707 research outputs found

    Revealing frame dynamics through comparing associative fields in diachrony

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    The article shows that the changes of an associative field in diachrony can somewhat schematically, but quite accurately reflect the dynamics of the corresponding frame over time. The undertaken comparative analysis of associative fields of stimuli ‘napitok’ (drink) and ‘pit’yo’ (drink(ing)) - as of 1988-1997 (the data of “Russian associative dictionary”) and 2013-2014 (the results of the author experiment) - helps to develop the model of the frame “drink” - to the extent of slots actualized through associative reactions - and reveals some changes in its structure. Ascertained dynamics implies variation in the relevancy of almost all slots. The revealed trends also reflect some harmonization of this frame with its Western analoguesye

    Soliton Propagation in Chains with Simple Nonlocal Defects

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    We study the propagation of solitons on complex chains built by inserting finite graphs at two sites of an unbranched chain. We compare numerical findings with the results of an analytical linear approximation scheme describing the interaction of large-fast solitons with non-local topological defects on a chain. We show that the transmission properties of the solitons strongly depend on the structure of the inserted graph, giving a tool to control the soliton propagation through the choice of pertinent graphs to be attached to the chain.Comment: Published in the special issue of Physica D from a conference on 'Nonlinear Physics: Condensed Matter, Dynamical Systems and Biophysics' held in honour of Serge Aubr

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    Properties and nature of Be stars: 29. Orbital and long-term spectral variations of \gamma\ Cassiopei\ae

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    A detailed analysis of more than 800 electronic high-resolution spectra of gamma Cas, which were obtained during a time interval of over 6000 days (16.84 yrs) at several observatories, documents the smooth variations in the density and/or extend of its circumstellar envelope. We found a clear anticorrelation between the peak intensity and FWHM of the H alpha emission, which seems to agree with recent models of such emission lines. The main result of this study is a confirmation of the binary nature of the object, determination of a reliable linear ephemeris T_{min.RV} = HJD (2452081.9±\pm0.6) + (203.52±\pm0.08)*E, and a rather definitive set of orbital elements. We clearly demonstrated that the orbit is circular within the limits of accuracy of our measurements and has a semi-amplitude of radial-velocity curve of 4.30±\pm0.09 (km/s). No trace of the low-mass secondary was found. The time distribution of our spectra does not allow a reliable investigation of rapid spectral variations, which are undoubtedly present in the spectra. We postpone this investigation for a future study, based on series of dedicated whole-night spectral observations

    Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon; I. V2028 Cyg

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    We present results of nearly six years of spectroscopic observations of the B[e] star V2028 Cyg. The presence of the cold-type absorption lines combined with a hot-type spectrum indicate the binarity of this object. Since B[e] stars are embedded in an extended envelope, the usage of common stellar atmosphere models for the analysis is quite inappropriate. Therefore, we focus on the analysis of the long-term spectral line variations in order to determine the nature of this object. We present the time dependences of the equivalent width and radial velocities of the H alpha line, [O I] 6300 A, Fe II 6427, 6433, and 6456 A lines. The bisector variations and line intensities are shown for the H alpha line. The radial velocities are also measured for the absorption lines of the K component. No periodic variation is found. The observed data show correlations between the measured quantities, which can be used in future modelling

    All-optical switching and multistability in photonic structures with liquid crystal defects

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    We demonstrate that one-dimensional photonic crystals with pure nematic liquid-crystal defects can operate as all-optical switching devices based on optical orientational nonlinearities of liquid crystals. We show that such a periodic structure is responsible for a modulated threshold of the optical Fr\'eedericksz transition in the spectral domain, and this leads to all-optical switching and light-induced multistability. This effect has no quasi-statics electric field analogue, and it results from nonlinear coupling between light and a defect mode.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure