1,384 research outputs found

    Assessment of environmental and economic efficiency of iron ore breaking technology using emulsion explosives

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    Methodology for calculating parameters of drilling and blasting operations for stoping works in mines of Kryvorozhskiy basin and PJSC «Zaporizhskiy iron-ore plant» has been improved with the help of established coefficient of relative capacity for the Ukrainit-PM-2B explosive. A new technology of stoping operations for ore breaking by square-chamber methods at deposit thickness more than 5 m is proposed which assumes usage of emulsion explosives and downward drilling of production hole rings in the direction of underlying drilling horizons. Ecological and economical effectiveness of the proposed ore breaking technology implemented in the extraction chambers was estimated. Regularities of harmful substances hazard index changing were established depending on distance to the emission point when trotyl-contained and emulsion explosives are used. Implementation of the proposed technology allows decreasing prime-cost of 1 ton of ore by 15 % per one extraction unit

    Possible effect of extreme solar energetic particle event of 20 January 2005 on polar stratospheric aerosols: direct observational evidence

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    Energetic cosmic rays are the main source of ionization of the low-middle atmosphere, leading to associated changes in atmospheric properties. Via the hypothetical influence of ionization on aerosol growth and facilitated formation of clouds, this may be an important indirect link relating solar variability to climate. This effect is highly debated, however, since the proposed theoretical mechanisms still remain illusive and qualitative, and observational evidence is inconclusive and controversial. Therefore, important questions regarding the existence and magnitude of the effect, and particularly the fraction of aerosol particles that can form and grow, are still open. Here we present empirical evidence of the possible effect caused by cosmic rays upon polar stratospheric aerosols, based on a case study of an extreme solar energetic particle (SEP) event of 20 January 2005. Using aerosol data obtained over polar regions from different satellites with optical instruments that were operating during January 2005, such as the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III), and Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS), we found a significant simultaneous change in aerosol properties in both the Southern and Northern Polar regions in temporal association with the SEP event. We speculate that ionization of the atmosphere, which was abnormally high in the lower stratosphere during the extreme SEP event, might have led to formation of new particles and/or growth of preexisting ultrafine particles in the polar stratospheric region. However, a detailed interpretation of the effect is left for subsequent studies. This is the first time high vertical resolution measurements have been used to discuss possible production of stratospheric aerosols under the influence of cosmic ray induced ionization. The observed effect is marginally detectable for the analyzed severe SEP event and can be undetectable for the majority of weak-moderate events. The present interpretation serves as a conservative upper limit of solar energetic particle effect upon polar stratospheric aerosols

    The minimal compound-complex sentence hierarchy

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    This article deals with the problem of the study of the subsystem of such type of the Multiple Compound-Complex Sentence as a minimal compound-complex sentence. The authors analyze the formal structure of the multiple compoundcomplex sentences and try to build up the structural models hierarchy of Minimal Compound-Complex SentenceyesBelgorod State Universit

    Analog studies of thermomechanical fatigue and abrasive wear of cast and forged steels for "autoforge" dies

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    Processes of thermomechanical fatigue and abrasive wear of suspension-cast precipitation-hardening ferrite-carbide steel 30T6NTiC-1.5 and standard steel 4Kh5MFS are studied. The dominant kinds of fracture typical for dies for semisolid stamping are determined. The factors and parameters of cyclic temperature and force loading are shown to produce a selective action on the competing kinds of damage of the die steels. A comparative analysis of the properties of the steels is performed. Steel 30T6NTiC-1.5 is shown to have substantial advantages over steel 4Kh5FMS traditionally used for making "Autoforge" dies. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Tracheobronchial injuries in blunt thoracic trauma

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr.1 ,,Nicolae Anestiadi’’, Catedra Chirurgie nr.4, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu’’, Secția Chirurgie Toracică, Departament Clinic Chirurgie IMU, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Majoritatea traumatismelor toracice severe (80%) sunt rezultatul politraumatismelor. Acestea reprezintă o entitate asociată unui risc sporit de morbiditate şi mortalitate de până la 15-30%. Leziunea traheobronşică, deşi rară ca incidenţă (1,5-3%), reprezintă un traumatism potenţial letal prin dezvoltarea complicațiilor precoce (insuficiență cardiorespiratorie acută) și tardive (sepsisul pulmonar), care sunt dependente direct de momentul diagnosticării. Scop. Aprecierea factorilor preoperatorii determinanți necesari stabilirii precoce a diagnosticului şi tacticii chirurgicale adecvate în timpi oportuni. Material şi metode. Trei politraumatizaţi (Cr,To,Lo) cu leziune predominantă toracică, vârsta medie – 23,67±2,73ani, raportul B:F/2:1, perioada de referință 2011-2015, cu ISS=38p(3), RTS=6,171(1) și 7,841(2), și TRISS – 20,3%(1), 6,2%(2). În 100% cazuri s-a efectuat hemoleucograma, radiografia toracelui, USG-FAST și FBS, TC doar într-un caz. Durata accident-intervenţie: până la 12h(2), 5zile(1) – transfer AVIASAN. Rezultate. Rx-toracic a evidenţiat: fracturi costale multiple bilaterale(2), unilaterale(1), hemopneumotorace bilateral(2), pneumotorace bilateral(1) și pneumomediastinum(2) cu suspecție de leziune bronşică într-un caz. S-a efectuat toracocenteză bilaterală (100%) și drenarea mediastinului anterior (1). TC a evidențiat fracturile costale, contuzia pulmonară și pneumotoracele persistent. Fluxul aerian continuu prin drenajele montate a impus necesitatea bronhoscopiei diagnostice (100%), care a confirmat leziunea bronșică (BPD – 2, BPS – 1). S-a efectuat toracotomie cu plastia bronhiei lezate(3) și lobectomie superioară dreaptă(1). Evoluția postoperatorie favorabilă, durata de spitalizare – 17,67±2,72zile. Toți au dezvoltat pneumonie, confirmată prin examenele imagistice și paraclinice. Concluzii. Instabilitatea hemodinamică și respiratorie acută, prezența fluxului de aer continuu posttoracocenteză și examenele imagistice impun suspecția leziunii traheobronșice și necesită confirmare prin fibrobronhoscopie. Ultima asigură diagnosticul cert şi determină tactica chirurgicală oportună în timpi efectivi.Introduction. The majority of severe thoracic trauma (80%) result from polytrauma. It is associated with a high risk of morbidity and mortality (15-30%). Despite the rare incidence of tracheobronchial injury (1,5- 3%), the lethality is high due to development of early complications (acute cardiorespiratory failure) and late complications (lung sepsis) that depend directly on the time of diagnosis. Purpose. Appreciation of determinant preoperative factors, necessary to establish on time an accurate diagnosis and surgical treatment. Material and methods. Three polytraumatized patients (Cr,Th,Loco) with predominant thoracic injury, mean age – 23,67±2,73 years, M:F ratio 2:1, hospitalized between 2011-2015. ISS=38p(3), RTS= 6,171(1) and 7,841(2), TRISS – 20,3%(1), 6,2%(2). In 100% of cases investigations include: chest x-ray, FAST and FBS, TC – one case. The time period injury-intervention: up to 12h(2), 5 days(1) – AVIASAN transfer. Results. Chest x-ray revealed: multiple bilateral rib fractures(2), unilateral(1), bilateral hemopneumothorax(2), bilateral pneumothorax(1) and pneumomediastinum(2) with suspicion of bronchial lesion in one case. Bilateral thoracocentesis was performed in all patients, anterior mediastinal drainage – in one. TC revealed rib fractures, lung contusion and persistent pneumothorax. The continuous airflow through drainages required diagnostic bronchoscopy(100%) that confirmed the bronchial lesion (RMB – 2, LMB – 1). Thoracotomy with the plasty of injured bronchus was performed in all patients, right upper lobectomy in 1. Postoperative evolution – favorable, hospitalization period – 17,67±2,72 days. All patients developed pneumonia, confirmed by imagistic examinations. Conclusions. Acute hemodynamic and respiratory instability, the presence of the continuous airflow through drainages and imagistic examinations lead to suspicion of tracheobronchial injury, which required a confirmation by fibrobronchoscopy, that guarantees the right diagnosis and surgical treatment on time

    Parameters of strength fitness in athletes from various team sports

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    Objective of the study was to identify the parameters of strength fitness of athletes of different skill levels from various team sports and conduct a comparative analysis of the data obtaine

    Reactions of 2-(5-methyl-2-phenyl-2H-1,2,3-diazaphosphol-4-yl)- 4H-1,3,2-benzodioxaphosphinin-4-one with chloral and hexafluoroacetone

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    Reaction of 2-(5-methyl-2-phenyl-2H-1,2,3-diazaphosphol-4-yl)-4H-1,3,2- benzodioxaphosphinin-4-one with chloral occurs at Piii atom of the 1,3,2-dioxaphosphinine cycle giving mostly 2-chlorocarbonylphenyl 2,2-dichlorovinyl (5-methyl-2-phenyl-2H-1,2,3-diazaphosphol-4-yl)phosphonate, whereas hexafluoroacetone incorporates into the 1,3,2-dioxaphosphorine cycle affording the corresponding 1,3,2-benzodioxaphosphepine. © 2011 Mendeleev Communications. All rights reserved