125 research outputs found

    Helicoidal instability of a scroll vortex in three-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems

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    We study the dynamics of scroll vortices in excitable reaction-diffusion systems analytically and numerically. We demonstrate that intrinsic three-dimensional instability of a straight scroll leads to the formation of helicoidal structures. This behavior originates from the competition between the scroll curvature and unstable core dynamics. We show that the obtained instability persists even beyond the meander core instability of two-dimensional spiral wave.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revte

    Anomalous relaxation and self-organization in non-equilibrium processes

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    We study thermal relaxation in ordered arrays of coupled nonlinear elements with external driving. We find, that our model exhibits dynamic self-organization manifested in a universal stretched-exponential form of relaxation. We identify two types of self-organization, cooperative and anti-cooperative, which lead to fast and slow relaxation, respectively. We give a qualitative explanation for the behavior of the stretched exponent in different parameter ranges. We emphasize that this is a system exhibiting stretched-exponential relaxation without explicit disorder or frustration.Comment: submitted to PR

    Universal Scaling of Wave Propagation Failure in Arrays of Coupled Nonlinear Cells

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    We study the onset of the propagation failure of wave fronts in systems of coupled cells. We introduce a new method to analyze the scaling of the critical external field at which fronts cease to propagate, as a function of intercellular coupling. We find the universal scaling of the field throughout the range of couplings, and show that the field becomes exponentially small for large couplings. Our method is generic and applicable to a wide class of cellular dynamics in chemical, biological, and engineering systems. We confirm our results by direct numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    RGCL at GermEval 2019: offensive language detection with deep learning

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    This paper describes the system submitted by the RGCL team to GermEval 2019 Shared Task 2: Identification of Offensive Language. We experimented with five different neural network architectures in order to classify Tweets in terms of offensive language. By means of comparative evaluation, we select the best performing for each of the three subtasks. Overall, we demonstrate that using only minimal preprocessing we are able to obtain competitive results

    Effect of the Predecessor and the Nitrogen Rate on Productivity and Essential Oil Content of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Southeast Bulgaria

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    Received: May 31st, 2022 ; Accepted: August 13th, 2022 ; Published: September 19th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] (Coriandrum sativum L.) is one of the most important essential oil crops on a global scale. Coriander productivity is determined by the genotype, the environmental factors, as well the agronomic practices. A field experiment was conducted in Southeast Bulgaria during three vegetation seasons (2015, 2016, and 2017). The present study aimed at analysing the influence of two crop predecessors (winter wheat and sunflower) and four nitrogen (N) levels (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1 ). Productivity elements, seed yield, and seed essential oil content of coriander (cv. Mesten drebnoploden) were under evaluation. The results obtained showed that winter wheat was a more suitable predecessor of coriander in comparison to sunflower. The highest results regarding the number of umbels per plant, the umbel’s diameter, the number of umbellets per umbel, the number of seeds per umbel, the seed weight per plant, the 1,000 seed mass, as well as the seed yield for the rate of 80 kg ha-1 of N were recorded. The highest essential oil content after applying 120 kg ha-1 of N was established. Increasing the N level from 0 to 120 kg ha-1 led to a positive and significant effect on essential oil yield. No significant differences between the N rates of 80 and 120 kg ha-1 were recorded. The received results contributed for the evaluatation of the optimum nitrogen level, as well as for the determination of a more suitable predecessor of coriander in order to obtain the highest yield of better quality in the region of Southeast Bulgaria

    Tunable Pinning of Burst-Waves in Extended Systems with Discrete Sources

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    We study the dynamics of waves in a system of diffusively coupled discrete nonlinear sources. We show that the system exhibits burst waves which are periodic in a traveling-wave reference frame. We demonstrate that the burst waves are pinned if the diffusive coupling is below a critical value. When the coupling crosses the critical value the system undergoes a depinning instability via a saddle-node bifurcation, and the wave begins to move. We obtain the universal scaling for the mean wave velocity just above threshold.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revte

    π\pi-kinks in strongly ac driven sine-Gordon systems

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    We demonstrate that π\pi-kinks exist in non-parametrically ac driven sine-Gordon systems if the ac drive is sufficiently fast. It is found that, at a critical value of the drive amplitude, there are two stable and two unstable equilibria in the sine-Gordon phase. The pairwise symmetry of these equilibria implies the existence of a one-parameter family of π\pi-kink solutions in the reduced system. In the dissipative case of the ac driven sine-Gordon systems, corresponding to Josephson junctions, the velocity is selected by the balance between the perturbations. The results are derived from a perturbation analysis and verified by direct numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revte

    PNEPs, NEPs for context free parsing: Application to natural language processing

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02478-8_59Proceedings of 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain.This work tests the suitability of NEPs to parse languages. We propose PNEP, a simple extension to NEP, and a procedure to translate a grammar into a PNEP that recognizes the same language. These parsers based on NEPs do not impose any additional constrain to the structure of the grammar, which can contain all kinds of recursive, lambda or ambiguous rules. This flexibility makes this procedure specially suited for Natural Languge Processing (NLP). In a first proof with a simplified English grammar, we got a performance (a linear time complexity) similar to that of the most popular syntactic parsers in the NLP area (Early and its derivatives). All the possible derivations for ambiguous grammars were generatedThis work was partially supported by MEC, project TIN2008-02081/TIN and by DGUI CAM/UAM, project CCG08-UAM/TIC-4425

    Theory of spiral wave dynamics in weakly excitable media: asymptotic reduction to a kinematic model and applications

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    In a weakly excitable medium, characterized by a large threshold stimulus, the free end of an isolated broken plane wave (wave tip) can either rotate (steadily or unsteadily) around a large excitable core, thereby producing a spiral pattern, or retract causing the wave to vanish at boundaries. An asymptotic analysis of spiral motion and retraction is carried out in this weakly excitable large core regime starting from the free-boundary limit of the reaction-diffusion models, valid when the excited region is delimited by a thin interface. The wave description is shown to naturally split between the tip region and a far region that are smoothly matched on an intermediate scale. This separation allows us to rigorously derive an equation of motion for the wave tip, with the large scale motion of the spiral wavefront slaved to the tip. This kinematic description provides both a physical picture and exact predictions for a wide range of wave behavior, including: (i) steady rotation (frequency and core radius), (ii) exact treatment of the meandering instability in the free-boundary limit with the prediction that the frequency of unstable motion is half the primary steady frequency (iii) drift under external actions (external field with application to axisymmetric scroll ring motion in three-dimensions, and spatial or/and time-dependent variation of excitability), and (iv) the dynamics of multi-armed spiral waves with the new prediction that steadily rotating waves with two or more arms are linearly unstable. Numerical simulations of FitzHug-Nagumo kinetics are used to test several aspects of our results. In addition, we discuss the semi-quantitative extension of this theory to finite cores and pinpoint mathematical subtleties related to the thin interface limit of singly diffusive reaction-diffusion models
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