65 research outputs found

    Design and Simulation of Soft Switching Boost Converter for Photovoltaic System

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    India is among leading power producing countries but still we have an unreliable and inefficient electrical infrastructure. Photovoltaic power generation can be helpful to meet the requirements of electricity demand. In order to increase efficiency of PV system a soft-switching boost converter is adopted, which consists of an auxiliary resonant circuit having an auxiliary switch, two diodes with a resonant capacitor and a resonant inductor. This model of converter can supply 60 W to load. Since hard switching generates losses during turn on and turns off but in the proposed converter circuit Zero Voltage Switching operation is performed by resonant capacitor at turn-off condition and Zero Current Switching operation by resonant inductor at turn-on. The chosen converter reduces switching loss as well as voltage and current stress across the devices due to this the efficiency of converter increases. As designed converter is operated at high frequency, so small size of inductors and capacitors are required, this reduces size of converter. Incremental Conductance algorithm is used to achieve maximum power from PV module .The proposed converter and inverter circuit are simulated in Psim9.0 with PV and Maximum Power Point Tracking and theoretical analysis is verifie

    Quantum-enhanced super-sensitivity of Mach-Zehnder interferometer using squeezed Kerr state

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    We study the phase super-sensitivity of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) with the squeezed Kerr and coherent states as the inputs. We discuss the lower bound in phase sensitivity by considering the quantum Fisher information (QFI) and corresponding quantum Cramer-Rao bound (QCRB). With the help of single intensity detection (SID), intensity difference detection (IDD) and homodyne detection (HD) schemes, we find that our scheme gives better sensitivity in both the lossless as well as in lossy conditions as compared to the combination of well-known results of inputs as coherent plus vacuum, coherent plus squeezed vacuum and double coherent state as the inputs. Because of the possibility of generation of squeezed Kerr state (SKS) with the present available quantum optical techniques, we expect that SKS may be an alternative nonclassical resource for the improvement in the phase super-sensitivity of the MZI under realistic scenario.Comment: Comments are welcome

    Arbuscular Mycorrhiza-Associated Rhizobacteria and Biocontrol of Soilborne Phytopathogens

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    The mutualistic symbiosis of most land plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi has been shown to favor mineral and water nutrition and to increase resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses. The main mechanisms involved in the control of the disease symptoms and intraradical proliferation of soilborne phytopathogens are due to root colonization with AM fungi. The role of the rhizobacteria is shown to be specifically associated with extraradical network of the AM and mycorrhizosphere. The mycorrhizosphere can form a favorable environment for microorganisms which have potentiality to act antagonistic to pathogen abundance. It makes an additional advantage in identifying rhizobacteria from AM fungi structures or mycorrhizosphere, which often lead to the isolation of organisms having strong properties of antagonism on various soilborne pathogens. The ability of AM fungi to control soilborne diseases is mainly related to their capacity to stimulate the establishment of rhizobacteria against the favorable environment of pathogen within the mycorrhizosphere prior to the root infection. Recent advancement in scientific research has provided more clear picture in understanding the mechanisms involved in AM fungi/rhizobacteria interactions. Herein, this chapter includes the mechanisms of the AM fungi-mediated biocontrol, interactions between AM-associated bacteria and AM fungus extraradical network, AM-associated bacteria and biocontrol activities and unfavorable zone to pathogen development: the mycorrhizosphere

    Pervaporation Separation of Toluene-Heptane Mixtures with Polyvinyl chloride/ Alumina/ Activated Carbon Membranes

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    118-124This paper explores the fabrication of high performance & low-cost Membrane by incorporation of alumina and activated carbon in Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) matrix using phase inversion technique. This study examined the various effects of the alumina (Al2O3) and activated carbon (C) on the PVC matrix by several analytical techniques such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), and contact angle. The synthesized membranes were used to separation of toluene from toluene-heptane mixtures using pervaporation technique and analysed the mass fraction of toluene in the permeate collected in the pervaporation setup using refractive index method. The results showed that the PVC/ 50% activated carbon/ 50% alumina membrane would be a promising alternative for separation of toluene from heptane-toluene solution. As an outcome, PVC/activated carbon/alumina-based membrane has given better separation of toluene from heptane-toluene solution as compared to other synthesized membrane

    On-farm agrobiodiversity measurement and conservation

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    Total agrobiodiversity of any area is necessary to plan the implementation of agricultural and environmental projects and activities. Diversity is most for advancing agriculture development, however, modern agriculture has accelerated the replacement of old age crop diversity. Agrobiodiversity index and measures are commonly used and estimated for crop and animal species, landraces and sites. These are useful for locating sites, crops and custodians of agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity includes crop and plant; livestock and fish, insect and microbial genetic resources that are cultivated, semi domesticated or wild. Diversity are ated properly that leads to choose the conservation approaches effectively

    Evaluation and Quantification of Anionic Surfactant in the Gomti River at Lucknow City, India

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    In this paper, an attempt has been made to check the level of surfactants particularly in drinking water, which can lead to toxicity in human body system. In this study, a total of 10 locations were selected to enumerate the concentration of surfactants and other physicochemical parameters with metals in the flowing water of river during pre-monsoon 2019. Analyzed result showed that the concentration of surfactants was significantly high and other parameters were also high. It was also found that river at the vicinity of town areas or midstream in the Lucknow city contained high amount of an anionic surfactants due to the nonpoint sources generated by human activities, low concentration was found in upstream, and average concentration was found in downstream, showing natural degradation of surfactants. The values of other parameters were higher than the prescribed limit, which is the serious problem for human being

    Revisiting Prostate Cancer in India: A Genomic View

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    In the recent past, there has been a rise in Prostate Cancer (PCa) in Asia, particularly India.  Although systematic reviews on PCa have dealt on the genetics, genomics and the environmental influence in causal of PCa, no predictive analytics in comparing the PCa from Caucasian, American to Asian population was attempted. In this review article, we have attempted to elaborate this aspect of PCa and deliberated on challenges related to next generation sequencing methods of PCa’s manifestation when compared to the west