6 research outputs found

    Obilježja neverbalne komunikacije djece sa selektivnim mutizmom ā€“ nalikuju li onima u poremećaju iz spektra autizma?

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    Selektivni mutizam (SM) rijedak je anksiozni poremećaj, obilježen odsutnoŔću govora u socijalnim situacijama u kojima se od osobe očekuje da govori, čak i kada ona može govoriti u drugim situacijama. Cilj ovoga rada bio je: ispitati obilježja neverbalne komunikacije djece predÅ”kolske i rane Å”kolske dobi koja imaju selektivni mutizam, utvrditi i opisati koja su obilježja zajednička djeci sa selektivnim mutizmom i onoj s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) u situaciji ispitivanja. Osim toga, cilj rada bio je: odrediti razlikovna obilježja djece sa selektivnim mutizmom i one s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u ispitnoj situaciji, radi dobivanja smjernica za lakÅ”i postupak dijagnosticiranja selektivnog mutizma. Obilježja neverbalne komunikacije ispitana su Opservacijskim protokolom za dijagnostiku autizma (ADOS-2; Lord i sur., 2012), a u istraživanju je sudjelovalo sedam djevojčica u dobi od 5 do 10 godina. Rezultati pokazuju kako je većina djece sa selektivnim mutizmom imala minimalan kontakt očima (57,1 %) te oskudne izraze lica. Djeca su upotrijebila konvencionalne, informativne i instrumentalne geste prilikom odgovora na pitanja, no opisne geste javile su se u vrlo malom broju. Nadalje, djevojčice su rijetko započinjale socijalne interakcije, davale informacije o sebi ili tražile informacije od ispitivača. Iako su obilježja komunikacije i interakcija djevojčica sa selektivnim mutizmom u ispitnoj situaciji prilično nalikovala obilježjima djece sa PSA-om, postoje ponaÅ”anja koja čine razlikovna obilježja navedena dva poremećaja. Odstupanja u neverbalnoj komunikaciji djece sa selektivnim mutizmom prisutna su samo u određenim situacijama. Isto tako, nepostojanje stereotipnih i drugih neuobičajenih ponaÅ”anja, upotreba gesta te afektivni socijalni odnosi jasno razlikuju selektivni mutizam i poremećaj iz spektra autizma

    Decreased TSPAN14 Expression Contributes to NSCLC Progression

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    Tspan14 is a transmembrane protein of the tetraspanin (Tspan) protein family. Different members of the Tspan family can promote or suppress tumor progression. The exact role of Tspan14 in tumor cells is unknown. Earlier, mutational inactivation of the TSPAN14 gene has been proposed to coincide with a low survival rate in NSCLC patients. This study aimed to investigate the correlation of TSPAN14 lack of function with clinicopathological features of NSCLC patients, and to elucidate the role TSPAN14 might have in NSCLC progression. TSPAN14 expression was lower in tumor cells than non-tumor cells in NSCLC patients' samples. The decreased gene expression was correlated with a low survival rate of patients and was more frequent in patients with aggressive, invasive tumor types. Additionally, the role of decreased TSPAN14 expression in the metastatic potential of cancer cells was confirmed in NSCLC cell lines. The highly invasive NSCLC cell line (NCI-H661) had the lowest TSPAN14 gene and protein expression, whereas the NSCLC cell line with the highest TSPAN14 expression (NCI-H460) had no significant metastatic potential. Finally, silencing of TSPAN14 in these non-metastatic cancer cells caused an increased expression of matrix-degrading enzymes MMP-2 and MMP-9, followed by an elevated capacity of cancer cells to degrade gelatin. The results of this study propose TSPAN14 expression as an indicator of NSCLC metastatic potential and progression

    Modulation of Antioxidant Potential with Coenzyme Q10 Suppressed Invasion of Temozolomide-Resistant Rat Glioma In Vitro and In Vivo.

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    The main reasons for the inefficiency of standard glioblastoma (GBM) therapy are the occurrence of chemoresistance and the invasion of GBM cells into surrounding brain tissues. New therapeutic approaches obstructing these processes may provide substantial survival improvements. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential of lipophilic antioxidant coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) as a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to increase sensitivity to temozolomide (TMZ) and suppress glioma cell invasion. To that end, we used a previously established TMZ-resistant RC6 rat glioma cell line, characterized by increased production of ROS, altered antioxidative capacity, and high invasion potential. CoQ10 in combination with TMZ exerted a synergistic antiproliferative effect. These results were confirmed in a 3D model of microfluidic devices showing that the CoQ10 and TMZ combination is more cytotoxic to RC6 cells than TMZ monotherapy. In addition, cotreatment with TMZ increased expression of mitochondrial antioxidant enzymes in RC6 cells. The anti-invasive potential of the combined treatment was shown by gelatin degradation, Matrigel invasion, and 3D spheroid invasion assays as well as in animal models. Inhibition of MMP9 gene expression as well as decreased N-cadherin and vimentin protein expression implied that CoQ10 can suppress invasiveness and the epithelial to mesenchymal transition in RC6 cells. Therefore, our data provide evidences in favor of CoQ10 supplementation to standard GBM treatment due to its potential to inhibit GBM invasion through modulation of the antioxidant capacity

