167 research outputs found

    Developing Learnersā€™ Autonomy-Oriented Physics Teaching Materials to Enhance Students' Science Process Skills

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    The unavailability of learner autonomy-oriented physics teaching materials which are capable of enhancing studentsā€™ science process skills (SPS) of students is becoming a hindrance in one of the public high schools in Banjarmasin, as well as the lack of SPS in students. Thus, this study was carried out with the aim to produce learning materials oriented on learner autonomy orientation to enhance studentsā€™ SPS properly. This was based on the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the developed teaching materials in terms of learning outcomes in the studentsā€™ cognitive and psychomotor domains. This research utilized research and development method with the use of the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate). The trial subjects in this study consisted of 34 students of Grade X in one of the public high schools in Banjarmasin. The data were obtained through validation sheets, lesson plan implementation sheets, SPS observation sheets, and learning outcomes tests (LOT). The results indicated that the teaching materials developed were: 1) valid, based on the results of the validator's assessments with the average score of 3.35, categorized in the ā€œvalidā€ category; 2) practical, based on the implementation of lesson plan with the average score of 3.66 in the very good category; 3) effective, seen from the gain score obtained of 0.67 in the ā€œmediumā€ category; 4) SPS achievement of 72.17 in the ā€œgoodā€ category. It is then concluded that the learner autonomy-oriented learning materials are feasible to be implemented in classroom activities

    The Development and Validation of a Local Wisdom-Integrated Physics Module to Grow the Studentsā€™ Character of Sanggup Bagawi Gasan Masyarakat

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    This study is aimed to describe the feasibility of a local wisdom-integrated physics module to train the character of sanggup bagawi gasan masyarakat, viewed from the aspect of validity, practicality, effectiveness, and the achievement of studentā€™s character. This physics module is integrated to the production of brown sugar in Balangan Regency, on temperature and heat materials. This research is a research development with ADDIE design. The subjects of this research were 27 students of class X in one of the high schools in Balangan. The research instruments used included were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, learning achievement test, and character observation sheets. The result shows that developed physics module has a good aspect of validity, good practicality, moderate effectiveness, and it is very good on training studentā€™s character. It is concluded that physics module which is integrated to the local wisdom to train the character of sanggup bagawi gasan masyarakat is feasible to use on temperature and heat materials.This study is aimed to describe the feasibility of a local wisdom-integrated physics module to growthe character of sanggup bagawi gasan masyarakat, thatviewed from the aspect of validity, practicality, effectiveness, and the achievement of studentā€™s character. This module is integrated to the production of brown sugar in Balangan Regency, as a local activity that related to heat and temperature materials. This research is a research development with ADDIE design. The subjects of this research were 27 students of class X in one of the high schools in Balangan. The research instruments were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, learning achievement test, and character observation sheets. The result shows that physics module has a good aspect of validity, good practicality, moderate effectiveness, and it is very good on training studentā€™s character. Physics module which isintegrated to the local wisdom to growthe character of sanggup bagawi gasan masyarakat is feasible to use on heat andtemperature materials

    Scientific creativity: A bibliometric review and analysis

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    Scientific creativity is one of the higher-order thinking skills which are highly functional for each individual. Scientific creativity encourages the individual to not only generate creative ideas, but also promotes the notion of the appropriate technology. This article provides an in-depth explanation of the bibliometric analysis of scientific literature in education. The articles search was performed by utilizing Publish or Perish (PoP) software on the Crossref database. The search and sort results discovered that 28 of 200 articles were found between the years of 2019-2020. The selected metadata was edited using Mendeley Desktop software. The edited results were then analyzed further and visualized using the VOSviewer software. Overall, articles with the keyword scientific creativity published in the 2019-2020 period have not been cited, and it is essential to be studied collaboratively not only between national institutions but also internationally

    Neurology training in Pakistan: perspectives From physicians in a neurology unit working At different levels

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    Pakistan is a developing country of South East Asia. It stands amongst the highest in the list of high disease burden countries including that for neurological diseases. The current number of trained neurologists in the country is extremely low and the facilities not too frequently available

    Studentsā€™ Perception on Online Learning Experience During Pandemic (Covid-19)

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    This study aimed to analyze studentsā€™ perception about their experience in online learning using blended learning in Physics course. The sample was 101 undergraduate students of Physics education who completed the questionnaire which consisted of 34 questions in Likert scale. The data were analyzed using a semi-explorative approach and the results showed that most of the students thought that the lecturer's teaching methods were good and supported by good facilities. However, students have many assignments and do not feel any improvement in skills. Generally, students' perceptions varied influenced by the Appropriate Workload Scale (AWS) and the Appropriate Assessment Scale (AAS) which were explained by 60.911% of the variation

    Pharmacoenvironmentology ā€“ a component of pharmacovigilance

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    According to WHO, Pharmacovigilance activities are done to monitor detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of any obnoxious adverse reactions to drugs at therapeutic concentration on animal and human beings. However, there is also a growing focus among scientists and environmentalists about the impact of drugs on environment and surroundings. The existing term 'Ecopharmacology' is too broad and not even defined in a clear manner. The term 'Pharmacoenvironmentology' seeks to deal with the environmental impact of drugs given to humans and animals at therapeutic doses

    Fungsi Perencanaan Dakwah dalam Proses Pengendalian Yayasan Pendidikan

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    Yayasan Al-Munawaroh bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan dan dakwah, didalam pembuatan program dakwah yayasan Al-Munaawaroh telah diterapkan praktek/proses manajemen, diantaranya perencanaan. Dengan demikian, melalui perencanaan dalam sebuah manajemen, juga dapat diketahui secara dini apakah tujuan yayasan Al-Munawaroh sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan atau justru terjadi kesenjangan akibat adanya penyimpangan-penyimpangan. Jadi aktivitas perencanaan sangat diperlukan diperlukan terutama untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan apakah kegiatan-kegiatan yang sedang berjalan sudah sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Perencanaan dakwah merupakan langkah awal yang diterapkan dalam organisasi, menurut pandangan Al-Qurā€™an merupakan cermin dasar dari setiap kegiatan yang telah dilakukan untuk terwujudnya perubahan di masa mendatang. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan perencanaan dakwah dalam proses pengendalian lembaga yayasan di Yayasan Al-Munawaroh Cikupa (YAC). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptis kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain dengan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini salah satunya adalah dari James A.F. Stoner. Melalui langkah-langkah perencanaan dakwah yaitu perkiraan dan perhitungan masa depan, penentuan dan perumusan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan dakwah, penetapan tindakan-tindakan dakwah dan prioritas pelaksanaannya, penetapan metode dakwah, penentuan dan penjadwalan waktu, penetapan lokasi dakwah, penetapan biaya dan fasilitas atau faktor-faktor lain yang diperlukan bagi penyelenggaraan dakwah. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu pertama, pada tahun 2014 pada Yayasan Al-Munawaroh Cikupa (YAC), mampu mencapai hasil yang maksimal sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah tersusun dan terencana. Kedua, Yayasan Al-Munawaroh Cikupa telah berhasil merumuskan format, sarana pendukung infrastruktur Yayasan dan komitmen bersama melalui dakwah tranformatif yang berpihak kepada kaum marginal dan didalamnya terdapat acuan program berdasarkan manajemen perencanaan. Ketiga. melalui sistem pembardayaan, pembinaan, pembinaan dan pendampingan, Yayasan Al-Munawaroh Cikupa telah berhasil memberikan nuansa baru dengan kegiatan dakwahnya secara mandiri serta mampu memperluas jaringan dan kerjasama dengan instansi lain baik Lembaga Sosial Masyarakat swasta maupun pemerintah, sehingga terjadi peningkatan kualitas maupun kuantitas yang lebih baik


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    Objective: To study the prevalence of ADRs associated with the use of anti-tubercular drugs in patients with tuberculosis in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A prospective observational and active surveillance study was conducted in the department of pulmonology and DOTS Centre in Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre over a period of 6 mo after the study was approved by IRB. The patients who gave informed consent were included in the study and their information was analysed after being recorded in a data collection form.Results: Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out to generate results, the continuous measurement being presented as mean standard deviation (min-max) and categorical measurement presented in number (%). The results showed the prevalence of ADRs to be 69%. The prevalence of ADRs was more in females (55%) than in males (45%) and 75.9% of them reporting more than 1 ADR. ADR's affecting the skin and appendages were high (23.56%) while ADR's affecting gastrointestinal system (19.28%), the hepatic system (4.28%), the musculoskeletal system (15.7%), Central and peripheral nervous system (7.85%), Vision (0.7%) were comparatively less.Conclusion: The study highlighted the importance of developing strategies to ameliorate ADRs both to improve the quality of patient care and to control TB safely.Ƃ

    Peripheral Neuropathy among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Use of Douleur Neuropathic Questionnaire

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    Objective: To find out the prevalence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methodology: It was an observational study conducted on a sample of 150 subjects who were enrolled by a convenient random sampling technique. Patients with a history of diabetes for more than 5 years and of 30-85 years of age from both genders were included. Patients with a history of surgery, frozen shoulder psychological issues, and kidney problems were excluded. Data were collected from Allama Iqbal Memorial Hospital & Islam Central hospital, Sialkot using Douleur neuropathic DN 4 questionnaire, and questions about age, lifestyle, glucose level, hypoesthesia, and gender were added. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20. Results: Out of 150 patients with DM, 49 were males and 101 were females. Active lifestyle was found in 53.33% and 46.67% were physically inactive. Higher glucose levels were found in 53.33% of males and 46.67% of females. In 38 (25.3%) individual's upper limb was involved and in 112 (74.7%) lower limb was involved. Out of 150 subjects, 138 (92%) had a score above 4.0 and thus had peripheral neuropathy. A positive correlation between lifestyle and peripheral neuropathy was found by applying Pearson chi-square and the p-value was 0.000
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