22 research outputs found

    Case Study - Czech Republic, Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation (SoCo Project)

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    This Technical Note 'Case Study ¿ Czech Republic' is part of a series of case studies within the ¿Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation¿ (SoCo) project. Ten case studies were carried out in Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom between spring and summer 2008. The selection of case study areas was designed to capture differences in soil degradation processes, soil types, climatic conditions, farm structures and farming practices, institutional settings and policy priorities. A harmonised methodological approach was pursued in order to gather insights from a range of contrasting conditions over a geographically diverse area. The case studies were carried out by local experts to reflect the specificities of the selected case studies.JRC.DDG.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Vliv různých technologií zpracování půdy na infiltrační vlastnosti půdy v kambizemní oblasti v okrese Opava

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    The subject of the contribution is the evaluation of the influence of the conventional tillage and reduced tillage technology of soil processing on the infiltration properties of the soil in the Větřkovice area. Field experimental work at the area was carried out in the years 2013-2015 on Cambisol district medium-heavy clayey soil. The research was conducted on sloping erosion-endangered blocks of arable land sown with spring barley. The areas were chosen each year in the way that one of the experimental areas was handled by conventional tillage technologies and the other by reduced tillage technologies. Intact soil samples were taken into Kopecký's cylinders in the three landscape positions, at a depth of 10 cm (representing topsoil) and 30 cm (representing subsoil). The cumulative infiltration was measured using a mini-disc infiltrometer near the consumption points. The Zhang method (1997), which provides an estimate of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity K(h), was used for the evaluation of the infiltration tests of the mini-disc infiltrometer. The soil profile processed by conventional tillage showed a higher degree of compaction. The bulk density was between 1.10-1.67 g.cm-3, compared to the land processed by the reduced tillage technology, where the values were between 0.80-1.29 g.cm-3. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity values were about one-third higher within the reduced tillage technology soil processing.Předmětem příspěvku je zhodnocení vlivu konvenční orby a minimalizační technologie zpracování půdy na infiltrační vlastnosti půdy v oblasti Větřkovice

    The new volumetric approach for field measurements of rill erosion

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    Erosion on the agricultural soils in the Czech Republic threats seriously their production and nonproduction functions. Erosion have devastating effect on fertile topsoil of the agricultural soils, reduces the thickness of the soil profile and nutrients and humus content, deteriorate physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. At the Brno University of Technology in Czech Republic was designed and realized equipment "the soil erosion bridge", which allows the soil surface profile measurement and quantifies the volume of erosion rills, which can occur after heavy rainfall. The main objective was to develop a method for volumetric quantification of erosion rills during heavy rainfall season. Using new equipment the soil surface profile was measured directly in the field during 4 years (2007–2010). New equipment consists of three parts. The first equipment is a square frame with an inside dimension of 4 m2. The second equipment is removable profile, which serves for movement of the soil erosion bridge. The third equipment is the soil erosion bridge. The soil erosion bridge serves to volumetric quantification of rill erosion. The more effective way of data processing was developed. It was developed a software, by which it is possible the automatically transfer the rill surface profile to digital form. In the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic was selected case study area with typical very steep sloped relief with the loess soil. The measurement was carried out on the research plots with a slope of more than 10%. More than 1300 cross sections of the soil surface profile were measured using the new type of soil erosion bridge. From these profiles it was possible to calculate the volume of the eroded soil from the research plots. The results were always in excess of 100 t.ha–1.rok–1. This is a value many times higher than the tolerated limit of soil loss in Czech Republic. Thanks to this new equipment, it is possible to quantify the soil loss from the plot threatened of water erosion. The advantage of this equipment is its using during the vegetable season when the soil surface is overgrown with vegetation and crops are higher growth

    Vliv retenční schopnosti krajiny při povodních v povodí Jičínky

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    This paper describes the retention capacity of the river basin and its course during a flash flood. Retention capacity of the river basin was measured of balancing of precipitation fallen in the river basin and discharges in the final profile. For determine the retention characteristics of the river basin was used method, which balances precipitation and runoff in the time step. The method is based on the theory of separation of components of runoff and also used the analogy with transformation of the flood discharge through a reservoir.Tento článek popisuje retenční schopnosti povodí a jeho průběhu v průběhu povodně. Retenční schopnost povodí byla měřena na základě srážek spadlých v povodí a průtoků v závěrovém profilu. Pro určení retenčních charakteristik povodí byla použita metoda, která uvažuje srážky a odtoky v časovém kroku. Metoda je založena na teorii oddělení složek odtoku, a také použítím analogie s transformaci povodňových průtoků nádrží

