniczeń

    Fragmentacja zespołów QRS u pacjentów z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym leczonych inwazyjnie

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    Background: Previous studies showed that the presence of fragmented QRS (f-QRS) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), who underwent complete revascularisation, is associated with worse prognosis and the possibility of arrhythmia occurrence. Aim: To assess the prognostic value of f-QRS in patients with ACS and complete revascularisation, in the context of cardiac ar­rhythmias. Methods: We analysed 124 consecutive patients (66.1% males; mean age 62.38 ± 11.0 years) with ACS (STEMI 49%) treated invasively. Based on electrocardiogram (ECG) record, performed during the admission to the clinic, after the complete revascularisation (TIMI = 3) and during discharging from hospital (4th–5th days after ACS), we classified QRS as f-QRS based on generally accepted criteria (QRS < 120 ms, which included an additional R wave [R’]) or notching in the nadir of the S wave, or > 1 R’ (fragmentation) in two contiguous leads, corresponding to a major coronary artery territory. 24-h Holter ECG recording was performed on the fifth day after ACS to assess the frequency of conduction disturbances and others arrhythmias. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between patients with and without f-QRS during hospitalisation. In the patients with f-QRS there were no statistically significant conduction disturbances and other arrhythmias compared to patients without f-QRS at discharge. Conclusions: In the patients with ACS, who underwent successful revascularisation (TIMI = 3), the presence of f-QRS is not correlated with a higher incidence of arrhythmias compared to patients without f-QRS in short-term follow-up.Wstęp: Wcześniejsze badania wykazały, że obecność fragmentacji w obrębie zespołów QRS (f-QRS) u pacjentów z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym (ACS), którzy zostali poddani skutecznej, pełnej rewaskularyzacji, wiąże się z gorszym rokowaniem i możliwością występowania zaburzeń rytmu serca. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena wartości prognostycznej f-QRS u pacjentów z ACS i skuteczną rewaskularyzacją, w kontekście zaburzeń rytmu serca. Metody: Przeanalizowano przypadki 124 kolejnych chorych (66,1% mężczyzn, średni wiek 62,38 ± 11,0 lat) z ACS (STEMI 49%) leczonych inwazyjnie. Na podstawie badania elektrokardiograficznego (EKG), wykonanego w czasie przyjęcia do kli­niki, po skutecznej rewaskularyzacji (TIMI = 3) i podczas wypisywania ze szpitala (w 4.–5. dniu po zawale serca) oceniono występowanie f-QRS na podstawie ogólnie przyjętych kryteriów: QRS < 120 ms, złożony z dodatkowego załamka R (R') lub zazębienie na ramieniu zstępującym załamka S, lub 1 R’ (fragmentacji) w 2 odprowadzeniach, odpowiadających obszarowi unaczynienia przez główne tętnice wieńcowe. W celu oceny częstości zaburzeń przewodzenia i zaburzeń rytmu serca w 5. dniu po ACS wykonywano 24-godzinne EKG metodą Holtera. Wyniki: W trakcie hospitalizacji nie stwierdzono istotnie statystycznych różnic między pacjentami z f-QRS oraz bez f-QRS. U osób z f-QRS nie istniały statystycznie istotne zaburzenia przewodzenia i inne zaburzenia rytmu w porównaniu z chorymi bez f-QRS przy wypisywaniu ze szpitala. Wnioski: U chorych z ACS, poddanych skutecznej rewaskularyzacji (TIMI = 3), obecności f-QRS nie wiąże się z większą częstością występowania zaburzeń rytmu serca w porównaniu z pacjentami bez f-QRS w okresie krótkoterminowej obserwacji

    Cardiomyopathy development protection after myocardial infarction in rats: Successful competition for major dihydropyridines’ common metabolite against captopril

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    <div><p>During the last 25 years angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors spectacularly conquered the field of cardiovascular diseases therapy. Nevertheless, lack of new studies concerning side effects associated with their chronic administration seems to be rather confusing. In our previous research, we proved that the main furnidipines’ metabolite (M-2) possess multiple cardioprotective actions. Currently, we compared effects of post-infarction long-term oral treatment with M-2 and captopril on hemodynamic parameters and “ischemic cardiomyopathy” development in rats. Myocardial infarction was evoked by permanent left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion for 35 days. Surviving rats were treated with captopril (2 × 25 mg/kg) or M-2 (4 mg/kg) from 6<sup>th</sup>– 35<sup>th</sup> day. At 35<sup>th</sup> day rats’ hearts were tested on working heart setup, where following parameters were measured: heart rate, preload pressure, aortic systolic and diastolic pressures, aortic maximum rise and fall, aortic and coronary flow, myocardial oxygen consumption and oximetry in perfusate. Subsequently, heart tissue specimens were assessed during morphological estimation. Captopril caused significant heart rate increase and markedly diminished preload pressure in comparison to M-2. Both drugs evoked essential aortic pressure increase. Aortic flow was significantly decreased after M-2, whereas captopril increased this parameter in comparison to M-2. Both agents caused marked coronary flow increase. Morphologic examination in captopril revealed cardiomyopathic process in 70% of hearts, whereas in M-2 this value reached 30%. Neovascularization of post-infarcted myocardium was visible only after M-2 therapy. Concluding, M-2 presented itself as more attractive agent in long-term post-infarction treatment by preventing cardiomyopathy development, angiogenesis stimulation and preserving cardiac performance.</p></div