235 research outputs found

    Rapporto Finale del Progetto “Master regionale in tutela dell’ambiente marino e oceanografia - MARAMBO”

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    Questo rapporto di fine progetto presenta i dati relativi al “Master regionale in tutela dell’ambiente marino e oceanografia - MARAMBO” finanziato dell'ambito dell'Avviso 1/2012 del PO “FSE” Sicilia 2017-2013. Il progetto formativo ha previsto attività di formazione e training on the job a 8 allievi per un periodo di 12 mesi (1200 ore), con l'obiettivo generale di rafforzare il sistema regionale siciliano della ricerca scientifica-tecnologica e dell’alta formazione ad essa relativa. L'obiettivo specifico, invece, è stato quello di creare competenze specialistiche ed interdisciplinari per il monitoraggio e la tutela dell’ambiente marino, ovvero la macro-area di interesse dell'IAMC-CNR. Il rapporto ripercorre le attività del progetto formativo, le relative tempistiche e modalità esecutive ed i moduli formativi nel dettaglio. Vengono altresì sottolineati gli aspetti innovativi in termini di training on the job, work experiences, attività di laboratorio e collaterali nelle quali gli allievi sono stati coinvolti. Il rapporto si conclude con alcune considerazioni finali, la presentazione dei dati di placement a fine corso e di raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti, alla luce dalle caratteristiche e dei limiti imposti dall'Avviso 1/2012

    Site fidelity of Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829 at Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Southern Italy; Ionian Sea)

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    AbstractLack of detailed knowledge on ecological niche, life cycles, spatial distribution, reproductive biology and space use strongly affects the selection of useful tools and measures in the conservation of threatened marine species. Especially for sedentary and slow species, behaviour and movement capacities are supposed to be the most important functional traits. Indeed, behavioural variability concerning available space and the close presence of individuals is considered a crucial trait for the population dynamics assessments, especially when disturbances of various causes are present in the environment. The present study aimed to investigate the site fidelity and degree of movement of Hippocampus guttulatus, an emblematic and threatened Mediterranean seahorse species. With this aim, a number of seahorses were tagged and monitored throughout two years within a limited area of the lagoon of Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Southern Italy). The studied individuals were initially morphometrically measured for size, sex and life-cycle stage and subsequently monitored through repeated four-month surveys each year. Obtained results indicated high site fidelity regardless of habitat type. Movement pattern was in line with the data on congeneric species, although values were slightly higher. The analyses showed differences in movement degree among different sexes and life-cycle stages and indicated greater mobility of adult females compared to males and juveniles. The investigated parameters showed a great variability suggesting that even small-scale environmental factors can influence the species mobility. Finally, a change in the population structure has been observed, with the loss of large individuals in 2016 and reduced recruitment in 2017. These findings indicated the possible presence of stressors that could lead to the alteration of the seahorse population at Mar Piccolo of Taranto

    Biostimulation of in situ microbial degradation processes in organically-enriched sediments mitigates the impact of aquaculture

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    Abstract Fish farm deposition, resulting in organic matter accumulation on bottom sediments, has been identified as among the main phenomena causing negative environmental impacts in aquaculture. An in situ bioremediation treatment was carried out in order to reduce the organic matter accumulation in the fish farm sediments by promoting the natural microbial biodegradation processes. To assess the effect of the treatment, the concentration of organic matter in the sediment and its microbial degradation, as well as the response of the benthic prokaryotic community, were investigated. The results showed a significant effect of the treatment in stimulating microbial degradation rates, and the consequent decrease in the concentration of biochemical components beneath the cages during the treatment. During the bioremediation process, the prokaryotic community in the fish farm sediment responded to the overall improvement of the sediment conditions by showing the decrease of certain anaerobic taxa (e.g. Clostridiales, Acidaminobacteraceae and Caldilinaceae). This suggested that the bioactivator was effective in promoting a shift from an anaerobic to an aerobic metabolism in the prokaryotic community. However, the larger importance of Lachnospiraceae (members of the gut and faecal microbiota of the farmed fishes) in treated compared to non-treated sediments suggested that the bioactivator was not efficient in reducing the accumulation of faecal bacteria from the farmed fishes. Our results indicate that bioremediation is a promising tool to mitigate the aquaculture impact in fish farm sediments, and that further research needs to be oriented to identifying more successful interventions able to specifically target also fish-faeces related microbes

    Host-associated and Environmental Microbiomes in an Open-Sea Mediterranean Gilthead Sea Bream Fish Farm

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    Gilthead seabream is among the most important farmed fish species in the Mediterranean Sea. Several approaches are currently applied to assure a lower impact of diseases and higher productivity, including the exploration of the fish microbiome and its manipulation as a sustainable alternative to improve aquaculture practices. Here, using 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing, we explored the microbiome of farmed seabream to assess similarities and differences among microbial assemblages associated to different tissues and compare them with those in the surrounding environment. Seabream had distinct associated microbiomes according to the tissue and compared to the marine environment. The gut hosted the most diverse microbiome; different sets of dominant ASVs characterized the environmental and fish samples. The similarity between fish and environmental microbiomes was higher in seawater than sediment (up to 7.8 times), and the highest similarity (3.9%) was observed between gill and seawater, suggesting that gills are more closely interacting with the environment. We finally analyzed the potential connections occurring among microbiomes. These connections were relatively low among the host's tissues and, in particular, between the gut and the others fish-related microbiomes; other tissues, including skin and gills, were found to be the most connected microbiomes. Our results suggest that, in mariculture, seabream microbiomes reflect only partially those in their surrounding environment and that the host is the primary driver shaping the seabream microbiome. These data provide a step forward to understand the role of the microbiome in farmed fish and farming environments, useful to enhance disease control, fish health, and environmental sustainability

    Application of the MESMA framework. Case study : Strait of Sicily

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    This deliverable D2.2 comprises a manual containing the protocol for the application of the generic framework to the MESMA case studies. The generic framework (deliverable D2.1) is the central document for the subsequent work packages of MESMA. It provides a best practice guide for monitoring and evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas (SMA) in seven distinctive and clearly outlined steps which comprise 1) setting the context, 2) collation of existing information and mapping, 3) setting of targets, 4) risk analysis and state assessment, 5) assessment of findings against operational objectives, 6) evaluation of the effectiveness of management measures and 7) adaptation of the current management regime based on the outcome of the assessments (for details see D2.1). Although the framework has been developed as a generic tool for use by a range of people involved in evaluating SMAs, the first version of the manual was specifically tailored (in certain areas) for use by the case studies (WP3 of MESMA). It was designed to be an aid to the case studies applying the framework. Thus, feedback on the performance of the framework and manual is guiding the production of a revised framework and manual (D2.3) to be delivered in November 2012. The revised versions will be made available to the wider scientific community and management bodies. This document is the third version of the original document D2.2. As outlined in more detail in D2.1, we have identified several links between the WP2 framework on the one hand and a structured governance analysis (WP6) on the other. These links are indicated in the respective framework steps. The MESMA generic framework and manual does not accommodate for a comprehensivec governance analysis. Therefore the MESMA case study research has two streams – the MESMA framework and the governance research analysis. Governance issues in all MESMA case studies will be analysed through the WP6 Governance Analytical Structure. Further guidance on governance research has been developed and is available in a separate document entitled ‘Guidelines for MESMA WP6 Governance Research’. The WP6 governance research essentially aims to address the following questions: 1) What are the governance approaches and incentives being adopted in a given existing initiative with spatial elements, and how effective are the incentives and governance approaches in that particular context in achieving a particular priority objective? 2) What are the potential incentives and governance approaches that could be implemented to improve effectiveness in achieving the specific objective of an existing initiative and addressing related conflicts? 3) How do wider issues, such as top-down/bottom-up balance, inter-sectoral integration and power, cross-border issues, justice and different levels of knowledge, affect the effectiveness of existing initiatives? This ‘two stream’ approach will provide a clear way forward for combining the MESMA framework and governance research to the case studies in an integrated and coherent manner. As a result, in depth governance analysis covered by the governance work package is outlined briefly in the introduction of each framework step together with specific actions which will be largely carried out under the governance research. Further details on the WP6 governance analysis and on how the two streams of work will be linked from a WP6 governance perspective can be found in the document ‘Guidelines for MESMA WP6 Governance Research’, and Appendix 1 of this document shows a visualisation of the linkages between the two streams of work. It should be noted that in order to be able to link and integrate WP2 and WP6 research, both of the following conditions should be met: 1) Both WP2 and WP6 research are about analysing an existing initiative. Such an initiative may be an integrated marine spatial plan or part of the integrated plan; or if there is no integrated marine spatial plan in place, an existing initiative with spatial elements (e.g. sectoral management plan with spatial restrictions) which may be linked or offer valuable lessons to the future development of an integrated marine spatial plan. 2) WP2 and WP6 research should focus on the same priority objective for at least one run of the WP2 framework. The practical implementation of the framework is also linked to specific tools which will be identified and developed in WP4 and the data handling standards specified in WP5. A revised version of the manual should then interlink the actions underneath each framework step with a set of practical tools comprising technical and conceptual tools.peer-reviewe

    Moving Toward a Strategy for Addressing Climate Displacement of Marine Resources: A Proof-of-Concept

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    Realistic predictions of climate change effects on natural resources are central to adaptation policies that try to reduce these impacts. However, most current forecasting approaches do not incorporate species-specific, process-based biological information, which limits their ability to inform actionable strategies. Mechanistic approaches, incorporating quantitative information on functional traits, can potentially predict species- and population-specific responses that result from the cumulative impacts of small-scale processes acting at the organismal level, and can be used to infer population-level dynamics and inform natural resources management. Here we present a proof-of-concept study using the European anchovy as a model species that shows how a trait-based, mechanistic species distribution model can be used to explore the vulnerability of marine species to environmental changes, producing quantitative outputs useful for informing fisheries management. We crossed scenarios of temperature and food to generate quantitative maps of selected mechanistic model outcomes (e.g., Maximum Length and Total Reproductive Output). These results highlight changing patterns of source and sink spawning areas as well as the incidence of reproductive failure. This study demonstrates that model predictions based on functional traits can reduce the degree of uncertainty when forecasting future trends of fish stocks. However, to be effective they must be based on high spatial- and temporal resolution environmental data. Such a sensitive and spatially explicit predictive approach may be used to inform more effective adaptive management strategies of resources in novel climatic conditions

    MESMA : a European project for the evaluation of spatially managed areas. The Strait of Sicily case study

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    The EU-funded MESMA project aims at developing tools for the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas (SMAs). The Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean), which is one of the selected case studies, is an area characterized by several human activities impacting on the ecosystem and generating conflicts. The main output of MESMA will be a generic framework for the evaluation of SMAs coupled to a governance analysis carried out in each case study.Il progetto MESMA è finanziato dalla Commissione Europea, 7° Programma Quadro, bando FP7-ENV-2008-1, grant agreement n° 226661.peer-reviewe