78 research outputs found

    Virtual Property Pada Game Online Dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

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    The development of technology has brought a variety of high-tech entertainment, one of which is developing games (games) both offline and online. Online games are games that are widely enjoyed, especially by children and teenagers. Today's online game play is not just a game, but in it there are economic activities in the form of buying and selling which have an effect on ownership of virtual objects (Virtual Property. The conclusion of this study is that Virtual Property can be recognized as a treasure in Islam. Although it does not have a real form, there is a value that is recognized by the community so that it becomes part of the property. Because it is recognized as property, buying and selling with this object is permissible and lawful. Recognition of the existence of virtual property is based on the theory of urf, namely that everything that is considered good and permissible by the community can then be a legal argument


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    AbstrakIslam sebagai aturan hidup yang paripurna memiliki seperangkat aturan yang komprehensif mencakup berbagai sendi kehidupan manusia. Salah satu aturan dalam Islam adalah mengenai pengambilan seorang anak sebagai anak angkat. Islam mengatur bagaimana hubungan antara anak angkat dan orang tua angkatnya. Anak angkat tidak boleh dinasabkan kepada orang tua angkatnya dan di antara mereka tidak saling mewa­risi. Permasalahan akan muncul ketika seorang mengambil seorang anak sebagai anak angkat, namun tiba-tiba orang tua tersebut mening­gal dunia. Sementara anak angkatnya masih kecil dan belum mampu untuk mencari nafkah sendiri. Apakah anak tersebut tetap tidak bisa mendapatkan bagian harta warisan orang tua angkatnya? Bagaimana persepsi Imam Madzhab mengenai hal ini?Kesimpulan dalam penelitian adalah bahwa Imam Madzhab membahas mengenai wasiat dalam mak­na umum, mereka belum membahas secara spesifik mengenai Wasiat wajibah. Namun statement mereka mengenai wasiat dapat menjadi dasar hukum bagi kebolehan Wasiat wajibah bagi anak angkat. Alasan­nya adalah adanya kemashalahatan bagi anak angkat karena tidak ada yang menanggung beban hidupnya. Jika dia tidak bisa mendapatkan bagian dari harta yang ditinggalkan orang tua angkatnya, tentu akan memunculkan kemudharatan baginya.Kata Kunci: Wasiat Wajibah, KHI, Anak Angkat


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    AbstrakWisata Syariah adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia untuk program wisata yang berbasis pada nilai-nilai Syariah Islam. Jawa Barat sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata syariah yang memiliki potensi objek wisata yang bisa dikembangkan sesuai nilai-nilai syariah Islam, yaitu Kampung Dukuh dan Kampung Naga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi potensi wisata syariah di Kampung Dukuh dan Kampung Naga, menganalisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal dan menentukan stra­tegi pengembangan kedua kampung adat sebagai daya tarik wisata syariah. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui metode observasi partisipatif, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kekuatan wisata syariah di Kampung Dukuh dan Kampung Naga me­liputi nilai dan ritual keagamaan masyarakat, objek wisata ziarah, arsi­tektur unik, keindahan alam pegunungan, akses jalan bagus (Kampung Naga). Sedangkan kelemahan Kampung Dukuh dan Kampung Naga meliputi kurang ketersediaan transportasi (Kampung Dukuh), kurang­nya sarana pariwisata, kurang tersedianya lahan parkir (Kampung Dukuh), minimnya fasilitas toilet, belum maksimalnya promosi, belum tersedianya Tourist Information Center (Kampung Dukuh). Berdasarkan analisis kekuatan dan kelemahan dirumuskan empat strategi pengem­bangan yang bisa diterapkan, yaitu strategi pengembangan produk, strategi pengembangan promosi, strategi pariwisata berkelanjutan dan strategi pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) berbasis nilai-nilai Syariat Islam

    Gambaran Kekuatan Otot Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik Setelah Diberikan Latihan Bola Karet Dan Thera Band Hand Di Rumah Sakit Rk. Charitas Palembang

