571 research outputs found

    Visual-Motor Integration in Children With Mild Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis

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    Visual-motor integration (VMI) skills, defined as the coordination of fine motor and visual perceptual abilities, are a very good indicator of a child's overall level of functioning. Research has clearly established that children with intellectual disability (ID) have deficits in VMI skills. This article presents a meta-analytic review of 10 research studies involving 652 children with mild ID for which a VMI skills assessment was also available. We measured the standardized mean difference (Hedges' g) between scores on VMI tests of these children with mild ID and either typically developing children's VMI test scores in these studies or normative mean values on VMI tests used by the studies. While mild ID is defined in part by intelligence scores that are two to three standard deviations below those of typically developing children, the standardized mean difference of VMI differences between typically developing children and children with mild ID in this meta-analysis was 1.75 (95% CI [1.11, 2.38]). Thus, the intellectual and adaptive skill deficits of children with mild ID may be greater (perhaps especially due to their abstract and conceptual reasoning deficits) than their relative VMI deficits. We discuss the possible meaning of this relative VMI strength among children with mild ID and suggest that their stronger VMI skills may be a target for intensive academic interventions as a means of attenuating problems in adaptive functioning.This is the peerā€reviewed version of the article: Memisevic, H.; Djordjevic, M. Visual-Motor Integration in Children With Mild Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis. Percept Mot Skills 2018, 125 (4), 696ā€“717. [https://doi.org/10.1177/0031512518774137]

    Ironija, prevara i teorija uma kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoŔću i dualnim dijagnozama

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    Background/Aim. The ability to comprehend and produce irony and deception is rarely explored in people with intellectual disability (ID) or dual diagnoses (DD). The ability to understand irony and deception appears to be related to many cognitive skills, but some authors point out that the theory of mind is one of the most important factors for this ability. This research was conducted to determine the linguistic aspects of production and comprehension of irony and deception in adults with ID and DD, as well as the relationship of these abilities with theory of mind. Methods. The sample consisted of 120 people with ID aged between 20 and 56. Half of the sample comprised people with DD. Four subscales from the Assessment Battery for Communication were used to assess the participants' abilities to produce and comprehend irony and deception. False-belief tasks from "appearance-reality" category were used in theory of mind assessment. The level of intellectual functioning was measured by the Raven's progressive matrices, while the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test was used to assess speech comprehension ability. Results. The results show that participants with DD and ID comprehend and produce false statements better than ironic ones. Participants with ID were more successful in production than in comprehension tasks of both false and ironic statements, while the same was true for participants with DD only for ironic statements. Participants with ID were significantly more successful than participants with DD in irony comprehension tasks. In participants with ID, first-order theory of mind significantly correlated only with the ability to produce irony, and second-order theory of mind significantly correlated with producing irony and deception. There were no significant correlations between theory of mind and producing and comprehending irony and deception in participants with DD. Conclusion. Although differences in some aspects of assessed abilities were found between the two groups of participants, the similarities in the profile of these abilities were dominant. Results of variability can be explained by differences in speech comprehension ability more than by differences in nonverbal intellectual functioning or theory of mind acquisition. Future studies should assess the influence of other cognitive factors.Uvod/Cilj. Sposobnost razumevanja i produkcije ironije i prevare je retko izučavana u populaciji osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoŔću (IO) ili dualnim dijagnozama (DD). Sposobnost razumevanja ironije i prevare se dovodi u vezu sa mnogim kognitivnim veÅ”tinama, ali neki autori ističu da je upravo teorija uma jedan od najznačajnijih faktora za ovu sposobnost. Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno radi utvrđivanja lingvističke sposobnosti razumevanja i produkcije ironije i prevare odraslih osoba sa IO i DD, kao i utvrđivanja odnosa između ovih sposobnosti i teorije uma. Metode. Uzorak je činilo 120 osoba sa IO starosne dobi između 20 i 56 godina. Polovinu uzorka činile su osobe sa DD. Za procenu ispitanikovih sposobnosti produkcije i razumevanja ironije i prevare koriŔćene su četiri supskale iz Baterije za procenu komunikacije. Za procenu teorije uma koriŔćeni su zadaci lažnog verovanja iz kategorije "izgled-realnost". Nivo intelektualnog funkcionisanja proveravan je Ravenovim progresivnim matricama, dok je sposobnost razumevanja govora procenjivana Peabody Picture Vocabulary testom. Rezultati. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitanici sa IO i DD bolje razumeju i produkuju lažne nego ironične iskaze. Ispitanici sa IO su uspeÅ”niji u zadacima produkovanja, nego u zadacima razumevanja, kako lažnih, tako i ironičnih iskaza, dok za ispitanike sa DD ovo važi samo za ironične tvrdnje. U zadacima razumevanja ironije, ispitanici sa IO su bili značajno uspeÅ”niji od ispitanika sa DD. Kod ispitanika sa IO teorija uma prvog reda ostvarila je značajne korelacije samo sa sposobnoŔću produkcije ironije, a teorija uma drugog reda sa produkcijom ironije i produkcijom prevare. U grupi ispitanika sa DD nisu ustanovljene značajne korelacije između teorije uma i produkcije i razumevanja ironije i prevare. Zaključak. Između dve grupe ispitanika pronađene su razlike u nekim aspektima ispitivanih sposobnosti, ali ipak dominiraju sličnosti u profilu ovih sposobosti. Varijabilnost rezultata viÅ”e objaÅ”njava razlike u sposobnosti razumevanja govora, nego razlike u neverbalnom intelektualnom funkcionisanju ili usvojenosti teorije uma. Narednim istraživanjima trebalo bi proveriti uticaj drugih kognitivnih faktora

    Paralinguistic abilities of adults with intellectual disability

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    The aim of this research was to determine the ability level of paralinguistic production and comprehension in adults with intellectual disability (ID) with regard to the level of their intellectual functioning and presence of co-morbid psychiatric conditions or dual diagnosis (DD). The sample consisted of 120 participants of both genders, ranging in age between 20 and 56 years (M=31.82, SD =8.702). Approximately 50% of the sample comprised participants with a co-existing psychiatric condition. Each of these two sub-samples (those with ID only and those with DD) consisted of 25 participants with mild ID and 35 participants with moderate ID. The paralinguistic scale from The Assessment Battery for Communication (ABaCo; Sacco et al., 2008) was used to assess the abilities of comprehension and production of paralinguistic elements. The results showed that the participants with mild ID are more successful than the participants with moderate ID both in paralinguistic comprehension tasks (p =.000) and in paralinguistic production tasks (p =.001). Additionally, the results indicated the presence of separate influences of both ID levels on all of the paralinguistic abilities (F [116]= 42.549, p =.000) and the existence of DD (F[116] = 18.215, p =.000).This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Dordević, M.; Glumbićs, N.; Brojčin, B. Paralinguistic Abilities of Adults with Intellectual Disability. Res. Dev. Disabil. 2016, 48, 211ā€“219. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2015.11.001

    Comparative analysis of carcass meatiness and selected parameters of meat in fattening beef cattle

