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    In India, Engineering Education is being implemented under Ministry of Human Resource Development. Factors contributing for the quality of Engineering education are mainly - financial constraints, trained technical teachers, lack of standardization, lack of practical exposure, lack of priority and other factors. The research discusses the initiatives undertaken for quality assurance in engineering education. It identified the need for development and training of technical teachers in imparting knowledge based teaching and learning, redesigning suitable curriculum, use of multiple teaching resources, introducing ICT added teaching and competency based assessment along with others. The rising need for Industry Institute collaboration emerges out for identification of manpower requirement, identification courses, sector-wise skill profile and development of competency based curricula and learning material, competency based training, assessment & joint certification

    Renewable Energy Production from Lantana Camara Biomass

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    With consumption of about 3 of the world s total energy per annum India is the world s sixth largest energy consumer Exploring renewable energy sources has a strong worldwide interest in the meeting the energy needs of fast growing population both for environmental reasons release of pollutants and fossil reserves depletion and economical ones Most of the population in India does not have access to reliable energy India has millions of tonnes of unwanted available biomass often burnt inefficiently in open fields causing air pollution However this waste can be turned into a completely environment-friendly source of energy World economy is dominated by technologies that rely on fossil energy petroleum coal natural gas to produce fuels power chemicals and materials While the use of conventional energy like oil coal and electricity has increased enormously in the last 25 years in ASEAN economies India still imports crude oil petroleum over 111 92 million tonnes peryear This heavy dependence on imported oil leads to economic and social uncertainties Currently there is a strong worldwide interest in the development of technologies that allow the exploitation of renewable energy sources both for environmental release of pollutants and fossil reserves depletion and economical reason

    The impact of affirmative action policy on the employment of women in the private sector: the case of Saudi Arabia

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    The principal goal of Affirmative Action policy around the world is to equalise opportunities and to increase the share of employment for minority groups and females. The Saudi Arabian Affirmative Action is no exception; since 1985, it has been a crucial means of ensuring ‘fair participation’ in employment for Saudi citizens. This policy, known as ‘Saudisation’, aims to tackle labour market issues by replacing the high volume of foreign workers with Saudi nationals. However, one of the major criticisms of the policy has been its failure to increase the number of females in private sector employment. Women still comprise a very low proportion of this sector, compared to men. Nevertheless, some argue that the active role of ‘Saudisation’ has brought some positive changes, as some trends show that women’s share of employment in certain sectors, i.e. banking, has been rising significantly. Nevertheless, the lack of comprehensive data required to analyse the impact of such a policy on women’s employment has made it difficult to determine the extent of its effect. The role of Affirmative Action (Saudisation) in female employment in the private sector in past decades is at the core of the investigation in this study. Unlike former studies on this subject, this research attempts to investigate the long term effect of the policy by applying an event study uniquely suited to a historical exploration of this issue. This method examines variations during the period 1990 to 2014, in order to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the policy in promoting fair employment for women across the private sector. This will be the first study to document broadly and comprehensively the long-term effect of Saudisation policy on the employment of females in the private sector