    Characteristics of non-verbal communication in children with selective mutism

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    Selektivni mutizam (SM) je rijedak anksiozni poremećaj obilježen trajnom odsutnoŔću govora u socijalnim situacijama u kojima se od osobe očekuje da govori (npr. u Å”koli), čak i kada osoba može govoriti u drugim situacijama (npr. kod kuće). Zbog toga Å”to rijetko započinju interakcije s drugim ljudima te izbjegavaju sudjelovati u razgovoru, djeca sa selektivnim mutizmom imaju značajno manje prilika za usvajanje socijalnih i jezičnih vjeÅ”tina prikladnih dobi, kao i slabija akademska postignuća. Brojna su istraživanja pokazala kako djeca sa selektivnim mutizmom u komunikaciji s drugima često upotrebljavaju različite oblike neverbalnog ponaÅ”anja (kimanje, pokazivanje, izrazi lica i sl.). Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati obilježja neverbalne komunikacije u djece predÅ”kolske i rane Å”kolske dobi koja imaju selektivni mutizam te utvrditi i opisati koja su obilježja zajednička djeci sa selektivnim mutizmom i djeci s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) u situacijama u kojima se očituje selektivni mutizam. Osim toga, cilj rada bio je odrediti razlikovna obilježja djece sa selektivnim mutizmom i djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u ispitnoj situaciji kako bi se dobile smjernice koje će olakÅ”ati sam postupak dijagnosticiranja selektivnog mutizma. Obilježja neverbalne komunikacije ispitana su Opservacijskim protokolom za dijagnostiku autizma (ADOS-2; Lord i sur., 2012), a u istraživanju je sudjelovalo sedam djevojčica u dobi između 5.3 i 9.6 godina. Rezultati su pokazali kako je većina djece sa selektivnim mutizmom imala minimalan kontakt očima (57,1 %) te oskudne izraze lica. Djeca su koristila konvencionalne, informativne i instrumentalne geste kako bi odgovorila na pitanja, no opisne javile su se u vrlo malom broju. Nadalje, djevojčice su rijetko započinjale socijalne interakcije, davale informacije o sebi te tražile informacije od ispitivača. Iako su obilježja komunikacije i interakcija djevojčica sa selektivnim mutizmom u ispitnoj situaciji prilično nalikovala obilježjima djece s PSA-om, postoje ponaÅ”anja koja čine razlikovna obilježja ova dva poremećaja. Odstupanja u verbalnoj i neverbalnoj komunikaciji u djece sa selektivnim mutizmom prisutna su samo u određenim situacijama. Isto tako, nepostojanje stereotipnih i drugih neuobičajenih ponaÅ”anja, upotreba gesta te afektivni socijalni odnosi jasno razlikuju selektivni mutizam i poremećaj iz spektra autizma.Selective mutism (SM) is a rare anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent failure to speak in specific social situations (e.g., at school), despite speaking normally in other situations (e.g., at home). Because children with selective mutism rarely initiate social interactions with other people and avoid participating in conversations, they have significantly less opportunities for developing age-appropriate social and language skills, as well as early academic skills. Numerous studies have shown that children wih selective mutism, instead of communicating verbally, often use nonverbal behavioral patterns such as head-nodding, pointing, facial expressions etc. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of nonverbal communication in preschool and younger school-aged children with selective mutism as well as to identify and describe common features of children with selective mutism and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the assessment environment. In addition, the aim of this study was to determine the distinctive features of children with selective mutism and children with autism spectrum disorder in socially challenging situation (assessment) in order to obtain guidelines that will help in differential diagnosis. Seven girls with SM aged between 5.3 and 9.6 were examined using Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2; Lord et al., 2012). The results showed that most of the children with selective mutism had minimal eye contact (57,1%) as well as lack of facial expressions. Children used conventional, instrumental and informational gestures to answer the questions, but they rarely used descriptive gestures. Furthermore, participants rarely initiated social interactions, offered information about themselves and asked for information. Although girls with SM showed characteristics of communication and interaction that are similar with those seen in children with autism spectrum disorder, there are behaviors which are distinctive characteristics of these two disorders. Deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication in children with SM are present only in select settings. In addition, lack of stereotyped and other abnormal behaviors, use of gestures and affectionate social relationships are characteristics that clearly differentiate selective mutism and autism spectrum disorder