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    Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije vezan je za analizu proizvodnje mesa goveda u zadnjih 25 godina, parametre mesnatosti, hemijskog sastava hrane za životinje, mesa kao i masno kiselinskog sastava hrane za životinje miÅ”ićnog i masnog tkiva. Ispitivanja su obavljena na junadima koja su poticala od devet različitih proizvođača, od čega su Å”est grupa junadi bila muÅ”kog pola (pet domaće Å”areno goveče u tipu simentalca i jedna istočno frizijsko) i tri grupe junadi ženskog pola (domaće Å”areno goveče u tipu simentalca). Desetu grupu junadi činila su junad otkupljena od privatnih proizvođača. Transport životinja, smeÅ”taj u depou, postupci omamljivanja, klanja, obrade trupa i hlađenja obavljeni su na način karakterističan za industrijske klanice. Rasecanje trupa na četvrti izvrÅ”eno je rezom između dvanaestog i trinaestog rebra. Sva merenja (životinja pre klanja, trupova, polutki i četvrti) obavljeno je na način uobičajan za industrijsku klanicu. Za potrebe hemijskih analiza i masno kiselinskog sastava uzorci miÅ”ićnog (m. longissimus dorsi) i masnog tkiva (bubrežni loj) uzeti su od po deset ohlađenih trupova od svake grupe.Uzorci su pakovani u plastične kese, obeležavani i do laboratorije transportovani u ručnim frižiderima sa ledom. Do početka analiza uzorci su čuvani pri -18 Ā°C. Od svakog proizvođača ispitivani su parametri od po deset junadi. Uzorci hrane koriŔćene za ishranu junadi uzimani su u vremenu od mesec dana, svaki peti dan (ukupno Å”est uzoraka), u odnosima u kojima se uobičajeno za svaku farmu koriste, pakovani u plastične kese i transportovani u laboratoriju. Do početka analize čuvani su pri -18 Ā°C. Od 1985. godine broj goveda u Srbiji smanjen je do 2011. godine za 40%, a ovaj trend smanjenja nastavljen je do 2013. godine. U istom periodu smanjena je i proizvodnja goveđeg mesa za 30%, dok je ukupna proizvodnja mesa smanjena za 25%. Najveće prosečne mase junadi pre klanja, mase toplih i ohlađenih polutki imala su muÅ”ka junad domaćeg Å”arenog govečeta u tipu simentalca, ženska, odnosno muÅ”ka junad iste rase iz otkupa, a najmanje muÅ”ka junad istočno frizijske rase. Utvrđena je da je randman bio veći kod junadi sa većom masom pre klanja. Kalo hlađenja trupova junadi bio je veoma varijabilan (1,82% do 3,26%)...The aim of the research within this doctoral thesis is related to analysis of production of bovine meat in the last 25 years, conformation parameters, chemical composition of animal feed, meat and fatty acid composition of feed muscle and adipose tissue. Tests were carried out on young bulls that have emanated from nine different manufacturers, of which six groups of heifers were males (five Domestic Spotted Simmental type and one East Friesian) and three groups of young cattle females (Domestic Spotted Simmental type). The tenth group of young bulls accounted for beef cattle purchased by private producers. Transport of animals, accommodation in the depot, the methods of stunning, slaughter, processing and cooling of the hull were carried out in a manner characteristic of the industrial slaughterhouses. Cutting the hull at the fourth section was made between the twelfth and thirteenth ribs. All measurements (of animals before slaughter, carcasses and fourth) was performed in a manner customary for industrial slaughterhouse. For the purposes of chemical analysis and fatty acid composition of muscle samples (m. Longissimus dorsi) and fat (suet) were taken from ten refrigerated carcasses of after each grupe.Uzorci are packed in plastic bags, have labeled and transported to the laboratory in manual fridges with ice. To the beginning of the analysis the samples were stored at -18 Ā° C. Since each manufacturer tested the parameters of ten heifers. Samples of the food used to feed beef cattle were taken for a period of one month, every fifth day (a total of six samples), in relations where commonly used for each farm, packed in plastic bags and transported to the laboratory. Until analysis were stored at -18 Ā° C. Since 1985, the number of cattle in Serbia has been reduced to 2011 by 40%, and this trend has continued to decrease in 2013. In the same period was reduced beef production by 30%, while total meat production decreased by 25%. The highest average weight of cattle, masses of hot and chilled carcass had been male cattle domestic spotted cattle of Simmental type, female, or male cattle of the same breed of purchase, at least male cattle east Friesian breed. It was found that the yield was higher in beef cattle with greater weight before slaughter. Chilling of carcasses of heifers was very variable (from under 2% to over 3%)..

    Searching for Best Predictors of Paralinguistic Comprehension and Production of Emotions in Communication in Adults With Moderate Intellectual Disability

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    Paralinguistic comprehension and production of emotions in communication include the skills of recognizing and interpreting emotional states with the help of facial expressions, prosody and intonation. In the relevant scientific literature, the skills of paralinguistic comprehension and production of emotions in communication are related primarily to receptive language abilities, although some authors found also their correlations with intellectual abilities and acoustic features of the voice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate which of the mentioned variables (receptive language ability, acoustic features of voice, intellectual ability, social-demographic), presents the most relevant predictor of paralinguistic comprehension and paralinguistic production of emotions in communication in adults with moderate intellectual disabilities (MID). The sample included 41 adults with MID, 20ā€“49 years of age (M = 34.34, SD = 7.809), 29 of whom had MID of unknown etiology, while 12 had Down syndrome. All participants are native speakers of Serbian. Two subscales from The Assessment Battery for Communication ā€“ Paralinguistic comprehension of emotions in communication and Paralinguistic production of emotions in communication, were used to assess the examinees from the aspect of paralinguistic comprehension and production skills. For the graduation of examinees from the aspect of assumed predictor variables, the following instruments were used: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test was used to assess receptive language abilities, Computerized Speech Lab (ā€œKay Elemetricsā€ Corp., model 4300) was used to assess acoustic features of voice, and Ravenā€™s Progressive Matrices were used to assess intellectual ability. Hierarchical regression analysis was applied to investigate to which extent the proposed variables present an actual predictor variables for paralinguistic comprehension and production of emotions in communication as dependent variables. The results of this analysis showed that only receptive language skills had statistically significant predictive value for paralinguistic comprehension of emotions (Ī² = 0.468, t = 2.236, p < 0.05), while the factor related to voice frequency and interruptions, form the domain of acoustic voice characteristics, displays predictive value for paralinguistic production of emotions (Ī² = 0.280, t = 2.076, p < 0.05). Consequently, this study, in the adult population with MID, evidenced a greater importance of voice and language in relation to intellectual abilities in understanding and producing emotions