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    Background: Non-hemoragic stroke patients has upper extermity muscle weakness resulting in decreased muscle strength. Exercise done on non-hemoragic stroke patients to with simple movement and beneficial exercises to increase muscle strength. Objective: To description rubber ball and thera band hand training on the muscle strength of non-hemoragic stroke patients in the RS.RK. Charitas Palembang. The aim of this study to determine of muscle strength non-hemoragic stroke patients before and after being given a rubber ball training and thera band hand exercises. Muscle strength measured with hand dynamometer. Method: This study used a two group pretest and posttest pre-experiment design of 6 respondents with consecutive sampling technique. Respondents were divided into 2 groups, group 1 was given rubber ball training and group 2 was given thera band hand training. Both groups were given exercise during for 5 days and each exercise was carried out for 15 minutes. Results: 6 respondents with non-hemoragic stroke had weakness in upper extermity muscle strength. Respondents with rubber ball training had increase muscle strength about 66,7% and respondents given thera band hand 100% did not increased. Non- hemoragic stroke patient at RS.RK. Charitas with low upper extermity had the rubber ball training continously because the rubber ball training can increase the strength of the upper extermity muscles. Suggestion: It is necessary to practice regular and continuous rubber balls and hand band thera to increase the upper exterm muscle strength. Further research is suggestesd to be able to continue this research with more number of respondents


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    People will do their best to apply their religious beliefs in the form of different religious rituals as a means of reconciling themselves to God. Among the rituals is Idhul Adha festivity held by the indigenous people of Kampung Naga. This festival is very interesting as it continues with the ritual of Hajat Sasih as a form of grateful expression to the ancestors of the community of Kampung Naga. The results of this research showed that the practice of Eid al-Adha Celebration was held with great solemnity according to the Islamic teachings, although there are no sheep sacrificed. The attitude of respect for the custom over Idhul Adha celebration has made them prefer the customary ritual in the form of Hajat Sasih to Idhul Adha which is a sunnah. The Hajat Sasih Ritual is carried out after the completion of the Idhul Adha prayer. The ritual is performed in accordance with the procedures carried out by their ancestors by delivering the Pahajat (parcel containing food and produce) to the Punduh and the Lebe a day before the celebration. Meanwhile, the Punduh and the Lebe also gave their pahajat to the Kuwu (village chief) and the Naib (caretaker)of Neglasari Village. The Hajat Sasih is an expression of gratitude to God represented in the form of a visit to the tomb of the ancestor, i.e. Sembah Dalem Eyang Singaparana . In addition, the Hajat Sasih also serves as a special occasion for the people of Kampung Naga to visit each other and expect the blessing from the visit to the grave and from the rice cone that has been prayed upon by the elders of the village. Keywords: Local Islam, Eid al-Adha, Hajat Sasih, Kampung Naga and visiting the grave


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    People will do their best to apply their religious beliefs in the form of different religious rituals as a means of reconciling themselves to God. Among the rituals is Idhul Adha festivity held by the indigenous people of Kampung Naga. This festival is very interesting as it continues with the ritual of Hajat Sasih as a form of grateful expression to the ancestors of the community of Kampung Naga. The results of this research showed that the practice of Eid al-Adha Celebration was held with great solemnity according to the Islamic teachings, although there are no sheep sacrificed. The attitude of respect for the custom over Idhul Adha celebration has made them prefer the customary ritual in the form of Hajat Sasih to Idhul Adha which is a sunnah. The Hajat Sasih Ritual is carried out after the completion of the Idhul Adha prayer. The ritual is performed in accordance with the procedures carried out by their ancestors by delivering the Pahajat (parcel containing food and produce) to the Punduh and the Lebe a day before the celebration. Meanwhile, the Punduh and the Lebe also gave their pahajat to the Kuwu (village chief) and the Naib (caretaker)of Neglasari Village. The Hajat Sasih is an expression of gratitude to God represented in the form of a visit to the tomb of the ancestor, i.e. Sembah Dalem Eyang Singaparana . In addition, the Hajat Sasih also serves as a special occasion for the people of Kampung Naga to visit each other and expect the blessing from the visit to the grave and from the rice cone that has been prayed upon by the elders of the village. Keywords: Local Islam, Eid al-Adha, Hajat Sasih, Kampung Naga and visiting the grave

    Kontribusi Abdullah bin Nuh dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam di Cianjur, Sukabumi dan Bogor, Jawa Barat.

