1,038 research outputs found

    Contrast echocardiography for cardiac quantifications

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    The indicator-dilution-theory for cardiac quantifications has always been limited in practice by the invasiveness of the available techniques. However, the recent introduction of stable ultrasound contrast agents opens new possibilities for indicator dilution measurements. This study describes a new and successful approach to overcome this invasiveness issue. We show a novel approach for minimally invasive quantification of several cardiac parameters based on the dilution of ultrasound contrast agents. A single peripheral injection of an ultrasound contrast agent bolus can result in the simultaneous assessment of cardiac output, pulmonary blood volume, and left and right ventricular ejection fraction. The bolus passage in different sites of the central circulation is detected by an ultrasound transducer. The detected acoustic (or video) intensities are processed and several indicator dilution curves are measured simultaneously. To this end, we exploit that for low concentrations the relation between contrast concentration and acoustic backscatter is approximately linear. The Local Density Random Walk Model is used to fit and interpret the indicator dilution curves for cardiac output, pulmonary blood volume, and ejection fraction measurements. Two fitting algorithms based either on a multiple linear regression in the logarithmic domain or on the solution of the moment equations are developed. The indicator dilution system can be also interpreted as a linear system and, therefore, characterized by an impulse response function. An adaptive Wiener deconvolution filter is implemented for robust dilution system identification. For ejection fraction measurements, the atrial and ventricular indicator dilution curves are measured and processed by the deconvolution filter, resulting in the estimate of the left ventricle dilution-system impulse response. This curve can be fitted and interpreted by a mono-compartment exponential model for the ejection fraction assessment. The proposed deconvolution filter is also used for the identification of the dilution system between right ventricle and left atrium. The Local Density Random Walk Model fit of the estimated impulse response allows the pulmonary blood volume assessment. Both cardiac output and pulmonary blood volume measurements are validated in vitro with accurate results (correlation coefficients larger than 0.99). The Pulmonary blood volume measurement feasibility is also tested in humans with promising results. The ejection fraction measurement is validated in-vivo. The impulse response approach allows accurate left ventricle ejection fraction estimates. Comparison with echocardiographic bi-plane measurements shows a correlation coefficient equal to 0.93. A dedicated image segmentation algorithm for videodensitometry has also been developed for automating the determination of regions of interest. The resulting algorithm has been integrated with the indicator dilution analysis system. The automatic determination of the measurement region results in improved dilution-curve signal-to-noise ratios. In conclusion, this study proves that quantification of cardiac output, pulmonary blood volume, and left and right ventricular ejection fraction by dilution of ultrasound contrast agents is feasible and accurate. Moreover, the proposed methods are applicable in different contexts (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging) and for different types of measurements, leading to a broad range of applications

    Human intelligence in biomedical diagnostics

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    Feasibility of transabdominal electrohysterography for analysis of uterine activity in nonpregnant women

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    Purpose: Uterine activity plays a key role in reproduction, and altered patterns of uterine contractility have been associated with important physiopathological conditions, such as subfertility, dysmenorrhea, and endometriosis. However, there is currently no method to objectively quantify uterine contractility outside pregnancy without interfering with the spontaneous contraction pattern. Transabdominal electrohysterography has great potential as a clinical tool to characterize noninvasively uterine activity, but results of this technique in nonpregnant women are poorly documented. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of transabdominal electrohysterography in nonpregnant women. Methods: Longitudinal measurements were performed on 22 healthy women in 4 representative phases of the menstrual cycle. Twelve electrohysterogram-based indicators previously validated in pregnancy have been estimated and compared in the 4 phases of the cycle. Using the Tukey honest significance test, significant differences were defined for P values below .05. Results: Half of the selected electrohysterogram-based indicators showed significant differences between menses and at least 1 of the other 3 phases, that is the luteal phase. Conclusion: Our results suggest transabdominal electrohysterography to be feasible for analysis of uterine activity in nonpregnant women. Due to the lack of a golden standard, this feasibility study is indirectly validated based on physiological observations. However, these promising results motivate further research aiming at evaluating electrohysterography as a method to improve understanding and management of dysfunctions (possibly) related to altered uterine contractility, such as infertility, endometriosis, and dysmenorrhea

    Exploiting flow dynamics for super-resolution in contrast-enhanced ultrasound

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    Ultrasound localization microscopy offers new radiation-free diagnostic tools for vascular imaging deep within the tissue. Sequential localization of echoes returned from inert microbubbles with low-concentration within the bloodstream reveal the vasculature with capillary resolution. Despite its high spatial resolution, low microbubble concentrations dictate the acquisition of tens of thousands of images, over the course of several seconds to tens of seconds, to produce a single super-resolved image. %since each echo is required to be well separated from adjacent microbubbles. Such long acquisition times and stringent constraints on microbubble concentration are undesirable in many clinical scenarios. To address these restrictions, sparsity-based approaches have recently been developed. These methods reduce the total acquisition time dramatically, while maintaining good spatial resolution in settings with considerable microbubble overlap. %Yet, non of the reported methods exploit the fact that microbubbles actually flow within the bloodstream. % to improve recovery. Here, we further improve sparsity-based super-resolution ultrasound imaging by exploiting the inherent flow of microbubbles and utilize their motion kinematics. While doing so, we also provide quantitative measurements of microbubble velocities. Our method relies on simultaneous tracking and super-localization of individual microbubbles in a frame-by-frame manner, and as such, may be suitable for real-time implementation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on both simulations and {\it in-vivo} contrast enhanced human prostate scans, acquired with a clinically approved scanner.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Videodensitometric methods for cardiac output measurements

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    Cardiac output is often measured by indicator dilution techniques, usually based on dye or cold saline injections. Developments of more stable ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) are leading to new noninvasive indicator dilution methods. However, several problems concerning the interpretation of dilution curves as detected by ultrasound transducers have arisen. This paper presents a method for blood flow measurements based on UCA dilution. Dilution curves are determined by real-time densitometric analysis of the video output of an ultrasound scanner and are automatically fitted by the Local Density Random Walk model. A new fitting algorithm based on multiple linear regression is developed. Calibration, that is, the relation between videodensity and UCA concentration, is modelled by in vitro experimentation. The flow measurement system is validated by in vitro perfusion of SonoVue contrast agent. The results show an accurate dilution curve fit and flow estimation with determination coefficient larger than 0.95 and 0.99, respectively

    Electromyographic assessment of muscle fatigue during isometric vibration training at varying frequencies

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    Resistance exercise is essential to improve or maintain muscle performance. Vibration training has been suggested as an alternative option for muscle conditioning, aiming especially at improving muscle strength and power. Several studies link the effects of vibration training to enhanced neuromuscular stimulation, measured by electromyography (EMG) and typically ascribed to involuntary reflex mechanisms. However, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear, limiting the use of vibration training. This paper proposes additional methods to analyze the mechanisms involved in vibration training. A dedicated measurement setup was realized to relate vibration parameters to muscle fatigue in the biceps brachii. Fatigue is estimated by EMG mean frequency and conduction velocity assessments as well as by maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force measurements. A modified maximum likelihood algorithm is proposed for the conduction velocity estimation based on high-density EMG recording. Five volunteers performed four isometric contractions of 50 s at 80% MVC with no vibration (control) and with superimposed vibration at 20, 30, and 40 Hz. Fatigue was estimated from the decay of force, EMG mean frequency, and EMG conduction velocity. 30-Hz vibrations represented the most fatiguing stimulus. Our preliminary results also show a better correlation between force and conduction velocity decay than between force and mean frequency decay, indicating the former as a better EMG indicator of fatigue. The proposed methods provide important advancements for the analysis of vibration exercise and guidance towards the definition of optimal training protocols

    Noninvasive estimation of the electrohysterographic action-potential conduction velocity

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    Electrophysiological monitoring of the fetal-heart and the uterine-muscle activity, referred to as an electrohysterogram, is essential to permit timely treatment during pregnancy. While remarkable progress is reported for fetal-cardiac-activity monitoring, the electrohysterographic (EHG) measurement and interpretation remain challenging. In particular, little attention has been paid to the analysis of the EHG propagation, whose characteristics might be predictive of the preterm delivery. Therefore, this paper focuses, for the first time, on the noninvasive estimation of the conduction velocity of the EHG-action potentials. To this end, multichannel EHG recording and surface high-density electrodes are used. A maximum-likelihood method is employed for analyzing the EHG-action-potential propagation in two dimensions. The use of different weighting strategies of the derived cost function is introduced to deal with the poor signal similarity between different channels. The presented methods were evaluated by specific simulations proving the best weighting strategy to lead to an accuracy improvement of 56.7%. EHG measurements on ten women with uterine contractions confirmed the feasibility of the method by leading to conduction velocity values within the expected physiological range

    A relação das famílias de etnia cigana com a escola pública : um estudo multicaso

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    Dissertaçãode Mestrado em Ensino do Português Língua Segunda e Língua EstrangeiraA investigação pretendeu efectuar uma análise sobre as relações que ocorrem e se desenvolvem entre o grupo familiar cigano e a escola em diferentes contextos sociais e habitacionais. O estudo centrou-se sobre alguns elementos de grupos familiares ciganos inseridos em contextos de bairro social, cidade e acampamento. Foi dada particular atenção aos processos educativos que as crianças empreendem dentro de cada um destes grupos e sobre as expectativas que estas famílias têm em relação ao futuro profissional e social dos filhos. A partir destas informações, foi feito um esforço para perceber o que é que a escola pode oferecer a estas crianças e às suas famílias e sobre-tudo como. Na maioria dos trabalhos e investigações sobre a etnia Cigana e a escola existe uma constante preocupação com as problemáticas relativas às diferenças culturais e à consequente criação de estereótipos que estão na base de atitudes e episódios de racismo, intolerância e incompreensões. No presente trabalho, o aprofundamento sobre este tipo de dificuldades teve sempre em conta o facto de que estamos em presença de dois sistemas culturais estruturalmente e qualitativamente diferentes: de um lado uma cultura agrafa, de transmissão oral, que valoriza o pensamento concreto e o conhecimento ligado estritamente ao desempenho de actividades quotidianas que garantem a reprodução cultural e social do grupo (a Cultura Cigana), do outro uma cultura letrada, de transmissão escrita, valorizando o pensamento abstracto e o conhecimento erudito (a cultura da sociedade maioritária) (Casa-Nova, 2006:161)

    Cardiac Image Segmentation for Contrast Agent Videodensitometry

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