65 research outputs found

    Harnessing Technology Schools Survey 2008: report 2: data

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    This report provides a detailed analysis of the data and methodologies adopted in the 2008 HTSS and provides copies of all research instruments used in the survey

    Harnessing Technology School survey 2008: report 3: executive summary

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    This document provides a summary of the key findings and implications of the 2008 HTSS in the context of the Harnessing Technology Policy, evaluating the current use and imlementation of technology in English schools

    Harnessing Technology School survey 2008: report 1: analysis

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    This report summarises the main findings from the Harnessing Technology Schools Survey 2008, a national survey of ICT in primary, secondary and special schools. The research was carried out in 2007-08. This annual, representative survey was intended to assess the `state of the nation' in terms of the uptake and impact of educational technologies in maintained schools across England

    The Chronicles of Narnia and His Dark Materials: The Bible and Paradise Lost of Children’s Literature

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    “Women Are Cancer, You Shouldn’t Be Working in Sport”: Sport Psychologists’ Lived Experiences of Sexism in Sport

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    © 2022 Human Kinetics. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at, https://doi.org/10.1123/tsp.2020-0029 ​​​​​​​Though sexism has been recognized as problematic in sport, its impact on female sport psychologists in the United Kingdom has not yet been investigated. The purpose of this research was to explore the impact of sexism and its influence on practice. Four semi structured focus groups were conducted, comprising 11 sport psychologists who worked in the United Kingdom. Thematic analysis revealed four general themes: the environment, privileging masculinity, acts of sexism, and the feminine. Participants' discourse suggests that female sport psychologists are impacted by sexism in their workplaces. Gendered power differentials, coupled with the low status of sport psychology within sport, exacerbated the challenges faced by female sport psychologists. This study contributes to making up for the dearth of research on the impact of sexism on sport psychologists. Suggestions are made with regard to implications for practice.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The dream screen: an artistic analysis of the representation of dreams in cinema

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    This paper will be a reflection on editing techniques used in film for representing the concept of dream. The correlation between cinematic model and image motif in dreams advocates that film could be the optimal mean for the depiction of nocturnal fantasies. The process that create dreams formulated by Freud can be reproduced by the cinematic apparatus created by the Lumiere brother's in 1895. Montage is one of the elements of film language that allows directors to transpose on the screen what dreams reveal during the night. Through the paper I will analyze how the representation of nocturnal phantasmagorias had changed historically and furthermore how editing techniques develop from 1895 until today. Cinema was always inspired by the images of dreams, and I believe that film is the best medium that have the components for depicting the surreal pictures of dreams. I deem editing techniques have an organic quality that allows us to make dreams visible. I will moreover compare and contrast my own creative output with the works of Federico Fellini and David Lynch, the most famous directors that have visualized dream in films

    An Exploration of How Peace Building Meetings as a Form of Stakeholders’ Collaboration Affects Management of Conflict in Secondary Schools in Narok County, Kenya

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    Collaboration by all stakeholders in education could drastically reduce conflicts being continuously witnessed in the education sector in Kenya. These conflicts have led to undesirable results like teachers’ strikes, sit-ins, go-slows, students’ unrests among others. Thus the main purpose of this study was to explore how peace building meetings as a form of stakeholders’ collaboration affect management of conflict in secondary schools in Narok County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to establish whether peace building meetings affect conflict management in secondary schools in Narok County. The study was guided by the Stakeholders’ theory and Interest-based Relational Approach. The study adopted the mixed methodology and an exploratory design.  A sample of 371 respondents were selected from the population from stakeholders who included: secondary school principals, teachers, BOM members, PTA officials, sponsors, ministry of Education officials, teachers unions’ representatives and TSC officials in Narok County. Clustered random sampling was used to select the respondents in the study. Purposeful sampling was used to automatically select principals, BOM, PTA and sponsors from the schools sampled. Validity was established by requesting two supervisors and other experts to indicate whether each item in the research tools is relevant or not then the calculated content validity index indicated that the tools were valid. Reliability was established by use of test retest, the split half reliability method and trustworthiness through dependability and reliability. The research tools were piloted in two schools not included in the study but with similar characteristics with the target population. Data collection method involved use of questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions.  Data analysis was facilitated by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive statistics in form of frequency distribution, percentages, means and standard deviations were used and data presented in form of graphs and tables. Inferential statistics was in form of Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, ANOVA, Regression Analysis and Chi-square test. Thematic content analysis was used for qualitative data. This study revealed that peace building meetings do influence management of conflict and create stability and cohesion among stakeholders in secondary schools. It is therefore recommended that peace building be utilized in conflict management. Keywords: Peace building, Stakeholders, Collaboration

    Estudio comparado y traductológico inglés/español de códigos y normas: el caso deThe New York Times Company, Code of Ethics for Directors (effective June 19, 2003)

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    Este trabajo es un anĂĄlisis traductolĂłgico de The New York Times Company, Code of Ethics for Directors (effective June 19, 2003), texto de naturaleza jurĂ­dica perteneciente al ĂĄmbito del derecho societario. En el CapĂ­tulo 1 se presentan algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de la traducciĂłn y en particular de la traducciĂłn especializada de textos jurĂ­dicos y se analizan las principales caracterĂ­sticas del español y del inglĂ©s jurĂ­dico, destacando las principales diferencias entre los dos sistemas lingĂŒĂ­sticos en este marco y las dificultades en las que se incurre al momento de traducir del inglĂ©s al español, junto con las soluciones mĂĄs frecuentemente adoptadas por los expertos de la disciplina. Sigue, en el CapĂ­tulo 2, el texto origen y una propuesta de traducciĂłn, para cuya redacciĂłn se han utilizado los documentos consultables en los apĂ©ndices. El CapĂ­tulo 3 estĂĄ dedicado al anĂĄlisis textual, morfosintĂĄctico, terminolĂłgico y traductolĂłgico del texto objeto del trabajo y a la soluciĂłn de los problemas surgidos a la hora de traducir.Grado en TraducciĂłn e InterpretaciĂł

    Review of Andrea Nicolini, Masochism. A Challenge for Ethics (Mimesis International, 2022)

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    Review of Andrea Nicolini, Masochism. A Challenge for Ethics (Mimesis International, 2022)
