16 research outputs found

    Plant-Derived Catechols Are Substrates of TonB-Dependent Transporters and Sensitize Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Siderophore-Drug Conjugates

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for acute and chronic infections in immunocompromised hosts. This organism is known to compete efficiently against coinfecting microorganisms, due in part to the secretion of antimicrobial molecules and the synthesis of siderophore molecules with high affinity for iron. P. aeruginosa possess a large repertoire of TonB-dependent transporters for the uptake of its own, as well as xenosiderophores released from other bacteria or fungi. Here, we show that P. aeruginosa is also capable of utilizing plant-derived polyphenols as an iron source. We found that exclusively plant-derived phenols containing a catechol group (i.e., chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, quercetin, luteolin) induce the expression of the TonB-dependent transporters PiuA or PirA. This induction requires the two-component system PirR-PirS. Chlorogenic acid in its Fe(III)-loaded form was actively transported by PiuA and PirA and supported growth under iron-limiting conditions. Coincidentally, PiuA and PirA are also the main TonB transporters for the recently approved siderophore-drug conjugate cefiderocol. Surprisingly, quercetin supplementation increased the susceptibility of P. aeruginosa to siderophore-drug conjugates, due to induction of; piuA; and; pirA; expression mediated by the PirR-PirS two-component system. These findings suggest a potential novel therapeutic application for these biologically active dietary polyphenols.; IMPORTANCE; Iron is an essential element for living organisms. Most bacteria synthesize species-specific iron chelators, called siderophores, able to capture iron from their host or the environment. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen, produces two endogenous siderophores but is able to acquire iron also via xenosiderophores, produced by other bacteria or fungi, using a set of conserved TonB transporters. Here, we show that P. aeruginosa is also able to use plant metabolites, like quercetin and chlorogenic acid, as siderophores. These metabolites possess an iron-chelating catechol group and are recognized and transported by the TonB transporters PirA and PiuA. Since these transporters also promote the specific uptake of siderophore-drug conjugates, P. aeruginosa exposed to these plant catechols becomes hypersusceptible to this novel class of antibiotics. This unexpected finding suggests a potential therapeutic application for quercetin and chlorogenic acid, which were mainly investigated for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

    Interactions between Aspergillus fumigatus and Pulmonary Bacteria: Current State of the Field, New Data, and Future Perspective

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    Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are central fungal and bacterial members of the pulmonary microbiota. The interactions between A. fumigatus and P. aeruginosa have only just begun to be explored. A balance between inhibitory and stimulatory effects on fungal growth was observed in mixed A. fumigatus–P. aeruginosa cultures. Negative interactions have been seen for homoserine-lactones, pyoverdine and pyochelin resulting from iron starvation and intracellular inhibitory reactive oxidant production. In contrast, several types of positive interactions were recognized. Dirhamnolipids resulted in the production of a thick fungal cell wall, allowing the fungus to resist stress. Phenazines and pyochelin favor iron uptake for the fungus. A. fumigatus is able to use bacterial volatiles to promote its growth. The immune response is also differentially regulated by co-infections

    The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pyochelin-Iron Uptake Pathway and Its Metal Specificity▿

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    Pyochelin (Pch) is one of the two major siderophores produced and secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 to assimilate iron. It chelates iron in the extracellular medium and transports it into the cell via a specific outer membrane transporter, FptA. We used the fluorescent properties of Pch to show that this siderophore chelates, in addition to Fe3+ albeit with substantially lower affinities, Ag+, Al3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Cr2+, Cu2+, Eu3+, Ga3+, Hg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sn2+, Tb3+, Tl+, and Zn2+. Surprisingly, the Pch complexes with all these metals bound to FptA with affinities in the range of 10 nM to 4.8 μM (the affinity of Pch-Fe is 10 nM) and were able to inhibit, with various efficiencies, Pch-55Fe uptake in vivo. We used inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry to follow metal uptake by P. aeruginosa. Energy-dependent metal uptake, in the presence of Pch, was efficient only for Fe3+. Co2+, Ga3+, and Ni2+ were also transported, but the uptake rates were 23- to 35-fold lower than that for Fe3+. No uptake was seen for all the other metals. Thus, cell surface FptA has broad metal specificity at the binding stage but is much more selective for the metal uptake process. This uptake pathway does not appear to efficiently assimilate any metal other than Fe3+

    Real time fluorescent resonance energy transfer visualization of ferric pyoverdine uptake in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A role for ferrous iron.

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    To acquire iron, Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes a major fluorescent siderophore, pyoverdine (PvdI), that chelates iron and shuttles it into the cells via the specific outer membrane transporter, FpvAI. We took advantage of the fluorescence properties of PvdI and its metal chelates as well as the efficient FRET between donor tryptophans in FpvAI and PvdI to follow the fate of the siderophore during iron uptake. Our findings with PvdI-Ga and PvdI-Cr uptake indicate that iron reduction is required for the dissociation of PvdI-Fe, that a ligand exchange for iron occurs, and that this dissociation occurs in the periplasm. We also observed a delay between PvdI-Fe dissociation and the rebinding of PvdI to FpvAI, underlining the kinetic independence of metal release and siderophore recycling. Meanwhile, PvdI is not modified but recycled to the medium, still competent for iron chelation and transport. Finally, in vivo fluorescence microscopy revealed patches of PvdI, suggesting that uptake occurs via macromolecular assemblies on the cell surface