    Assessing Adaptation Measures in a Selected 4th Order Watershed

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    The aim of this study is to propose and evaluate adaptation measures within the selected 4th order watershed (4-15-03-104). The primary goal of these proposed measures is to stabilize the water regime in the landscape and manage extreme hydrological phenomena, as well as to mitigate erosion risks in the territory. This approach aims to create a harmonious landscape aligning with the fundamental principles of sustainable development. Prior to the proposal, the territory underwent a detailed analysis based on available data and field reconnaissance. The research compares two variants with the current state of the landscape. Variant 1 utilizes historical maps as a foundation, while variant 2 incorporates measures designed to optimize the landscape in response to ongoing climate change

    Změny stability půdních agregátů v důsledku působení mrazových cyklů

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    The objective of the present research was to assess the changes in soil erodibility during the non-vegetation period as one of the factors affecting the snowmelt erosion. The temperature fluctuation was simulated with the use of a climatic chamber ex situ. The soil surface was for simplicity reasons considered without any plant or snow cover. The paper deals with the rate of soil erodibility determination – the soil erodibility should increase due to the decrease of soil aggregate stability depending on the number of freeze-thaw cycles and initial soil moisture. Soil samples (taken from three sites) were subjected to freeze-thaw cycles under laboratory conditions. Changes in soil agreggate stability were monitored as one of the main soil characteristics which determine the soil erodibility. Two methods were used to determine the soil macroaggregate stability (soil aggregate fraction 1-2 mm): standard single-sieve method of wet sieving (Kemper et Rosenau, 1986), and dry aggregate analysis using a set of flat sieves with a diameter of 1 mm and 0.5 mm. The results of each method are controversial. Intended hypothesis has not been clearly confirmed.Cílem výzkumu bylo posouzení změn erodovatelnosti půdy v průběhu mimovegetačního období jako jednoho z faktorů, ovlivňujícího erozi z tání sněhu. Kolísání teplot bylo simulováno ex situ s pomocí klimatické komory. Půdní povrch byl pro zjednodušení uvažován bez vegetačního krytu a sněhové pokrývky. Práce se zabývá stanovením míry zvýšení erodovatelnosti půdy v důsledku snížení stability půdních agregátů v závislosti na počtu mrazových cyklů a počáteční vlhkosti půdy. Půdní vzorky odebrané ze 3 lokalit byly podrobovány mrazovým cyklům v laboratorních podmínkách. Byly sledovány změny stability agregátů jako jedné z hlavních půdních charakteristik, určujících půdní erodovatelnost. Ke stanovení stability půdních makroagregátů o velikosti 1 – 2 mm byly použity dvě metody: standardní jednosítová metoda mokrého prosévání (Kemper et Rosenau, 1986) a suchá agregátová analýza pomocí sady plochých sít o průměru 1 mm a 0,5 mm. Výsledky jednotlivých metod jsou kontroverzní. Uvažovaná hypotéza nebyla jednoznačně potvrzena

    The influence of water erosion processes on sediment and nutriet transport from a small agricultural catchment area

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    Erosion processes in catchment areas cause serious ecologic and economic problems because of their negative consequences in terms of soil and water deterioration as well as for the environment as a whole. The soil particles washed down by water erosion are the biggest pollution factor due to their amount and volume. Sediments are the product of a selective process in which smaller and lighter particles are separated from eroded soil and taken away by water first. This means that the sediments contain a higher amount of organic, clay, and silt particles than the the original soils. Washed down sediments consist mainly of particles smaller than 0.05 mm (40–90% of the mixture). Other studies in the Czech Republic have focused on the assessment of soil erosion, based upon principles and parameters defined in the Universal Soil Loss Equation, but none of them has dealt with nutrient transport assessment as a consequence of water erosion. This paper presents a summary concerning the nutrient content in erosion sediment in a selected catchment area. Research work was conducted to identify and quantify the sediment load associated with nutrient transport especially from arable land on different soil types