    Predictors of aggressive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Introduction: Aggressive behaviour is not the main symptom of autism spectrum disorders, and if it occurs in this population, it is a consequence of some other factors. Objectives: With regard to that, the aim of this paper isto determine to what extent certain aspects of executive functions, severity of autism, sleep habits, and parenting actions contribute to the manifestation of different forms of aggressive behaviourin children with an autism spectrum disorder. Methods: The sample included 40 children with autism spectrum disorders, 5-7 years of age (M=6.18, SD= .55). The following instruments were used in the assessment: The Children's Scale of Hostility andAggression ā€“Reactive/Proactive, Gilliam Autism Rating Scale ā€“Third Edition, The Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire andBehaviorRating Inventory of Executive Function. Results: The obtained results showed that sleep problems were the most significant predictor of verbal, physical and covert aggression. From the domain of behavioural aspects of executive functions, only task monitor was a significant predictor of bullying, and inhibit and shift were significant predictors of hostility. From the field of autistic disorders, significant predictors of aggressive behaviour were emotional responses (as predictors of bullying, covert aggression and hostility), and maladaptive speech (as a predictor of verbal aggression, covert aggression and hostility). Punitive discipline was a significant factor only in explaining verbal aggression. Conclusion: Practical implications of this research indicate that, in treating aggressive behaviour in children with ASD, more attention should be paid to sleep habits, practising task monitor, inhibit and shift skills, and avoiding rigorous punitive measures

    Rekreativne aktivnosti osoba sa invaliditetom

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    Recreational activities represent individual or organized group activities chosen by free will, which help individuals to maintain good health, physical and working condition. In addition to the required physical segment, recreation also includes mental component which refers to strengthening of the will and determination, acquisition and development of self-control. With physical and mental aspect of recreational activities, many authors especially emphasize the importance of socio-psychological component of recreation. The aim of this paper is to review the so far published scientific and professional works in which the problem of recreational activities of persons with cerebral palsy, sight impairment, intellectual disability and autism is discussed, by studying the available literature. During the research we used the electronic data base of Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition, Google Scholar, as well as published material available in print. The participation of persons with disabilities in physical-recreational activities in the community is determined by the individual characteristics of the person, but with the community factors as well. The results of many studies show that persons with disabilities participate less in leisure and physical recreational activities and that is largely related to the level of social integration of these persons. Taking into account the fact that the participation of persons with disabilities in physical-recreational activities largely correlates with the quality of life of these persons, it is necessary to increase the number of recreational services that the community offers, as well as to specialise, modify and adapt some of them in relation to the needs of these persons. Also, it is recommended that as an integral part of all therapeutic approaches to persons with disability, the training of these persons for the appropriate use of their leisure time be included.Rekreativne aktivnosti predstavljaju slobodno izabrane, individualne ili organizovane grupne aktivnosti koje pomažu pojedincu da održi dobro zdravlje, fizičku i radnu kondiciju. Pored neophodnog fizičkog segmenta, rekreacija obuhvata i psihičku komponentu koja se odnosi na jačanje volje i istrajnosti, sticanje i razvijanje samokontrole. Uz psihički i fizički aspekt rekreativnih aktivnosti, mnogi autori posebno ističu važnost socio-psiholoÅ”ke komponente rekreacije. Cilj ovog rada je da se uvidom u dostupnu literaturu, napravi pregled dosadaÅ”njih stručnih i naučnih radova u kojima je obrađivana problematika fizičko-rekreativnih aktivnosti osoba sa cerebralnom paralizom, oÅ”tećenjem vida, intelektualnom ometenoŔću i autizmom. Pri izradi ovog pregleda koriŔćene su elektronske baze podataka Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku, Google Scholar, kao i publikovani materijali dostupni u Å”tampanoj verziji. UčeŔće osoba sa invaliditetom u fizičko-rekreativnim aktivnostima u zajednici determinisano je individualnim karakteristikama same osobe, ali i faktorima druÅ”tvene zajednice. Rezultati mnogih istraživanja pokazuju da osobe sa invaliditetom slabije participiraju u slobodnim i fizičko-rekreativnim aktivnostima i da je to u velikoj meri povezano sa nivoom socijalne integracije ovih osoba. Imajući u vidu da učeŔće osoba sa invaliditetom u fizičko-rekreativnim aktivnostima u velikoj meri korelira sa kvalitetom života ovih osoba, potrebno je da se poveća broj rekreativnih usluga koje zajednica nudi osobama sa invaliditetom, kao i da se neke od njih specijalizuju, modifikuju i prilagode u skladu sa potrebama ovih osoba. Takođe, preporučuje se da sastavni deo svih terapijskih pristupa osobama sa invaliditetom bude i obuka ovih osoba za adekvatno koriŔćenje slobodnog vremena
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