    A role for PchHI as the ABC transporter in iron acquisition by the siderophore pyochelin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Iron is an essential nutrient for bacterial growth but poorly bioavailable. Bacteria scavenge ferric iron by synthesizing and secreting siderophores, small compounds with a high affinity for iron. Pyochelin (PCH) is one of the two siderophores produced by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After capturing a ferric iron molecule, PCH-Fe is imported back into bacteria first by the outer membrane transporter FptA and then by the inner membrane permease FptX. Here, using molecular biology, 55 Fe uptake assays, and LC-MS/MS quantification, we first find a role for PchHI as the heterodimeric ABC transporter involved in the siderophore-free iron uptake into the bacterial cytoplasm. We also provide the first evidence that PCH is able to reach the bacterial periplasm and cytoplasm when both FptA and FptX are expressed. Finally, we detected an interaction between PchH and FptX, linking the ABC transporter PchHI with the inner permease FptX in the PCH-Fe uptake pathway. These results pave the way for a better understanding of the PCH siderophore pathway, giving future directions to tackle P. aeruginosa infections

    Nocardamine-Dependent Iron Uptake in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Exclusive Involvement of the FoxA Outer Membrane Transporter

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    Iron is a key nutrient for almost all living organisms. Paradoxically, it is poorly soluble and consequently poorly bioavailable. Bacteria have thus developed multiple strategies to access this metal. One of the most common consists of the use of siderophores, small compounds that chelate ferric iron with very high affinity. Many bacteria are able to produce their own siderophores or use those produced by other microorganisms (exosiderophores) in a piracy strategy. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces two siderophores, pyoverdine and pyochelin, and is also able to use a large panel of exosiderophores. We investigated the ability of P. aeruginosa to use nocardamine (NOCA) and ferrioxamine B (DFOB) as exosiderophores under iron-limited planktonic growth conditions. Proteomic and RT-qPCR approaches showed induction of the transcription and expression of the outer membrane transporter FoxA in the presence of NOCA or DFOB in the bacterial environment. Expression of the proteins of the heme- or pyoverdine- and pyochelin-dependent iron uptake pathways was not affected by the presence of these two tris-hydroxamate siderophores. 55^{55}Fe uptake assays using foxA mutants showed ferri-NOCA to be exclusively transported by FoxA, whereas ferri-DFOB was transported by FoxA and at least one other unidentified transporter. The crystal structure of FoxA complexed with NOCA-Fe revealed very similar siderophore binding sites between NOCA-Fe and DFOB-Fe. We discuss iron uptake by hydroxamate exosiderophores in P. aeruginosa cells in light of these results

    The structure-activity relationship of ferric pyoverdine bound to its outer membrane transporter: implications for the mechanism of iron uptake.

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    International audienceUnder iron limitation, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15692 secretes a major siderophore, pyoverdine I (PvdI). This molecule chelates iron in the extracellular medium and shuttles it into the cells via a specific outer membrane transporter, FpvAI. PvdI consists of a fluorescent chromophore derived from 2,3-diamino-6,7-dihydroxyquinoline and containing one of the bidentate groups involved in iron chelation, linked to a peptide moiety containing the two other bidentate groups required for binding to Fe(3+). Kinetic studies, based on the fluorescence properties of this siderophore, showed that pH 8.0 was optimal for the binding of PvdI and PvdI-Fe to FpvAI. We investigated the mechanism of interaction of PvdI and PvdI-Fe with FpvAI, by synthesizing various analogues of this siderophore, determining their affinity for FpvAI in vitro and in vivo and their ability to transport iron, and interpreting the results obtained in light of the structure of FpvAI-PvdI. Our findings demonstrate that the succinyl moiety linked to the chromophore of PvdI and the first amino acid of the peptide moiety can be sterically hindered with no effect on binding or the iron uptake properties of PvdI-Fe. Moreover, the sequence and the structure of the peptide moiety of PvdI seems to be more important for the iron uptake step than for the binding of the siderophore to FpvAI. Finally, the efficiency of iron uptake and of recycling of the various PvdI analogues after iron release suggests that iron dissociates from PvdI on FpvAI or in the periplasm. All these data have serious implications for the specificity and mechanism of PvdI-mediated iron transport in P. aeruginosa

    The complex of ferric-enterobactin with its transporter from Pseudomonas aeruginosa suggests a two-site model

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    The research benefitted from support from ND4BB ENABLE Consortium has received support from the Innovative Medicines Initiatives Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement nos. 115525 and 115583, resources which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union’s seventh framework programme (FP7/ 2007–2013) and EFPIA companies in kind contribution. This is work is supported by a Wellcome Trust Investigator (100209/Z/12/Z) award. M.C. and S.M. thank the additional financial support of MIUR with the PRIN project 2015795S5W_005. I.S., G.L.A.M., V.G. and E.B. thank also Vaincre la Mucoviscidose and Association Gregory Lemarchal, French associations against cystic fibrosis for additional financial support. J.H.N. and L.M. thank the Membrane Protein Laboratory at Diamond for beam time access.Bacteria use small molecules called siderophores to scavenge iron. Siderophore-Fe3+ complexes are recognised by outer-membrane transporters and imported into the periplasm in a process dependent on the inner-membrane protein TonB. The siderophore enterobactin is secreted by members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, but many other bacteria including Pseudomonas species can use it. Here, we show that the Pseudomonas transporter PfeA recognises enterobactin using extracellular loops distant from the pore. The relevance of this site is supported by in vivo and in vitro analyses. We suggest there is a second binding site deeper inside the structure and propose that correlated changes in hydrogen bonds link binding-induced structural re-arrangements to the structural adjustment of the periplasmic TonB-binding motif.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe