2,959 research outputs found

    Characterization of Alkali Metal Dispensers and Non-Evaporable Getter Pumps in Ultra-High Vacuum Systems for Cold Atomic Sensors

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    A glass ultrahigh vacuum chamber with rubidium alkali metal dispensers and non-evaporable getter pumps has been developed and used to create a cold atomic sample in a chamber that operates with only passive vacuum pumps. The ion-mass spectrum of evaporated gases from the alkali metal dispenser has been recorded as a function of dispenser current. The efficacy of the non-evaporable getter pumps in promoting and maintaining vacuum has been characterized by observation of the Rb vapor optical absorption on the D2 transition at 780 nm and vacuum chamber pressure rate of rise tests. We have demonstrated a sample of laser-cooled Rb atoms in this chamber when isolated and operating without active vacuum pumps

    The effects of female sex hormones (birth control contraceptive) on measures of endothelial function

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    Background: Endothelial function has been shown to be influenced by many variables, including, but not limited to body composition, disease state, dietary fat intake, medication, and sex hormones, in particular estrogen. Specifically in women, changes in the functioning level of endothelial cells vary in response to changes in estrogen levels in the body. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hormonal birth control contraceptives on endothelial function, or more specifically, on flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Method: 61 female participants between the ages of 18 and 28 (21.54 ± 2.03) with BMI ranging from 17.47 to 35.03 (23.04 ± 3.37) were recruited for this study from Texas Christian University by word of mouth and flier. Upon enrollment into the study, participants completed a medical questionnaire and signed a University approved informed consent. Based on self-report, the group was divided into those using birth control contraceptives (BC, n = 31) and those not using contraceptives (NC, n = 30). Endothelial function was assessed via FMD of the brachial artery using an Acuson, Aspin Advance color Doppler ultrasound unit with a L10 linear array transducer. Briefly, with the subjects in a supine position, the diameter of the brachial artery was measured in longitudinal section image using the caliper system in the Acuson ultrasound unit. The brachial artery was then occluded for 5 min with a blood pressure cuff inflated to 50 mmHg above systolic blood pressure. For 5 min following the occlusion, an image of the blood vessel diameter was obtained every 30 sec. Results: The average pre-occlusion and peak FMD responses for the groups were 0.295 ± 0.034 and 0.351 ± 0.034 cm, and 0.308 ± 0.039 and 0.373 ± 0.044 cm for the BC and NC groups, respectively. This corresponded to an average FMD percent change of 19.27 ± 9.27 and 21.52 ± 7.02 for the BC and NC groups, respectively. No significant difference was found between the two groups for either absolute or percent change responses. Conclusion: Birth control medications do not influence endothelial function assessed via flow-mediated dilatation

    The Effect of Short and Long Recovery Periods on the Contribution of Oxidative Processes to Energy Expenditure During Multiple Bouts of Supramaximal Exercise

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    The Effect of Short and Long Recovery Periods on the Contribution of Oxidative Processes to Energy Expenditure During Multiple Bouts of Supramaximal Exercise Olson, E. (undergraduate), Christensen, K., Jajtner, A., Copeland, J., Unthank, M., and Mitchell, J. Exercise Physiology Lab, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, TX. The contribution of oxidative energy production to multiple sprint exercises is of interest due to implications for the training needs of people engaging in anaerobic activities. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of short and long active recovery durations on oxidative and anaerobic contributions to energy output during maximal intensity cycle ergometry. METHODS: Six male subjects, including well-trained endurance athletes and well-trained strength athletes, completed the study. After a VO2max test on the bicycle ergometer, each subject completed two conditions: a short recovery condition (SRC) and a long recovery condition (LRC). The SRC consisted of 10, 10-sec. supramaximal sprints with 30-sec. recovery periods. The LRC consisted of 10, 10-sec supramaximal sprints with 3-min. recovery periods. The load applied to the ergometer was 1.2 g/kg and the RPM during the sprints varied based on the maximal output. During recovery, no load was applied and subjects maintained a cadence of 80 RPM. Oxygen uptake was measured during the entirety of both conditions and peak power and total work were calculated from two, 5-sec RPM averages generated during the sprints. Blood samples were taken pre-exercise, after sprints 4, 7, and 10, and 3 minutes post-exercise. RESULTS: Peak power and total work were significantly greater (p \u3c 0.05) in the LRC (1091.3 + 88.7 W and 1363.6 + 34.6 kg-m) compared to the SRC (915.3 + 109.2 W and 1161.6 + 33.9 kg-m). In addition, peak power decayed by 21.7% over the 10 sprints in the SRC compared to no decay in the LRC. Oxygen uptake averaged 28.3 + 0.9 ml/kg/min for the entirety of the LRC; whereas, in the SRC there was a large increase in oxygen uptake during the second sprint that remained elevated and averaged 47 + 1.5 ml/kg/min for the remaining 8 sprints. There was no difference in blood lactate concentrations between conditions. CONCLUSION: The heightened aerobic response and the lower work and power outputs seen in the SRC are suggestive of a decrement in both anaerobic glycolysis and phosphocreatine (PCr) activity as successive sprints were completed. After repeated bouts of explosive exercise with short rest periods, oxidative processes play a more important role in energy production, most likely due to fatigue occurring in the anaerobic energy producing systems. These findings point to the need for enhancing the aerobic capacity of athletes engaging in consecutive high intensity bouts of exercise when rest intervals are short

