53 research outputs found


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    Land cover and vegetation density are important information needed in watershed management activities (planning, utilization, supervision and control). Remote sensing technology has been widely used to produce information on land cover and vegetation density due to the availability of multitemporal, multispectral data with high spatial resolution. The purpose of this research is to determine land cover and vegetation density using sentinel 2A imagery in the Salubi sub-watershed. The research was conducted in the Salubi sub-watershed, Central Sulawesi Province. Research activities include digital image analysis using unsupervised classification techniques and NDVI (Normalized Vegetation Index), field measurements and accuracy tests (confussion matriks). The results show that the land cover consisted of 45.61% forest (643.09 Ha), 36.66% (516.81 Ha) mixed dryland agriculture, 10.72% paddy fields (151.11 Ha), shrubs 2.8 % (36.41 Ha), water bodies 1.62% (22.84 Ha), bare land 0.99 % (13.95 Ha), settlement 0.98 % (13.87 Ha), grassland 0.84 % (11.79 Ha), with an accuracy of 90 % (overall accuracy) and 89.54 % (kappa accuracy). Vegetation density consists of high 79.48% (1,120.61 Ha), medium 15.52% (218.86 Ha), low 4.15% (58.53 Ha), non-vegetation 0.84% (11.87 Ha

    Etika Dalam Masyarakat Madani (Perspektif Dakwah Islam)

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    One of the values consisting in public model madani is ethics. Ethics is universal element in developing public madani, because ethics relate to attitude, habit, order, actions and morale having the character of correctness about goodness and badness

    Pemanfaatan Biji Durian sebagai Produk Olahan Makanan Kerupuk

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    Durian is one of the fruits that are very popular with people, especially in Southeast Asia which has many fans of consuming durian fruit, the taste is unique, the texture is soft like butter, often used as a variety of processed foods. It is known that Salak, Pak-Pak Bharat was one of the producers of durian fruit in North Sumatra. However, durian seeds are still not used and wasted. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to educate its people to process durian seeds into crackers. From this program, people get knowledge about the use of durian seeds and will be used as additional income. In addition, there will also be socialization to the local government so that later it can be used as typical souvenirs of Pak-Pak Bhara


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    Abstract: Religious Freedom in the Perspective of Prophetic Traditions. Al-Qu’ran Paradigm concerning to belief have the character of personal-privat and cannot be forced the becoming one of the Islam peaching to constructing the harmonious relation and foundation between religion and fellow being. (Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 256). This matter indicated to shall no constraint for someone in embracing a religion, including to embrace the Islam. If to embrace the just religion of others may not be forced, more than anything else punish to kill the others prohibited in Islam. War in Islam only resistance effort done to the enemy attack bother, menace safety and dissipate the Islam people through clear orders (not abysmal of boundary).Kata Kunci: keyakinan, kebebasan, perdamaian, hadi

    Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Merancang Lembar Kerja Untuk Pelaksanaan Proses Pembelajaran Di SDN 200310 Pudun Julu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru merancang Lembar Kerja yang tepat dalam rangka membantu siswa mencapai kompetensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian Lewins, terdiri dari 2 siklus. Setelah dilakukan pelatihan pembuatan lembar kerjamulai terjadi peningkatan dalam hal merancang dan menyampaikan materi pembelajaran kepada siswa, karena telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya,guru dapat menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dengan alur yang telah direncanakan, guru dapat menggunakan lembar kerja tersebut untuk mengatur durasi penyampaian materi pembelajaran. Hal itu dapat dibuktikan dari hasil perolehan pada siklus II guru telah dapat merancang lembar kerja  dengan baik. Melihat hasil yang diperoleh maka penelitian ini dianggap berhasil dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam merancang lembar kerja melalui program pengajaran setiap bidang studi serta kalender akademik pada saat tahun pelajaran berlangsung.Key word : lembar kerja, proses pembelajara

    Peran Konseling Islam dalam Menanamkan Moderasi Beragama di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Medan Perjuangan

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    This study aims to determine the role of Islamic counseling in instilling religious moderation in the Medan Perjuangan District Office of Religious Affairs. This research is a type of field research (field study). The method used is qualitative. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and documentation methods. The subject of this research is the Islamic Extension Officer of the Medan Perjuangan District Office. The collected data were then analyzed using Miles and Hubberman's theory which included data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that 1. Religious educators play an important role in helping people understand and instill religious values and religious moderation through the study of religious knowledge and understanding and by continuing to provide religious advice to help people understand religious moderation through scientific research, understanding religion, sustainable religious development, teaching moral principles and upholding humanity by applying the principles of justice, balance and tolerance. 2. Islamic counseling has a role as a service and facility in providing assistance to the community to provide an understanding of religion and religious moderation, with individual counseling in solving problems. 3. In the form of joint sports activities, joint karaoke and carrying out social activities in the form of mutual cooperation activities, socialization and seminars in the form of discussion forums where discussions with institutions

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa Membuat Kalimat Tanya melalui Teknik 5w 1h di Kelas IV SD Inpres Lobu Gio

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini apakah melalui teknik 5W 1H dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menggunakan kalimat tanya di kelas IV SD Inpres Lobu Gio? Tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa membuat kalimat tanya di kelas IV SD Inpres Lobu Gio melalui teknik 5W 1H. Rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan  melalui empat tahap, yaitu : (1) Perencanaan, (2) Pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) Observasi, (4) Refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksakan di kelas IV SD Inpres Lobu Gio tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Subjek penelitian adalah 25 siswa dan 2 orang guru sebagai peneliti dan pengamat. Pada siklus I ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 60% rata-rata daya serap 64% kualifikasi belum berhasil. Siklus II ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 92% dengan rata-rata daya serap 76,2%. Hasil observasi guru siklus I sebesar 68,75% kualifikasi cukup. Siklus II sebesar 87,5% kualifikasi baik. Hasil observasi siswa siklus I sebesar 60,71% kualifikasi cukup. Siklus II sebesar 89,3% kualifikasi baik. Berdasarkan uraian-uraian yang telah dikemukakan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan siswa membuat kalimat tanya di kelas IV SD Inpres Lobu Gio dapat ditingkatkan melalui teknik 5W 1H. Kata Kunci:  kemampuan siswa; kalimat tanya; teknik 5W 1

    Pengawasan Distribusi Pupuk Bersubsidi pada KP3 (Komisi Pengawasan Pupuk dan Pestisida) Kabupaten Pangkep

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    This study purposed to determine the supervision of the distribution of subsidized fertilizers in KP3 (Commission for the Development of Fertilizers and Pesticides) in Pangkep Regency which focused on supervision techniques, namely direct supervision and indirect supervision, as well as knowing the factors that influenced the supervision of subsidized fertilizer distribution. This study used descriptive with a qualitative approach.  Data collection techniques used observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study showed that the surveillance  was still not going well and needed to be improved. The monitoring technique used  direct supervision which was not optimal because there were no measurement tools (standard), and indirect there were still many reports that were available on the issue of subsidized fertilizer. And the factors that influenced supervision were internal factors including human resources (HR) and financial resources (finance) which were minimal by only having 2 subsidized fertilizer supervisors. External inhibiting factors took the form of rejection in monitoring the distribution of subsidized fertilizers
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