359 research outputs found

    Comparative assessment of reproductive capacity of boar-sires depending on the breed and season

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    The article highlights the results of the reproductive capacity of different breeds of boar sires in the farms of eastern, southern, and central regions of Ukraine in dynamics over three years are given. It represented the influence of the year's season on sperm quality by estimating the ejaculate volume, concentration, and motility of sperm of boars-sires of the different breeds and their hybrids. Data were also calculated on the culling of ejaculates of boar sires of various breeds for the years 2019–2021 in the dynamics. In a comparative aspect, the indicators were analyzed by the following genotypes: Large White, Ukrainian Meat, Landrace, Duroc, Yorkshire, and synthetic line Makster. The reproductive capacity of boars was within the limits of the indicators for the elite and first classes. However, specific differences were observed between boars of different breeds, which were constant and took place during the three studied years. The difference in the concentration of sperm in the ejaculates of the Ukrainian Meat breed gradually decreased starting from 2019 and was the smallest in 2021. The highest ejaculate volume was found in boars of the Ukrainian meat breed (310.9 ± 113.2 cm3), and the sperm concentration was the highest in boar sires of the Large White breed (215.7 ± 83.5 million/cm3). On the other side, hybrids of the Large White breed had low indicators compared to other groups of animals (Large White × Yorkshire – 184.2 ± 68.5 million/cm3, Large White × Makster – 189.0 ± 59.7 million/cm3). Sperm motility did not undergo significant breed differences: the average annual indicator of motility was 7.6 ± 0.09 points, and it was the highest in the winter period (8.6 ± 0.11 points), however, for the established variances; the dilution was used 1.65–3.58 times and a high percentage of unusable sperm (15.4–29.4 % of the total amount) was established in a large number of samples. According to the results of the annual analysis of the sperm production of boars, a high degree of culling of ejaculates was established for various reasons (high level of sperm agglutination (52.3–74.0 %), low concentration of germ cells (14.5–29.8 %), presence of foreign impurities (5,8–12.4 %). The highest percentage of culling was in summer (20.3 %). Thus, the obtained results showed the breed and seasonal characteristics of the reproductive capacity of breeding boars

    Assessment of Agrocenosis Adaptability of Winter Wheat in the Conditions of the Foothill Zone of the Central Caucasus

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    This paper presents the results of multi-year research on the adaptability of winter wheat varieties to the conditions of the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus. Characteristics such as ductility and stability were used to assess varieties for conformity to the cultivation conditions. Plant homeostaticity served as the indicator of ontogenetic adaptability. Phenological observations and reports were carried out according to the state variety testing methodology. The species composition of weed vegetation was established using the Agroecological Atlas of Russia. Conventional insect accounting methods were used to consider phytophages and plants damaged by them. It was established that the dominant pests of winter grains in the early periods of vegetation include phytophage bugs and cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus L. The maximum number of phytophage bugs was noted during the earing-flowering period. The proportion of pathogens of spike Fusarium head blight, tan spot and Septoria spot prevailed in the pathogenic complex. In total, 36.7% of varieties, including Kuma, Deya, Esaul, Starshina, Delta, Nota and Antonina, were medium-resistant to Fusarium head blight damage. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment of winter wheat selection by the parameters of adaptability, productivity and resistance to diseases, highly plastic genotypes responsive to environmental factors were distinguished: Kuma, Deya, Veda, Tanya, and List 25 (bi = 2.2; 2,3; 2,1). The selection of varieties was based on the adaptive properties of winter wheat. Fusarium head blight decreased by 20.8% in the mixed variety Batko+Deya, and the yield of mixed variety crops increased by 9%. Methods for compiling mixed varieties and designing the mosaics of varieties in the area of grain agrocenosis are recommended. Keywords: winter wheat, sustainability of agrocenosis, productivity, ecological plasticity, mixed varietie

    An evaluation of public participation theory and practice: The Waterloo Region case

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    At the end of the 1960s, public participation became an important issue where citizens and academics questioned the influence of power in the decision-making process. Since that time, the theory of public participation has raised many questions, but the issue of power remains the main challenge in the practice of public participation. The thesis collects facts and data from experience, insights, and ideas of practitioners from Waterloo Region, and academics in the planning field across Canada. The intention of the research is to identify the theory-practice gaps by comparing and contrasting the data from the three main sources. A literature review along with online surveys was undertaken to examine the theory of public participation. Waterloo Region is the case study community where semi-structured interviews were conducted with the key informants for identifying the main challenges of applying theory to practice. The findings suggest that practitioners and academics need to collaborate to better understand the challenges and difficulties associated with transition of theory into practice. Furthermore, this thesis provides recommendations and potential solutions to closing this theory-practice gap

