234 research outputs found

    Virtual laboratory as a model for measuring understanding

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    Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de\ud investigación cuyo principal objetivo, es\ud conocer el impacto que tiene el uso de las\ud Tecnologías de la Infor mación y las\ud Comunicaciones (TICS) en los procesos de\ud enseñanza y aprendizaje de la asignatura de\ud Física. Particularmente se ha trabajado sobre\ud la implementación de una propuesta didáctica\ud que incluye el uso de las nuevas tecnologías\ud para propiciar aprendizajes comprensivos.\ud Propone analizar el uso de recursos\ud tecnológicos tales como un Laboratorio Virtual\ud como parte de determinadas estrategias de\ud enseñanza en entornos presenciales y el\ud impacto que provocan en la comprensión de\ud los conceptos de Física cuando se representan\ud fenómenos físicos integrando animaciones y\ud simulaciones.This work is part of a research project whose\ud main objective is to understand the impact that\ud the use of Information and Communication\ud Technology (ICT) has on the teaching and\ud learning processes in the subject of Physics.\ud Work has been done par t i c u l a r ly on\ud implementing a teaching proposal which\ud includes the use of new technologies for\ud comprehensive learning. It is proposed to\ud analyze the use of technological resources\ud such as a virtual laboratory as part of teaching\ud strategies in face-to-face lessons and the\ud impact that they cause in the understanding of\ud the concepts of Physics, especially when\ud integrated simulations and actual experiences\ud are represented

    Virtual laboratory as a model for measuring understanding

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    Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación cuyo principal objetivo, es conocer el impacto que tiene el uso de las Tecnologías de la Infor mación y las Comunicaciones (TICS) en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la asignatura de Física. Particularmente se ha trabajado sobre la implementación de una propuesta didáctica que incluye el uso de las nuevas tecnologías para propiciar aprendizajes comprensivos. Propone analizar el uso de recursos tecnológicos tales como un Laboratorio Virtual como parte de determinadas estrategias de enseñanza en entornos presenciales y el impacto que provocan en la comprensión de los conceptos de Física cuando se representan fenómenos físicos integrando animaciones y simulaciones.This work is part of a research project whose main objective is to understand the impact that the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has on the teaching and learning processes in the subject of Physics. Work has been done par t i c u l a r ly on implementing a teaching proposal which includes the use of new technologies for comprehensive learning. It is proposed to analyze the use of technological resources such as a virtual laboratory as part of teaching strategies in face-to-face lessons and the impact that they cause in the understanding of the concepts of Physics, especially when integrated simulations and actual experiences are represented

    Laboratorio virtual como modelo de gestión del conocimiento

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    Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación cuyo principal objetivo, es conocer el impacto que tiene el uso de las Tecnologías de la Infor mación y las Comunicaciones (TICS) en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la asignatura de Física. Particularmente se ha trabajado sobre la implementación de una propuesta didáctica que incluye el uso de las nuevas tecnologías para propiciar aprendizajes comprensivos. Propone analizar el uso de recursos tecnológicos tales como un Laboratorio Virtual como parte de determinadas estrategias de enseñanza en entornos presenciales y el impacto que provocan en la comprensión de los conceptos de Física cuando se representan fenómenos físicos integrando animaciones y simulaciones. This work is part of a research project whose main objective is to understand the impact that the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has on the teaching and learning processes in the subject of Physics. Work has been done particularly on implementing a teaching proposal which includes the use of new technologies for comprehensive learning. It is proposed to analyze the use of technological resources such as a virtual laboratory as part of teaching strategies in face-to-face lessons and the impact that they cause in the understanding of the concepts of Physics, especially when integrated simulations and actual experiences are represented