    Ultrasonic Method for Deployment Mechanism Bolt Element Preload Verification

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    Deployment mechanisms play a pivotal role in mission success. These mechanisms often incorporate bolt elements for which a preload within a specified range is essential for proper operation. A common practice is to torque these bolt elements to a specified value during installation. The resulting preload, however, can vary significantly with applied torque for a number of reasons. The goal of this effort was to investigate ultrasonic methods as an alternative for bolt preload verification in such deployment mechanisms. A family of non-explosive release mechanisms widely used by satellite manufacturers was chosen for the work. A willing contractor permitted measurements on a sampling of bolt elements for these release mechanisms that were installed by a technician following a standard practice. A variation of approximately 50% (+/- 25%) in the resultant preloads was observed. An alternative ultrasonic method to set the preloads was then developed and calibration data was accumulated. The method was demonstrated on bolt elements installed in a fixture instrumented with a calibrated load cell and designed to mimic production practice. The ultrasonic method yielded results within +/- 3% of the load cell reading. The contractor has since adopted the alternative method for its future production. Introductio

    Function and dynamics of PKD2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella

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    To analyze the function of ciliary polycystic kidney disease 2 (PKD2) and its relationship to intraflagellar transport (IFT), we cloned the gene encoding Chlamydomonas reinhardtii PKD2 (CrPKD2), a protein with the characteristics of PKD2 family members. Three forms of this protein (210, 120, and 90 kD) were detected in whole cells; the two smaller forms are cleavage products of the 210-kD protein and were the predominant forms in flagella. In cells expressing CrPKD2–GFP, about 10% of flagellar CrPKD2–GFP was observed moving in the flagellar membrane. When IFT was blocked, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of flagellar CrPKD2–GFP was attenuated and CrPKD2 accumulated in the flagella. Flagellar CrPKD2 increased fourfold during gametogenesis, and several CrPKD2 RNA interference strains showed defects in flagella-dependent mating. These results suggest that the CrPKD2 cation channel is involved in coupling flagellar adhesion at the beginning of mating to the increase in flagellar calcium required for subsequent steps in mating

    Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia: The Effects of Carbohydrate and Hydration Status on IL-6, ADH, and Sodium Concentrations

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    Exercise-associated hyponatremia (serum sodium \u3c 135 mmol/L) is a rare, but serious condition that has been identified in those engaging in prolonged, physical activity conducted in the heat. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydration status and glycogen level on plasma IL-6, ADH, and sodium concentrations during and after prolonged exercise in the heat. METHODS: Ten male participants completed four trials: a glycogen depleted, euhydrated condition (DE); a glycogen depleted, dehydrated condition (DD); a glycogen loaded, euhydrated condition (LE); and a glycogen loaded, dehydrated condition (LD) consisting of cycling 90 minutes at 60% VO2 max in a 35˚C environment followed by a 3-h rehydration (RH) period. During RH, subjects received either 150% of fluid lost (DD & LD) or an additional 50% of fluid lost (DE & LE). Exercise and RH blood samples were analyzed for glucose, IL-6, ADH, and Na+. Sweat and urine samples were analyzed for [Na+]. RESULTS: Post-exercise to post-rehydration [Na+] changes for LD, DD, DE and LE were -6.85, -6.7, -1.45 and 0.10 mM, respectively. Post-exercise [IL-6] for DD, LD, DE, and LE were 5.4, 4.0, 3.7, and 3.49 pg/mL, respectively. Post-exercise [ADH] for LD, DD, DE, and LE were 21.5, 12.8, 7.6, and 1.9 pg/mL, respectively. The number of hyponatremic measurements for all RH samples was 5, 5, 20, and 10 for LD, DD, DE, and LE, respectively. CONCLUSION: Despite our glycogen and hydration manipulations, no regulatory effects of IL-6 and ADH on plasma sodium were observed. The timing of fluid intake did alter plasma sodium since euhydration during exercise combined with an additional 50% intake during RH, and a post-exercise RH volume of 150% of fluid lost both resulted in sodium concentrations below initial levels. Supported by a grant from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute

    Aerodynamic Roughness Length Estimation with Lidar and Imaging Spectroscopy in a Shrub-Dominated Dryland

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    The aerodynamic roughness length (Z0m) serves an important role in the flux exchange between the land surface and atmosphere. In this study, airborne lidar (ALS), terrestrial lidar (TLS), and imaging spectroscopy data were integrated to develop and test two approaches to estimate Z0m over a shrub dominated dryland study area in south-central Idaho, USA. Sensitivity of the two parameterization methods to estimate Z0m was analyzed. The comparison of eddy covariance-derived Z0m and remote sensing-derived Z0m showed that the accuracy of the estimated Z0m heavily depends on the estimation model and the representation of shrub (e.g., Artemisia tridentata subsp. wyomingensis) height in the models. The geometrical method (RA1994) led to 9 percent (~0.5 cm) and 25% (~1.1 cm) errors at site 1 and site 2, respectively, which performed better than the height variability-based method (MR1994) with bias error of 20 percent and 48 percent at site 1 and site 2, respectively. The RA1994 model resulted in a larger range of Z0m than the MR1994 method. We also found that the mean, median and 75th percentiles of heights (H75) from ALS provides the best Z0 m estimates in the MR1994 model, while the mean, median, and MLD (Median Absolute Deviation from Median Height), as well as AAD (Mean Absolute Deviation from Mean Height) heights from ALS provides the best Z0m estimates in the RA1994 model. In addition, the fractional cover of shrub and grass, distinguished with ALS and imaging spectroscopy data, provided the opportunity to estimate the frontal area index at the pixel-level to assess the influence of grass and shrub on Z0m estimates in the RA1994 method. Results indicate that grass had little effect on Z0m in the RA1994 method. The Z0m estimations were tightly coupled with vegetation height and its local variance for the shrubs. Overall, the results demonstrate that the use of height and fractional cover from remote sensing data are promising for estimating Z0m, and thus refining land surface models at regional scales in semiarid shrublands

    Exercise-Induced Th17 Lymphocyte Response and Their Relationship to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Obese, Post-Menopausal Women

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    Obesity-induced inflammation promotes type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). A causative link between adaptive immunity and pathogenesis of obesity-associated diseases has been established. PURPOSE: To examine the effects of exercise on circulating T-helper (Th) 17 lymphocytes in overweight/obese post-menopausal women. METHODS: Twenty-seven overweight/obese women (BMI 32.7 ± 5.1 kg×m-2, 55-75 yr) were randomly assigned to the exercise (EX, n=14) or education (ED, n=13) groups. EX performed a 25-min walk (75-80% HRR) and 2 sets of 8 resistance exercises (70-80% 1RM) with blood samples obtained at: pre-exercise, post-exercise, one-hour and two-hour post-exercise. Blood samples were obtained at the same time points in resting ED. Whole blood was stained using the extracellular markers CD4, CD196, CD194, CD26, and CD161 to identify Th17 lymphocytes via flow cytometry. RESULTS: Acute exercise increased lymphocyte number (p = 0.0001), but decreased percent of CD4+ cells (p = 0.019) at PO. We observed a diurnal response (main effect) where CD26 expression was significantly lower by 2H compared to PRE (PR: 10631 ± 208; 2H: 9961 ± 271 MFI). There was a main effect (p=0.024) of group for CD26 expression (EX: 10745 ± 251; ED 9880 ± 260 MFI). The difference may have been driven by the apparent exercise-induced plateau of CD26 expression at 2H, which minimized the diurnal reduction observed in ED (p \u3e 0.05). There was a tendency (p = 0.09) for a group x time interaction in Th17 cell number at 1HR (EX = 25.3 ± 4.8; ED =37.2 ± 5.2 x 103 cells×ml-1). BMI was significantly correlated with Th17% (r = 0.5, p = 0.008). HbA1c was positively correlated with Th17 number and percentage (r = 0.598, p = 0.003; r = 0.614, p = 0.001, respectively), as well as CCR4+ Th17 cells (r = 0.421, p = 0.036). Multiple regression analysis revealed that BMI, fat percentage, and HbA1c were significant predictors (69%, r2 = 0.685) of Th17 cell %. CONCLUSION: Exercise reduced CD26 expression, the receptor responsible for Th17 cell migration, but did not significantly alter Th17 concentration (p = 0.09). CD26 upregulation may indicate that Th17 cells, via chemokine release, promote the stress-dependent migratory response of T-helper cells (CD4+). Obese individuals may experience a preferential differentiation of Th17 cells, based on their association with adiposity (BMI and %fat) and HbA1c

