105 research outputs found

    Energetic electron precipitation and their atmospheric effect

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    Energetic particle precipitation induces ionization of the atmosphere which initiates a chain of reaction cycles affecting atmospheric composition and dynamics potentially down to surface weather systems. Ionization rates are retrieved based on yield functions or pre-calculated monoenergetic electron flux and energy spectra of precipitated energetic particles. Usually, information about energy spectra is obtained from satellites, balloons, and various ground-based observations. In all cases, some assumptions about spectral distribution for the entire energy range have to be made. As ionization rates are widely used in chemistry-climate models to estimate the atmospheric response to particle forcing, evaluation of the energy spectra is a key task in the solar-terrestrial studies. In this paper, it is shown that possible uncertainties of the ionization rates retrieval based on different spectral functions can lead to large disagreements in the ionization rates, with implications for the modelled response of atmospheric composition and dynamics to electron precipitation

    The System of Corporate Governance in Kyrgyzstan

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    The paper is devoted to formation of the modern corporate governance system in Kyrgyz Republic. The main factors that influence this process have been studied, e.g., legal background and practice of privatization; corporate and antimonopoly law; financial markets; stakeholders activities, etc. The authors conclude that there were significant positive changes in the sphere of corporate governance in Kyrgyzstan. First of all it should be marked that in the country that had no previous experience of private property and market, institutions of corporate governance were formed, there was a process of learning of both owners and managers how to govern the company using the available set of laws and regulations. But this process is far from being complete, since the real corporate relations are still very dysfunctional. In the authors’ opinion, improvement of corporate governance in the country requires a complex approach: upgrading of legislation must be accompanied by active measures aimed at improving the situation in all spheres that influence the quality of corporate governance. The main task in this sphere is creation of favorable legal and institutional climate which would lead to improvement of common norms of corporate governance and to attraction of external investments.corporate governance, privatization, ownership structure, transition economy, Kyrgyzstan

    Heterocyclic iodonium salts: preparation, structure and perspectives

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    Physiological Features of the Reproductive System of Female Nutria

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    This article provides information about a promising alternative field of animal husbandry – nutria breeding. This involves the production of fur and high-quality meat products, which contain a large amount of nitrogenous extractives and muscle hemoglobin. This study examined the sexual system of female nutria, and the dynamics, duration and features of each stage of the female nutria’s sexual cycle, including estrus, sexual arousal, hunting, braking and phase balancing. The methods of observation, clinical examination, research of smears and fingerprints, and analysis of the cytogram of the vaginal epithelium at different stages of sexual and physiological maturity of female nutria were used. When analyzing the cytogram of the vaginal epithelium, the structure, color, and percentage of basal, parabasal, superficial, and keratinized cells were indicated. Information about the timing of sexual and physiological maturity, their features, processes and signs of manifestation, and different timing of sexual and physiological maturity in summer and winter is provided. Keywords: nutria, female, puberty, physiological maturit

    Translation of Polysemous and Synonymous Terms of the English Language: The Possibilities of a Cognitive Approach

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    The article describes the problem of translating polysemantic and synonymous investment terms and is studied from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, namely in the light of the prototypes theory, which presupposes the identification of the content core as the best representative of the word's semantics. The subject of the research are the semantic processes taking place in the English term system reflecting investment activity. By the example of the research of term dealer and its synonyms broker and agent, the authors have defined that the meanings of polysemantic and synonymous terms are not isolated, but are united by a meaningful core and develop according to the laws of semantic derivation based on the common language nominative-non-derivative meaning. The authors found that the reduction of translation failures in the transfer of terms is possible due to the competent use of the cognitive context and the correct definition of the content core of the terminological unit. The research is carried out by means of such methods as the prototypical semantics method, a definitional and component analysis. When identifying the content core of a polysemantic term it is first of all necessary to define the average primary meaning of this term on the basis of dictionary definitions. As a result, the most frequent meaning is determined. Then etymological analysis of the meaning is carried out. At the next stage, in order to model the cognitive image of a word, contextual analysis is performed, and metaphorical comparisons are investigated. Based on the obtained data, a content core of the term is formulated generalizing all the derived meanings and demonstrating their connections. The results obtained allow the authors to prove that the meanings of polysemantic and synonymous terms are connected by a single content core and are developed on the basis of a common linguistic meaning. The practical value of the scientific research is in the possibility to use the results of the work in lexicographic practice when compiling terminological dictionaries, and when writing university courses in terminology and translation studies. The identification of a content core is necessary while translating polysemantic and synonymous terms, because it reveals the meaning of the term in the context and defines the choice of a right translation variant

    Сквозь призму эпохи: социолингвистические аспекты перевода рассказа Артура Конан Дойла «Союз рыжих» Н. К. Чуковским

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    This article analyses the sociolinguistic aspects of Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Red-Headed League as translated by N. K. Chukovsky in the light of the Soviet epoch of the 1940s. Using the historical literary, comparative, typological, and structural methods, the authors analyse the translation interpretation of the key literary images, as well as plot rendering in terms of such literary tendencies as the neutralisation of style, normatisation and massification of literature, and russification of a foreign text in order to adapt it for Russian readers. The aim of the research is the study of the translation peculiarities of The Red-Headed League in terms of the specific nature of the literary process. The authors refer to the original text of The Red-Headed League, as well as its translations carried out by N. K. Chukovsky and published by two different publishing houses Detgiz and Voenizdat. The analysis demonstrates that the translation from Detgiz differs from that of Voenizdat as there are no omissions, while the choice of vocabulary is also different. Special attention is paid to simultaneous publications of the story at the end of the Great Patriotic War. Stories about Sherlock Holmes met the requirements of both albeit different publishing houses: they had an educational potential and encouraged mental activity in the young generation. They also performed the function of escapism. Although the translator made attempts to render the writer’s choices correctly, he made a number of transformations, i.e. he schematised and simplified the images of the characters, “domesticated” the original text and emphasised the negative qualities of the criminal’s image while leveling their attractiveness.В статье рассматриваются социолингвистические аспекты перевода детективного рассказа А. Конан Дойла «The Red-Headed League» Н. К. Чуковским в контексте советской эпохи 1940-х гг. С использованием историко-литературного, сравнительно-типологического и структурного методов исследования осуществляется анализ переводческой интерпретации основных художественных образов, а также передачи сюжетной линии с учетом таких актуальных тенденций в литературе, как нейтрализация стиля, норматизация и массовизация литературы, которые, несомненно, отразились на переводе английского детективного рассказа. Целью исследования является изучение особенностей перевода рассказа «Союз рыжих» Конан Дойла Н. К. Чуковским, обусловленных спецификой литературного процесса. Материалом исследования выступает оригинальный текст рассказа «The Red-Headed League», а также его переводы, выполненные Н. К. Чуковским и опубликованные одновременно в двух издательствах: «Детгиз» и «Воениздат». Как показывает анализ, перевод, опубликованный в «Детгизе», значительно отличается от перевода «Воениздата» отсутствием серьезных сокращений и нередко лексическим выбором. Интересен факт одновременной публикации переводов издательствами различной направленности в период окончания Великой Отечественной войны, что объясняется высокой популярностью творчества Конан Дойла. Рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе отвечали требованиям двух столь разных издательств: с одной стороны, они обладали «воспитательным» потенциалом для юного поколения, мотивировали к мыслительной деятельности. С другой стороны, рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе реализовали функцию эскапизма. Несмотря на стремление переводчика правильно передать авторские решения, он, тем не менее, использовал ряд трансформаций: схематизация и упрощение образов героев, «одомашнивание» текста оригинала, акцент на исключительно негативной стороне образа преступника при нивелировании его привлекательности


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    Цель: описать результаты анализа основных направлений изучения аргументации, уточнить ее характер и структуру с учетом коммуникативно-прагматических параметров.Метод и методология проведения работы. В работе проводится краткий обзор существующих направлений исследования аргументации и обосновывается широкое понимание аргументации как универсального коммуникативного процесса обоснования определенного фрагмента знания для передачи его в дискурсивной деятельности. В отличие от большинства исследователей, которые в трактовке аргументации делают акцент на логической (доказательной) стороне данного явления, мы рассматриваем аргументацию как прагматический каркас создания любого речевого образования, характеризующегося относительно законченным смыслом, то есть имеющим определенную информативную ценность. Также предлагается разграничение широкого и узкого подходов к аргументации.Результаты. Краткий анализ основных направлений изучения аргументации и наиболее распространенных воззрений на ее природу свидетельствует о многоаспектности этого явления и неоднозначности принятых толкований. В результате проведенного анализа аргументация предстает универсальным средством убеждения как основного способа речевого воздействия, является каркасом процесса конструирования и передачи знаний. Частными проявлениями естественноречевой аргументации выступают такие речевые действия, как объяснение, доказательство, изложение, классификация и прочие.Систематизация существующих воззрений на характер аргументации позволяет разграничить широкий и узкий подходы к ее трактовке. Аргументация в широком смысле – коммуникативный процесс, сопровождающий любое информативно значимое речевое образование и выступающий универсальным способом передачи знания в дискурсивной деятельности. Аргументация в узком смысле тождественна доказательству с помощью аргументов.Purpose. To describe the results of the analysis of the main argumentation study approaches, to specify its nature and structure in the context of communication-activity characteristics.Methodology. The paper contains a review of various views on argumentation and states a wide approach to argumentation as a universal communication process of substantiation of a certain piece of information in the course of a discourse activity. Unlike the majority of researches who accentuate a logical component of this phenomenon we consider argumentation to be a pragmatic basis of any meaningful discourse that is the one with certain information value. Also we suggest a broad and narrow approaches to argumentation should be differentiated.Results. A short analysis of both the main argumentation study approaches and most widespread views on the nature of argumentation testifies to its multidimensional character and the ambiguity of its explanations. The results of the study show that argumentation may be considered to be a universal means of persuasion being a key pattern of speech influence, as well as a frame of knowledge construction and transfer. Various communication activities, such as explanation, demonstration, exposition, classification and others are thought to be particular cases of argumentation.Systematization of the existing views on argumentation allows differentiating a broad and narrow approaches to its interpretation. Argumentation in a broad sense is a communication process accompanying any informative meaningful speech entity being a universal means of knowledge transfer in any discourse activity. Argumentation in a narrow sense is equal to demonstration with arguments