    Energy umbrella to enhance interest in STEM Education

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    As technology evolves and advances, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) education becomes increasingly essential. By including it comprehensively in the classroom, it provides opportunities to prepare the new generations to face important challenges. It requires the use of innovative and alternative methods of teaching and learning, such as projects, laboratory practices and technological tools. And it allows the development of skills such as analysis, documentation and problem solving, supporting them to deal with situations in their daily lives. This chapter will present a STEAM project developed in the 4th ESO physics class that consists of the construction of an energy umbrella that would help increase the percentage of electricity genera-ted in a sustainable way and provide electricity savings, since it would allow energy self-sufficiency; getting closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has been developed in English, which has allowed students to develop the linguistic competence of a second language, professional skills, greater concentration and memory.2023-2

    Cooperative work as a strategy for meaningful learning

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    As technology and society evolves and advances, Cooperative Work education becomes increasingly essential. By including it comprehensively in the classroom, it provides opportunities to prepare the new generations to face important challenges. It requires the use of innovative and alternative methods of teaching and learning, such as projects, laboratory practices and technological tools. And it allows the development of skills such as analysis, documentation and problem solving, supporting them to deal with situations in their daily lives. The main objective of the paper is to show education professionals (teachers, counselors...) what the methodology of cooperative work consists of in three different educational stages: infant, primary and secondary. Providing a basic and advanced kit of proposals applicable in all subjects to work cooperatively and serve the great diversity of students we have in the classrooms. So that they can improve their skills. This methodology has been applied in educational centers in Spain for two years. Cooperative work increases performance in the learning process: self-imposed work objectives by the students themselves, enhance the effort to achieve good results more than objectives imposed from outside. When developing activities in teams, it is essential to find the balance point between group and individual social expectations. Each student and each group is different and it is necessary to adjust the methodology to adapt it to the particular demands. Just as there will be those who are easily willing to learn and collaborate, there will be those who are distant and will demand more confidence and encouragement from us to be motivated.2023-2

    Nueva aplicación m-learning diseñada para la autoevaluación

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    This paper presents a new mobile application designed for use as a self-assessment tool. Learners are able to perform computerised tests using their mobile phones wherever and whenever they want. The tool also includes a Web interface. Impact on the learners’ performance is measured using quantitative tools. Three experimental groups of learners were selected, aged 14-15, 17-18 and 20-21, in order to measure the impact on their academic achievement.Este artículo presenta una nueva aplicación para móviles diseñada para usar como una h e r ramienta de autoeva l u a c i ó n . Los estudiantes pueden realizar los tests usando sus teléfonos móviles en cualquier lugar y momento que deseen. La herramienta incluye también una web. El impacto sobre los resultados de los estudiantes se ha medido usando una herramienta cuantitativa. Se han seleccionado tres grupos experimentales de estudiantes de edades entre 14 y 15, 17 y 18 y 20 y 21 con el fin de medir el impacto de la experiencia en sus logros académicos

    Nueva aplicación m-learning diseñada para la autoevaluación

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    This paper presents a new mobile application designed for use as a self-assessment tool. Learners are able to perform computerised tests using their mobile phones wherever and whenever they want. The tool also includes a Web interface. Impact on the learners’ performance is measured using quantitative tools. Three experimental groups of learners were selected, aged 14-15, 17-18 and 20-21, in order to measure the impact on their academic achievement.Este artículo presenta una nueva aplicación para móviles diseñada para usar como una h e r ramienta de autoeva l u a c i ó n . Los estudiantes pueden realizar los tests usando sus teléfonos móviles en cualquier lugar y momento que deseen. La herramienta incluye también una web. El impacto sobre los resultados de los estudiantes se ha medido usando una herramienta cuantitativa. Se han seleccionado tres grupos experimentales de estudiantes de edades entre 14 y 15, 17 y 18 y 20 y 21 con el fin de medir el impacto de la experiencia en sus logros académicos

