52 research outputs found

    Jedna metoda obnove stereografske izmjere na području općine Čoka

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    This research presents an approach to solving the problem of establishing the real estate cadastre in real estate cadastre services in Serbia, where stereographic survey still exists. These problems are analyzed, set the goal and solutions are proposed. Old, damaged and not updated plans, the impossibility of detecting changes in the missing parts of the plan or map are characteristics of the cadastre based on stereographic method for over 25% of the province of Vojvodina. Without up to date and current topographic data, there is not, nor is possible to simply, fast and accurately reach necessary data to establish and maintain the real estate cadastre. The main goal of this research is to propose the procedure for achievement of real estate cadastre throughout the territory covered by the stereographic projection. Proposed procedure is based on the implementation of new technologies for collecting and processing of graphic and alphanumeric data, using geographic information systems technology, digital technology and photogrammetry. Photogrammetric survey of the whole country (made in 2007), provides digital orthophoto plans to become the main source of data acquisition, especially in damaged cadastral maps. The new methodology used and tested on nearly 60% of the Čoka municipality area provides easy, fast and accurate data acquisition.U radu je prikazan jedan pristup u rjeÅ”avanju problema uspostave katastra nekretnina u Službama za katastar nekretnina na području Srbije gdje joÅ” uvijek postoji stereografska izmjera. Analizirani su problemi koji se pojavljuju u ovom postupku i predložena su rjeÅ”enja. Stari i oÅ”tećeni planovi, neažurnost, nemogućnost evidentiranja promjena na nedostajućim dijelovima planova ili karata karakteriziraju katastar zasnovan na stereografskoj izmjeri za preko 25% područja pokrajine Vojvodine, a bez ažurne i aktualne topografske podloge nema, niti se jednostavno, brzo i dovoljno točno može doći do potrebnih i dovoljnih podataka za izradu i održavanje katastra nekretnina. Ovim radom želi se predložiti postupak za izradu katastra nekretnina na cijelom području koje je pokriveno stereografskom projekcijom. Predloženi postupak je zasnovan na primjeni nekih od suvremenih tehnologija za prikupljanje i obradu grafičkih i alfanumeričkih podataka, koriÅ”tenje tehnologije prostornih informacijskih sustava, upotrebi tehnologija digitalne fotogrametrije i topografije. Fotogrametrijska izmjera cijele države (izvedena 2007. godine), daje mogućnost da digitalni ortofoto planovi budu osnovni izvor prikupljanja podataka, pogotovo na oÅ”tećenim katastarskim planovima. Nova metodologija, koja je koriÅ”tena i testirana na skoro 60% područja naselja Čoka, omogućava jednostavno, brzo i dovoljno točno prikupljanje tih podataka

    Analiza metode izmjere građevinskih objekata 3D laserskim skenerima

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    Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in carrying out projects in the construction industry is increasingly applied. This paper is considering the issue of accuracy that can be achieved by pulse TLS, evaluation of the measurement results and the applicability of this technology for the structure survey. Analyzing the measurement methods allows the identification of systematic errors of the instrument, which is serious obstacle for high-accuracy of TLS. In this article a standardization measurement procedure and the relationship between the projected tolerance and TLS calibration are given. At the same time the results of individual calibration of pulsed Leica scanners are presented, in which the systematic errors of measurement results are determined by the given model. Evaluation of survey results confirmed the high applicability of TLS for the structures survey.Pri realizaciji projekata u građevinarstvu sve čeŔće se primjenjuje terestričko lasersko skeniranje (TLS). U radu se opisuje točnost koja se može postići impulsnim TLS-om, evaluacija rezultata mjerenja i primjena ove tehnologije za izmjeru građevinskih objekata. Analiza metode mjerenja omogućava identifikaciju sustavnih pogreÅ”aka instrumenta, koje su ozbiljna smetnja za postizanje visoke točnosti TLS-om. U radu je dan standardni postupak mjerenja te veza između projektirane tolerancije i kalibracije TLS-a. Istovremeno su prikazani rezultati individualne kalibracije impulsnih skenera tvrtke Leica, pri kojoj su sustavne pogreÅ”ke rezultata mjerenja određene integralno prema prikazanom modelu. Evaluacija rezultata mjerenja potvrđuje visoku primjenljivost TLS-a za izmjeru građevinskih objekata

    Long-Term Monitoring of Inland Water Quality Parameters Using Landsat Time-Series and Back-Propagated ANN: Assessment and Usability in a Real-Case Scenario

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    [EN] Water scarcity and quality deterioration, driven by rapid population growth, urbanization, and intensive industrial and agricultural activities, emphasize the urgency for effective water management. This study aims to develop a model to comprehensively monitor various water quality parameters (WQP) and evaluate the feasibility of implementing this model in real-world scenarios, addressing the limitations of conventional in-situ sampling. Thus, a comprehensive model for monitoring WQP was developed using a 38-year dataset of Landsat imagery and in-situ data from the Water Information System of Europe (WISE), employing Back-Propagated Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Correlation analyses revealed strong associations between remote sensing data and various WQPs, including Total Suspended Solids (TSS), chlorophyll-a (chl-a), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP). Optimal band combinations for each parameter were identified, enhancing the accuracy of the WQP estimation. The ANN-based model exhibited very high accuracy, particularly for chl-a and TSS (R2 > 0.90, NRMSE < 0.79%), surpassing previous studies. The independent validation showcased accurate classification for TSS and TN, while DO estimation faced challenges during high variation periods, highlighting the complexity of DO dynamics. The usability of the developed model was successfully tested in a real-case scenario, proving to be an operational tool for water management. Future research avenues include exploring additional data sources for improved model accuracy, potentially enhancing predictions and expanding the modelā€™s utility in diverse environmental contexts.S

    A Deep Learning Model for Automatic Plastic Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data

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    [EN] Although plastic pollution is one of the most noteworthy environmental issues nowadays, there is still a knowledge gap in terms of monitoring the spatial distribution of plastics, which is needed to prevent its negative effects and to plan mitigation actions. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can provide suitable data for mapping floating plastic, but most of the methods require visual interpretation and manual labeling. The main goals of this paper are to determine the suitability of deep learning algorithms for automatic floating plastic extraction from UAV orthophotos, testing the possibility of differentiating plastic types, and exploring the relationship between spatial resolution and detectable plastic size, in order to define a methodology for UAV surveys to map floating plastic. Two study areas and three datasets were used to train and validate the models. An end-to-end semantic segmentation algorithm based on U-Net architecture using the ResUNet50 provided the highest accuracy to map different plastic materials (F1-score: Oriented Polystyrene (OPS): 0.86; Nylon: 0.88; Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): 0.92; plastic (in general): 0.78), showing its ability to identify plastic types. The classification accuracy decreased with the decrease in spatial resolution, performing best on 4 mm resolution images for all kinds of plastic. The model provided reliable estimates of the area and volume of the plastics, which is crucial information for a cleaning campaign.S

    Katalog metapodataka u prostornim informacijskim sustavima

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    This paper gives the short review of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) metadata catalogue services that have the key role in geospatial resource discovery in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The notion of Spatial Data Infrastructure comprises a collection of technologies, policies and institutional agreements that provide an easier access to geospatial data. The SDI is suitable for usage in geospatial data discovery, evaluation, and also various applications within government, commercial and non-profit sectors, academic institutions, etc. Metadata catalogue services have been specified in OGC Catalogue Service Implementation Specification. The part of the specification that specifies a web interface that supports the storage, retrieval, and management of data related to web services, is called Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW). Metadata catalogues are service brokers that represent a key component in a service-oriented architecture that manages shared resources and facilitates the discovery of resources within an open, distributed system. OGC services have gained significant popularity in recent years and the number of organizations using them has increased. However, the full potential of metadata catalogues has not yet been reached, not only because of the lack of appropriate documentation of data in the form of standardized metadata, but because the lack of semantics of the data. The analysis of the usage of metadata catalogue services in geodetic information systems has been given and the proposal for a possible solution for improvement has been made.U radu je prikazan kratki pregled usluga kataloga metapodataka Otvorenoga geoprostornog konzorcija (OGC) koji ima ključnu ulogu u otkrivanju geoprostornih izvora informacija u Prostornoj infrastrukturi podataka (SDI). Pojam Prostorne infrastrukture podataka obuhvaća skup tehnologija, strategija i institucionalnih sporazuma koji osiguravaju lakÅ”i pristup geoprostornim podacima. SDI je pogodan za upotrebu pri otkrivanju geoprostornih podataka, evaluaciji, kao i različitim primjenama unutar vladinog, komercijalnog i neprofitabilnog sektora, akademskih institucija, itd. Usluge kataloga metapodataka specificirane su u OGC Specifikaciji ostvarivanja usluga kataloga. Dio specifikacije koji se odnosi na web-sučelje koje podržava pohranu, učitavanje i upravljanje podacima koji se odnose na web-servise naziva se KataloÅ”ki servis za web (CSW). Katalozi metapodataka su agenti za usluge koji predstavljaju ključnu komponentu u arhitekturi namijenjenoj uslugama, a koja upravlja zajedničkim izvorima i olakÅ”ava otkrivanje izvora unutar otvorenoga distribuiranog sustava. OGC usluge stekle su značajnu popularnost u proteklim godinama, a broj organizacija koje ih koriste se povećao. Međutim, puni potencijal kataloga metapodataka joÅ” nije dostignut, ne samo zbog nedostatka odgovarajuće dokumentacije podataka u obliku standardiziranih metapodataka, već i zbog nedostatka semantike podataka. Napravljena je analiza koriÅ”tenja usluga kataloga metapodataka u geodetskim informacijskim sustavima te je dan prijedlog za moguća rjeÅ”enja u svrhu poboljÅ”anja