    A Comparison of Temperatures Inside Protective Headgear With Indicators of Physiological Strain and Core Temperatures During Exercise in a Hot Environment

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    Introduction: Non-invasive temperature monitoring with a sensor mounted inside protective headgear such as a football or military helmet or a construction hardhat may be an effective method of detecting temperatures that are indicative of increased risk of heat illness. Hothead Technologies has developed a system for providing temperature information to medical personnel responsible for the health of the individual. Purpose: The purposes of this study were to establish the relationship between in-hardhat temperature (Tih) readings, markers of physiological strain and perceptual responses, and to determine the differences between the in-helmet temperature readings and core temperature (Tc) as measured by rectal (Tre) and esophageal (Tes) probes. Methods: Thirty males (age, 24.57 ± 4.32 years; height 180.51 ±7.06 cm; body mass, 81.06 ±9.35 kg; percent body fat, 13.76 ±5.11; VO2max, 46.84 ± 7.10 mL/Kg/min) completed two experimental trials separated by a minimum of one week: a continuous submaximal exercise (CSE) condition and a series of high intensity 30-second sprints (HIE) with a one-minute rest period between each sprint. Exercise in both conditions was carried out in a 36o C environment with a relative humidity of 40% while wearing a standard construction hardhat with a sensor mounted in the forehead area of the head strap, and continued until one of the following two criteria was met: the subject voluntarily terminated the session, or the subject’s Tc reached 39.5oC. Temperatures, heart rate, cardiorespiratory, and perceptual responses were monitored throughout, and balance error scoring system (BESS) and mental function tests were conducted before and after exercise. A physiological strain index (PSI) was calculated from Tc and HR. Results: CV- Calculated from final temp. Conclusion: The general agreement between the Tih and other temperature measures along with the consistency as indicated by the low coefficient of variation in the recordings of the Tih sensors at the point of termination suggest that this device may have application as a warning system for impending heat-related problems

    Acute Exercise-Induced Response of Platelet-Monocyte Complexes in Obese, Postmenopausal Women

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    Inactivity-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) are linked to chronic low-grade, systemic inflammation. Platelet-monocyte complexes (PMCs) are markers of in vivo platelet activation and atherosclerosis, and may be early indicators of subclinical inflammation. PURPOSE: To examine the effects of an exercise bout on PMCs in those at risk for CVD. METHODS: Twenty-five overweight-obese (BMI 32.7 ± 5.2 kg×m-2, 55-75 yr) women were randomly assigned to either the exercise (EX, n=13) or non-exercise control (CON, n=12) group. EX performed 2 sets of 8 resistance exercises and a 25-min treadmill walk at 70-80% HRR. Blood was obtained pre-exercise (PR), post- (PO), 1-hour and 2 hours post-exercise (1HR and 2HR). Blood was obtained at the same time points in CON. PMCs were identified via flow cytometry and analyzed in each monocyte phenotype. Monocyte phenotypes were defined as: Mon1 (CD14+CD16−CCR2+), Mon2 (CD14+CD16+CCR2+), and Mon3 (CD14+CD16+CCR2−). All events positive for both CD14 and CD42a (marker for platelets) were considered PMCs. RESULTS: A main effect for time revealed an increase in PMC number at PO (p=0.036) which appears to have been driven by EX (EX = 61.5%; CON = 33.8% increase). PMCs formed with Mon1 and Mon2 followed a similar response. A significant group x time interaction for Mon3 PMC number (p=0.002) indicated an increase from PR to PO (PR = 5218±1170, PO = 8195±1152 cells·ml-1), and a decrease from PO to 1HR and 2HR (1HR = 3767±820 cells·ml-1 2HR = 3818±814 cells·ml-1) in EX. PMC number remained constant for CON at all timepoints. Estimated VO2max was negatively correlated with CD42a MFI (a marker of platelet density per monocyte) (r = -0.583, p = 0.003). Systolic blood pressure (SBP) positively correlated with percent PMC (% CD42a positive monocytes; r = 0.458, p = 0.042). CONCLUSION: Aerobic fitness appears to reduce platelet activation indicated by the negative relationship between VO2max and CD42a MFI. Chronic elevations in resting SBP are linked to PMC percentage, possibly due to sheer stress-induced platelet activation. It is possible that PMC elevation at PO is at least partially driven by exercise-induced increases in BP. These results support previous literature, indicating that PMCs are a CVD risk marker and may elucidate one mechanism by which physical fitness reduces risk for CVD