10 research outputs found

    Trends and lessons of anti-crisis legal regulationin in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The article attempts to structure the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the sociopolitical organization of society and legal regulation. The authors offer their own vision of the most significant changes that have occurred in various spheres of society in this specific period. The pandemic has demonstrated the diverse effects of digitalization (both highly positive in terms of social progress and sustainable development, and extremely negative). In addition, during the period of antiviral regulation, certain trends and patterns of legal regulation were spontaneously laid down; they can lead to fundamental and critical changes in the legal system. The article features the trends outlined by the pandemic and formulates proposals, allowing to take into account the extreme experience of survival in the conditions of the viral threat and to enter the post-pandemic world with minimal losses

    Doctrinal comprehension of cyber terrorism in the context of intensive development of information and communication technologies in the modern world

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    The paper examines the doctrinal aspects of understanding cyber terrorism as an atypical manifestation (form) of traditional terrorism updated in light of the intensive development and widespread dissemination of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the modern world. The conclusion is substantiated that cyber terrorism is a conceptually relevant concept, which is perceived either as a method of committing a terrorist act (reduced understanding), or as any crimes of a terrorist nature that are committed using information and communication technologies (broad understanding).У статті розглядаються доктринальні аспекти розуміння кібертероризму як нетипового прояву (форми) традиційного тероризму, оновленого у світлі інтенсивного розвитку та широкого розповсюдження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) у сучасному світі. Обґрунтовано висновок, що кібертероризм - це концептуально відповідне поняття, яке сприймається або як метод вчинення терористичного акту (знижене розуміння), або як будь-які злочини терористичного характеру, що вчиняються з використанням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (широке розуміння).В статье рассматриваются доктринальные аспекты понимания кибертерроризма как нетипичного проявления (формы) традиционного терроризма, обновленного в свете интенсивного развития и широкого распространения информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) в современном мире. Обоснован вывод, что кибертерроризм — это концептуально соответствующее понятие, воспринимается либо как метод совершения террористического акта (пониженное понимание), или как любые преступления террористического характера, совершаемых с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий (широкое понимание)

    Legal Schemes For The Protection Of Personal Data In The Context Of Digitalization

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    The purpose of this article's research is to problematize the legal regulation of work with personal data and other confidential information in the context of large-scale digitization. We sought to systematize the basic concepts used in addressing the topic of information security, such as information, types of protected data, information leakage, types and channels of information leakage. Particular attention is paid to personal data security measures: the legal framework; the specifics of the appointment of sanctions; gaps and collisions in the interaction of legislative acts are determined

    Legal Consciousness and Legal Culture in the Era of Total Digitalization: Theoretical-methodological and Legal-technical Problems

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    The paper analyses the change in ideas about law in the digitalization era. Noting the insufficient theoretical substantiation of attempts to impose on modern law any special characteristics arising from the widespread development of digital technologies, the authors admit that in the era of virtual reality, the laws of the digital virtual world begin to actively compete with the laws of nature. This entails a slight decrease in the role of law as a traditional regulator of social relationships. However, according to the authors, one should not artificially diminish the role of law even in the era of digitalization. In this regard, the paper discusses the main trends in the study of legal digitalization processes. The first trend is due to the need to promptly respond by legal means to the emergence of new areas of legal regulation caused by the widespread use of digital information technologies. The second trend assumes the expansion and rethinking of the subject and object of legal science within the context that new digital "participants" of legal relations born due to intelligent human activity emerge.&nbsp