    Kartografske konusne projekcije i njihova primena u državnoj kartografiji

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    This paper is dedicated to the mapping of conic projections and their appliance in producing maps of our state cartography. So far they were often applied, and will be used precisely coned, polyconed and modified polyconed projections for the official mapping (1:500 000, 1:750 000, 1:1000 000 and 1:1500 000). In particular, they cartographic conical projection at a scale of 1:1000 000 were taken into consideration. Those are the Lambert conformal conical projection with two standard parallels and the Modified polyconic projections. In addition to these cartographic conical projections, is described Boneo's pseudoconic equivalent projections. This is one of the cartographic conical map projection that is commonly used in the preparation of thematic maps as well as for atlas editions of geographic maps both in Serbia and abroad.U radu se razmatraju kartografske konusne projekcije i njihova primena u izradi geografskih karata u naÅ”oj državnoj kartografiji. Do sada su se često primenjivale, a i ubuduće će se koristiti upravo konusne, polikonusne i modifikovane polikonusne projekcije za potrebe službene kartografije (1:500 000, 1:750 000, 1:1000 000 i 1:1500 000). Posebno su razmatrane kartografske konusne projekcije u razmeri 1:1000 000. To su Lambertova konusna konformna projekcija sa dve standardne paralele i Modifikovana polikonusna projekcija. Osim pomenutih kartografskih konusnih projekcija, opisana je i Boneova ekvivalentna pseudokonusna projekcija. Ovo je jedna od kartografskih konusnih projekcija koja se najčeŔće primenjuje u izradi tematskih karata, kao i za potrebe atlasnog izdanja geografskih karata kod nas i u svetu

    Katalog metapodataka u prostornim informacijskim sustavima

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    This paper gives the short review of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) metadata catalogue services that have the key role in geospatial resource discovery in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The notion of Spatial Data Infrastructure comprises a collection of technologies, policies and institutional agreements that provide an easier access to geospatial data. The SDI is suitable for usage in geospatial data discovery, evaluation, and also various applications within government, commercial and non-profit sectors, academic institutions, etc. Metadata catalogue services have been specified in OGC Catalogue Service Implementation Specification. The part of the specification that specifies a web interface that supports the storage, retrieval, and management of data related to web services, is called Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW). Metadata catalogues are service brokers that represent a key component in a service-oriented architecture that manages shared resources and facilitates the discovery of resources within an open, distributed system. OGC services have gained significant popularity in recent years and the number of organizations using them has increased. However, the full potential of metadata catalogues has not yet been reached, not only because of the lack of appropriate documentation of data in the form of standardized metadata, but because the lack of semantics of the data. The analysis of the usage of metadata catalogue services in geodetic information systems has been given and the proposal for a possible solution for improvement has been made.U radu je prikazan kratki pregled usluga kataloga metapodataka Otvorenoga geoprostornog konzorcija (OGC) koji ima ključnu ulogu u otkrivanju geoprostornih izvora informacija u Prostornoj infrastrukturi podataka (SDI). Pojam Prostorne infrastrukture podataka obuhvaća skup tehnologija, strategija i institucionalnih sporazuma koji osiguravaju lakÅ”i pristup geoprostornim podacima. SDI je pogodan za upotrebu pri otkrivanju geoprostornih podataka, evaluaciji, kao i različitim primjenama unutar vladinog, komercijalnog i neprofitabilnog sektora, akademskih institucija, itd. Usluge kataloga metapodataka specificirane su u OGC Specifikaciji ostvarivanja usluga kataloga. Dio specifikacije koji se odnosi na web-sučelje koje podržava pohranu, učitavanje i upravljanje podacima koji se odnose na web-servise naziva se KataloÅ”ki servis za web (CSW). Katalozi metapodataka su agenti za usluge koji predstavljaju ključnu komponentu u arhitekturi namijenjenoj uslugama, a koja upravlja zajedničkim izvorima i olakÅ”ava otkrivanje izvora unutar otvorenoga distribuiranog sustava. OGC usluge stekle su značajnu popularnost u proteklim godinama, a broj organizacija koje ih koriste se povećao. Međutim, puni potencijal kataloga metapodataka joÅ” nije dostignut, ne samo zbog nedostatka odgovarajuće dokumentacije podataka u obliku standardiziranih metapodataka, već i zbog nedostatka semantike podataka. Napravljena je analiza koriÅ”tenja usluga kataloga metapodataka u geodetskim informacijskim sustavima te je dan prijedlog za moguća rjeÅ”enja u svrhu poboljÅ”anja