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    the spread of Islam in West Java region in the second period was done by the scholars who studied in the Middle East especially Saudi Arabia and Egypt. One of the spreaders of Islam in the West Java region especially in Cianjur, Sukabumi and Bogor is KH. Abdullah bin Noah. He has kemamampuan in the field of da'wah, journalist, educator, soldier, historian, Writer, and an Islamic Thinker. This article will examine how his contribution in the field of Islamic studies in the area of Cianjur, Sukabumi and Bogor. The Thought Of KH. Abdullah bin Noah about the concept of education contained in the 18 books he wrote include translation entitled ' Minhaj al ' Abidin ' of Priest Ghozali. The real leadership of the Islamic education form KH. Abdullah Ibn Nuh was marked by the establishment of the YIC (Foundation Islamic Centre) based in Bogor with a focus on education and Dawah of Islam

    Manfaat Alokasi Dana Desa bagi Masyarakat Desa (Studi pada Desa Blankahan Kecamatan Kuala Kabupaten Langkat)

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    Melalui kewenangan yang dimiliki desa untuk mengurus dan mengatur warga masyarakatnya maka menjadi keharusan bahwa desa melalui pemrintah desa memerlukan anggaran dalam pelaksanaan kewenangan di desa. Penelitan ni bertujuan untuk melihat manfaat alokasi dana desa (ADD) bagi masyarakat Desa Blankahan Kecamatan Kuala Kapaten Langkat. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan ialah berjenis kualitatif dengan mengunakan sumber data melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan di ketahui bahwa Alokasi dana desa (ADD) yang bersumber dari dana perimbangan keuangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah keberadaanya sangat mempengaruhi laju pertumbuhan setiap desa. Demikian halnya dengan desa Blankahan dengan adanya ADD saat ini maka desa Blankahan sangat terbantu dalam melaksanakan pembangunan desa secara bertahap demi terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat. Pada sisi lainnya terkait keberadaan ADD maka pemerintahan desa Blankahan perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan SDM pemerintahan desa dalam mengelola dan menggunakan keuangan ADD sebagaimana yang diharapkan dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.Authority possessed through the village to take care of and organize their peoples then becomes imperative that the village through village government need a budget in the implementation of the authority in the village, in Research aims to see village funds (ADD) for the people of the District of Kuala Kabupaten Langkat Blankahan village. The research method used is by using smber manifold qualitative data through interviews and documentation. From research conducted in the know that the village fund allocation (ADD) derived from financial balance of central and local government are present at very affects the growth rate of each village. Similarly with the village Blankahan with ADD is now the village Blankahan greatly helped in carrying out rural development in stages in order to realize the welfare of society. On the other hand related to the presence of ADD, the village administration Blankahan need to improve knowledge of the village administration in managing the human resources and financial use ADD as expected from the legislation in force

    Analisis Pendidikan Islam dalam Puasa Ramadhan

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    Perfection of Islam in various sharia rules has two values, namely thevalue of worship and the value of muamalah. Fasting is an attempt to distancethemselves from despicable acts and violates the provisions of Islamic teachings.Fasting is not only oriented toward physical acts of worship, but also acts ofspiritual worship that can save and prosper the people, both physically andspiritually, in this world and the hereafter. The study in this study uses the literaturemethod with descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the study regarding thevalue of Islamic education in Ramadan fasting, it was found that the value ofIslamic education in fasting consists of two things, namely honesty and patienc

    Seren Taun Guru Bumi Harmony of Islam and Pasundan Culture

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    The advent of Islam in Tatar Sunda (West Java) lent a new color to the culture that had previously existed there. The nature of Islam which was friendly to the local culture, made it easy to be accepted by the Sundanese people without bloodshed. The results are a variety of cultural rituals rooted in Sundanese culture yet rich with Islamic culture. Seren Taun Guru Bumi is one of the rituals of the Sundanese people deeply-rooted in the belief of Nyi Pohaci (Dewi Sri) as the goddess of fertility. The involvement of the researcher in this ritual made the data a primary source which is the implementation of Seren Taun Guru Bumi in Sindang Barang Cultural Village, Bogor, West Java. This research shows that the ritual of Seren Taun Guru Bumi is a form of Islamic harmony with the Sundanese culture. Islamic culture assimilates in the frame of Sundanese traditions in Tatar Sunda, in which both are brought together in the ritual as a form of gratitude to God Almighty