    Theoretical description of project management diversification resources

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    Global non-linear changes, including the persistent deep economic recession in many countries in the world after Leman Brother’s collapse in 2008 are forcing a structural change in the economy (especially, real estate development projects), including the shift from one-time aggressive (or bubbly) capital project investments to very selective ones. While innovations are empowered by projects, mostly, innovative project solutions are not delivered out of an analytical (deductive) management framework such as traditional project management. The complex world demands project management models that can address complex problems by way of system dynamic simulation approaches and the constructivist project management theories

    Human-centered Model of Interaction within the System “Individual – Higher Educational Establishment”

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    AbstractIn this article the peculiarities of the model of interaction within the system “individual – higher educational establishment” which is centered on the individual's integrity are considered. Statistic and dynamic characteristics are analyzed. The main principles, such asintegrity, decentration, excessiveness, multidimensional resources, cluster organization are discussed. The key concepts of the model and interaction methods are pointed out. The systematic regularities of this model are described. Various types of relations between an individual and the educational environment are characterized

    Проект «Духовно-нравственная культура студенческой молодежи» как основа теоретического моделирования духовно-нравственной компетенции студентов российских и казахстанских вузов

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    Analysis of the current socio-cultural situation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that there is a need to promote and carry out activities in the field of enriching the spiritual experience of students, the formation of their spiritual and moral culture, which plays the role of the sociocultural code of the country and ensures the creation of a single field of ideological paradigm of views and beliefs. As a consequence of the absence of these special regulators, Russia and Kazakhstan face problems hindering the transition to a strategy of priority development.The innovativeness of the proposed approach to the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of university students lies in the proposal to include in the clusters of common cultural and professional competencies of SMC competence as a method of competence ensuring its complementarity in any subject, the possibility of developing and implementing individual educational programs and educational work programs. The development of a multifactor model of the spiritual and moral development of human potential necessary to preserve the cultural and genetic code of a nation in a changing socio-cultural environment, to ensure human security in the emerging polycentric world at the stage of higher education, is accompanied by testing and is adjusted.El análisis de la situación sociocultural actual en la Federación Rusa y la República de Kazajstán muestra que es necesario promover y llevar a cabo actividades en el campo del enriquecimiento de la experiencia espiritual de los estudiantes, la formación de su cultura espiritual y moral, que desempeña el papel del código sociocultural del país y garantiza la creación de un campo único de paradigma ideológico de puntos de vista y creencias. Como resultado de la falta de reguladores especiales, Rusia y Kazajstán enfrentan problemas que impiden la transición a una estrategia de desarrollo prioritario.La innovación del enfoque propuesto para la formación de la cultura espiritual y moral de los estudiantes universitarios reside en la propuesta de incluir en los grupos de competencias culturales y profesionales generales de la competencia del ADN como método de competencia, asegurando su complementariedad en cualquier tema, la posibilidad de desarrollar e implementar programas educativos individuales y programas de trabajo educativo. El desarrollo de un modelo multifactorial del desarrollo espiritual y moral del potencial humano necesario para preservar el código cultural y genético de una nación en un entorno sociocultural cambiante, garantizando la seguridad humana en el mundo policéntrico emergente en la etapa de educación superior, se acompaña de pruebas y se ajusta.Анализ современной социокультурной ситуации в Российской Федерации и Республике Казахстан показывает, что назрела необходимость содействия и осуществления деятельности в области обогащения духовного опыта студентов, формирования их духовно-нравственной культуры, выполняющей роль социокультурного кода страны и обеспечивающей создание единого поля мировоззренческой парадигмы взглядов и убеждений. Как следствие отсутствия специальных регуляторов, Россия и Казахстан сталкиваются с проблемами, препятствующими переходу к стратегии опережающего развития. Инновационность предлагаемого подхода к формированию духовно-нравственной культуры студентов вузов заключается в предложении включить в кластеры общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций ДНК-компетенции как метакомпетенции, обеспечивающей её комплиментарность в любой предмет, возможность разработки и реализации индивидуальных образовательных программ и программ воспитательной работы. Разработка многофакторной модели духовно-нравственного развития человеческого потенциала, необходимого для сохранения культурно-генетического кода нации в изменяющейся социокультурной среде, обеспечения безопасности человека в формирующемся полицентричном мире на этапе получения высшего образования, сопровождается апробацией и корректируется