    Aprendizaje de competencias en Educación Superior

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    [Resumen] La Educación Superior debe tender a una formación integral. Esto supone abandonar los métodos tradicionales de transmisión de conocimiento y optar por el desarrollo en los estudiantes de capacidades, habilidades, acti- tudes y valores; formar en competencias. Una de las claves para llevar con éxito la configu- ración del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior es la de reflexionar en torno a la necesidad de formar y desarrollar, en los futu- ros egresados en competencias profesionales y de acción. La formación basada en Competencias es una formación comprensiva, flexible, motivadora e integrada y de calidad. Pretendemos conocer las intenciones generales del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en lo que respecta a la Formación- Aprendizaje basado en competencias, com- prender el sentido del término competencia, a través de una delimitación conceptual, pro- fundizar en la nueva Formación en Educación Superior y más concretamente en el Aprendizaje de Competencias y, reflexionar sobre las ventajas y limitaciones de este tipo de formación.[Abstract] Higher education should aim at a compre- hensive training. This means abandoning tra- ditional methods of transmitting knowledge and opting for the development, in students, of skills, abilities, attitudes and values; trai- ning them in competences. One of the keys to successfully complete the configuration of the European Higher Education Area is to reflect on the need to train and develop, in future graduates, profes- sional competences. The training based in Competences is comprehensive, flexible, integrated, motiva- ting and of high quality

    ¿Es difíicl ser tutor sanitario?

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    [Resumen] Con la reciente aprobación de las especia- lidades en Ciencias de la Salud hay un inten- to de regular la figura del Tutor Sanitario pues destaca como una figura crucial dentro del sistema de formación de especialistas en estas ciencias. La función tutorial destaca como eje vertebrador de ese sistema formativo. Sin embargo, esta figura, pese a su importancia dentro del sistema de formación de especialis- tas sanitarios, apenas se encuentra definida. Tan sólo se rige por una serie de directrices generales dictadas en algunos documentos oficiales y que arrojan cierta luz al trabajo diario de profesionales sanitarios dedicados a la función tutorial en sus centros de trabajo. En los últimos años, se han materializado distintas acciones, encaminadas a solucionar la necesidad de regularizar y profesionalizar la figura del tutor, de aquí la necesidad de concretar su perfil profesional, de establecer los límites y las relaciones de dos facetas de un mismo profesional: la docente y la asisten- cial. De todos estos estudios y de la bibliogra- fía consultada, se deriva que el tutor debe hacer suya la labor de enseñar al residente a transformar la experiencia en conocimiento, con el fin de realizar la atención a la persona como un todo y dentro de su contexto.[Abstract] With the recent approval of the specialities in Sciences of the Health it is necessary to regulate the figure of the Sanitary Tutor. The role of the tutor is very important inside the system of formation in these sciences. The function tutorial is going to be the axis of this formative system; nevertheless scarcely she is definite. Just there exist some general directi- ves that we find in some official documents and that help the sanitary professionals dedi- cated to the function tutorial in your work. In the last years, they have given themsel- ves steps to regularize and professionalize the figure of the tutor. It is for it necessarily to make concrete the profile of this professional and to establish the limits and the relations between the educational function and the wel- fare one. Of all these studies and of the con- sulted bibliography, it is possible to conclude that the tutor must make the labour of teaching the resident to transform the experience into knowledge, in order the attention to the person realizes as everything and inside your context

    Analysis of the geometric parameters influence in PCB fixtures for 2D multipole magnetization patterning of thin layer micro-magnets

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    Magnetic actuators, magnetic gears, vibrational energy harvesters and other micro-electromagnetic devices requires micro-magnetic rotors with alternant magnetizations to optimize their performance. Different approaches have been used for multipole magnetization of micro-magnets like fixed micro-fixtures, thermomagnetic patterning or laser machining. The main limitation of the previous techniques is that the inversion of the magnetic polarizations is only partially done. In this work, a concept based on 2D multipole magnetization printing of micro-magnets is proposed and analyzed to overcome current limitations. The fixtures are designed to be printed on a standard 35 μm PCB. The dependence of the magnetizing field with respect to the geometrical parameter of the fixture is analyzed. Maps of the required current for the magnetizing fields are also given. Some design recommendations to optimize the magnetizing field and to minimize current, thus the heat, are given.Universidad de Alcal