    Generalized Model of Real-Time Deformation Measurements and its Experimental Verification

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    Technology development enabled real-time monitoring of terrain and artificial structures through the use of the systems comprised of geodetic and geotechnical sensors. Although the structure and the architecture of those systems can vary, they have many common features: automated measurements which provide monitoring and alarming when tolerances are exceeded, systems robustness involving hot-swapping sensors, its redundancy and error detection. Also, they can be structured and configured to achieve desired functionality and performance. Generalized model of real-time deformation measurements, presented in this paper, involves these common characteristics. The model is presented as a flowchart, and later applied within an experiment carried out in laboratory environment. The established system includes geodetic and geotechnical sensors and measurements are done on a physical model of a landslide. Several functions included in generalized model were implemented in the experiment. Results show that system designed using the proposed model can provide required functionality, accuracy, robustness and configurability. Aim of the paper is to propose a general procedure which, with minor modifications, can be applied as a starting point in designing various systems for monitoring landslides, bridges, high buildings etc., and which overcomes some limitations that can be found in commercial software solutions

    Katalog metapodataka u prostornim informacijskim sustavima

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    This paper gives the short review of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) metadata catalogue services that have the key role in geospatial resource discovery in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The notion of Spatial Data Infrastructure comprises a collection of technologies, policies and institutional agreements that provide an easier access to geospatial data. The SDI is suitable for usage in geospatial data discovery, evaluation, and also various applications within government, commercial and non-profit sectors, academic institutions, etc. Metadata catalogue services have been specified in OGC Catalogue Service Implementation Specification. The part of the specification that specifies a web interface that supports the storage, retrieval, and management of data related to web services, is called Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW). Metadata catalogues are service brokers that represent a key component in a service-oriented architecture that manages shared resources and facilitates the discovery of resources within an open, distributed system. OGC services have gained significant popularity in recent years and the number of organizations using them has increased. However, the full potential of metadata catalogues has not yet been reached, not only because of the lack of appropriate documentation of data in the form of standardized metadata, but because the lack of semantics of the data. The analysis of the usage of metadata catalogue services in geodetic information systems has been given and the proposal for a possible solution for improvement has been made.U radu je prikazan kratki pregled usluga kataloga metapodataka Otvorenoga geoprostornog konzorcija (OGC) koji ima ključnu ulogu u otkrivanju geoprostornih izvora informacija u Prostornoj infrastrukturi podataka (SDI). Pojam Prostorne infrastrukture podataka obuhvaća skup tehnologija, strategija i institucionalnih sporazuma koji osiguravaju lakÅ”i pristup geoprostornim podacima. SDI je pogodan za upotrebu pri otkrivanju geoprostornih podataka, evaluaciji, kao i različitim primjenama unutar vladinog, komercijalnog i neprofitabilnog sektora, akademskih institucija, itd. Usluge kataloga metapodataka specificirane su u OGC Specifikaciji ostvarivanja usluga kataloga. Dio specifikacije koji se odnosi na web-sučelje koje podržava pohranu, učitavanje i upravljanje podacima koji se odnose na web-servise naziva se KataloÅ”ki servis za web (CSW). Katalozi metapodataka su agenti za usluge koji predstavljaju ključnu komponentu u arhitekturi namijenjenoj uslugama, a koja upravlja zajedničkim izvorima i olakÅ”ava otkrivanje izvora unutar otvorenoga distribuiranog sustava. OGC usluge stekle su značajnu popularnost u proteklim godinama, a broj organizacija koje ih koriste se povećao. Međutim, puni potencijal kataloga metapodataka joÅ” nije dostignut, ne samo zbog nedostatka odgovarajuće dokumentacije podataka u obliku standardiziranih metapodataka, već i zbog nedostatka semantike podataka. Napravljena je analiza koriÅ”tenja usluga kataloga metapodataka u geodetskim informacijskim sustavima te je dan prijedlog za moguća rjeÅ”enja u svrhu poboljÅ”anja
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