47 research outputs found

    Program Pengelolaan Kebersihan Lingkungan di Pesantren

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    Hygiene management is an issue that is very important for the sustainability of a healthy environment. However, people in general seem difficult to implement a clean and healthy life. The presence of plastic in conjunction with the development of manufacturing has resulted into a big problem for the environment. On the other hand,  Islam strongly encourages cleanliness and environmental management. Based on the above considerations by taking the focus of activities in Islamic boarding house, and to use “dialog warga”approach  with the ABCD method,  this program aims to change the behavior of students to be aware of the importance of hygiene, garbage sorting and understand the principle of using the principles of reuse, reduce and recycle. After the end of the program found that the process of habituation behavior of cleanliness must be preceded by changes in the knowledge system


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    This study with descriptive qualitative approach produces a fact that the context of education, the children of the Kalang community in general are also followed formal education, like other school children. They also received religious instruction as a compulsory subject. This of course has consequences for the possibility of cultural transformation through the instrument of education. Especially with religious education, the children of the Kalang community possible simultaneously and slowly will leave their teachings. Moreover, the nature of religious education itself is more of an orthodox religious values.

    Program Pengelolaan Kebersihan Lingkungan di Pesantren

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    Hygiene management is an issue that is very important for the sustainability of a healthy environment. However, people in general seem difficult to implement a clean and healthy life. The presence of plastic in conjunction with the development of manufacturing has resulted into a big problem for the environment. On the other hand,  Islam strongly encourages cleanliness and environmental management. Based on the above considerations by taking the focus of activities in Islamic boarding house, and to use “dialog warga”approach  with the ABCD method,  this program aims to change the behavior of students to be aware of the importance of hygiene, garbage sorting and understand the principle of using the principles of reuse, reduce and recycle. After the end of the program found that the process of habituation behavior of cleanliness must be preceded by changes in the knowledge system


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    This research has the purposes to reveal the patterns of conflict caused by religious conversion among Chinese Muslim in Semarang, the patterns of conflict resolution applied among them, and their view on the conflict resolutions applied. Applying the methods of interviewing using structured interview guidance, participation observation, and deep interview, it was revealed that there are five kinds of conflict come out of conversion: indifference, teasing allusion, rude speaking, rejection, and hostile. Meanwhile there are three ways found in resolving conflict caused by religious conversion: to let the conflict goes on and resolved by time, to explain the problem related to Islam, and to go out from family circle. Based on the varieties in resolving the conflict, it is revealed that the community tends to approve the peace way in solving any problem, otherwise it will break the value the community hold, harmony.***Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pola konflik yang disebabkan oleh konversi agama di kalangan Cina Muslim di Semarang, pola resolusi konflik yang diterapkan di kalangan mereka, serta pandangan mereka mengenai penyelesaian yang mereka lakukan, Dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dengan pedoman wawancara terstruktur, observasi partisipasi, observasi, dan wa­wan­cara mendalam ditemukan bahwa ada lima bentuk konflik akibat konversi: tidak dipedulikan, digoda, bicara kasar, penolakan, dan permusuhan. Sementara itu ditemukan tiga cara penyelesaian konflik, yaitu membiarkan masalah sehingga hilang bersama waktu, menjelaskan tentang Islam, dan keluar dari lingkup keluarga. Berdasarkan keragaman cara penyelesaian masalah tampak bahwa komunitas Cina cenderung menggunakan cara damai dalam menyelesaikan masalah

    Fenomena Simplifikasi dan Desofistikasi Budaya Jawa di luar Jawa

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    Culture will change with place and time. As a culture, Javanese culture has a tight characteristic. It is interesting to observe the culture among the Javanese community in Lampung which showed the desophistication in Javanese culture that they applied on. The term of “desophistication” in this context meant the loss of the sophisticated traits of Javanese culture or the lost original traits of Javanese culture as in Java mainland. The study was done by applying qualitative research, and the data were combined by involving intensively in the daily life of Javanese people within Javanese communities in Lampung, mainly those who had moved to these areas through the processes of colonization and transmigration, and their inheritances. This study uses an assumption that Javanese culture in the mainland of Java is very sophisticated, with the characteristics of "mystical", "mythological", "spiritualistic," and "ethical-aesthetic". Where as in the villages of Java's colonies and transmigrations in Lampung, have now undergone changes toward a simpler performance. The question that will be cover in this research area, what are the causes and determinant factors of such changes

    Struktur dan Sistem Sosial pada Aras Wacana dan Praksis

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    The social phenomenon that became the focus of sociology has diversity in the aspects of social life of society both as a real and practical reality as well as abstract and utopian reality. The reality is static and moves dynamically inherent in social processes in the daily life of social setting. The social process shapes reality as part of the past takes place today and becomes a hope for the future. Among the social phenomena that become part of the fundamental study of sociology are structure and social system. Social structure is a process of social interaction that lasts a long time, regularly and form a pattern. The social system is a functional social interaction of a set of elements in a group or society to defend the boundaries or unity of its parts. Both in this context are interesting to explain the process of its formation, relationships, functions, traits and changes in discourse and praxis. Applying literature study this article will explore the processes of formation, relationships, functions, traits, and changes of social structure and social system in discourse and praxis. The effort is important to strengthen the sociology repertoire on the macro and abstract level


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    Pesantren had a specific perspective related to religious radicalism and violence. The purpose of this study is to uncover the discourse of radicalism and de-radicalization in Pesantren Soko Tunggal Semarang. Applying the qualitative research, it was revealed that Pesantren Soko Tunggal against all forms of violence in the name of religion. According to Pesantren Soko Tunggal radical movements in the name of religion is a form of misunderstanding of the religion. Islamic radicalism is generally based on the Wahhabi’s understanding, so that attitudes and behavior are influenced by the teachings of Wahhabi. In the view of Wahabism heresy in religion is a form of desecration and denial that must be fought. Pesantren assumed that Pancasila and UUD 1945 is a form of actual enforcement of Islamic law due to Pesantren Soko Tunggal kept to preserve the values of moderatism and develop a peaceful multicultural life.***Pesantren memiliki perspektif tersendiri terhadap radikalisme agama dan ke­kerasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap wacana radikalisme dan deradikalisasi di Pesantren Soko Tunggal Semarang. Dengan menggunakan pen­dekatan kualitatif penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pesantren Soko Tunggal me­nentang segala bentuk kekerasan atas nama agama. Dalam pandangan Pe­santren Soko Tunggal bahwa gerakan radikal atas nama agama merupakan bentuk ke­salah­­pahaman agama. Islam radikal umumnya didasarkan pada pe­mahaman Wahabi, sehingga sikap dan perilaku dipengaruhi oleh Wahabi. Menurut Wahabi, bid'ah dalam agama adalah bentuk penodaan dan penolakan yang harus diperangi. Pesantren menganggap bahwa Pancasila dan UUD 1945 merupakan bentuk penegakan hukum Islam yang aktual. Karena di Pesantren Soko Tunggal ini ingin mempertahankan nilai-nilai moderatisme dan me­ngembang­kan kehidupan multi­kultural yang damai


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    This research examines the effectiveness of the Zakat Community Development program in Kendal Regency, in Jungsemi Village to be precise. In this program, the main funds come from zakat, which is managed by BAZNAS of Kendal regency. the main objective of this program is the empowerment of local communities, whic are expected to improve people's welfare, especially productive zakat mustahik, so that they can transform into muzakki. this program has existed since 2020. the data collection methods uses are interview, observation, and documentation. the result of this study show the effectiveness of the Zakat Community Development program in improving the people's economy. here the focus is on productive zakat mustahik in the community development zakat program in Jungsemi village, Kendal regency

    Hybrid Pesantren in Indonesia; Analyzing the Transformation of Islamic Religious Education in the Digital Age

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    The involvement of Pesantren in digital media has led to the emergence of a brand-new Pesantren map in Indonesia, where Pesantren had previously played a traditional setting. Their engagement of religious leaders and institutions in cyberspace has fundamentally changed not only religious education practice but also the religious authority in digital media. This article aims to examine how the development of digital technology has altered the Pesantren learning tradition. Ngaji in the pesantren tradition, which is typically performed face-to-face, is currently conducted in a hybrid format through digital media. This article applied Netnography method which involves the systematic observation, analysis, and interpretation of online data.  Based on Pierre Bordieau's structural construction theory, this study examines how individuals' habitus, shaped by digital media influences their engagement with digital Islamic practices. In line with that, the hybridization practiced by pesantren in Indonesia has become the new habitus of the pesantren learning tradition. Habitus is the collective entity by which and which dominant social and cultural conditions are established and reproduced. Furthermore, the Pesantren hybrid with its live-streaming Ngaji also constitutes a new Islamic public sphere that strengthens the existing Digital Islam in Indonesia. On the other hand, according to this study, the Kiai has transformed from “the cultural broker” to "the cultural creator" in the digital era, establishing a new tradition in pesantren education. They have achieved the establishment of a digital tradition of studying the yellow book (Kitab Kuning). This transition also facilitates the evolution of pesantren’s learning tradition into a digital format. By continuing to adapt to shifting circumstances, hybrid pesantren bolster the evidence that pesantren are resilient and adaptable

    Gender-Based Conflicts in Political Parties: Male Domination in Central Java’s Politics

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    Indonesian women’s active participation in the political sphere has been supported by national legislation. However, it remains challenging for women to position themselves in the political arena, especially in a specific party’s activities. There is contestation between male and female political cadres, which often escalates into conflict. Using a qualitative research method, this research aims to discover the root of gender-based conflicts within a political party context. This research found three kinds of conflict: overt, covert, and avoided. Overt conflicts occur in the official forum when women express their anger, dissatisfaction, and protests against their male counterparts. Covert conflicts occur when women do not express their dissatisfaction about the party’s decisions and only show their anger outside of the forum. Avoided conflicts arise when women no longer wish to participate in the forum, so they leave the party and its activities. The root of the problems of these conflicts is gender asymmetry and the strong patriarchal culture in the organizations